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The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) podcast offers new perspectives on ongoing research and education on social Europe, worker participation, health and safety, the wider labour movement and the world of work.
42 Episodes
Recent years have arguably seen a ‘social turn’ in EU policymaking, with initiatives on minimum wages, pay transparency, platform work, corporate due diligence, and health and safety coming to fruition, amongst many others. But in this moment of political change and uncertainty, can this 'social paradigm shift' be sustained? Guests Bart Vanhercke, ETUI Research Director, and Sotiria Theodoropoulou, Head of Unit for 'European economic, employment and social policies', discuss the current state of play. Further reading: Benchmarking Working Europe 2024 | etui Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2023 | etui Industrial policy for quality jobs and a just transition | etui Is the European Green Deal really leaving no-one behind? | etui Dawn of a new era? | etui
What type of European social citizenship does the public across the European Union (EU) prefer on the national- and EU-levels? This episode looks into the development of public opinion towards European social citizenship from 1985 to the present from a birds-eye perspective. Further readings:  35 years of public opinion surveys and European social citizenship: What can we conclude? Measuring social citizenship in social policy outputs, resources and outcomes across EU member states from 1985 to the present Welfare chauvinism across benefits and services
The pandemic seems to have accelerated the expansion of all kinds of platform work and at the same time, platform work is being increasingly associated with difficult working conditions, health and safety risks, and inadequate levels of income for those that rely on it as a source of living. This podcast episode will shed light on some of the key insights from the second wave of the Internet and Platform work survey conducted in fourteen EU countries in Spring 2021.  The platform economy in Europe, Results from the second ETUI Internet and Platform Work Survey (IPWS) - Agnieszka Piasna, Wouter Zwysen and Jan Drahokoupil 
The European Union is currently fighting on two main fronts, Covid-19 and climate change, though with skirmishes elsewhere – including migration and the rule of law. While science seems to be slowly gaining the upper hand in the fight against the pandemic, despite setbacks like the latest Omicron attack, Covid-19 continues to hold global society in its grip. But the second nut is even harder to crack. Climate change is rolling out its forces, in the form of floods, droughts, tornados and hurricanes, and striking indiscriminately. Vanhercke, Spasova et al. (2022) Social policy in the European Union: state of play 2021 Sabato et al. (2022) A ‘Social Imbalances Procedure’ for the EU
Inequality has been a growing concern in recent years. The internationalisation of production and markets, the rampant financialisation of the economy, the deregulation of labour markets, and the retrenchment of welfare systems are only some of the factors that have been feeding into increased inequality in terms of income, property, job security, and working and living conditions. The weakening of industrial relations institutions has also been regarded as part of this broad picture since trade unions and collective bargaining have usually been considered as vehicles of fairness and capable of reducing or at least containing inequality. This podcast episode revolves around Transfer's issue on Industrial relations and inequality and intends to contribute to this strand of research by investigating the analytical premises and the empirical evidence of such claims. The issue can be viewed here:
The Covid‑19 pandemic is still causing tremendous human suffering, with serious and long-term implications for people’s health, wellbeing and quality of life as well as for the economy, work and employment overall. In this episode, we will be exploring together with Valeria Pulignano how millions of workers especially in the creative industries have been vulnerable to layoffs and income loss.  Valeria Pulignano et al.'s publication can be downloaded here:
International trade union organisations, like unions at national level, commonly affirm their commitment to internal democracy. But what does this mean? We will be discussing this with two academic giants, Richard Hyman and Rebecca Gumbrell-McCormick. Find out more in Rebecca's and Richard's latest article in Transfer:
In this episode of etui.podcast we will explore the whys and the hows of the Alphabet workers and what this experience means for the wider trade union movement. Show notes: Trabsfer article by Stan De Spiegelaere on transnational trade unionism & the Ryanair case De Tocqueville was right about trade unions: they are the schools of democracy
Despite a spectacular economic reaction to the pandemic crisis, which stands in stark contrast to the austerity-driven response to the 2008 financial and economic crisis, Bart Vanhercke and the co-authors of Bilan Social express concerns about the so-called ‘social affairs players’ being sidelined in the new Recovery and Resilience Facility,  the fuzzy EU commitment to gender issues, the EU response to rising in-work poverty and the setting a new social-ecological contract. The pandemic's longer-term economic consequences are not clear at this stage. No one can exclude that a real social crisis will quickly follow the vaccination campaign in the headlines. For the time being, however, it’s the unprecedented –and unexpected coordinated response by the EU’s and its 27 Members States and the European Commission that stands out. The EU’s response indeed contributed to mitigate the impact on unemployment (compared to the rest of the world) and demonstrated that the EU can react quickly and forcefully.
The EU Commission has recently released a proposal for a directive on equal pay. Kalina Arabadjieva will unpack the flaws of such a proposal and spell out why women are still, on average, paid less than men.
