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The Finding Your Strength Podcast

Author: The Finding Your Strength Podcast

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Hi I’m Nichole and I’m here to help you Find Your Strength, in the kitchen, in the gym, and in your life! Join me and other fitness professionals as we talk about everything from diet and exercise to mindset!
41 Episodes
I’m going to tell you how to lose those last 5lbs without dieting!
How many times have felt guilty about eating “bad” food and felt really proud of yourself for eating “good” food? 🙋‍♀️ I’m definitely raising my hand here. This was my life for a long time. Food hangovers and walks of shame the next morning to the scale. It’s a shi$$y way live, and if your nodding your head then you know how shi$$y it is. Losing weight is a valid goal and 100% your choice, working on your relationship with food is a valid goal as well and all of my clients do that along with their weight loss goals. It’s not just about weight loss, it’s mindset too, that’s the key to sustainable weight loss (plus an awesome coach 😉) Client spot light: "It seems like every year I try another program and never gets me to where I want to be. Now I've finally exceeded all expectations by following the plan that Nichole specialized for me. I've finally reached goals that became unobtainable until I started this program. I got here because of the expertise and encouragement of my coach. I am much stronger everywhere and I have more endurance than ever. " If your looking for support for your goals or just have questions, email me at
On this episode I talk about how the quality of food effects fat loss. And I give you my 3 step process for sustainable fat loss.
Are you trying to lose fat? Do you spend hours on the internet searching for the best diets? Do you get sucked into spammy FB posts about bullet proof whatever and alternatives to carbs? If you answered yes to some or even all of these then please listen!  ✅First things first, stop blaming one type of food, it's not fat, it's not carbs, it's not processed food, it's too much fat, too many carbs, too much processed food.  ✅Focus on moderation, saying you will never eat ice cream again and will only eat clean foods is going to set you up for failure!  ✅Eat in a calorie deficit, make sure to get plenty of protein then figure out carbs and fats, figure out what fits your life style, not what worked for someone else.  ✅Lift weights, you want curves, you want a booty, strength training will get you there and has been shown to help burn fat faster then traditional cardio.  ✅Protein shakes are awesome, shakes and teas that promise to curb cravings or detox you, are a scam.  ✅Get plenty of sleep, not only does it effect muscle recovery but it can also slow down your fat loss progress. One last thing, if you ask any person who has lost fat and kept it off for a significant amount of time, chances are they didn’t do it alone, they had support. If you have never had support and have tried everything, it’s time to get a coach. Email me at if your ready to learn about coaching.
On this episode I get into tracking macros. What are they? How much should you be eating to lose weight? How to read nutrition labels. Restaurant food, free veggies and so much more!
On this episode of the Finding your Strength Podcast, I’m joined by a returning guest, Christina Nuttall, who is a fitness and habit changing coach. During our previous interview we spoke a bit about the mommy wine club, but today we’re getting deeper into sobriety and everything that comes along with this life-changing decision.  There’s this double standard of shame for drinking, but also shame for not drinking, and we talk about navigating life in your early days of sobriety. Christina also discusses her dreadful Saturday morning hangovers, when she started seeing the red flags of her wine habit, when she got really serious about quitting for good and the things she did to make this sometimes difficult transition easier. She also shares the truth about relapsing and getting ‘back on the wagon’ and why you need to go easy on yourself and accept that failure is sometimes part of the journey. If you are thinking of kicking the habit or looking for inspiration and helpful tips on your road to sobriety, this episode is not to be missed!  Key Points from This Episode: • The double standard of judgment that exists around drinking and being sober.  • Socially acceptable drinking and why changing your lifestyle is uncomfortable for others.  • Saturday morning hangovers, crying spells and depression.  • The sober movement and quitting alcohol without hitting a “rock bottom” or getting a DUI.  • Deciding to get fit at 39 and realizing that her wine habit was a problem on the weekends.  • The difficulty of giving up booze and accepting that backsliding might be part of the process.  • When the temptation for relapse is most pronounced and never quitting trying to quit.  • Looking at the different types of trauma that can give way to alcohol abuse.  • What about your spouse? Sobriety is a personal journey that only you can pursue.  • How sobriety enhances your true self and gives you greater confidence in who you are.  • Sober Saturdays and the incredible productivity that goes along with not drinking alcohol.  • Why sobriety does not impede on your life and how you learn to redefine what fun is.  • Dealing with barbecues, boozy afternoons and bars, and why leaving earlier is OK!  • Critically thinking about why you drink and whether alcohol has become a coping mechanism.  • And much more!    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Christina Nuttall — Christina Nuttall on Twitter — Download Christina’s The Ultimate Guide: What to do Instead of Drinking Tonight — Nichole Guerrette — Nichole Guerrette Email — Nichole Guerrette on Twitter —
