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The Tower Church Gathering (TCG)

Author: Pastor Germinez Exousia - Tower Church Gathering

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Welcome to The Tower Church Gathering(TCG) podcast, where we give Yeshua the preeminence!

We put Jesus first in all we do. We teach and preach the Word of Grace in Truth.

Grace and peace be multiplied as you listen and share.
19 Episodes



You cannot be free what you've not experienced. MANIPULATION, in the beginning, does not seem like it. Only when it fully manifests that most people will identify it. There are always obvious signs of manipulation but it can be so subtle that we miss it until it's gone through its entire course. Manipulators attract to suppress; our voices and our choices. Identifying manipulation is not easy but it is possible. If you do things not by choice and do not have a voice, or an opinion on the matter or conversation, you are manipulated. Pray to God for the spirit of discernment to identify manipulators and manipulation. Are you manipulated? Do you know someone under manipulation? This message is for you. Grace and peace be multiplied in Yeshua's name. Amen.
The Kingdom of God is in power.
The Love of God

The Love of God


When we understand the depth and the magnitude of the love of God and what that means to us, we will have a different mindset. The love in the old testament is concealed in our ability to obey. No one could. Good news; Christ Jesus fulfilled them, and that's why we can talk of the love of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, revealed through righteousness in the obedience of one for all. We are blessed to be in the era of the full expression of the love of God, and that is Jesus Christ.
Who Builds Your House

Who Builds Your House


Every house is build by someone. The question to ask is, Who Builds Your House? Any 'house' without The Most High God will fail and crumble because of a faulty foundation. Jesus Christ is the solid foundation upon which every 'house' should be build. With Him, it is sure that it will stand the test of time. The house can represent you as a person, a family or other endeavors in life. We must take responsibility and charge of the materials we use or let others bring to us to use in our building. As believers, it is imperative that we are selective in our collective endeavors to be change makers and home builders. Who Builds Your House?
Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice on the cross of Calvary. He did what any good friend would do when there's an urgent need and sacrificing something is the only way out. The love of Christ was not based not built on feelings but on sacrifice shown in His ability to offer redemption to us all. May you see the greater good in sacrificing for one another.



Our entire relationship with God is founded solely on FAITH. God is the God of Faith, and everything He created, from creation to the present, was brought into being through Faith. Without faith, we are lost and have no access to the blessings available to believers. We cannot do the things that are required of us to bring glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ unless we have faith. Acting on and through faith is pleasing to God. It is what enables us to enter the throne room of grace. In Yeshua's mighty name, may we continue to walk by faith into the many blessings of the Kingdom.



We are justified because Jesus Christ died on the cross not just for us, but as us. He became sin for us and took our place and we in turn got justified by reason of His death on the cross of Calvary. We are justified by grace, faith, and believing in it through our confession. Hallelujah, I am justified by faith through grace and not by the deeds of the law.



There's always a set time to favor Zion (Children of God). Waiting on God's time takes patience and trust in His will and process. He blesses us according to the riches of His glory and not because we deserve it; it is His grace (unmerited favor). As a child of God, you are not disadvantaged in any way. God blesses the works of our hands and honors the words of our mouth. Don't stop talking about His favor and blessings. God's time to favor His children is always the best. TRUST HIM! Your SET TIME IS HERE! #TheSetTime



The mind is a powerful medium given to us by God to have free will and to make those life's changing decisions. The question is, do you know how powerful your mind is? Having the right mindset and being in the right frame of mind is a determining factor towards success and our walk with God. Always strive to have a positive mindset in everything and every situation. How much you put your mind to work will determine how far you'll go in life. The Bible tells us to have the mind of Christ and what that means is for us to have a mind of obedience, humility, selflessness, sacrifice, love, temperance, and much more exhibiting the FRUIT of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22).



"Trees can change their leaves, but not their roots"... this is true, but in life, sometimes the roots can be what's holding us back. For every situation that's holding us back to our destiny or fulfillment, there's a root system that has to be tackled for advancement to be possible. The root can be doubt, friends, challenges, family, and even career paths that are dead ends. If you must succeed and grow to attain your full potential, check your root system. The tentacles holding you needs to be cut off. There are some toxic relationships that you need to dissociate yourself from them. The root can be a sin, a weakness that's keeping you in a place of constant condemnation, but glory to God for Jesus Christ His son who showed us it takes only a word of faith to tackle the root. Let this message bless you immensely in Yeshua's name.



