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The Compleat Dad Podcast

Author: Michael Marino

Subscribed: 1Played: 16


Which flavor of Laffy Taffy is the most disgusting? At what age should your child learn the truth about the fake-thumb trick? Why must the party who smelt it be held responsible for having dealt it? Join Scott Blumenthal and Michael Marino, creators of, as they help dads navigate these critical questions and a thousand more in The Compleat Dad Podcast, the world’s most trusted source of sage parenting advice. Support this podcast:
39 Episodes
Once, parenting was hard. The early years especially posed one tough ethical question after the next: Is it OK to use disposable diapers? Can I feed my baby food from a jar? Should I put my child on a leash? In this special episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, Michael and Scott provide definitive answers to those questions…and many more. (Well, two more.) --- Support this podcast:
Best Friends ForNEVER

Best Friends ForNEVER


In this special episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, Michael and Scott dive deep into the subject of friendship. How do friendships begin? Why do they end? Do our kids play by the same rules as always, or has social media changed everything? Also, we learn yet another one of Michael’s hidden talents. --- Support this podcast:
Greet THIS

Greet THIS


In this special episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, Michael and Scott examine the global scourge that is greeting cards. Who thought these were a good idea?  --- Support this podcast:
Driving Dad Crazy

Driving Dad Crazy


Watching a meteor collide with Earth is the most terrifying thought imaginable. Teaching your child to drive is a close second. In this special episode, Scott and Michael offer strategies for pretending to remain calm. --- Support this podcast:
Smack in a Box

Smack in a Box


Michael and Scott help dads ease into a post-pandemic reality in which some people will be required to wear pants. Also: Michael unveils his spot-on Paul Lynde impression. --- Support this podcast:
Pandemic Parenting

Pandemic Parenting


We’re back! In this very special return episode, Michael and Scott discuss the top 5 ways in which the pandemic has affected them—heck, lots of people—as parents. Spoiler alert: It’s not pretty. Make sure to check out our new sponsor Splint3va. --- Support this podcast:
Michael and Scott arrived at fatherhood in very different ways. The result was very much the same. A very special Compleat Dad Podcast if ever there was one. --- Support this podcast:
Our controversial Worst Game of Thrones Dads episode threatened drag ancient alliances asunder. We re-establish peace between houses in “Best Fictional Fathers of All Time,” a very special episode dedicated to dads who inspired us in profound ways, despite never actually existing. --- Support this podcast:
We LOVE our kids—no doubt about that. Other people’s kids? That’s more complicated. Determined by four primary variables, outlined in this very special episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, our feelings toward other people’s children range between the aforementioned LOVE and WHEN WILL THAT PUNK STOP WHINING? --- Support this podcast:
Michael’s discovery of our “podcast” from 1982—back when we were The Compleat Kids—results in our most special episode ever. --- Support this podcast:
Who’s REALLY in control? In this special episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, Michael and Scott settle the question once and for all. --- Support this podcast:
Doin' Damage

Doin' Damage


Every dad starts with an A+ in fatherhood. No one's been accidentally dropped, no one's been fed milk that should have been smelled first, and no one's been shown a movie that wasn't even remotely appropriate. (We could have sworn Ghostbusters was rated G. Really.) In this episode, Michael and Scott discuss how quickly that A+ becomes a C- (tops). --- Support this podcast:
Join Michael and Scott as they explore how having a preschooler changes the way dads think, communicate, and consider-if only for ourselves-whether that boo-boo in our tummy will require us to go poopy before saying night-night. --- Support this podcast:
Infants are eating, burping poop machines. Toddlers are are eating, burping poop machines on the move. Join Scott and Michael as they list the five ways to prepare for life with a human wrecking ball. For new dads, veteran dads, and non-dads alike. --- Support this podcast:
Join Michael and Scott as they list the ways in which becoming a dad changes everything: Things we once cared deeply about (like our own health and well-being) fall by the wayside, while things we never gave two craps about before (looking at you, paper towels) are now vitally important. For new dads, veteran dads, and non-dads alike. --- Support this podcast:
Studies show that more than 80% or parental anxiety can be linked to the phenomenon of goody bags. In this special episode of The Complete Dad POdcast, Scott and Michael explore the shadowy origins or goody bags and offer practical strategies for dealing with them. --- Support this podcast:
Putt-Putt Parenting

Putt-Putt Parenting


In this special episode, Scott and Michael re-enact the one true test of fatherhood: taking a seven-year-old mini golfing. You won’t want to miss this one. --- Support this podcast:



In this special episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, Scott and Michael help dads navigate one of the greatest challenges of fatherhood: awkward, forced small talk with other dads at birthday parties.  --- Support this podcast:
In this episode of The Compleat Dad Podcast, Scott and Michael prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s possible to read a child’s mind—and with startling accuracy.  --- Support this podcast:
Allergies to toothbrushing, dishwashing, and toilet-flushing are serious medical conditions beyond our children’s control, but seriously—they can’t turn off one #&@#^*% light switch? That’s all we’re asking. --- Support this podcast: