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Let's Talk Honestly

Author: George Cook

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Discussion of African American news that may get little or no coverage in the mainstream media. Topics including racial issues, education, politics, sports, media , and more.
15 Episodes
Y’all mad at Golden State like they are all the Oreos and left one, but most of y’all ain’t paying attention to what Trump is doing.
Defenders of the Trump administration's cruel policy of separating immigrant children from their families at the border keep saying two things that are simply not true and I'm calling those lies out.
With the backdrop of the positive response to his pardon of Alice Johnson and the National Anthem controversy in which National Football League players are protesting police brutality and racism, President Trump in his tone-deaf way has made an offer to black athletes in the NFL to submit cases of possible injustice so he can evaluate them for potential pardons. While this sounds good it does nothing to deal with issues in the criminal justice system.
I can't believe that in 2018 people are actually questioning whether comparing a black person to an ape is racist. Are people that ignorant?
There are theories as to why Trump cancelled the Philadelphia Eagles’ visit to the White House from low crowd size to falsely blaming the Eagles for kneeling. Here’s another potential reason.
ABC cancelled Roseanne Barr’s revived sitcom after racist tweets in which she compared former Obama administration security adviser Valerie Jarret to a gorilla.
The NFL passed a resolution stating that if players are on the field that they must stand for the National Anthem. Herr are two reasons I believe that this new policy is misguided.
It amazes me when conservatives discuss the African American voters not voting Republican and feel the need to run off a set of facts that for some reason they feel African Americans don't know.
This is knock against the happy couple about to be married or those that are interested in the Royal Wedding but I could care less about this “event”
Maybe it’s time to start fining people who want to call the police on black people who are just doing normal everyday things while black.
As a US Army veteran and even as a Democrat I respect US Senator John McCain. The fact that the White House will not publicly apologize for recent disgusting comments by Kelly Sadler is horrible.
Being black in America can be stressful enough , especially under Trump but black people that doesn’t mean we can’t say hello to one another.
There is a small but vocal group of black republicans who would have you think that the Black Community as a whole hates them simply because they are republicans. It’s a little more complicated than that.
I’m a proud black geek and I rebuke the stereotype of black nerds being weak or weird.
It shouldn’t matter to anyone that black actor Donald Glover is married to a white woman, but Glover should not bash black women to justify his choice.
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