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Man in the Mirror Bible Study

Author: Man in the Mirror

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Every week, Patrick Morley and Brett Clemmer aim to provide messages that are biblically rooted, grace based, application oriented, and created for men. Recorded live in the Orlando area with a community of men, the goal is simple: we try to help each other see a larger glimpse of the God who is, reject the God (or gods) we may have wanted, and then discuss how to transition to our everyday world. Check us out and subscribe to our podcast.
192 Episodes
REPOST - Getting to Know the Disciples, Episode 1: We're bringing back another opening episode from 2022! Join Patrick Morley and discover three reasons why Peter is the disciple with whom many of us can most easily identify. --------------------- Find a Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
REPOST - Passing the Torch, Episode 1: Join us this week and next as we revisit the opening episodes of two series from 2022. Let's turn our attention to Brett Clemmer as he opens the study of 2 Timothy--Paul & Timothy: Passing the Torch. Verses referenced in this lesson: 2 Timothy 1:1-2, Acts 16:1, 1 Cor 16:10, Phil 2:22 --------------------- Find Bible the study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
Man in the Mirror Bible Study Speaker Series presents John Rivers, founder and CEO of 4Roots and 4R Restaurant Group. John has joined us at the 44th annual Thanksgiving Prayer Breakfast to share his story---a model of how faith, passion, and calling come together. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 7: Is there anything more refreshing than someone you can always count on to keep their word—or get back to you if they can’t? Easily the most frustrating part of my 40-year career has been people who repeatedly make promises they don’t keep. When they tell me what they’re going to do, I just don’t believe them anymore. I don’t trust them. To be honest, I cringe inside. They’ve proven to be unreliable, undependable, untrustworthy—in a word, unfaithful. It’s an integrity issue. Sure, we forgive and extend them grace. But here’s the thing—do you want to be that guy? The guy who’s just a windbag? The guy people don’t believe because you’re a serial disappointer? Join me, Patrick Morley, and cement your place among those who will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 6: In this week’s study of the fruit of the Spirit, we look at goodness. This is maybe the hardest quality to define from the list. Many people have many ideas of what is actually good. Before we can define goodness, we will first determine what and who is truly good. We must ask ourselves, does anything good come from us? Are my works pleasing to God? And do our good deeds matter for today? For eternity? Knowing God and knowing ourselves will help us answer these questions. And seeing the goodness of Christ and the indwelling work of His Spirit should be a source of gratitude not guilt for all believers. We hope you will join us, as this is sure to be a challenging and encouraging study! Scriptures used in this study: Galatians 5:16-23 --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
Intimacy with God: Everything we do should flow from the overflow of our Savior, found in true, set-aside time with Him - scheduled, prioritized, but especially…yearned for! Do you have questions about your job? You’re a human made by God…He will of course have the answer. Do you have questions about your marriage? God holds all the cards. Maybe it’s how to improve as a provider, leader, father, or even how to move past a loss that hurts deeply. Running to the Father’s arms is the only true solution. Amidst the pressures of life, it can be so hard to truly run to Jesus - and learn to stay there. It seems that there is always a new challenge, a wound we aren’t fully healed from, or that somehow, we don’t think we need Him as much…until we desperately do. Our guest today, Connor Jones, went through a deep struggle that taught him the value of secret time with God. When he contracted Lyme disease, and other infections set-in…God was truly all he had time for. Being in bed 24/7 for years brought forth priceless intimacy with our Savior that he is eternally grateful for. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 5: Obviously, it’s kind if you help an elderly woman put groceries in her car. But is it kind to: let your child repeatedly skip their homework? say or not say anything to your spouse or girlfriend when they hurt you because you don’t want to rock the boat? terminate or carry a failing employee after repeatedly trying to help them succeed? give or not give money to intersection beggars? As you can see, kindness is so much more than just being nice. Join Patrick Morley and let’s recalibrate how we think about what kindness is and isn’t, take a deeper look into the kindness of God, and discuss ideas that can help us be more kind—whether we’re feeling it or not, and whether it’s deserved or not. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 4: Patience is a difficult virtue. It may require us to delay gratification or even to forgo resolution for the foreseeable future. Do you find yourself paying the price for hasty decisions? Or frustrated by unmet expectations: the promotion that hasn’t come, or the house that hasn’t sold? Patience is also a wonderful fruit of the Spirit. It leads to wisdom and contentment and is a key to a joyful and peaceful life. Join Brett Clemmer as we continue in our study of The Fruit of the Spirit. Share with a brother who needs more patience…and who doesn’t? We’re better together. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 3: You are worried about the future. Anxious. Afraid. Upset. And for good reason. If something doesn’t break your way—and soon—your world is going to fall apart. Or the storm has already hit and your world has fallen apart. You’re stressing about what comes next. How will it all play out? Maybe you’ve been striving to get what you don’t really need, and you’re angry and annoyed about it. Or worse yet, everything is going great, but you dread the future. You’re worried that it won’t last. You frequently find yourself waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. Join Patrick Morley and discover the simplicity of God’s plan for peace in all circumstances, and how the peace of God can be your normal experience. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 2: Common sense and our own experience tell us that it’s much harder to feel joy when you’re in pain—whether it’s a chronic or life-threatening illness, betrayal, a broken relationship, financial calamity, or an existential crisis. But God offers a transcendent joy that does not depend on our circumstances. That’s why Scripture can say outlandish things like, “Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds;” why Paul “delighted” in his thorn; and why Jesus said, “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” But isn’t this exactly the kind of pollyannish talk that makes non-believers smirk and sneer? And even if you are a believer, doesn’t it sound too good to be true? Join Patrick Morley to learn or be reminded how you can experience the transcendent joy of walking in the Spirit whether your own circumstances are normal, boring, exuberant, awful, or seemingly without hope. There’s always hope. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