Do you know which key to use for which situation? If you know which key to use and when to use it, you're an unstoppable believer in Christ. God has given us the keys to the kingdom. We have all the answers we could ever ask for, and all we have to do is open with the keys we have. Keys grants access to locks. The place of prayer is where we get the right key to the right lock. That's being specific in our requests. 
Redemption is the greatest gift we have ever received. It is what gave us access to the Father after the fall. Redemption depicts the love of the Father in a dimension never before seen. We sold ourselves to sin and became slaves to it, but God, in His mercies and grace and by His own will, begot us. Humanity could not redeem herself. God had to step in to give Himself, His Son, as the ultimate PRICE for the sacrifice. WE ARE THE REDEEMED in Christ. Redeemed by and with His blood with three (3) nails. 



Isn't it good to know our God fights our battles for us? The children of Israel felt trapped by the situation they found themselves in. Moses told them the Lord sent him to deliver them, but here are they, chased down by the same people whom they thought they had freed from and a dead end in the form of the Red Sea that seemingly sealed their fate. But how can God deliver them out of the hands of bondage only to deliver them again into the hand of bondage? When you feel trapped as a child of God, and you have tried all you think possible to get out, BE STILL. It is at the point when every human avenue has been exhausted that the Lord steps in to show us that our dependence is on Him alone. Being Still is letting Him do it His way and how he always delivers. He made a way through the Red Sea. What the enemy thought was the end, God turns to a bend and opens another way. No matter what you're going through, have this confidence that God still delivers today and always makes a way where there seems to be no way if only we can trust Him enough to BE STILL and see His salvation. Will you BE STILL?



Have you ever been stuck in a place where you think there's no way out for you? Think no more! In this episode by Pastor Germinez of The Tower Church Gathering, you'll see from the Word of God that there's always a way out to the children of the Most High God. No matter the situation, God's faithfulness is unquestionable. It can be difficult but not impossible for with God, all things are possible to he/she who believes. Every difficulty faced by God's children as we see in scripture always had a way out no matter how precarious it may be. You are not different. It is the same God who made a way at all times then who is with us now. May you find answers and a way out in every challenge in Jesus' name...
Anxiety has become a word we can all relate to at some point. It can stem from our insecurities, family, kids, job, health, etc. There are so many things happening around us that can keep us in a constant state of anxiety, and this is a health challenge. We worry about everything, but it ought not to be so. This Episode from the Tower Church Gathering with Pastor Germinez takes us back to the Word of God where we have all the answers to the issues that affect us and society in general. We are anxious because we forget the promises of God and the provisions in His word. The Bible tells us in this message to not be anxious about anything. God is in control, we are always in His will to provide for our every need. May you find reasons to trust Him wholly and follow after His Kingdom and righteousness. He ADDS...



This message is all about the requirement that we believers need to possess to access without stress the blessings that our Father has made available to us. Patience is core to our receiving from Abba (Source) Father. Without patience, we may miss God's blessings in His timing. Patience is a virtue and a must to every believer to successfully walk the walk of faith. As there is Hope in Faith, so too is Patience in Hope. May you never miss what God has for you through impatience. They that WAIT (being patient) upon the Lord...
We have availability. Everything that our Father has provided is available to us the believers, but it takes faith to have access. To be able to receive what has been made available, the believer has to activate faith. May your faith grant you unlimited access to what God has made available.
The Amour of God

The Amour of God


In this episode, The Amour of God from Pastor Germinez Ediage of The Tower Church Gathering (TCG), we dive deep into the various amours available for a child of God. What to know, and how to make use of the numerous amours God has given us access to. The amours are there to facilitate our victory in battle we face constantly in the realm of the spirit. Like and Share. Grace and peace be multiplied in Yeshua's name.
This is a simple introduction of myself, the ministry and what this Podcast will be all about...
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