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a podcast pulverizing programs BEYOND The Walking Dead UNIVERSE!


[✅PREVIOUSLY PULVERIZED] The Walking Dead (Seasons 8-11), Fear The Walking Dead (Seasons 4-8), The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Tales of The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon (- The Book of Carol), The Walking Dead: Dead City, The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, FROM, SILO, Earth Abides, The Last of Us, Fallout, House of the Dragon (Season 2), The Boys (Season 4), and Better Call Saul (Season 6)
350 Episodes
No mics prepared for our first-thing-in-the-morning chat with Danay Garcia and Mo Collins! So we did our best with the sound and added subtitles (on Spotify Video) to fill in the blanks regarding: The rigors of shooting in Texas; the state of the film and television industry; moments of gratitude and grace; and special shout-out to a sorely missed Daryl "Chill" Mitchell. 🎭 Mo Collins Sarah Rabinowitz | Fear The Walking Dead Joan Callamezzo | Parks and Recreation Many characters on Mad TV 🎭 Danay Garcia Luciana Galvez | Fear The Walking Dead Sofia Lugo | Prison Break EP/Writer/Director | The Cure (2019) 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD ⭐ RATE: ⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO's Season 2 finale not only ended on a bigger cliffhanger - let's not forget that flashback (which we'll see more of next season) - there are quite the amount of leftover questions! Be careful what you wish for, Robert Sims, you might (not) just get it. Bernard Holland appreciates Martha Walker's dramatic flair, before Lukas Kyle drives the fight right out of him. We're definitely not through with Hope, Jimmy Conroy, and Silo 17 as Mechanical (as predicted?) wins their Rebellion(?). 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬 Jump out of the frying pan and INTO THE FIRE with us by tipping us on Ko-fi. You'll receive forever-access to our Discord and 30 days of access to our Unedited Episode Recordings + Pre-SQUAWK Insights! Take your burning love even further by joining a membership using either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO |2x09 "The Safeguard"

SILO |2x09 "The Safeguard"


If the last episode was a long fuse, this one was the payload! Lukas Kyle confirms George Wilkins' ominous video message to Juliette Nichols: the water really "wasn't a problem". Is the A.I. what rigs the game? Paul Billings and Robert Sims have a long overdue meeting of the minds. We find symmetry between Eater, Lukas, and (who we now now is) Jimmy Conroy: a curious trio who wished they could've safeguarded the people they loved. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬SAFEGUARD SQUAWKING DEAD by tipping us on Ko-fi. You'll receive forever-access to our Discord and 30 days of access to our Unedited Episode Recordings + Pre-SQUAWK Insights! Take your love even further by joining a membership using either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
How far are the residents of FROMville willing to go to get what they want? In who's best interest does it truly serve for them to try? Is newborn Smiley a daywalker, like The Man In Yellow? Is The Boy In White a Storywalker, like Julie Matthews. RIP Jim Matthews: the key to unlocking some major mysteries paid a hefty price. 📺 Jamie Ruby 📺 Dawn Barker 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬Save us from the THEY that come out after dark (and day, apparently) in the FROM! Tip us on Ko-fi and/or join a membership tier on either Ko-fi or Patreon via the following two links to receive Dave's TL;DR notes while streaming the unedited version of this podcast, containing about double the insights, laughter, and even frustrations (and, of course, the behind-the-scenes pre-show and post-show)! 🔗LINKS TO THE UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
Though this was a great episode where many truths are revealed (thanks Lukas Kyle / Bernard Holland!) it was quite a long fuse with no subsequent ignition. Robert Sims & Camille Sims have symmetry with Kathleen Billings & Paul Billings. And, holy crap, there really are more people (with CONFUSING motivations) in Silo 17?! Also, never doubt Dave's insights... just sayin' 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬QUINN you decide to tip us on Ko-fi, you'll have forever-access to our Discord and 30 days of access to our Unedited Episode Recordings + Pre-SQUAWK Insights! Take your love and appreciation even further by joining a membership using either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
Because of the double-header last week, the holidays, and our charity event, we delayed our coverage on Earth Abides so that we could cover its final episodes. We meet EA's version of Negan; what it means to bear the weight of grave decisions; placing our expectations on a future that isn't promised; and coming to terms with the world and who you've become. Whichever way you decide to move forward, The Earth Abides. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬Be PREDATORS and mark THE RETURN to our podcast every week! While you're at it, spare us a tip on Ko-fi if you love stalking us so much (because, after all, FOREVER IS TOMORROW IS TODAY)! Consider also joining a membership tier via either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO OUR PRE-SQUAWK INSIGHTS: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO |2x07 "The Dive"

