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Author: PodMD

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Beginning in 2018, PodMD creates medical podcasts by doctors for doctors. It is a joint initiative between A/Prof Sean Mackay, (Melbourne-based surgeon) and Caroline Chaplin, (Director of RWS, a management company assisting doctors in private practice across Australia). PodMD provides convenient, bite-sized, educational medical podcasts for doctors to stay reliably informed and clinically up-to-date.
222 Episodes
Defining obesity

Defining obesity


In this episode of PodMD, Melbourne-based surgeon and researcher, Dr Sean Mackay, will be discussing the topic of defining obesity.
Australia’s health system is widely regarded as among the best in the world, supported by a range of highly qualified practitioners who provide safe, reliable, and quality healthcare for all Australians.  But do their patients agree and what do health consumers really value from these practitioners?  To find out NAB has again reached out to a large representative sample of Australians  across the country who shared their experiences with the health system, exploring issues such as wait times, access, affordability, and overall satisfaction with health professionals and the system. Here to discuss this research is Dean Pearson NAB’s Head of Behavioural & Industry Economics and author of the NAB Health insights report.
In this episode of PodMD, Cardiologist Dr Xavier Brennan at Advara HeartCare, will be discussing the use of Cardiac CT in Cardiology.
In this episode of PodMD, Claire Hall, Research Lead at Mindset Health, will be discussing the topic of gut-directed hypnotherapy for IBS management.
In this episode of PodMD, the Managing Director and Principal Adviser at Oxlade Financial, Mark O’Flynn, is here to discuss the topic of investing in an uncertain world. Oxlade Financial is an Independent Financial Planning practice that specialises in helping medical clients. They help Doctors use their income to build real wealth & reach the lifestyle they aspire to.
In this PodMD episode, Lending Consultant, Eyal Judah, from DPM Financial Services⁠ will be discussing funding your tax obligations, and more. This podcast is brought to you by DPM Financial Services. DPM is a specialist medical financial advice firm that aims to educate doctors of Australia to make the right financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. DPM Financial Services is all about you getting the right advice that suits your personal and professional needs and making sure you have confidence in your financial future.
In this PodMD episode, Consultant Karli Tsemetzis, from DPM Financial Services, will be discussing the dangers of finfluencers and more. Financial journey of a doctor is unique and complex. DPM Financial Services is a specialist medical financial advice firm that aims to educate doctors of Australia to make the right financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. DPM Financial Services is all about you getting the right advice that suits your personal and professional needs and making sure you have confidence in your financial future.
In this PodMD episode, Lending Consultant, Eyal Judah, and Principal and Tax Consultant, Dino Miliotis, from DPM Financial Services, will be discussing the set up and structure of private practices, and more. This podcast is brought to you by DPM Financial Services. DPM is a specialist medical financial advice firm that aims to educate doctors of Australia to make the right financial decisions and achieve their financial goals. DPM Financial Services is all about you getting the right advice that suits your personal and professional needs and making sure you have confidence in your financial future. 
In this episode of PodMD, NAB's Head of Behavioural & Industry Economics Dean Pearson is here to discuss the third part of the NAB Health special report. To find out how healthy Australians are, NAB launched a three-part special report studying all aspects of Australians health and wellbeing. The research provides actionable data, providing tangible insights to help inform practice owners, as they balance the expectations of their patients now, and in the future.   In part 1 NAB asked a large representative sample of health patients across the country to tell them about their experiences with the health system, exploring issues such as wait times, access, affordability, and overall satisfaction with health professionals and the system. Part 2 explored how Australians viewed their own health, including their preventative behaviours and attitudes.  In part 3 NAB has explored some of the most important factors for health patients when searching for a health professional. The report also investigates whether patients' perceptions over some key issues (including access to bulk billing, cost of health services, usage of telehealth, e-health, and data sharing) have changed over the past year.
In this episode of PodMD, the Managing Director and Principal Adviser at Oxlade Financial, Mark O’Flynn, is here to discuss the topic of medicine and beyond; crafting your ideal retirement. Oxlade Financial is an Independent Financial Planning practice that specialises in helping medical clients. They help Doctors use their income to build real wealth & reach the lifestyle they aspire to.
Bowel cancer screening

Bowel cancer screening


In this episode of PodMD, experienced Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist Dr Matt Kitson will be discussing the topic of bowel cancer screening. We discuss about bowel cancer screening in Australia, uptake of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program, how should people with a higher than average risk for bowel cancer be screened and more.
In this episode of PodMD, experienced Brain and Spinal Surgeon Dr Ameya Kamat will be discussing the topic of back pain in the elderly - non-surgical options, including how the approach in managing pain is different for these patients, the risks of leaving it untreated, the non-surgical options, the role of complementary therapies, when a GP should refer and more.
In this episode of PodMD, experienced Brain and Spinal Surgeon Dr Ameya Kamat will be discussing the topic of pain generators in the back and neck pain - what actually causes pain? Including what are the major pain generators in these areas, the major risks, the surgical and non-surgical treatment options, the indicators of a more serious underlying condition, some common misconceptions about back and neck pain, when to refer and more.
Ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer


In this episode of PodMD, experienced sub-specialist Gynaecological Oncologist Dr Rhett Morton will be discussing the topic of ovarian cancer, including how a patient would typically present, the treatment options available, the warning signs to look out for, the likelihood of recurrence, when to refer and more.
Vulval conditions

Vulval conditions


In this episode of PodMD, experienced sub-specialist Gynaecological Oncologist Dr Rhett Morton will be discussing conditions of the vulva, including vulval dermatoses, vulval pre-cancer, vulval cancer, how a patient typically presents, treatment options, the major risks of these conditions, when to refer and more.
In this episode of PodMD, NAB’s Head of Behavioural & Industry Economics Dean Pearson is here to discuss the second part of the NAB health special report. To find out how healthy Australians are, NAB launched a three-part special report studying all aspects of Australians health and wellbeing.  The report provides actionable data, providing tangible insights to help inform practice owners, as they balance the expectations of their patients now and in the future.  In part one NAB asked a large representative sample of health consumers across the country to tell them about their experiences with the health system. The second part of the series details how Australians feel about their own health and what they think about the services being provided to them.
Voiding dysfunction

Voiding dysfunction


In this episode of PodMD,  highly experienced and certified urogynaecologist Dr Rebecca Young will be discussing the topic of voiding dysfunction, including how a patient would typically present, the risks of the condition, the treatment options available, the warning signs to look out for, when to refer and more.
Urodynamic testing

Urodynamic testing


In this episode of PodMD,  highly experienced and certified urogynaecologist Dr Rebecca Young will be discussing the topic of urodynamic testing, including the kind of patients that benefit from this testing, how it is performed, the role of repeat testing, the treatment options following urodynamics and more.
Self-harm scars

Self-harm scars


In this episode of PodMD, specialist plastic surgeon Dr Suzanne Rea will be discussing the topic of self-harm scars, including the main challenges with self-harm scars, the treatment options available, the warning signs a GP can look out for, how successful the treatment is, when to refer and more.
Keloid scars

Keloid scars


In this episode of PodMD, Specialist Plastic Surgeon Dr Helen Douglas will be discussing the topic of keloid scars, including how patients with keloid scars typically present, the treatment options available, the conditions which can masquerade as keloid scars, why they are so difficult to treat and more.