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The Pushers

Author: The Pushers

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The Pushers are a Norfolk, Virginia based sketch comedy group who pride themselves on their edgy, high energy, take-no-prisoners style of comic theatre. They have been called controversial, racy and dangerous for their handling of topics such as race, religion and sexuality. The Pushers revel in punching this politically correct in world in the mouth. And they make no apologies to those they might offend.
17 Episodes
Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk


What men and women really think about after sex.
Anal Ease

Anal Ease


Sue and Marcia discuss the trials and tribulations of butt lovin' over their morning coffee.
Bus Stop

Bus Stop


The Pushers present 'Bus Stop'.
Dr. Cliche

Dr. Cliche


Mr Morgan gets some very disturbing news from Dr. Cliche. The Pushers present "Dr. Cliche". Recorded live at The NorVa. Norfolk, Virginia. September 2006.
On September 23, The Pushers performed before 400 people at The Norva, one of the east coast's premiere concert venues. This is a behind the scenes look at that performance.
The Interrogation

The Interrogation


The Pushers present a new take on good cop/bad cop.
Creme de Men

Creme de Men


The Pushers present: Creme de Men... a very special spray for lonely military wives everywhere. The Pushers are a Norfolk, Virginia based sketch comedy group. They have been called raunchy, offensive, crude, morally repllent... but always hilarious. The Pushers have a new Myspace Page. Check it out at
Superman Returns

Superman Returns


After 5 years... Superman returns to Earth and the people he left behind... Lois, Jimmy, Ma Kent... but most importantly, The Superfriends The Pushers are back! We just wrapped up a five week run of sold out shows. Now we can get back to our podcast.
MJ -vs- Priest

MJ -vs- Priest


The Pushers present 'MJ -vs- Priest'. Recorded Saturday, May 27th at The 40th Street Stage. The Pushers are back with all new shows starting July 1st and every Saturday in July.
Ed Sings

Ed Sings


Ed Carden has been a Pusher from day one. He's kind of The Pusher's work horse. No matter what the sketch... no matter what the role... no matter what degrading thing he has to do... if you ask Ed to do something, he does it. No questions asked. He just does it. We give Ed a hard time. Not a rehearsal or meeting goes by that the producers don't threaten to kick Ed out of the group. Not because Ed's not funny, or difficult to work with... but because we as producers are kind of dicks, and sometimes we get drunk on our own power, and we like to make examples of people. For some reason we always choose Ed. And Ed takes it. Because Ed's a good guy. This is a short interlude where we let Ed have the spotlight... because well... Ed deserves it. This is an interlude titled 'Ed Sings.' It was recorded live at The 40th Street Stage, on May 27th, 2006. Oh and Ed, if you're reading this... You're out of the group.
Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee


The Pushers present Spelling Bee. This is one of the first sketches we ever performed. Despite going through a couple of casting changes in the past year and a half, it is still a huge audience favorite. This was recorded live at the 40th Street Stage on May 27th. (note: please forgive the poor audio quality, we were having mic problems that night.) Check out more of The Pushers at and at
The Audition

The Audition


The Pushers are back! After a brief hiatus, Norfolk Virginia's best (and only) sketch comedy group are back with all new sketches. 'The Audition' was recorded live at the 40th Street Stage, on May 27th 2006.



The Pushers present "Tribute".
This is the sequel to one of our most popular sketches from our Summer 2005 run. Clit and Poontang, one time best friends, now bitter enemies... once again meet in battle to win the heart of Fannie May. Find out more about The Pushers at and at
Scrappy's Dead

Scrappy's Dead


The Pushers present Scrappy's Dead. A widowed father and his two children gather to bury the family dog...and if that's not funny enough... well, just watch the whole thing. You can visit us at or No animals were hurt during the making of this film!
The Stooges

The Stooges


The Pushers are a Norfolk, Virginia based sketch comedy group that prides itself on its edgy, cantankerous, loud, obnoxious, high energy, take-no-prisoners type of comic theatre. The Pushers are notorious for their handling of topics such as race, religion, and sexuality. And they offer no apologies for whom they might offend. They also tackle such topics as literature, cowboys, eggmen, theatre, terrorism, eating disorders, beastiality, transgenders, the handicapped, handjobs, Tom Cruise, cheese sandwiches, pop culture, michael jackson, Stephen Hawking, anal ease, crayons, the Navy, meatloaf, french people, and BINGO all performed with a greasey comic tone and a splash of pure genius.
Conspiracy 101

Conspiracy 101


The Pushers present "Conspiracy 101". Recorded live on March 11th, 2006. The 40th Street Stage, Norfolk, Virginia. The Pushers are a loud, rude, and at times very offensive sketch comedy group. Check us out at and at