DiscoverAdorned Podcast
Adorned Podcast
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Adorned Podcast

Author: Erin & Kacie

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Encouraging women to cultivate a love for God's word.
151 Episodes
Episode 140 of the Adorned Podcast is a bittersweet one as we announce the end of this season in our lives. On our final episode we discuss what led to this decision and reflect on all that The Lord has done in the past 3 1/2 years through this podcast and Adorned Ministries. We are so thankful for each one of you and we pray that your desire to know God and His Word continues to grow deeper every day! *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 139 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 5:14. In this last part of his letter, Peter is instructing leaders of the church in what it looks like to live faithfully for Christ. He ends by doing exactly what he has done throughout the whole letter. He is reminding the believer who they are and what they are called to. We pray that as you have studied 1 Peter alongside us your love for God and His Word has grown even deeper. Thank you for joining us in this journey! Quotes: “The roles of men and women are not earned. They are not deserved. They are assigned.” -Elisabeth Elliot “Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you.” -Augustine Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 138 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 4:12-19. Peter is continuing to encourage the church in what it looks like to live a holy life and in this section he is speaking specifically to times of suffering. He is reminding us that because of the brokenness of the world there will be suffering, but as believers we will never have to walk through those seasons alone! Quotes: “Keep on rejoicing because your suffering as a Christian is an evidence of your union with Christ.” -John Piper “God hasn’t promised that His children won’t go into the valley of the shadow of death. He promised that we will never go alone.” -R.C. Sproul “Believers pass through the testing fire of God’s judgment — not because he hates us, but because he loves us and wills our purity. God hates sin so much and loves his children so much that he will spare us no pain to rid us of what he hates.” John Piper Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 137 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 3:8-4:11. In this section of his letter, Peter is helping us answer the question “how do I live faithfully for Jesus Christ in a time like this?” Even though he was addressing the early church, what a great question for us to ask today! We would love for you to join us as we continue to study this encouraging, convicting, and timely book together. Quotes: “Peter isn’t telling us that we do these things to earn points for heaven or that if we do these things we will earn heaven, but he’s saying you are chosen, called, powered by the spirit; you are born again by living hope, purifying yourself by obedience to the truth. Because all of that is true, here are the essential characteristics that will flow from lives like that. This difference is vitally important, because if we don’t get that, it will call us into despair because we cannot do this on our own.” -Alistair Begg “The context in which Peter writes these things is to encourage us that our suffering is used by God as a testimony for righteousness and is accompanied by the Holy Spirit to bring about the Spirit’s purposes of redemption, in the same manner by which our Lord, who was raised by the Spirit, went and preached and saw so much fruit.” - R.C. Sproul Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 136 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 3:1-7. Peter is continuing to explain what it looks like to live a holy life, and in this specific section he is focusing on submission in marriage. Does submission mean that a wife can’t have or express an opinion? What does Peter mean when he calls women the “weaker vessel?” Join us as we break down some of these tough passages and try to understand the heart of what Peter is saying. Quotes: “Submission is the divine calling of a wife to honor and affirm her husband’s leadership and help carry it through according to her gifts. It’s the disposition to follow a husband’s authority and an inclination to yield to his leadership.” -John Piper Adorned Resource List A Beautiful Design Sermon Series by Matt Chandler *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 135 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 2:11-25. Peter is continuing to explain what it looks like to live a holy life, and in this specific section he is focusing on submission to human authority. We know that this is a difficult and sometimes sensitive topic, but we try to break it down with grace while remembering that Peter’s main goal is to point us to Jesus! Quotes: “To be fully free, we must have the desire, the ability, and the opportunity to do what will make us happy forever. No regrets. And only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make that possible.” -John Piper “Our motivation rests in this: submission to authority is the strongest apologetic against the view that Christians are never up to any good.” -David Helm Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 134 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 2:1-10. In chapter 1, Peter told us to live holy as God is holy and now he is helping us understand how to do this. He is reminding us of the importance of our relationship with Jesus and our relationship with one another. We would love for you to join us as we continue to study God’s good and holy Word together! Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 133 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 1:13-25. In this section of his letter Peter is addressing the fact that, in light of the good news of the gospel, believers are called to live a holy life. What does that look like and is it even possible? Join us as we continue to study God’s Word together! Quotes: “The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.” -Jen Wilkin “If you want to judge how well a person understands christianity find out how much he makes of the thought of being God's child and having God as his father.” -J.I. Packer Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 132 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss 1 Peter 1:3-12. What does Peter mean when he says we have a living hope and how does that help us rejoice through trials? God in his infinite kindness continues to offer us mercy and grace, day after day. What a gift! We would love for you to join us as we continue to study the book of 1 Peter together! Quotes: “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.” -John Piper “He [Jesus] shares with the Father the fullness of deity and sovereignty, and it is the Father himself who is pleased to bestow the title Kyrios (Lord) upon His only begotten Son.” -R.C. Sproul “Then came the morning that sealed the promise, your buried body began to breathe. Out of the silence, the roaring lion declared the grave has no claim on me. Jesus, yours is the victory!” -”Living Hope” by Phil Wickham “The sacred dance of grief and joy” -Angie Smith “If you ask, ‘Why is this happening?’ no light may come, but if you ask, ‘How am I to glorify God now?’ there will always be an answer.” -J.I. Packer Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 131 of the Adorned Podcast we jump into the book of 1 Peter by looking at the context and the author. We then zoom in on verses one and two of the first chapter. It might not be a lot of text, but there is so much rich doctrine packed into this first sentence. Election, foreknowledge, and sanctification are just a few of the topics Peter is addressing. We would love for you to tune in as we study God’s Word together! Quotes: “The central exhortation of this entire epistle can be summed up as “trust and obey,” especially in the face of suffering.” - Reformation Study Bible “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” -Tim Keller “To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our self-righteousness, and fortifies us for any difficulty life can throw at us.” -Tim Keller Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 130 of the Adorned Podcast we announce our fall series… 1 Peter! Before we jump into this letter in the coming weeks, we want to spend some time discussing what the Gospel is and why it’s the best news you’ll ever hear. We wrap up this episode by walking through the steps of inductive study. If you’re tuning in this season, we are so glad you’re here and are looking forward to what God is going to teach us through the book of 1 Peter! Quotes: “God is always doing 10,000 things in your life, and you may be aware of three of them.” -John Piper “The Gospel didn’t just save you, it also keeps you.” -Jackie Hill Perry Adorned Resource List *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
The story of Scripture is God’s story of redemption through His enduring faithfulness. It is our sovereign, creator God, revealing who He is through the continual pursuit of His people. On episode 129 of the Adorned Podcast, we discuss some of our biggest takeaways from this series as well as some “aha” moments and challenges throughout our study. We pray that this series has been a reminder that God’s story is a good story. It is the best story! The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 128 of the Adorned Podcast, we discuss how God makes all things new and the book of Revelation. The Bible concludes with a vision God gives to John about the second coming of Jesus and the new creation.  God shows John many things about what is going to happen in the future. He shows him that there is coming judgement for those who do not follow Jesus and coming new creation for those who do. He urges believers to stay strong. And ultimately he reminds all of us that death will be defeated once and for all and that in this new creation there will be no more sadness, no more sorrow, and no more sin. Until then we are left in the already and the not yet but longing for God’s promise of making all things new. This is a good story. This is God’s story. Quotes: “The plain things are the main things and the main things are the plain things.” -Allister Begg ““John's primary concern is not the how and the when, but the Who and the why.” -Matt Chandler “God will triumph.” -The Drama of Scripture “The New Testament ends where the Old Testament ended looking forward waiting for the final fulfillment of the promises of God. Jesus reassures his people “yes I am coming soon” and if we understand of the wonder of what is in store for us we will reply just like the end of revelation “amen, come Lord Jesus.”” -Vaughn Roberts The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 127 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss how God shows us the way through Acts and the Epistles. The book of Acts begins with the ascension of Jesus. He tells the people that “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Just as Jesus had promised, the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost. More and more people begin to put their faith in The Lord and this is the beginning of the church! Saul aka Paul, a persecutor of Christians is converted when he