SILO |2x07 "The Dive"


For better or worse, our impression of Robert Sims has drastically changed from when we first met him. We marvel at the contents of The Legacy in the same manner as Lukas Kyle. (No) Time for love, Dr. Knox: Turns out Solo & Juliette Nichols might not be alone in Silo 17...? 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬DIVE into your wallet and leave us a tip on Ko-fi! Take your love and appreciation even further by joining a membership using either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
This episode is absolutely bananas, in the best way possible: Camille Sims is playing 3D Chess while the rest of Silo 18 is playing checkers. Both Bernard Holland & Robert Sims are losing their grip. And Lukas Kyle becomes Mayor Holland's SHADOW?! NOW KISS, Shirley & Knox! 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬DON'T ERECT A BARRICADE between you and generously tipping us on Ko-fi! But consider (also) joining a membership using either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO THE UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
We experience not only a few time-jumps in this episode, but also an increase in the amount of survivors in tow. Seneca wrote, "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end," and all of this exists in what the prophet Yishayahu / Isaiah referred to as a World Without End. Will we finally put the past to rest or will we allow it to haunt us? 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬YOUR UNTIELDING TIPS, on Ko-fi, might just produce SQUAWKING DEAD content without end, but joining a membership - via either the following two links - will for sure keep us funded through many a dark time. 🔗TAP EITHER OF THE BELOW LINKS TO RECEIVE DAVE'S NOTES ON THIS EPISODE: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO |2x05 "Descent"

SILO |2x05 "Descent"


Things everywhere are starting to take a turn: Will the real Solo please stand up? Will Camille Sims take the fall for Robert Sims to make him Bernard Holland's shadow? Are Knox & Shirley OK?! We're proud mamas and papas when it comes to Paul Billings providing cover for Patrick Kennedy! 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬DON'T DESCENT to leaving a small tip for us on Ko-fi! You should consider joining a membership tier using either of the following two links! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO |2x04 "The Harmonium"

SILO |2x04 "The Harmonium"


Something's in the water because Dave's alarmingly "animated" about this episode! Sheriff Paul Billings and Deputy Hank are the Buddy-Cop duo we need. Judge Mary Meadows reveals some deeply held secrets (to Lukas Kyle) before she goes (Hi Avi Nash). Everyone, down to Shirley, is playing the game. Solo's story sounds suspicious. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬RHYTHM is what we aim for and a small tip on Ko-fi really wets our whistle! But we'll sing you a whole album (metaphorically-speaking, of course) when you decide to (also) join a membership tier using either of the following two links ! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
Whereas the first episode's antagonist was (and, to a certain degree, still is) oneself, Ish & Emma go head-to-head with the natural world itself. Will nature succeed in finishing the job it started with humanity? 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬THE SPACE BETWEEN your wallet and tipping us on Ko-fi and/or joining a membership on either Ko-fi or Patreon is excruciating! ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
With your help in the chat, the team tackles Earth Abides' pilot, "Alone". Our protagonist, Ish, survives a near-fatal venomous snakebite. His reward? Drifting in and out of consciousness through a world-ending global pandemic. How would *you* handle the prospect of being the last surviving human? 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬WE CAN'T BE ALONE in thinking this content isn't worthy of a tip on Ko-fi and/or even taking the plunge and supporting our work by joining a membership on either Ko-fi or Patreon! ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO |2x03 "Solo"

SILO |2x03 "Solo"


What an info dump! Solo finally comes out of Silo 17's vault and helps Juliette Nichols find a way to return to Silo 18. Judge Mary Meadows finds even more reasons to GTFO. We draw parallels between Juliette and Bernard Holland (and Meadows to Solo). We struggle to put ourselves in Shirley's Mechanical/Rebellion shoes. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬TRUTH is, it only takes a small tip on Ko-fi to listen to the uncut version of this discussion, but consider joining a membership - via the following two links - to receive that and a ton of really cool perks! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO |2x02 "Order"

