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Author: Kaleb Pushard

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Follow me on my journey 2 health, and see first hand, the daily struggles of weight loss!
17 Episodes
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I decided to take a 7+ Mile Jaunt on the Kennebec River Rail TrailKennebec and walked all the way to MIKA Augustaaugust from Hallowell, Maine! Got caught in a rainstorm, lost my license, had a great time! Check it out! #TheDailySqueeze #DidYaMissMe ? Kaleb Pushard
You need Discipline!

You need Discipline!


Yo whatsup JuiceNation! Got some cool things to talk about, #1 I'm creating a new group on facebook where you can share you stories, inspirations, weight loss strategies and much more! If you want to be a part of that group, go over to my facebook at and send me a private message and I'll give you the secret link to the group! :)
Yo check this out! In this episode I make the "Mean Green Juice" that Joe Cross makes in his documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead!" It was surprisingly delicious! Do you think I deserve my own cooking show? ;)
So these past few days I've been super pumped because my pants that I'm currently wearing, which were too tight a week and a half ago, are now too small! They keep falling down and it's driving me crazy! Time for a new belt I guess...
Latest episode of theDailySqueeze
Latest episode of theDailySqueeze
This can change your whole perspective!
New Microphone, who dis? In this episode, I talk a lot about what changes my body seems to go through. What struggles I'm currently dealing with, and I cover some of the low points that have really kicked me into overdrive to push through this! My body is going through quite a few changes and it's fighting me (my LVS is fighting me so hard!) I was told that I'm going to go to war with myself. I really didn't think it would happen because I've made it this far, but honestly... these last few days haven't been that great, I've been nauseous most of the day and whenever I drink my "meal" I literally am gagging after each gulp. Ugh! But I'm not giving up. No sir, no way! Be sure to share this with someone you think could benefit from it. :) ******************************************************************** Follow my journey on: Website: Youtube: Twitter: Instagram:
In this episode, you'll learn how I make juice!
Yup... I'm super happy to be making this life change... However, listen in as we get a little personal...
Feeling pretty nauseous this morning... I've read that that is side affects of Juicing. My body isn't used to all of this goodness :)
Thanks for listening to my podcast! This is super important to me and I thank you deeply for taking time out of your day to check it out!
Yo! 72 Hours! This is crazy! The pounds are starting to melt off and it feels really great!
The very first episode of theDailySqueeze!
#1 Journey to Health • Share your recipes!