DiscoverCrown Church Podcasts
Crown Church Podcasts
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Crown Church Podcasts

Author: Crown Church

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A Newfrontiers Church based in Hillingdon, Uxbridge, UK" description="The Crown Church is a growing vibrant and diverse church that gathers people from across the London Borough of Hillingdon and beyond. We are passionate about Jesus and sharing His good news with others. We meet together every Sunday, 10am at Bishopshalt School, Royal Lane, Uxbridge UB8 3RF (by Hillingdon Hospital, Middlesex). The Crown Church is part of Newfrontiers and a members of the Evangelical Alliance.
105 Episodes
Put On the New Person

Put On the New Person


Stefan Brown continues our Inside Out series from Ephesians 4. - 11/02/2018 -
Renewing Of The Mind

Renewing Of The Mind


How can we win the battle of what goes in our mind? James explores Ephesians 4:17-24. - 04/02/2018 -
Based in Ephesians 4:4-14, Dan Smith explores what God says about church leadership. - 28/01/2018 -



In what ways does God say we can be joined together in our daily lives? James Hunting continues our series in Ephesians 4. - 21/01/2018 -
Built Up In Love

Built Up In Love


Based in Ephesians 4:4-16, James Hunting encourages us that we all have a part to play in building the church. - 07/01/2018 -
Paul, in Ephesians 4, shows us how we can nurture unity through humility, gentleness, patience and love. - 07/01/2018 -
Andy shares the accounts of three people listed in the genealogy of Jesus who had their shame removed, demonstrating how their story can also be our story. - 03/12/2017 -
Advancing the Gospel

Advancing the Gospel


Part two of our journey towards a second congregation in Hillingdon. - 26/11/2017 -
Appointing New Elders

Appointing New Elders


Message from Jim Partridge at the appointment of two new elders at Crown Church. - 19/11/2017 -



James shares about plans to develop a second congregation in Hillingdon. - 19/11/2017 -
What’s the first place you turn for comfort? Dan explores God’s promise in Isaiah 61 to ‘comfort all who mourn’. - 12/11/2017 -
The Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of God


What is the Kingdom of God and what does it mean for us today? - 05/11/2017 -
There are all sorts of things that can leave someone feeling broken and like nothing can make them whole again. The good news is that Jesus came to do more than just save us from our sins and then scarper, he was sent to bind up the broken-hearted. - 29/10/2017 -



How can joy be in everything and everywhere? - 22/10/2017 -
Our Anointed Saviour

Our Anointed Saviour


Andy Langford continues our Everything Everywhere series by looking at what Jesus meant when he said ‘the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon me’. - 15/10/2017 -
Giving thanks for the launch of our new building The Living Room - 08/10/2017 -
In every circumstance of our lives He wants us to grasp hold of who He is, not simply what He can do for us. Are you following Jesus on your terms or on His? Jesus is looking for us to surrender our lives to follow Him. - 01/10/2017 -
Good News To The Poor

Good News To The Poor


What is the good news to the poor that Jesus said he was bringing? Is it us? Or is it something much bigger? Dan Smith continues our ‘Everything, Everywhere’ series. - 24/09/2017 -
Everything Everywhere

Everything Everywhere


Jesus saves, heals and delivers. - 17/09/2017 -
Vision Sunday

Vision Sunday


Discovering the treasure of Jesus. - 10/09/2017 -