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If You're Listening

Author: ABC listen

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Donald Trump still refuses to accept the result of the last US presidential election. Now he's on the ballot again, and in his campaign against Kamala Harris he's calling on his supporters to make the race 'too big to rig'. In America's Last Election from If You're Listening, Matt Bevan leaves his basement and heads to the US, examining the chaotic aftermath of the 2020 election and what it means for the vote this November.

In 2020, the world watched as Donald Trump refused to accept the result. Trump's claims the election was stolen led to the January 6 riot, where thousands of people stormed the United States Capitol Building in Washington DC, in an attempt to stop the certification of Joe Biden's win.

But the effects of the chaotic events of those 64 days between the US presidential election and the attacks on January 6, they aren't in the past. They're shaping US politics right now, as America goes to the polls again. What can the aftermath of that election tell us about what happens next?

There's every sign that if the 2024 US presidential election is close, Donald Trump and the people around him will use a similar playbook to the one they used in 2020. While that plan was concocted on the fly, this time around they have spent four years thinking about little else, and election denial now plays a role in Republican party strategy. Trump rallies can be roused with cries of 'too big to rig', encouraging supporters to turn up to vote, so that the Democrats can't 'steal' the election.

People like once top-Trump Advisor, now-podcaster Steve Bannon, former CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery, and retired Air Force General Thomas McInerney, all contributed to a belief among MAGA supporters that the 2020 election was stolen, amplifying a conspiracy theory about a supercomputer called The Hammer and software called Scorecard that could change votes from Republican to Democrat on the fly.

This is a series from the podcast If You're Listening, where each week Matt Bevan explains the biggest story in world news while hiding in his basement from assassins and authoritarian regimes.

Previous series have focused on the United Kingdom's 14 years of Conservative Party leadership, Donald Trump's relationship with Russia, Donald Trump's presidency and promise to Make America Great Again, the Mueller Report, Vladimir Putin's scheme to destroy western democracies, how the relationship between Australia and China came to the verge of collapse, and Australia's turbulent history with climate change.

Recent episodes have taken a look at AI, Sam Altman and Elon Musk, Russian propaganda in the United States, the war in Ukraine, the Saudi Arabian project NEOM, the conflict in the Middle East, and the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran.