In this episode, Sotiria Theodoropoulou sheds light on the economic developments in Europe since the onset of possibly the deepest recession in European history.  The analysis will contextualize the economic and social challenges of member states and provide a preliminary analysis of the autumn package and the economic policy priorities of the EU.
In this episode, Paula Franklin, Senior Researcher at the ETUI will shed light on how the Covid-19 has heightened and amplified the pre-existing cracks in the healthcare sector, imposing difficult working conditions for (female) health workers.
In this episode we talk with Ludovic Voet, Confederal Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation ( about the overlooked theme in this current health crisis, which is the migration and refugee crisis and the role trade unions in Europe are playing.  All migrant workers, and particularly the undocumented, are among the least protected. This was true before the crisis, but the health and economic crisis, has acerbated inequalities. We’ve seen some positive reactions to protect and include migrants in Portugal, where the government has said that it will Grant Migrants and Asylum Seekers Full Citizenship Rights During COVID-19 Outbreak and also the case of Italy, where there is a proposal to regularise migrant workers working in the food and agricultural sector. ( The portal offers services and information in different languages, and real-time advice from experts. The network also provides a forum for cross-border exchange of best practice. For more information on the European Commission proposal on a new pact for Asylum and Migration, due to release later this year (2020)
At the end of April 2020, in the EU27 there were more than 42 million applications for support for workers on short-time work or similar schemes. This corresponds to almost 27 percent of all employees. If one includes the United Kingdom and Switzerland, the number of applications for short-time work rises to more than 50 million.  Dr. Torsten Müller of ETUI and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Schulten, head of the WSI collective agreements archive talk about their recent study on "Ensuring fair Short-Time Work - a European overview" in a conversation with Elisa Bruno of the ETUI.   More info:
In the 8th episode of etui.podcast, Aída Ponce Del Castillo, senior researcher at the ETUI talks with Elisa Bruno (ETUI) about her recent policy brief on Covid-19 and contact-tracing apps ( The topic of contact-tracing with apps emerged very early in tackling the pandemic in the Asian countries and it was rapidly implemented in Singapore and South Korea. We get to talk about the implementation of contact-tracing apps in Europe, at government and at the company level, and the implications on the privacy of citizens and workers. Trade unions should be at the forefront in trying to assess and negotiate the use of contact-tracing apps at the workplace. Aida gives very hand-on indications on what unions can do to protect workers from live in a surveillance work-environment.
In the 7th episode, Silvia Rainone, legal researcher, in conversation with Elisa Bruno (ETUI) about the EU recovery plans and the different instruments put in place at EU level to save the economy and the labour market following the coronavirus outbreak.  This episode gives a detailed overview from the resercher's perspective of all the instruments the EU has deployed to help Member States during the pandemic, and it digs into the implications on the world of work and labour law.   Don't miss the important facts at the end of the podcast when the discussion turns around Italy, Silvia describes the measures taken at national level, their impact on the world of work and the role of the trade union movement in the Italian case.
Philippe Pochet (directeur général de l'ETUI, Institut syndical européen) discute avec Mehmet Koksal et développe ses arguments sur les quatre scénarios pour l'avenir de l'Europe après la crise.  L'article est disponsible en EN sur Four scenarios for Europe’s future after the crisis - et prochainement en FR sur Alternatives économiques  Le coup de coeur de Philippe Pochet: Les routes de la soie [The Silk Roads] de Peter Frankopan
In this episode we talk to Ilaria Costantini, Education Officer at the ETUI about trade union education and how it is evolving in this time of crisis.  The ETUI organizes training activities for trade unionists across Europe and Ilaria talks to us about the online courses the ETUI has developed.  What are the main differences between the online and face-to-face courses? What are the advantages and disadvantages of organizing online courses?  For more information about these courses:
For the 4th episode of the etui.podcast series, we talk to Bela Galgoczi, senior researcher at the ETUI about the two crisis humanity is facing:the climate crisis and the health crisis. He walks us through the differences and similarities between the two crisis, in both the way the public opinion and governments are reacting to them both. We go on to talk about the European Green New Deal and how COVID19 is affecting the European Commission's plan to move forward with this new initiative. Finally, we talk about the situation in Hungary and the attack on fundamental rights in the country. Fact sheet on the episode available here:
In this third episode we talk with Zane Rasnača, a senior researcher specializing in labour law at the ETUI and an affiliated member at the Institute for European Law (KU Leuven) about social protection for highly mobile workers in the EU. What are the rules which apply to them in normal times and now under COVID-19, what has changed. Then we move on and talk about Latvia. Zane will guide us through the measures put into place by the government in response to the Coronavirus and also what the trade unions are doing to protect workers and jobs, with some specific examples (i.e. AirBaltic). Finally, we talk about the attack on the rule of law and fundamental rights in Europe from different countries.
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