Dead Reckoning Collective

41 Episodes
In our 12th episode we were able to connect with Justin Eggen and discuss his current books Outside The Wire: A US Marine's Collection of Poems and Short Stories Volume I&II. We talk about Justin's transition, his creative process and how he plans to continue to provide for his family while writing full-time.
Rok was (and still is) a Baltimore graffiti writer before and joined the ranks of the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment. In this episode, we talk about the state of veteran and graffiti culture and correlations between them.
Aaron Matthews
In our second episode ever featuring a non-veteran, we welcome award winning documentary film maker, Aaron Matthews to the show. Among several other documentaries that some of you would take interest in, Aaron is currently awaiting the release of “The War and Peace of Tim O’Brien.” Tim O’Brien is one of the most influential veteran authors of our time and when we were made aware of the film that Aaron had put together we immediately reached out to Aaron and roped him into the podcast episode before you. Check out this episode for some insight on storytelling through film, insight into Tim O’Brien and some other great topics we stumbled upon along the way.
Check out Aaron’s work and the film at:
In episode 23 we had the pleasure of sitting down with Marty Skovlund, who is a former 1/75 Ranger and held several titles at various publications before finding his new home at Black Rifle Coffee Company. Marty is the editor of the company’s magazine, Coffee or Die. Check our this episode to get some perspective on his previous projects as well as some exciting things he has coming out in the future. This was a great episode to record and we hope you enjoy listening out there in quarantine land.
In this episode we welcome Jessica Rambo to the show. Jessica is a Marine veteran, an artist and a mother who has recently transitioned into living in a school bus she renovated. In addition to her unique lifestyle, Jessica has started a charitable effort called the Paint Can Project, where she gathers art supplies from donors and distributed them to deserving veterans in 50 cal ammo cans. For more info about Jess and the Paint Can Project, check out her instagram: @paintedbuffalotravelingstudio
We’re back. Ryan is jumping into the mix with us and we are getting the podcast going again after dedicating some time to other DRC projects. On that note, this episode is an explanation of our audio absence and the book we have funneled all that time and effort into.
Rory Patrick Hamill joins us in this episode to discuss his ups and downs before, during and after his time in the Marine Corps. He identifies several stressors and saviors, including how a not-for-profit helped him to gain confidence and camaraderie back that he thought had lost after leaving the military.
In our 13th episode we talk to Johnny about how a troubled past lead him and many others to a career in special operations. He explains how much of his career was spent trying to prove things to others, which inspired the title of his upcoming literary attempt, "Proving Myself To Me."
Ben Bunn joins us to discuss how he planned his transition and coordinated it with the launch of his business, Cigar City Crossfit. We also talk about his experiences with the veteran community, nonprofit industry, health and relationships.
In this episode our guest and long time friend, Thomas Tartaglia, co-owner of Recon Rings and Tango Charlie Apparel discusses the current climate of entrepreneurship among veterans and why his businesses feel the need to involve the physical community in which they exist.
Sponsored by Recon Rings & Arrowhead Coffee Company
All music written and recorded by Timothy Mueller
In this episode Rob Cosman & Luther joined us. Luther briefly talks about his time in the U.S. Army and Rob tells his story from a kid cutting lumber to the craftsman he is today. Together they share their story that lead them to starting the Purple Heart Project and all that the program offers. Their passion to help men find the calm woodworking offers is admirable and inspiring.
In this episode we welcome Jordan Laird. Jordan talks about his time as a Marine Scout Sniper and his failure to make arrangements that allowed a smooth transition out of the Marine Corps. Although he has made mistakes that have severely impacted his life and others, he has taken accountability for his actions and adapted to his circumstances.
We hit some heavy issues in this episode as we are joined by Meaghan Mobbs and (returning guest and new collaborator) Johnny Peddicord. We talk about some of the pitfalls in the veteran community and what Kinetic Syndicate, the brainchild of Johnny and Meaghan is doing to challenge that. In addition to this being the first audio coverage of the project, it is our inaugural episode as the "voices of reason" of Kinetic Syndicate. Join us as we discuss who KS is, why it exists and what you can expect.