There's a new episode of If You're Listening every Thursday.
136 Episodes
After the 2020 election, Donald Trump searched desperately for any theory that would allow him to retain control of the White House. On Christmas Eve, his team called a constitutional lawyer named John Eastman, who gave them something to work with. Eastman’s theory relied on Vice President Mike Pence playing along. In this second episode of America’s Last Election, If You’re Listening looks at the theory the riot on January 6 was based on, and why Trump’s supporters thought it might work.Follow If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election. But if you watched his speech on election night, you wouldn’t come away with that understanding. ‘Frankly,’ he said ‘We did win this election.’In the months that followed, the story backing up that claim warped and changed, but at its core was a big lie about a supercomputer called ‘The Hammer’, an imaginary software called ‘Scorecard’, and a man with a long history of fooling the US government.And now Donald Trump is on the ballot again. Over five episodes, If You’re Listening looks at the transition period after the 2020 election, and what it tells us about the plan in 2024. Follow If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Within months of becoming US president in 2017, Donald Trump threatened North Korea with “fire and fury”. Soon afterwards, he would tear up a nuclear deal with Iran and bring the US to the brink of war. And yet that war never came. This is the story of how Donald Trump resisted temptation and kept the peace.This is a repeat episode, it was first broadcast on September 21, 2020. You can hear the rest of that series on our website or in our podcast feed: America, If You’re Listening.News audio used in this episode comes from: Arirang News, Inside Edition, CNN, ABC America, Democracy Now, Fox News, CBS, ABC News, and France 24. Follow If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
The world's most famous artificial intelligence company, OpenAI — the creator of ChatGPT — was set up to create a superintelligent AI, while at the same time safeguarding humanity from an omnipotent robot overlord which could enslave us all. So is an AI apocalypse possible, and with wunderkind CEO Sam Altman in charge, will OpenAI be able to protect us from its own robots?This is a repeat episode. It was first broadcast on November 30, 2023. You can watch this episode now on YouTube. We'll be back with new episodes from October 17.Follow If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
After years of tension, diplomatic cold shoulders, and mountain skirmishes, both India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping appear to be looking for ways their nations can be friends again. So what’s changed between the world’s two most populous countries? And what would a closer relationship between India and China mean for the rest of us?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
This month, the US Justice Department unsealed an indictment of two Russian state media employees. It alleges that they were funnelling millions of dollars into the pockets of American YouTubers, known for their contrarian viewpoints and controversial takes on the war in Ukraine. The YouTubers say they are victims of a criminal scheme and did not know they were being paid by Russia. But it’s not the first time that something like this has happened. There’s a long history of foreign adversaries covertly paying Americans to spread fake news to other Americans—it’s a move right out of Nazi Germany’s propaganda playbook.Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
The massive infrastructure project NEOM sits in the Saudi Arabian desert, and the jewel in its crown is The Line, a futuristic city which looks insane. The AI-generated ads depict a car-free city, for 9 million people, housed between two mirrors. Despite promises of millions of residents by 2030, the project has been scaled back by 98 per cent. The Line will be more like a dot. So what the hell happened? And was it all just a scam?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Russia defends its enormous borders with the threat of nuclear war. It’s this threat that has long stopped Ukraine and its allies from attacking Russia on its home turf—there are ‘red lines’ that can’t be crossed without nuclear retaliation. Yet Ukraine just invaded Russian sovereign territory and still, no nukes. Volodymyr Zelenskyy appears to be calling Vladimir Putin’s bluff. It seems the ‘red lines’ were done in red pencil, not red pen. So how does this reshape the war, and what does it mean for Putin?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
It’s a dangerous moment for the Middle East. Israel and Hezbollah exchanged heavy fire over the weekend, including attacks on a pretty unique pocket of farmland — an Israeli-annexed area called the Golan Heights. In 2019 then-President Donald Trump broke with the rest of the international community and recognised it as part of Israel. There’s even an Israeli settlement named after him. Now, the world is watching the Golan Heights closely, fearful that fighting there could escalate and become a massive regional conflict.Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
A shift is on display at the Democratic National Convention—from fear of Donald Trump to mocking him. After years of arguing Trump is dangerous, the Democratic pick for Vice President Tim Walz is changing the party’s attack strategy, calling their opponents 'weird'. This potential path to victory is not seen as very presidential. But could it work?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
In the early hours of July 31 this year, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in the Iranian capital Tehran. It's presumed Israel was behind the killing, with reports detailing a complex operation by its spy agency Mossad. So if it was Israel that did this, why did they do it in such an extraordinary manner, and in Iran of all places? The answer tells us a lot about the complex political situation Israel finds itself in, where it feels the need for revenge, but only in a way that doesn’t alienate its allies.Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Since Kamala Harris became his opponent in the race for US president, Donald Trump has argued that she is responsible for a migrant crisis. He says President Joe Biden named her the ‘border czar’, in charge of dealing with the unprecedented number of people attempting to cross the US-Mexico border. It’s a policy area that the Trump campaign hopes will win him the election in November. So what’s real, and what’s fake, when it comes to Kamala Harris and the US border?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Kamala Harris is the Democratic party’s presumptive nominee for President of the United States. But four years ago, she didn’t even make it to the first primary vote. They needed to pick someone who would beat Donald Trump, and Harris just wasn’t ‘electable’ enough. Whatever that means. So if she wasn’t electable then, is she electable now? Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
After weeks of speculation and acrimony, President Joe Biden has abandoned his bid for re-election, and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris to be his successor.This scenario has happened once before - late in the election cycle, a President bailed out and tried to hand over power to their Vice President. The subsequent chaos at the 1968 Democratic convention is legendary, and is something the party will be desperate to avoid in 2024.
When 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at former-President Donald Trump on July 13, the American public was ready with conspiracy theories explaining how and why he did it. And that shouldn’t come as a shock. Most Americans think President John F Kennedy was assassinated as part of a conspiracy, either by the US Government, Cubans, or the Mafia. They’re primed to believe their government is keeping secrets from them—because it is. Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Last week, the UK Labour Party won the general election in a landslide victory.In the past four episodes we've detailed the chaos, ineptitude and hubris of the Conservative Party during their time in office.So you might be thinking, what took the Labour Party so long to get elected?On the final episode of our Who Broke Britain series, how Labour went to war with itself — over policy, factions, personalities, Brexit, and anti-Semitism.Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
The UK election is being held today and polls indicate the Conservative Party will lose in a landslide.One of the key policies the government is running on is a version of Australia's offshore immigration detention policy, which was launched by prime minister John Howard in the lead-up to the 2001 election.Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's two year fight over this policy has not only been a colossal failure, it will likely drag the Tories down with it.So as the UK decides on their next Prime Minister, we're asking, who really broke Britain?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Britain's National Health Service was in crisis when COVID arrived in the UK.After years of increasing demand and flatlining funding, the NHS was deeply broken.One Chancellor called the NHS "the closest thing the English people have to a religion", so how was it left to fall into disrepair, on the edge of collapse, right as a catastrophic pandemic hit?This is part 3 of our series, Who Broke Britain.Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our Who Broke Britain series on YouTube:
British Prime Minister David Cameron took a colossal gamble when he called for a referendum on whether Britain should leave the European Union.Instead, he brought about Brexit and sent the country into three years of chaos.Cameron was certain his side — Remain — would win. How did he get it so wrong?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Watch Who broke Britain, part 1: out our entire series on YouTube:
When the UK Conservative Party won the election in 2010, they took a butcher's knife to the budget.David Cameron's money-man George Osborne — the young heir to a wallpaper fortune — had a big plan called "austerity," but it put the country on a journey to total chaos.This is the first episode in a four-part series called Who Broke Britain.It's about the past 14 years of Conservative Party leadership, all the way up to the general election that's happening next month.London was once the largest city on Earth — capital of a global empire larger than any other in the history of the world.Even as recently as 17 years ago, Britons were the richest people in any of the world's large economies.Since then, they've gone backwards, more than any other large economy.Britain feels broken. So, who broke it?Subscribe to If You're Listening on the ABC Listen app.Check out our series on YouTube:
Comments (68)

