iDaily Podcast

iDaily is a podcast that elevates the level of conversation, disrupts mainstream thinking, and awakens you to your most powerful self. Journalist Ekram Ibrahim brings together entrepreneurs, politicians, artists, writers, and change makers who are creating a new paradigm. iDaily is designed for the misfits who are committed to reshaping our collective narratives. If you want to quit your job, confused about your relationship status, or stopped talking to God, listen to iDaily every Tuesday.

Pleasure and Play for social change with Nadia Munla

It is enough feeling tired, disengaged, and not sexy. Embodiment Coach, Nadia Munla shares three myths around pleasure, play, and eroticism. She takes us deep into practices and tools that can create change in our individual and collective lives.


Princess Diana's mentor Stewart Pearce on how to Master Your Voice

The level of success you can reach in the world is determined by your ability to master your voice. As you speak with confidence and fullness, you deepen your influence. The Master of Voice Stewart Pearce shares his recipes on how to master your voice. Stewart mentors world leaders, singers, and performances to be the voice of change in the world. 


How Tunisia is Disrupting Politics in North Africa, Once More?

Tunisia is taking politics in the MENA region to the next level. They are moving away from the traditional vote between secular vs. Islamists to two new candidates who belong to neither ideologies. In this episode, we take a deep dive into what is happening in Tunisia and what this means to the country and the region.  


Entrepreneurship: Ways To Become A Money Magnet with Jules Schroeder

Jules Shroeder shares practical ways to transform your relationship with money and creativity. There is a way to live a creative and abundant life. Jules unlocked those secrets at a young age. She created a 7 figure business in her early 20s. Jules is the founder of Unconventional Life; the go-to community and academy to learn everything about starting a business and bringing your gifts to life.


How Can Porn Addiction Take Over You With DJ A?

"There was a time when I used to watch porn for 6 hours per day. This led me to an identity crisis." DJ A. shares a very challenging time that lead him to porn addiction and how he was able to get himself out of it. 


Sexuality: A Bridge Towards Oneself with Harvard Professor Tim McCarthy

Professor Tim McCarthy is one of Harvard Kennedy School's most inspiring fighter for human rights and equality. He is my mentor and teacher. In this episode, McCarthy generously shares a personal account on his journey growing up as LGBTQ before America's "love wins" movement. 


Leadership: Five Lessons Learned from Argentina

This episode is about leadership. I travelled to Argentina to meet with women politicians as they are gearing up for elections. Those women are creating a "new paradigm" for women in politics. I was touched and inspired beyond words. 


Child Free Woman, What Comes Next? With Bri Seeley

You probably have asked yourself whether you want a child or not. What if you felt it is not for you? What did you do? In this episode, Bri Seleey shares her story, seven years after she did an operation to become a child free woman. How did this affect her life, relationship and health? Bri is an entrepreneur coach and a best-selling author. 


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