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Grace Messages

Grace Messages

Author: Grace Community Fellowship Church

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Grace Messages is a series of Bible-based, Christian messages that include everything from topical messages, to verse-by-verse studies through various books of the Bible. Our messages focus on expository, dispensational Bible teaching from a free grace perspective.

Each podcast is from a sermon preached at our home church in Newnan, Georgia! Listen to these messages in order, or just choose one that sounds most interesting to you!

For easier topic navigation, visit Even the Verse-by-Verse studies can be listened to in or out of order.

About the church: Grace Community Fellowship is a Bible-church in Newnan, Georgia, pastored by Pastor John Clark.

372 Episodes
As we continue with the story of Lazarus this morning, we pick up in the middle of Jesus’ conversation with Martha. Remember, Martha has gone out to meet Him on His way into town to get some answers. Jesus is going to give her some answers, including His FIFTH ”I AM” claim recorded in the Book of John. It is quite a claim! Jesus will tell her “I AM the resurrection and the life!” Truly remarkable! Almost beyond words!
Today, we begin a new chapter in John 11, and begin a familiar story with the story of Lazarus. In the beginning of this story, we get to see a unique opportunity for God to get glory through this man's death!
Today, guest Speaker Rob Armstrong fills in to speak from Hebrews 1:1-3. We explore how God wrote the Old Testament, the primary message of the prophets, and 7 unique and wonderful facts about Christ.
We will finish up Jesus’ conversation with the Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem during the Feast of Dedication (Hannukah). Jesus was asked a direct question in verse 24, He has answered it, and they did not like His answer and accused Him of the capital crime of blasphemy. Jesus now responds, and He does so the same way He has been doing in the Book of John: (1) He appeals to the Jewish scriptures, AND (2) He appeals to the signs/works He has been doing. Once again, they do not like His answer and they proceed to attempt another execution…
As mentioned last week, Jesus is in Jerusalem again during the Feast of Dedication (Hannukah) and is now roughly three months away from the Feast of Passover and His crucifixion. Jesus has returned to the shepherd/sheep analogy that He had used three months earlier, and He said something emphatic in verse 28! However, Jesus did NOT stop there! This morning, in our passage, He builds on what He just said in verse 28, and makes the truth of the believer’s security even more emphatic!
As we move from verse 21 to verse 22, we have fast-forwarded in time about three months. We are now roughly halfway between the Feast of Tabernacles and the Feast of Passover, where Jesus will be crucified. John puts this section immediately after the Good Shepherd discourse because Jesus returns to this illustration three months later with the same group to once again affirm His identity and the value of what He came to do.
As we continue looking at the powerful and piercing metaphor Jesus shared regarding shepherds and sheep, Jesus shared an incredible truth in verse 11…He is THE Good Shepherd. He is the One the Old Testament anticipated with this metaphor. Couple that with the fact that Jesus used the phrase “ego eimi” (I AM) to describe Himself four times in this passage, and we can see that He is saying that He is Yahweh the Shepherd – the ONE they were expecting! This morning, He will go on to explain WHY this is the case – WHY He is this GOOD shepherd!
Stand Firm

