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Astrologically Speaking with Sheri

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Interested in astrology and how it really works? Want to know the truth about astrology & your soul’s karmic evolution?
Karmic Evolution seeks to inform us all—through astrological insight—how we may better our relationships, ascertain our true values, & find the courage to be who we truly came here to be...after all, isn’t that what life is really all about?
327 Episodes
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM when a new “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast drops at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. PT April 26 & find out more!Like how the Sun’s move into Taurus April 19 & the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus April 20 led to expanded knowledge & a rapid change in perspective concerning finances & values. This, combined with reduced frustration as the energy of the recent Mars/Saturn conjunction wanes, led to sudden U.S. Congressional cooperation & passage of funding for Ukraine--without which it’s predicted Ukraine would lose the war against its Russian aggressor.We look further at how the April 23 Scorpio Full Moon formed a fixed square to Pluto in Aquarius & how this energy manifests now through widening student protests against U.S. support for Israel its war in Gaza, & the growing backlash by authority figures. (Read: Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, Scorpio Moon & Taurus Sun square Pluto in rebellious Aquarius=expansion of student (Jupiter) protests (Uranus/Aquarius) over U.S. financial backing (Taurus) of Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza (Jupiter as the ruler of higher education, law, foreign places, AND religion.) We explore another theme related to these energies in the form of finances & sexual abuse--as Venus approaches a square to Pluto April 30/May 1--by Spain’s decision to hold the Catholic Church financially responsible for 440K victims of such abuse by clergy & others. Meanwhile, the Arizona state house repeals the archaic 1864 law that bans abortions there, & we wait to see if the state senate will follow suit. And then there’s the U.S. DoJ’s $138M award to female Olympic athletes abused by Larry Nasser, the official Olympic gynecologist at the University of Michigan, already serving tine in prison. Can’t get more Venus/Pluto than that as the two approach their exact square April 30/May 1!Join us at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for more on all this, plus Venus’s entrance into Taurus April 29, Mars’ move into its own sign of Aries April 30, & the third-quarter monthly lunar square of the Aquarius Moon to the Taurus Sun May 1. (Hint: This asks us to push through current crises in ways that resonate with the mission of this monthly lunar cycle’s inception at the April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse conjunct wounded healer Chiron by speaking out about our own & other peoples’ pain & suffering.) And finally, we take a deeper look at the overall meaning of Pluto’s station retrograde in Aquarius on May 2 until October 11. This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of each of us sorting out for ourselves where we stand in terms of morals/integrity, money, & power, & what we can discover from an intense exploration of the meaning of “soul” vs the allures, temptations, & trappings of the outer world…(Hint: Any personal confusion on what this means more specifically for each of us will come clear by watching what happens in the outer world & wider collective during this period!)Don’t miss this explanation of how all these astro energies blend together to manifest in the physical world through a look at current events & our role in them! See you then! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for more about these astro-events when a new “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” We’ll delve into the higher meaning of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus—the first time these two have come together in this fixed earth sign since 1941--& how it fits into the upcoming Scorpio Full Moon square to Pluto in Aquarius energy! (Hint: New revelations about necessary future evolutionary societal changes!)Along the way, Sheri discusses recent events within the collective related to Mercury & the Sun’s conjunctions to Eris this past week & what news they brought us. AND, how the Sun’s move into Taurus April 19 & waning Mars/Saturn in Pisces energy may calm things down a bit going forward, despite the currently ongoing warfare between places like Israel & Iran.Plus, we take a deep dive into Israel’s natal chart to see where past wounds (Scorpio South Node conjunct wounded healer Chiron) are triggered now by an opposition from the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction & the quincunx from transiting Chiron in Aries. And how this may determine this nation’s future actions/reactions, especially since its karmic nodal axis & Chiron square its natal Saturn/Pluto in Leo.We look also at where these energies occur in the U.S. Sibly chart. And how GOP House speaker Mike Johnson’s recent change of heart on supporting funding for Ukraine can be seen as the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction occurs on the U.S. 6th H cusp, calling this nation to once again “be of service” to its allies.This is especially true as transiting Chiron continues making its return & triggers the natal U.S. chart’s opposition of natal Chiron to natal Juno/Saturn (read: commitment in partnership) & square to its natal 7th H of partnership Cancer Sun. Translation: Congress debates passing financial & military support for Israel & Ukraine, & supplying humanitarian funds for Gazans based on the retriggering of its own natal wound. Read: The wound to its quest