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Beyond 50 Radio Show

Author: joydavis

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Beyond 50 is a weekly and educational talk show that is all about the alternative lifestyle that is natural, holistic, green and sustainable. Many of our listeners are those in midlife - mostly Generation Xers, Baby Boomers and older. Hosted by Daniel Davis since 2004, he interviews bestselling authors, celebrities, top experts in their field, and visionaries from all over the world. He has over 20 years of professional broadcasting experience. For more about the show, visit and sign up for our FREE and weekly E-newsletters.
629 Episodes
For Beyond 50's "Pet Care" talks, listen to an interview with Elizabeth Anne Johnson. She is a holistic animal healer and wildlife biologist. If you want to know why your canine behaves the way they do and their unique personality, Johnson will offer insight through the five element archetypes of the Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water Dog. It's a different perspective on a dog's elemental stressors, behaviors, wants and needs. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Political" talks, listen to an interview with Dan Luzadder, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist. He'll go over his examination of the Fourth Estate that is a tough look at what must be done to restore the independence and integrity of America's watchdog of Democracy, its independent journalists. Since the cultural Cold War, democracy journalism has been compromised by mostly the CIA and State Department-tied political strategy to influence the major news outlets, magazine and book publishers, and worked through a network of unsigned intelligence "agents" - and influential institutions, foundations and government agencies to propagandize the American public, challenge Socialism and Communism, and preserve an elite Establishment. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with R.G. Shore. He'll share his story about being a person of color incarcerated in a predominately Caucasian and also racially divisive prison in the Pacific Northwest - housed alongside neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Amid harsh conditions and blatant racism, Shore taught himself to meditate by going into his body, befriending his shadow and sitting with the traumas held by his younger self. He learned to love and accept the cause of his deepest pain: his brown body. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio about the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "History" talks, listen to an interview with David Chudwin. His new memoir, "The Magical Decade," chronicles how the changes during 1965 - 1975 altered the course of American history. He'll go over pivotal events that Chudwin was an eyewitness to, such as the Vietnam War protests, Civil Rights Movement, medical and computer advances, the Space Race, an oil embargo, Recession, cultural changes in music and television and more - all of which directly affected his life and those of Baby Boomers. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Brandi Wolf, a meditation teacher and author. She'll go over her story of how meditating had helped heal her from her father's suicide, a heartbreaking divorce, a business that went bankrupt, miscarriage and another suicide of someone close to her heart. Meditation helped to release the pain, deep in her chest. Wolf will explain about how to do meditation in a way that's more mindful and heart-centered if you'd like to get started. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "History" talks, listen to an interview with Robin Gerber. She'll talk about the real-world story of the Barbie doll that has been more than a toy to influence the cultural landscape for the last 65 years. Barbie was an ideal that lives forever as a beacon of empowerment, encouraging girls to persist through to become whatever they dream to be. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Celebrity" talks, listen to an interview with Dean Butler. He was an actor on the beloved and iconic "Little House on the Prairie" television series. The show's 50th anniversary will be later this year. He'll talk about his heartwarming journey of entertainment, love, and life. Butler was cast at twenty-two years old to play Almanzo, Laura Ingalls' starring love interest. He'll share the behind-the-scenes stories about the cast members and their on-screen relationships. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Sydney Williams, a former competitive skydiver and founder of the nonprofit Hiking My Feelings. She'll talk about her journey that started with being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, while grappling with grief and unresolved trauma, built up over a decade. She went on a quest to turn her pain into power. Her most pivotal moves were from taking two hikes across Catalina Island in California to disconnect from the distractions and reconnect with the power of Nature. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Guy Finley, an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, bestselling author of "The Secret of Letting Go", and founder of Life of Learning Foundation. He's back on the program to discuss about the burden of pain we all carry and provide specific steps for using that pain in a new way that makes it a valuable element in our journey to self-fulfillment instead of a barrier. As we use Divine principles to develop a new kind of relationship with our pain, its meaning for us changes and the fear and resistance that only made the pain worse actually begin to dissipate. Visit Beyond 50 Radio: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Business" talks, listen to an interview with Fred Wilson. He is a sought-after success coach and top-producing Realtor, average one closed transaction a week for 30-years running. His message is even for those who are not in the real estate industry. You can learn from him about the Third Law of Success to limitless opportunity and high achievement. Making a personalized vision real in your life is the objective. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Natural Healing" talks, listen to Christopher Vasey, a naturopathic doctor from Switzerland. He's back on the program to educate about the lymphatic system that helps to drain toxins and flush cellular wastes, but also includes your bone marrow and several organs, such as the spleen and thymus to protect your body against infections. Dr. Vasey will go over 12 natural therapies to support your lymph health. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit
For Beyond 50's "Natural Healing" talks, listen to an interview with Nagina Abdullah, the founder and CEO of the top-rated weight-loss website She lost 40 pounds after two kids with a 60+ hour workweek. Abdullah lost the extra weight by boosting her metabolism naturally using six metabolism-boosting principles: pairing, timing, adding, spices, flexibility, and accountability. Her work has helped more than 1,500 women in midlife and career women boost their metabolism and remove their sugar cravings. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Show about the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "History" talks, listen to an interview with Peter Turner. He spent several years as s counterintelligence spy for the U.S. Army traveling to many countries, including Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Germany and Iraq. He'll discuss about historic moments, out in the field: when the Taliban requested a meeting with him; using a former Saddam Hussein assassin as a source; predictions, based on first-hand experience, with regard to the Ukraine-Russia Conflict; lessons learned from failed U.S. foreign policy; and more. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Susan Perry. She is an Aikido practitioner and 6th-degree blackbelt. She will talk about the real-life applications of the transformational principles of Aikido. You'll understand the protocol for developing the receptiveness of the beginner's mind, a state essential to personal transformation and how distraction and timing can be used to deescalate potentially violent or dangerous situations. Perry will also explain how a deepening practice of the martial art leads to an aiki state of inner peace, fusion, and boundless joy. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show that is all about the natural, holistic, green, and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Business" talks, listen to an interview with Nicole Gibson. She is an acclaimed social entrepreneur. With OpenAI on the cutting edge of artificial general intelligence, Gibson warns that the leaders charting this course cannot afford emotional immaturity or primitive tribalism. Their decisions impact humanity for generations to come. She contends that with sophistication of thinking must come sophistication of character in order to wield such influence ethically. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyles. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Science & Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Jane de Forest, an Intuitive Artist. She's back on the program to talk about the coming Solar Eclipse that will happen on April 8th - providing a scientific, historical, and astrological perspective on the event. The eclipse will move across America for the second time since 2017 to form a giant "X" - completing its route over the New Madrid fault zone. As it moves, the Moon and other seven planets of our solar system will all be lined up in the sky. Many foretell of a major crisis, due to the eclipse, but also new beginnings as part of America's destiny. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Financial" talks, listen to an interview with Chuck Coppes, the founder of IDP Consulting Group. He is back on the program to go over the state of the US economy that's creating depressive conditions: collapse of the commercial real estate market; more big banks failing; the soaring stock market; the money markets at $7 trillion; inflation running at 10 - 11%; and more. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Personal Growth" talks, listen to an interview with Jeremy Zoch. He'll talk about his remarkable life - a source of inspiration to embrace your life and pursue each day with intention, presence, and passion. Zoch has achieved a 70-mile water skiing feat, ran forty marathons in thirty-six states, multiple ultra-marathons, triathlons and an Ironman. He's a family man that plays rhythm guitar, earned a PhD, and has a career as a hospital CEO and assistant professor. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Spirituality" talks, listen to an interview with Harvey Rice and Jackie Cole. They will discuss about the 1950 Chinese occupation of Tibet. It's a harrowing, true story of three monks and their dramatic escape from war and persecution. It took resilience and determination to preserve their lives and one of the world's oldest spiritual practices, Bon. Aside from the escape of the Dalai Lama, no other Tibetan escape has been so consequential for so many. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
For Beyond 50's "Natural Healing" talks, listen to an interview with Brigitte Mars. She is an herbalist and nutritional expert. Mars will unveil natural remedies to tackle the root causes of anxiety, depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, and stress-related struggles. With the latest scientific insights, she has decoded the link between diet and mental health, unveiling the power of foods, herbs, supplements, essential oils, and self-care techniques like acupressure, massage, and color therapy. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and spiritual lifestyle. Visit and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.