Stand Firm


Today, Joshua Miller fills in for Pastor John and discusses how to stand firm in your faith with truths from Ephesians in this sermon. Learn how to stay grounded and unwavering in your beliefs no matter what challenges come your way.
Today the religious leaders learn that Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is not only the gate, but the gate keeper. The blind man’s excommunication from the synagogue and Jesus’ pursuit of him in John 9 gives us the reason Jesus uses the illustration of the sheep and the shepherd in John 10. The shepherd’s life was commonly understood in Jesus’ day, but as we saw last week, the Jewish religious leaders did not get what Jesus was saying. This morning, Jesus begins to circle back and explain what He intended to communicate with this illustration
“How good is good enough to go to heaven?” This morning, we want to answer this question from the Scriptures by using the story of Zacchaeus to answer it. Often, religious thinking is as short-sighted with their answer to this question as Zacchaeus was in his physical stature.
As we turn the page into chapter 10 of John, we are still on the same trip to Jerusalem that Jesus started in John 7. The account we pick up this morning is just a few days after the Feast of Tabernacles, and immediately after the healing of the blind man. In a sense, the chapter break here is unfortunate. The blind man was cast out of the synagogue for his faith, and he was thrown into the arms of the good shepherd – thus the teaching and illustration in John 10 is really a commentary on the conflict of John 9.
Today we finish the story of the incredible healing of a blind man by Jesus. In John Chapter 9, we have been considering John’s sixth hand-selected SIGN chosen to convince His readers to put their faith in Jesus Christ. That sign was an UNDENIABLE divine miracle, as Jesus gave sight to a man who was born blind. As the Jewish religious leaders finished their investigation, they cast the blind man out of the synagogue and right into the arms of Jesus! This is when the REAL miracle occurred – this blind man was given spiritual sight; he was born again!
In this morning's message, Pastor Carl Greene talks about the incredible value of humility, as found in the Bible, and the seemingly paradoxical nature of being humble.
God Whispers

God Whispers


Today, Pastor Carl Greene speaks on how God whispers to us through His word and through creation. Discover the beauty and meaning behind His whispers and how we can listen to and obey them more.
In John Chapter 9, we have been considering John’s sixth hand-selected SIGN chosen to convince His readers to put their faith in Jesus Christ. That sign was an UNDENIABLE divine miracle, as Jesus gave sight to a man who was born blind. However, Jesus had performed this healing on a Sabbath day, which caused a conundrum for the Jewish religious leaders. They now had a responsibility to address this situation for the people, and thus they began their investigation and interrogation of the parties involved last week. This morning, they will finish their investigation, which will conclude with the blind man being cast out of the synagogue!
Last week, we looked at John’s sixth hand-selected sign, which was an UNDENIABLE divine miracle - Jesus gave sight to a man who was born blind. This type of healing had never been accomplished in the history of the world, but Jesus had healed this man on a Sabbath day. This fact alone threw the Jewish religious leaders into a tailspin because of their interpretation of the Sabbath regulations. Because of the nature of the miracle itself, the Jewish religious leaders had a responsibility to investigate the situation and provide answers to the people. We will consider those interrogations the next two weeks.
As we pick up this morning, Jesus has just finished an intense and heated conversation with the Jewish religious leaders which ended with His miraculous deliverance from their attempt to stone Him. Now, you would think that following this interaction, Jesus would leave Jerusalem and get some distance between Him and His enemies, but He does not do that! Jesus sees a blind man, and NOT just any blind man – a man who was “born” blind and a man whose healing was on Jesus’ divine schedule. John’s sixth hand-selected sign in his book to convince and persuade his audience to believe in Jesus (John 20:30-31) is an undeniable divine miracle!
We continue with Jesus’ heated conversation with the Jewish religious leaders and Jesus has been dropping truth bombs consistently that His audience is not taking well. Last week they committed the unpardonable sin, and they do it again this week. But, when Jesus tells them that He is the I AM, they pick up stones to stone Him.
We continue with Jesus’ heated conversation with the Jewish religious leaders and in our study last week Jesus dropped an absolute bomb on His audience by telling them that the Devil was their father. His audience did not take this well, and they will commit the unpardonable sin (like Matthew 12:22-24), by accusing the Son of God, who is doing prophesied Messianic miracles, of being demonically empowered and possessed. This TOO is an attack on Jesus’ origins and patriarchy.
As Jesus continues His heated conversation with Jewish religious leaders in Jerusalem following the Feast of Tabernacles, they continue to push back! Last week, the conversation turned into a discussion of patriarchy and heritage and these topics were no joking matter to a first century Jew. Jesus’ comments in this section infuriates this already murderous group, and this morning He provides an absolutely scathing comment regarding their heritage and patriarchy.