for independence from an overbearing monarchy, which led to its birth as an independent sovereign nation.Finally, the upcoming April 23 Scorpio Full Moon squares Pluto in Aquarius, telling us that change is inevitable as the evolution-oriented Scorpio Moon reflects the light of stubborn change-resistant Taurus Sun back to itself. Change is inevitable as a law of the universe, but won’t come easily, as the square of both luminaries to Pluto in Aquarius is already been felt by events like the arrest of 100+ students protesting the war in Gaza at NYC’s Columbia University on April 18.With Pluto about to enter Aquarius for the long haul on November 19, we’re seeing shades of the revolutionary energy of the Uranus/Pluto conjunction in Virgo from the mid-1960’s when the protests by students nationwide at college campuses were shut down by the authorities, sometimes brutally (Kent State, anyone?)We had a preview of this kind of energy when Saturn transited through Uranus-ruled Aquarius (a rebellious energy as well) from March 21, 2020 to July 1, 2020; and then later from December 17, 2020, to March 7, 2023. This is when we experienced groups of people taking to the streets in support of the Black Lives Matter movement—not only in America but in places like France too.Stay tuned for all this Astro News You Can Use & more by checking out this week’s podcast @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM (or any of your favorite podcast stations) starting at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET today! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST  to review the overall themes of the recent March 25 & April 8 eclipses, when they came into play, & where their influence is being felt most!We look back also as last year’s eclipses to learn how they’ve influenced recent events, including Donald Trump’s multiple legal indictments--& how these two most recent eclipses, along with Mercury retrograde, resulted in losses of three appeals in his ongoing court cases.We’ll look also at the recent eclipse driven earthquakes as symbolic wake up calls as Mercury retrograde conjoined Eris in Aries at the April 8 solar eclipse & then moved back to rejoin the Aries Sun April 11, the day of O.J. Simpson’s passing. We review how last fall’s Eris/North Node conjunction & eclipses manifested in former GOP House speaker Kevin McCarthy’s fall from power, & Rep Mike Johnson’s political elevation—all under the influence of dwarf planet Eris, goddess of chaos & discord!This podcast reviews also how, under both Venus & Mercury in the god of war Mars-ruled Aries—but Mercury now retrograde until April 25—Israel withdraws troops from southern Gaza but vows to continue its goal to eliminate Hamas. However, the message of the most recent eclipses has been to release old, unsuccessful, goals & to review, revise, & realign with new ones.In addition, learn how the April 8 solar eclipse conjunct wounded healer Chiron is playing out in terms of turning the tide toward greater healing for women’s rights to bodily autonomy. Hint: Mercury’s retrograde, so it’s one step back, but hopefully two steps forward as Arizona & Florida resurrect archaic abortion laws, but their courts allow referendums on women’s rights to abortion onto the November 5 upcoming election ballots—a move sure to bring more pro-choice advocates to the polls.And how we’re headed now for a Sun/Eris conjunction on April 14, just before the April 15 first quarter waxing lunar square of the Cancer Moon to the Aries Sun, as we head toward the Sun’s entrance into Taurus April 19 & the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction April 20! Will additional chaos result in more confusion or greater revelations that bring clarity?Join us for all this & more Astro News You Can Use at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM starting today! See you then! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN AT KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST--which drops April 5 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET—to learn more about how we arrived at this energy & what to expect moving forward…When we extrapolate current astrological energies out of collective happenings down into the level of the personal, we might ask ourselves now: “What dream did I plant at the March 10 Pisces New Moon that I’m now finding was unrealistic because I will be, in the end, unable to successfully manifest it out in the world?And where, at the March 25 Libra Full Moon, did I need to release any tendency to fight rather than create an environment of peace & harmony? OR where did I decide to go along to get along & acquiesce with others against my true wishes?And how, as we approach the Aries New Moon solar eclipse on April 8, can I recognize—as Mercury retrogrades in Aries until April 25 & Mars waxes toward a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces April 10—that I must reorient my creative aspirations into ones more concretely possible in the real world?This podcast outlines the major happenings within the collective since the Capricorn Moon & dwarf planet Ceres squared the Aries Sun & transiting karmic nodal axis at the third-quarter lunar square April 1. (Hint: Ceres is related to “sustenance” in the form of both literal food & faith, as it’s when our bellies are full that we can have faith that we needn’t worry about from where our next meal will come.)And how the April 3 Venus/Neptune conjunction in Pisces—though fleeting—dissolved any fantasies around the success of previous plans because they’ve now proven to be unworkable.Further, we’re watching now how Venus’s April 4 entrance into Mars-ruled Aries transforms the goddess of beauty & love into a warrior for relationships, which--through negotiation & compromise—can prove more harmonious & peaceful in the end.We’re challenged now—as Mars waxes toward an exact