DiscoverEnglish Planner - Aprender Inglês
English Planner - Aprender Inglês

English Planner - Aprender Inglês

Author: Ali Chams

Subscribed: 282Played: 3,292


Hello Guys!

This is the English Planner Podcast with Teacher Alex.

*Atenção: Fizemos uma pausa nos podcast por 2 meses por questões de alinhamento pedagógico. Retornaremos no segundo semestre de 2018.

O objetivo desse canal é ensinar inglês de maneira intuitiva e didática. Basta baixar o episódio e ouvir. Assim, é possível aprender inglês sem muito esforço e ser produtivo com seu tempo;

O canal contêm 2 tipos de áudios.
a) English Planner Basics - Nível iniciante. Com estes episódios você poderá aprender os alicerces do idioma e praticar desde a primeira lição.
b) English Planner Conversation - Nível Intermediário - Upper. Aqui trabalharemos temas mais avançados, para aqueles que já possuem certa fluência.

Inscreva-se em nossa canal e aproveite nosso conteúdo para você chegar ainda mais parte da fluência.

Visite nosso site:
15 Episodes
Hello Guys, Welcome Again. This is the Podcast talking about Business. In his part, you will learn: - Verbs describing Trends and Movements, such as: increase, fall, rise, grow. - Vocabulary related to Business: Turnover, Budget, Overhead, Expenditure. This vocabulary will be useful to discuss the performance of your company or department when giving presentations or just talking to another person. Don't forget the purpose of this podcast is to practice and learn English without much effort, so don't worry about grammar! Visit our website: to learn more about our English Courses.
Hello Guys, Welcome Again. This is the Podcast talking about Business Part B. In his part, you will learn: - Adverbs and Adjectives describing Trends and Movements, such as: slow - slowly, sharp - sharply and others. - How to use nouns when talking about Business. Sentences like: There was an increase in sales. There has been a fall in turnover. We will review what we saw in Part A and learn new structures and words. Don't forget the purpose of this podcast is to practice and learn English without much effort, so don't worry about the grammar names! Don't forget to visit our website:
Hello Guys, Welcome Again. This is the Podcast for Unit 2C of the English Planner Basics. The objetivce of this audio is to study: - How can we express the frequency of an action, using adverbs of frequency such as: today, once, twice, every day and other. - How to create questions and describe our routine using these adverbs. Don't forget the purpose of this podcast is to practice and learn English without much effort, so don't worry about the grammar names! Don't forget to visit our website:
Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn about commuting. Commuting is your daily journey to and from your work. We will see vocabulary related to it working both simple present and present continuous. Don't forget to visit our website and check out our courses!
Hello Guys, Welcome Again. This is the Podcast for Unit 3A of the English Planner Basics. The objetivce of this audio is to study: - How to build sentences in the Present Continuous - When do we use the Present Continuous - Difference between Simple Present and Present Continuous. Don't forget the purpose of this podcast is to practice and learn English without much effort, so don't worry about the grammar names! Don't forget to visit our website:
Hello Guys! How's it going? In this episode we're going to study about Conditionals. The first and second conditionals. The objective is to understand how you can use them and then practice with a short story. Enjoy! Don't forget to visit our website for more information:
Level A1-A1 Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn... * How to use different verbs in the present to talk about our rotines. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn... * What's the difference between "I have worked" and "I worked". * How to talk about current events and past events of our life. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn... * The different meaning of the verb "Get". Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn... * How to talk about conferences, fair and events. * How we can use the verb "hold" when referrring to them. * Active and Passive Voice Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Level - A1 - A2 Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn about routine and your daily activities. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Level - A1-A2 Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn about family relationships and the verb have.. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Level - A1-A2 Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn a little bit about demonstrative pronouns and review the verb to be and adjectives in order to learn how we can describe people and possession. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Level - A1-A2 Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn a little bit about adjectives, and the different ways we can use it. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Level - A1-A2 Hello Guys! In this episode we're going to learn a little bit about the verb to be, and the different ways we can use it. Make sure to listen to it with attention and don't forget the more you listen the better your English becomes!
Comments (6)

Caio Pellegrini


May 16th

Murilo Furlan

Amazing!! :))

Mar 30th

Wellington Elias Miyazaki


Feb 26th

Arlete Anjos

Thanks teacher Ali! Following your hints, really.... "learning English has been easier than I thought! ":)

Feb 23rd

Arlete Anjos

Very good! Podcasts and songs are the best way for learning English! I appreciate a lot Teacher Ali 's Podcasts!

Feb 11th
Reply (1)