encounters Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul falls in love with Jesus and spends his life spreading the good news of the Gospel. During his multiple missionary journeys, Paul plants churches and writes the letters (or epistles) that now comprise a big portion of the New Testament. In his letters Paul is instructing the Church on basic doctrine, reminding them of the Gospel, and what it looks like to live for Christ. The New Testament also consists of other epistles such as those written by Jesus’s disciples, Peter, James, and John. Quotes: “[The ascension is] The time when God the Father restored to His Son the glory that had been His from the foundation of the world.” - R.C. Sproul “In some Bibles, the book of Acts is referred to as “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” From the Day of Pentecost forward, the central character of Acts was not the apostles (those who had been with Jesus and had been specifically commissioned for ministry were called “apostles”), but the Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit went from Pentecost manifesting His power and person in ways no one had ever seen before.” -R.C. Sproul The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 126 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss when God comes to dwell with his people through His son, Jesus. After 400 long years of silence and waiting, we pick up in the Gospels with the arrival of the Messiah. Born of a virgin, in the most humble way. Everything the Old Testament was building towards is finally here. As a tiny baby God enters into his creation to dwell with his people again. He comes to seek and save the lost and to redeem His people. He does this by living a perfect life, dying in our place, paying the debt of our sins so that we can be reconciled back to our holy and righteous Creator. This is the pinnacle of the story, because remember, this is God’s redemptive story and this is how God redeems us. Quotes: “Jesus has two complete natures: one fully human and one fully divine. What the doctrine of the hypostatic union teaches is that these two natures are united in one person in the God-man. Jesus is not two persons. He is one person. The hypostatic union is the joining of the divine and the human in the one person of Jesus.” -David Matthis “The two natures of christ are so united as to be without mixture, confusion, separation, or division, each nature retaining its own attributes.” -R.C. Sproul “What God in Christ has done through the cross is to rescue us, disclose himself, and overcome evil.” -John Stott “it is at the cross that God delivers the deathblow to human sin and rebellion and accomplishes the salvation of the world.” -The Drama of Scripture The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 125 of the Adorned Podcast our friend and special guest, Courtney Reissig joins in our conversation on the story of scripture to discuss the Wisdom Literature.  In the middle of the Old Testament are the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. These books, written by people such as David and Solomon have been labeled as “wisdom literature” and are included in the story of scripture to remind us that God not only cares about our minds and our actions, but our hearts as well. They help us understand that the people in God’s story are very similar to us in the way they feel and express their emotions while going through the ups and downs of life. Wisdom literature gives us language to use in times of joy, sorrow, weariness, thanksgiving, and more. These books, much like the rest of Scripture, help us to reflect on the faithfulness of God in the past, present, and future! Be sure to check out Courtney’s book on the Psalms, Teach Me To Feel. Quotes: “Unlike the narrative parts of the Bible, the Psalms speak into a static time in Israel’s history. The narrative of God‘s work among his people is not advanced in the psalms. Instead we get a behind the scenes look at the mental processes and emotions of real people in that story” -Courtney Reissig “The Psalms help us see that real humans lived through these narratives.” -Courtney Reissig “The Psalms help us engage with God with both our hearts and our minds.” - Courntey Reissig “Jesus is the perfect embodiment of Wisdom.” - Courtney Reissig Teach Me To Feel by Courtney Reissig  Teach Me To Feel Study Guide Conversations on the Psalms with Courtney Reissig The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 124 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss the kings and prophets and how God proclaims that a true and everlasting king is coming. The book of Ruth ends with showing us the next 3 generations: Obed, Jesse and David, but we pick up in 1 Samuel with Eli who trains up Samuel as a judge. As Samuel ages, the Israelites demand a king so they can be like “all the nations.” God tells Samuel to give them a king, but to warn them. God shows Samuel that Saul is to be the first king. Even though he was chosen by God, Saul is not a faithful leader. He becomes proud and disobedient, therefore God rejects him as king. When God chooses David, the son of Jesse to be the next king God reminds his people that it’s not outward appearance, but the heart that matters to Him. David trusts the Lord and defeats Goliath, but Saul is envious of David and tries to kill him (this is when many of the psalms are written). God makes a covenant with David and he is a good king, but also often chooses his own ways and sins. His son Solomon, is also a good king and even builds the temple, but he also chooses his own ways. These kings show us that we need a true and better king. During the reign of these as well as future kings, God sends prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah to remind the people to turn from their sin and trust that a true and better king is coming. God is faithful and will keep his promises! Quotes: “The Bible, despite being written by multiple authors and addressing various subjects, is one grand story whose central message is about what our triune Creator-covenant God planned in eternity, executed in time, to glorify himself by the redemption of his people, the judgment of sin, and making all things new in Christ Jesus.” -Stephen Wellum “The Davidic covenant thus identifies more precisely the promised “seed” who will mediate international blessing: he will be a royal descendant of Abraham through David.” -Paul R. Williamson “God is reminding them that He is going to provide the true and better King.” “God invites us in to be a part of His story. I’m not the main character. I’m not supposed to be the main character, but I am invited in.” The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 123 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss the Books of Judges and Ruth; how God is faithful even when His people are not. After Joshua’s death, the people of Israel turn from The Lord and begin to worship idols. During this time God raises up judges to govern over the land and to deliver Israel from its enemies. Some of these judges, such as Deborah and Gideon are great leaders, while others are not. During this time, there is a cycle of God blessing his people, the prosperity of God’s people, the rebellion of God’s people, God’s wrath against his people, the repentance of God’s people, God offering his people forgiveness, and God blessing his people once again. The book of Ruth zooms in on one specific family living during the time of the judges, Naomi and her daughter in law, Ruth. When Boaz agrees to marry Ruth and redeem her family, the author (through the empowering of the Holy Spirit) is pointing us to our true redeemer, Jesus Christ! Quotes: “Judges tells a story of spiral down into rebellion and disaster at every level in the nation of Israel” -Craig Bartholomew “Throughout history, God has promised blessings and cursings, prosperity and calamity. The consistent thing, however, is that either way, God is glorified. Whether the people choose to obey or foolishly fall into sin, His holiness remains perfectly intact. His sovereignty is never threatened. Either way, God wins… although for His people, it is always less painful for Him to be glorified because they are obedient.” -What’s in The Bible “God is saying “there are always glimpses of my grace.”” The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 122 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss when God calls a nation. After almost 400 years in Egypt and terrible slavery, Moses is born! Because of a horrible decree he was supposed to be killed, but God’s sovereignty is a beautiful thing. He is placed in a basket in the Nile River and the princess finds him. When Moses grows up, God calls him to be the one to lead the Exodus of God’s people out of slavery and to the promised land. Moses doesn’t think he can do it, but God sends plagues and leads his people out of Egypt and across the Red Sea… on dry land. After the exodus, God gives Moses the law and 10 commandments which point to the gospel by showing our need for a savior and that we are saved by grace not works! God’s people (Israel) flip back and forth between choosing to trust God and choosing their own ways. Ultimately they have to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. During this time, God continues to provide for them. Moses raises up a leader named Joshua. Joshua leads God’s people at the battle of Jericho. Quotes: “Exodus is the history of redemption of God’s people for himself.” J.A. Medders “God was continuing his great redemption story, he used a slave mother and her infant son. God keeps his promises to Israel and to you.” Jani Ortlund The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*
On episode 121 of the Adorned Podcast we discuss when a shift happens in the story of Scripture and we zoom in on one man and his family. Abram. When God calls Abram to leave his home to go to a land that he would show him... he does! God makes a covenant with Abraham and he is obedient a lot but there are also times when he chooses his own ways instead of God’s. We see this when Abraham has a son named Ishmael with his wife’s servant, Hagar. Later, God graciously gives him and his wife, Sarah a son named Isaac. God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac. He is obedient, but God ultimately provides a ram for the sacrifice in Isaac’s place. Isaac marries Rebekah and they have twins named Jacob and Esau. Jacob means deceiver and he lives up to his name. One night, Jacob wrestles with God and his name is changed to Israel. Jacob has 12 sons (which are the 12 tribes of Israel), his favorite of which is Joseph. After Joseph’s brothers sell him into slavery, he has a lot of ups and downs in his life, but God gives him the gift of interpreting dreams and pharaoh makes him second in command over Egypt. Joseph’s brothers come to him asking for food because of famine in the land (they don’t know it’s Joseph) and he forgives them and takes care of them. The Israelites lived in Egypt and became slaves to the Egyptians. Quotes: In reference to the Abrahamic covenant...“It is a promise in which God obligates himself to his people. Entering into creation through an oath to his people.” -J.T. English “No matter what you’re facing, no matter how hard it is, God is using it for your good.” The Story of Scripture Resource List The Story of Scripture Listening Guide  *The beautiful music heard on today’s episode is by Katie Cobbs*