conjunction to Saturn in Pisces April 10--with the frustrating task of divining a new, more workable, plan for the future. And we have two choices with this aspect: fatigue & depression OR exhaustion after we put our shoulder to the wheel & work hard to achieve success.It's up to each of us to decide which way will prove more healing given Chiron’s prominent presence conjunct the Sun & Moon in Aries at this solar eclipse, which calls us to act in order to heal old wounds.By April 11, when the Aries Sun meets Mercury retrograde at their inferior conjunction, we will doubtless hear some kind of major announcement from the powers that be. And it will likely be something that’s revising an older policy or plan because, as noted, Mercury is retrograde--a time when we review & revise our previous courses of action. And it’s then we hopefully will hear something meant to promote further healing within the collective.Tune in to KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM to hear more details about how astrological events within the collective illustrate how these heavenly energies manifest on terra firma! And what else they may reveal at the April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse!Check it all out for more Astro News You Can Use & this don’t miss podcast episode that illustrates how real-life events enlighten us all about our future direction—both personally & collectively! See you then! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for the latest podcast, which drops March 29 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET, about how the recent March 25 & upcoming April 8 eclipses—AND Mercury’s retrograde in Aries April 1-25—kick off a long-term review of both current partnerships & creative projects!This includes a look at how the March 25 Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse revealed changes in our relationships to others—both personal & as part of the collective. In addition, we discuss how Mercury’s station retrograde from 27-degrees 10-minutes Aries April 1 back to 16-degrees Aries on April 25--when it stations direct again--provides us all the opportunity to review where & how we need to make changes to those which no longer inspire us. This Mercury retrograde period may stall the flow of our creative juices—temporarily—but the gift is time to review where we may have lost our mojo & need to recapture the kind of intuitive inspiration that helps us better plan our future. This theme is likely to be most prevalent when Mercury hits the upcoming Mars-ruled April 8 Aries New Moon solar eclipse degree of 19-degrees 24-minutes of the archetypal sign of motivation, ambition, & proactive assertion.This period is already activated since Mercury already conjoined this eclipse degree circa March 20/21, will do so again when retrograde on April 16, & once more when direct on May 5. Combined with the theme of this spring eclipse season, we’re asked to reorient our creative pursuits in order to release any stagnant non-productive energy & make way for something new—partnerships included.As always, we discuss also the specifics of where partners have come together to negotiate, compromise, & successfully change their attitudes toward each other, & where, sadly, people & nations are still at war. Given that the April 8 solar eclipse has both luminaries tightly conjunct wounded healer Chiron, we discuss as well how future healing may be possible since repercussions of the Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse last through November 20, 2024—the day the South Node conjoins the March 25 lunar eclipse degree. Which, btw, also happens to be the day after Pluto reenters Aquarius on November 19 for the next 19 years.If you’re ready to delve more deeply into the March 25 Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse’s already realized effects on partnerships AND learn what’s yet to come with the April 8 Aries New Moon Solar eclipse, then this podcast is a don’t miss! Join us anytime for more Astro News You Can Use, starting March 29, at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! Namaste…#
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST EXPLORING THIS ECLIPSE’S MESSAGE THAT  AN OPPOSITIONAL “IT’S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY” ATTITUDE ONLY GETS YOU SO FAR, WHILE NEGOTIATION & COMPROMISE OF THE “TRY TO SEE IT MY WAY KIND” PROMISES A BETTER CHANCE FOR PEACE! This Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse asks us to realize that true partnership takes hard work & the commitment now to release any romanticized notions that relationship can magically simply work--without some kind of realistic effort to empathize with those of opposing viewpoints. The Beatles lyrics of “We Can Work It Out” come to mind: “Try to see it my way, do I have to keep on talking till I can’t go on? If we see it your way, things may fall apart before too long…we can work it out, we can work it out…”But “can we work it out?” is the question as this Libra Full Moon lunar eclipse which occurs at 5’07 Libra at midnight PT & 3 a.m. ET March 25. Falling in the 9th House of law, immigration, morality, integrity, etc., & opposing the Aries Sun in the 3rd House of communication of the U.S. capitol illustrates the philosophical differences between those who prefer to duke it out with those who are willing to compromise for the sake of a higher purpose.The key lies with duking it out for the purpose of negotiating a compromise at this lunation, especially since both luminaries are waxing toward squares to Washington, D.C.’s 10’13” Capricorn/Cancer Ascendant/Descendant.This lunar eclipse has the Libra Moon standing alone against Aries Sun reminding it that independent action can only work for so long before some kind of partnership agreement can be reached. Negotiation & compromise is the only way to settle long term disputes in