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Love Fiercely

Author: Keela Craft Ambrose

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This is a podcast for leaders. Not for perfect people, but for those who have a desire to lead themselves. On this channel, you will hear topics centered on God & directed towards people who want to get better every day! Episodes on Love Fiercely tend to get pretty personal - so, hopefully you are ready to GET REAL & grow together!

85 Episodes



2022 is going to be the best year ever… develop core values that matter to you & that are evidenced in your life - that’s the only way that they will work for you. VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACAMBROSE.COM



So many people are wrapped up in the idea that followers = real influence… VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



Lessons from making cookies, haha & a whole lot more! “A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM
Often we are led by our fears over what God has given us in the midst of our storms. We have a choice what leads us. We have a choice how we respond to the realities of life. & the most powerful thing we can do is give our power, our fear, our life to God & let Him lead us into victory. VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM
We all deal with having expectations and some of us are more aware than others which causes frustration at times with people around you and things that happen. My hope is that you can learn how to deal with that according to how the Bible says to do it and by also choosing power over being controlled.
'If you don't see God IN it, He's probably working ON it." - Keela Craft Ambrose The focus of this message is found in (HEBREWS 11) - additional content covered in the message was found in the book of Esther, Romans, Proverbs, as well as the book of Matthew and Ezekiel.  This message was spoken at Elevate Life Church on May 4, 2021. Follow me on Social: @KeelaCraftAmbrose Visit my Website:
“Be so busy improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.” “If you continuously compete others, you become bitter, but if you continuously compete with yourself you become better.” “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.” VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



There are times going through life that we can think that we're not making progress in fact we can think that we Are actually going backward… But I want to encourage you with a verse,  PSALM 37:23 - A person’s steps are directed by the Lord, & the Lord delights in his way. · We ask God to help us GET OUT of something… Get out of Debt, pain, trouble, hard times, a ticket… · But what if instead of just focusing on getting out, we INVITED GOD into our situations… · Sometimes the miracle is not in GETTING OUT of the situation, what if the miracle God has for you is INSIDE of where you are trying to GET OUT. · What if we started praying, instead – ASK GOD COME IN TO… Come into this hospital room, my job, my anxiety, my marriage… · God is oftentimes trying to do something in the MIDDLE of the difficulty, Miracles are only miracles because GOD moved IN adversity. It was only a miracle because it was impossible. VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM
Your influence goes beyond a bloodline, your family is the MOST important place to have & to build a legacy, but it also has a greater reach beyond you – for good & bad. YOUR CHOICE TO LIVE THE LEGACY YOU WANT TO LEAVE – BRINGS LIGHT WHERE THERE MAY HAVE BEEN DARKNESS! YOUR LEGACY STARTS WITH YOU! VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM
Often we treat Jesus like we’re in a long distance relationship… But what many of us don’t realize is that it’s by choice. Have you thought about your relationship status with God lately? Because the fruit of your life is proving the status of your relationship every day. VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



People say - "Give it to God..." but that is a lot easier said than done. It is not easy to give things to God, it can seem like such an elusive thing to do that in our daily lives... I wanted to give you a practical way of thinking about giving things to God and encourage you in this season to let God take care of the things that we cannot change personally. We always have a part to play in change - but there are certain things that we just really need God to step in & help us!  VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM
ROMANS 10:17 So, faith comes from hearing, & hearing through the word of God. FAITH (THE ABILITY TO FOLLOW GOD FULLY) COMES BY HEARING • WHAT ARE you are listening to? God wants us to come as you are — but not stay as you are! WHAT YOU BELIEVE (IN YOUR HEART) IS WHAT YOU SAY. • Think about it, the bible tells us that out of our heart flows our issues… PROVERBS 23:7 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. OFTEN, WE CONSULT OUR EMOTIONS INSTEAD OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. PROVERBS 4:20-24 Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, & pay attention to all that I have to say. Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. Avoid dishonest speech and pretentious words. Be free from using perverse words no matter what! YOU WILL END UP LIVING (ACCORDING TO WHAT YOU FOLLOW &) BELIEVE IN. • Identity is developed when you understand that God made you & He loves you. GENESIS 1:27 God created human beings in his own likeness. He created them to be like himself. He created them as male & female. VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



Too often in life we make ourselves available to the wrong things… Boundaries produce freedom in our life it’s important to have boundaries in your mind heart life and relationships! Decide today what you’re going to be unavailable to so that you can actually have the life that you want to have! VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