Clifton Simon

Bluff or not. Ukraine is destroyed and Blackrock have no interest to build it. Hello 2030.

Sep 5th

Brendan Heffernan

PolPot was down on education as well

Jun 6th

Brendan Heffernan

wasn't Hitla arrested before becoming leader of Germany?

Jun 6th


Also there's no evidence of "a soldier making mistake shooting down a passenger airplane", Except what the Islamic regime says. You gotta be naive believing whatever comes out of their mouth.

May 9th


Qasem Soleimani wasn't a national hero before hia death. Just another general in the regime but .ore known yo foreigners due to the nature of Qods unit. Zarif, the FM of Islamic regime at the time, started a propaganda (as he said in an interview), to present him as a national hero.

May 9th

Lis Stanger

Great podcast⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Apr 23rd

kate blizard

Matt, You frame this chaos so clearly. You show that mud is on everyone's hands and all contributed to this sad state of Australian politics! Thank you again

Mar 24th

kate blizard

Matt Bevan thank you for your work. Like always this third series lays out the truth so easily for all to know. so glad you keep educating us all

Mar 12th


Nice one. Gold: "MALCOLM TURNBULL: I would say, in talking about America and the West with Xi, it's a reminder that Chinese leaders have a much better understanding of the West than the West does of China." Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull know China relatively better than the rest of Australian politicians🤷‍♂️

Jul 2nd

Lis Stanger


Jun 29th

Jackson Watson

Can someone remind me what the name of the song is at the start of this episode please. Also, brilliant journalism.

Jun 26th


It's 1989 instead of 1999. How many times have the host got it wrong🤦‍♂️

Jun 12th


The host should simply put a "She" sign in front of him 🤦‍♂️

Jun 11th

Felicia Harsh

Everyone on the show is able to pronounce Xi... except for the host. It's driving me crazy.

Jun 10th

Shirley Ledger

Great episode! So glad it's back for another season and this one already fascinating

Jun 6th

Jennifer Thompson

What happened... so enjoyed listening to you, come back please!!! Are you?

Jan 17th

mina soleimani

I really enjoy your podcast...thank you

Dec 12th

Lis Stanger

Looking forward to the next instalment

Nov 9th


such a brilliant, well-researched podcast! I love this series! so good!

Nov 3rd

Peter Byrne

Great series!

Oct 31st