On our 6th episode, we talk with Mike Steadman about his path to the Naval Academy, his time as a Marine Infantry Officer and the internship at St Benedict’s Prep School in Newark, New Jersey that lead to the birth of the Ironbound Boxing Academy. Mike talks about the road to where Ironbound is now and who helped to get it there.
On the 5th episode we welcome Daniel Charlton. We first became friends with Daniel when he started the Homeward Bound Podcast to help himself and others through transition out of the military. Since then he has been inspired by his guests to go out on his own and has started his newest venture, Boondocker Supply Company, a motorcycle themed clothing brand. We talk with Daniel about current trends in veteran entrepreneurship, his family’s recent move to Texas and a variety of other topics.
In our 4th podcast episode we sat down with the CEO of @runenationllc , Ian Strimbeck. We talk about what qualifies someone to teach, responsibilities of firearms owners and the importance of verbal acuity in your “every day carry” inventory.
I had the pleasure of chopping it up with Paul Handelman about how he went from 2/75 Ranger Platoon Leader to full time Musician and part time Rancher. Paul talks about the difficulties he faced in his exit from the military but also how he is happier in his current line of work, making less money and working longer hours. We end this episode with a song called "Six Dollars," from Paul's newest record, "Unbridled."
Honorable mentions to Willy T. Taylor, Forest Beutel, Julie Campbell, Joe Pug, Tyler Childers & Veteran musicians: Nick Sterling, Adam Martin (Black Bird Anthem), Anderson Elswick
SONG CREDIT: Padre Paul Handelman, "Six Dollars"
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On our latest episode we link up with Leo Jenkins, published author and former 3/75 Ranger Medic to discuss life as a full time writer, husband and father while settling in Baja, Mexico. We get into the nitty gritty of Leo's daily routines with plenty of tangents and just enough direction to steer us back on course and break down the details of the Verses & Curses tour, which will feature 2 other veteran poets and promote their work as well as Leo's first collection of poetry, "With a Pen."
In our first episode we welcome Johnny “Grifter” Peddicord on the show and discuss transition, growth and the counter productive culture many post 9/11 veterans tend to cling to. Johnny is a former Recon Marine/Private Military Contractor and is a current Pre-Law student at the University of St Louis.
Direct all questions, comments and concerns to:
[Intro/Outro music written and recorded by Timothy Mueller]
“We tell ourselves stories in order to live...We look for the sermon in the suicide, for the social or moral lesson in the murder of five. We interpret what we see, select the most workable of the multiple choices. We live entirely, especially if we are writers, by the imposition of a narrative line upon disparate images, by the "ideas" with which we have learned to freeze the shifting phantasmagoria which is our actual experience.” -Joan Didion
Mac Caltrider has been a long time friend and supporter of Dead Reckoning Collective. He humbly submitted his own manuscript after years of writing about other people's books and eventually breaking into a career in journalism.
In his debut book, Caltrider takes us on a tour of Afghanistan’s IED-filled Helmand province, where every footstep is an act of bravery. Without a chance to exhale, he moves on to explore the messy world of policing in the wake of George Floyd and the outbreak of COVID-19. Caltrider then takes us up the snow-swept slopes of Mount Rainier and on a whirlwind tour of the United States, alongside Miss America, some of the Pentagon’s top brass, and a gaggle of B-list celebrities that more closely resemble a circus than a morale boost. As the stories progress, a narrative through-line emerges, revealing the complicated ways in which war remains with those who wage it.
In this episode of the podcast we discuss topics covered in Mac's book and how his thought process evolved before and after composing these essays. What we learn is it's not always so simple and we don't always get the full picture, but also that it doesn't have to make sense immediately for it to be worth it. The immediate experience and the delayed gratification is all part of the journey.
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