SILO |2x02 "Order"


What SILO does best is confronts you: are the mysteries you are determined to uncover dangerous? Feelings shift on Bernard Holland because, let's be honest, what would you have done better? Juliette Lives, at least in the hearts of those she left behind, which empties itself into a nascent, yet-to-be-determined movement. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬TRUTH is, it only takes is a small tip on Ko-fi to listen to the uncut version of this discussion, but consider joining a membership - via the following two links - to receive a ton of really cool perks! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
The path forward - along with whom we're meant to trust - becomes a whole lot clearer. Because f--- this place! We don't want to be suspicious about Elgin or The Boy In White; that being said, we have a lot more clarity on how little we should place our trust in figments. We're all just doing our best, after all. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬Save us from the THEY that come out after dark in the FROM! Tip us on Ko-fi and/or join a membership tier on either Ko-fi or Patreon (via the following two links) to receive Dave's TL;DR notes while streaming the unedited version of this podcast, containing about double the insights, laughter, and even frustrations, throughout (and, of course, the behind-the-scenes pre-show and post-show)! 🔗LINKS TO THE UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
SILO's sophomore premiere catches us up in more ways than one! By way of another silo's downfall, we not only learn so much about their design similarities, but how much Juliette Nichols must be appreciating the fact that the one she just left is still standing: for how much longer, who knows? 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬TRUTH is, it only takes is a small tip on Ko-fi to listen to the uncut version of this discussion, but consider joining a membership - via the following two links - to receive a ton of really cool perks! 🔗LINKS TO THIS UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
FROM |3x08 "Threshold"

FROM |3x08 "Threshold"


🚨 Dave sat in on scifivision's six hour+ livestream discussion on this very episode. Check it out: All we have to fear is fear, itself! Elgin drags a (maybe?) pregnant and (clearly) suffering Fatima Stevens into the back room of the very same root cellar Jade 1st sees the symbol he obsessed over for so many episodes. This directly connects to Victor Kavanaugh's memory of the conversation he witnessed between The Boy In White and Christopher. Because, The answers to the end are at the beginning. 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬Save us from the THEY that come out after dark in the FROM! Tip us on Ko-fi and/or join a membership tier on either Ko-fi or Patreon to receive Dave's TL;DR notes while streaming the unedited version of this podcast, containing more than double the amount of insights, laughter, and even frustrations, throughout (not to mention the behind-the-scenes pre-show and post-show)! 🔗LINKS TO THE UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
Is this the final chapter in The Book Of Carol? We spend a ton of time and tears breaking down Carol Peletier's farewell to both Sophia Peletier and The Walking Dead version of herself. Yet again, we change our minds on whether this season finale had a satisfying enough ending, as well as a cliffhanger, which differed from our first watch. Tell us how excited you are (or may not be) about Season 3! 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬WE AIN'T THE WALKING DEAD: this podcast is supported by listeners like you! Simply grab the raw and unfiltered version of this discussion by tipping us on Ko-fi and/or joining a membership tier via either of the following two links: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠
These Fragile Lives continues the trend of attempting to move several storylines across a very short period of time: which makes for a really good bite-sized watch, but doesn't leave a lot of room for analysis (the ol' "wait-n-see, DAVE!"). Will Elgin, Sara Meyers, and Victor Kavanaugh save the town or die trying? Will Fatima Stevens become one of the THEY in FROMville? Or will Officer Acosta (assuming that's her real name) just go full Abby Stevens on everyone? 📰FULL Episode Highlights and all embedded content available here: TBD 🎬Save us from the THEY that come out after dark in the FROM! Tip us on Ko-fi and/or join a membership tier on either Ko-fi or Patreon to receive Dave's TL;DR notes while streaming the unedited version of this podcast, containing more than double the amount of insights, laughter, and even frustrations, throughout (not to mention the behind-the-scenes pre-show and post-show)! 🔗LINKS TO THE UNEDITED EPISODE RECORDING: ☕ 🤲 ⭐ RATE: ⁠⁠🙏 SUPPORT: ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠🏃‍♂️ FOLLOW (+more): ⁠⁠