God does not create us or save us so we can just sit, He wants us to move to the next level & USE WHAT HE HAS GIVEN US IN THE KINGDOM – TO serve. It is interesting to me that we have this natural desire to be great, but we naturally do not want to do what it takes to get there. It can be so tempting to say, “well I just don’t know where to start…” – but we have so many examples to follow, main one being JESUS! If it has no value or no purpose… it doesn’t matter. What purpose do you serve?: Your income (money) - Your time (influence) - Your talent (ability) You are serving a purpose… does it matter? Does it have a meaning that is greater than you alone? MATTHEW 23:11-12 The greatest among you will be the one who always serves others from the heart. Remember this: If you have a lofty opinion of yourself & seek to be honored, you will be humbled. But if you have a modest opinion of yourself & choose to humble yourself, you will be honored. The greatest servant was Jesus. He didn’t come to rule. He came to serve. The greatest among you is the servant VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



So often in life we think that a SET UP is a negative thing... like there is always something around the corner that is going to ruin it all. But while the enemy tries to get us thinking that things are happening TO US, God is trying to show us that things are actually happening FOR US! God is setting you up to win! Through the life story of Joseph, I hope to encourage you as we step into 2020 & into our greatness - like never before! VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



We say Jesus take the wheel - then He goes right instead of left & we take back control. One of the most prominent themes of scripture is to trust in God, especially in times when difficult to do so. Although it’s not easy, letting go of your way is always worth it. Because his way is wayyy better! Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



Often, we are looking for the BIG things to happen… BIGGER IS BETTER RIGHT? We look for our dreams to come true, for our prayers to be answered, for our miracle to happen. But one of the biggest mistakes we can make, is to overlook the small. God can do anything all at once, but often – He does His best work in the small. We get impatient with God, & we do not think He is doing enough in us & for us. God often does small things – so that He can bring us along with us… If God gave you all your dreams & gave you everything He intends to bring into your life – you would not be capable of receiving it. We want the big thing, but we are not capable of seeing the GIFT OF THE SMALL. In the season that we are in now! ZECHARIAH 4:10 - Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin… GOD DOES BIG THINGS IN SMALL WAYS! MATTHEW 13:31-32 - …Heaven’s kingdom can be compared to the tiny mustard seed that a man takes & plants in his field. Although the smallest of all the seeds, it eventually grows into the greatest of garden plants, becoming a tree for birds to come & build their nests in its branches. VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



God told Adam & Eve they could eat from all the trees of the garden except one. So, what did the enemy do – he tried to get them to focus on the one they couldn’t have instead of all the ones God had given them. God has called us to an abundance mindset– to see all that we have, while the enemy tries to get us focused on only what we lack. NEVER ALLOW THE GOOD TO BE ROBBER OF THE BEST. - Family Motto · The start is to know good from bad. · Then when you mature – you can discern what is good & best. WE ASK GOD TO REFINE US – BUT THEN WHEN HE TURNS UP THE HEAT, WE BEG HIM TO STOP. · God allows everything into our lives for one of two purposes—either to bring us into a relationship with himself or, if we already know him, to make us more like his Son. · The longer you wait for something, the greater the possibility of disappointment. As you wait, you begin to think about how good things will be when your dream finally comes true. And if you wait long enough, your expectations will be so high that you will almost inevitably be disappointed because nothing could ever be that good. GOOD HAS TO BE LEFT BEHIND IN ORDER FOR YOU TO HAVE THE BEST. · This means that some good things have to go in order that better things may come. o This touches so many areas of life—how we spend our time, our habits & the relationships we have. o Some things may not be wrong, but they just aren’t good for us. & some relationships may not be bad, but they keep pulling us in the wrong direction. YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN HOW YOU THINK ABOUT LIFE: 1. VICTIM MINDSET: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? 2. VICTORY MINDSET: WHAT IS THIS TEACHING ME? VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM
I had the opportunity to sit down with world renowned psychologist Dr. Robi Sonderegger to talk about his BEST self HEALTH advice for people. He helps people deal with trauma & is able to lead people in a practical & applicable way. In this episode, we discuss the 3 P's - (Priority, Perspective, & Permission.) VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM



You have control. No matter what things look like... 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 - “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” God wants us to take our thoughts captive. Often in life our thoughts have control but that is not how God wants you to live... He wants you to access the power He has given you! VISIT MY WEBSITE: KEELACRAFTAMBROSE.COM