The Fruit of the Spirit, Episode 1: Galatians 5:22-23 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." You’ve probably heard this passage read or taught before. It’s often presented as a list of attributes that Christians are supposed to have. Something to aspire to, or to strive for. But who can do this? It feels futile to try and live up to it for five minutes, much less your whole life. Here’s the good news: this isn’t a list of to do’s. It’s a list of consequences of living a life in the Spirit. These aren’t "the fruits of hard work," or "the fruits of self-improvement." Join Brett Clemmer as we start a new series on The Fruit of the Spirit. It all begins with Love—the glue that holds us together, and the grease that reduces friction. Share with a brother and feel the love. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 13: You ache for a more vibrant walk with God. You long for Jesus to take you deeper into the compassion of his own heart. That’s why you’re part of this Bible study. And you’ve made good progress! But you want more. “More” is why God has given us the spiritual disciplines—a web of interconnected habits that can declutter your spiritual life. Join Patrick Morley and learn, or be reminded, how to clear a path that will get you where you want to go. It’s going to be a great day! --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man and His Dreams: Join former Rollins Basketball center, Brooks Cluxton, as he shares his adventure of chasing dreams. This 25-year-old aspiring financial advisor at Mosaic Wealth Management Group will share how God used dreams to transform his life. He’ll also discuss the unpredictable challenges he—and we—face along the way! Learn more about how God uses dreams to shape our hearts for the benefit of others.  --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 12: Every day we rub shoulders with people who are lonely, confused, and afraid. Most of these people would love for someone—anyone—to take a personal interest in them in a loving, kind, nonjudgmental way. That’s how witnessing starts—just caring enough to care. There’s more to it, of course, but nothing will happen until we see and love people the way Jesus sees and loves them. Join Patrick Morley as we expand our view of what witnessing is all about, why it matters, how to identify people who want to talk, how to engage with them, and what will inspire us to action. You don’t have to be amazing; you just have to be available. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 11:  Have you ever worked on a service project, gone on a mission trip, or served as a volunteer? How did it make you feel? It’s surprising how getting outside of your comfort zone and doing something that benefits others brings us surprising levels of joy and happiness. Why? The world tells you that your happiness depends on doing and getting what you want. But the Bible tells a different story: we were made to serve. Jesus himself gave us the example to imitate. Join Brett Clemmer as we look at what motivates us to serve, how we can make a difference in other people’s lives, and the great benefit to our own well-being it brings. Let’s encourage and spur one another on to good works--for our good and His glory! --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 10:  Many of us are preconditioned to think “money” when we hear the word stewardship. Such a pity! The biblical concept of stewardship is so much more all-encompassing, optimistic, and personally fulfilling. Join Patrick Morley for 7 practical, biblical insights that can help you manage money and possessions, provide for your future, participate in building the kingdom of Jesus, order your private life, and manage your family well. Share with a brother stuck in “the church only cares about money” mode and help liberate him to understand biblical stewardship (management), why it’s important, and how it works. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
Why do Christian men need a King? What happens when we do not follow a King? How does the Church continue in the many and changing eras of time? Join our guest speaker Pete Alwinson as we answer these and other questions. We’ll look together at the transfer of power from General Joshua to the time of the Judges. Those Old Testament leaders are so relevant to Christian men and the Church today! --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 9: What comes to mind when you hear the phrase Spiritual Warfare? Intrinsically, we all sense that there is some sort of cosmic battle between good and evil playing out in front of us – and inside of us. It’s a battle as old as time, one we were born into and one we cannot escape. Our choice is to either succumb to evil or pursue the good. We also know that alone we don't stand a chance in hell fighting against the fallen world, our sinful nature and the evil one. We must be disciplined in both our engagement with God and others as well as our approach to fighting back. Join Jeremy Schurke as we examine our part in this great spiritual battle and how to fight to win. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 8: Do you need a breakthrough? Do you urgently need to hear from God? The discipline of fasting may help you find the answers you desperately need. Join Patrick Morley for a clearer picture of fasting—what it is, who it’s for, the benefits, when to fast, and why. Your takeaway will be the specifics on how you can give fasting a try (or take it to another level). It’s possible that just one day of fasting could actually change your life forever! --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at
A Man's Guide to the Spiritual Disciplines, Episode 7: Have you ever made a bad decision with the best of intentions? Maybe the right way seemed obvious, or you felt some pressure to make a quick choice, or you just received some bad advice. But in retrospect you realize it wasn’t a wise call. Cultivating a discipline of counsel helps you determine how to make good decisions by considering what kind of decision it is, who you should seek counsel from, and how to seek the ultimate Counselor. --------------------- Find Bible study video series at Help us to continue this vital ministry by partnering with us: Learn more about Man in the Mirror at