Welcome to this week’s Finding Your Strength Podcast! My special guest today is Alli Elmunzer who is an entrepreneur, lawyer, photographer, wife and mom. She gives us a perspective on balancing all the responsibilities involved in being a working mom and the very real busyness that has often got you tired AF! The word ‘busy’ has gotten a bad rep due to it being overused and frankly, abused, but there is just no other way to describe what we women go through in order to keep all the plates of our home and work life spinning. So when we say ‘busy’ we mean overwhelmed! Alli talks about her multifaceted career, how she organically started coaching people on business strategies and how her law degree is opening up more opportunities in the work she’s doing now. She shares about her health and fitness routine, her two pregnancies and when she realized that she may be suffering from postpartum anxiety. We also talk about the negative role that a scale can play in your everyday life, whom intermittent fasting may be beneficial for and how to deal with kids who are picky eaters. Be sure to join us for all this goodness!  Key Points From This Episode: • How Alli transitioned from being a lawyer to being a successful wedding photographer.  • Getting into brand photography and how she segued into business strategy and consulting. • How her legal background allows her to help clients with copyright, contracts and trademarks.  • Her soon-to-be rolled out virtual law firm and how it will serve online entrepreneurs.  • Realizing that she can do law her way in a space that is right for her.  • Not allowing other people’s projected fears to prevent you from going after your dreams.  • Playing soccer and more about Alli’s fitness and exercise preferences.  • Postpartum depression and the immense pressure on women to lose the baby weight.  • Remembering what the purpose of a scale is and when to get rid of it.  • What’s the deal with intermittent fasting? And why it’s not ideal for women. • Which is more important: diet or exercise?  • Processed foods, kids who are picky eaters and tips for getting them to eat veggies.  • Why you have to always pay attention to your intuition.  • And much more!    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Alli Elmunzer — Alli Elmunzer on Instagram — Nichole Guerrette — Nichole Guerrette Email — Nichole Guerrette on Twitter — F45 — 
Hey lady, do you have a side hustle, if so this quickie episode is for you.  And if your looking for 1:1 coaching then shoot me an email at Or if you want a free 30 minute strategy session with me also send me an email.
On this episode I have my top 5 spring cleaning tips. Do these and I promise you will feel better!
On this episode I give an update on my current health struggles.  I go through dr. visits, my own insights, and the new 4 week hormone program I am joining.  If your interested in joining this program with me click here:
On this episode the girls and I talk about how we deal with self comparison and social media.
There's only one thing missing on this episode and that's, ME.  Sam and Kim were in Cali and due to scheduling conflicts I could not make this one.  On this episode they have a special guest Sarah Duff to talk about how to regain control and re-frame your mindset around food. 
On this episode the ladies and I talk about all of the mistakes we have made with nutrition and exercise.  This is a must listen so you don't make the same mistakes we did!
On this episode I walk you through a Chakra healing meditation.  This is my favorite meditation to help me restore my energy systems and release any blocks.  
On this episode we talk about all thing vacation diet and exercise!
On this episode the girls and I talk about our favorite forms of self care. From bubbles baths and wine, to pj's and bj's, we cover all the bases, don't miss this juicy episode.
On this episode I talk with my gal pal and fitness studio owner Lindsay Greening.  From college Volleyball at Texas A&M, to CrossFit Competitor, to Spin junkie, Lindsay has done it all. Lindsay has truly mastered the art of training and has some great tips on what to look for when choosing a fitness studio to workout at. We also talk balancing motherhood and our next trip to Cali!
On this episode, Sam, Kim, and I talk about our past, current, and future training goals.  If you want to know how we workout then this episode is for you!
On this episode I talk with Metabolic Reset Expert Kim Schaper. Kim gives us a look into her complicated history with food and exercise. From anorexia to being overweight, figure competitions to triathlons. She has been through it all and has come out the other side. Now she uses her experience and knowledge to help other women. We also talk about gut health and hormones and she gives us some action steps to get back on track. You can follow Kim on Instagram @kimschaperfitness or check out her website,
On this episode I talk with Sohee, strength and nutrition coach, about finding balance, common nutrition mistakes and what’s next after her successful book Eat Lift Thrive.
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