ways that may not make everyone joyous, but satisfies both parties enough in the end to forge a harmonious peace.This eclipse lunation is similar to the the Pisces New Moon on March 10 in that all of the planets are squished into a crowded conglomeration including from Jupiter in Taurus to Pluto in Aquarius. Back then, however, the Pisces Moon & Sun came together and were included in this fold, indicating both the possibility for a myopic focus in the negative sense, but also a strong sense of concentrated attention that could benefit specific areas of life. Now, since the conglomeration of planets is almost exactly the same--with the exception of the Sun’s move into Aries on March 18 & Mars pending move into Pisces March 22—this eclipse lunation differs basically because the Libra Moon is now opposing the Aries Sun which resides within this group.So we have a situation where the Libra Moon’s plea for negotiation & compromise toward a peaceful resolution of disputes between partners can be recognized in stark contrast to the ideologies of Pluto in Aquarius, the impetus for war amongst the planets in Aries, including the Sun, Chiron, Mercury, & Eris (Mars’s sister in Greek mythology & the dwarf planet known as the goddess of discord & chaos), & the realization that we all share in the Piscean commitment to help those less fortunate than ourselves. At this eclipse, the Libra Moon is separating from a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, & a quincunx to Mars in Pisces. The former denotes a potential agreement between partners through negotiation, the latter a necessary adjustment as Mars moves from ideological warrior in Aquarius to a more empathic & compassionate one in Pisces. That’s especially true as Venus now separates from Saturn in Pisces, a conjunction aspect that signifies commitment in partnership. Today’s podcast, which drops at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET 2 KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM, explores how we got here from there through a look back at this month’s lunar cycle since March 10 & the one from February 9, with a detailed discussion of what’s been revealed to us all since then & what needs to be released now. Included in this is a look at GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s chart & how public perception has changed over time due to transiting Pluto’s quincunx to his Leo Ascendant & the royal star Regulus, & transiting Uranus’s approach to his Taurus Midheaven. Whether he pulls himself out of his current financial mess—which requires he post a $454 million bond by March 25, the day of the lunar eclipse—or not, we look at whether this portends further losses in public support for him…Don't miss this enlightening podcast! Namaste...#karmicevolution, #astronews, #astrologically speaking, #astronewsyoucanuse, #librafullmoonlunareclipse, #lunareclipse, #librafullmoon, #suninaries, #marsintopisces, #compromisedrelationships, #venussaturnconjunction, #plutoquincunxascendant, #uranusconjoinsmidheavent, #donaldtrumpschart
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THE LATEST ASTRO NEWS YOU CAN USE AS WE MOVE OUT OF PISCEAN APATHY & INTO MARTIAL RESISTANCE WHEN THE SUN ENTERS ARIES AT THE SPRING EQUINOX MARCH 21!While Mercury’s in Mars-ruled Aries from March 9 through April 29—the sign through which he’ll next retrograde from April 1-25—expressions of angry impatience over world events such as those in Gaza may well continue to increase. This is especially true since Venus—in Pisces from March 9 through April 5—will join Mercury in Aries April 5 for the rest of his journey through that sign.What does this mean? Mercury rules not only communication, but siblings, local business & transportation, & “near neighborhoods,” including relatives like aunts, uncle, & cousins. We can plainly see anger building over events this week around the too slow transportation of food & medicine into places like Gaza, where children are dying of malnutrition. Also in Haiti where more than a million children--a quarter of the population--are currently cut off from food and vital services due to the recent violence there, according to the charity Save The Children.In addition, many domestic legal “arguments” have been heard this week & will continue to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court during the period of these Mercury & Venus transits. Venus in Pisces, is exalted according to traditional astrology, , yes, but that doesn’t change its propensity for naivete or the ability to play the victim or the martyr—which as Howard Sasportas points out in his book “The Gods of Change” are really two sides of the same coin.So, as anger builds over the mistreatment of others (Mercury is in Mars-ruled Aries & Mars highest function is to defend & protect those weaker or unable to defend themselves), while the dissolution of women’s rights offends Venus as she travels first through Neptune-ruled Pisces but soon will move into Mars-ruled Aries as well, as noted.So, issues of women’s rights as they’ve been flowing down the drain since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs legal decision in June 2022 (Venus represents how we value feminine divine energy) have ignited a great deal of anger which is only likely to increase more openly when Venus transits through Aries soon.This week, however, the Sun conjoins Neptune March 17, making us all more prone to feel for the masses who need protection from harm because we’re able to relate to their victimization now. When the Sun moves into Aries March 21, such empathy may turn into action, as evidenced by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer’s recent call for new elections in Israel--essentially to dethrone current right wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from power there.Sentiments of this sort are likely to increase as Mercury conjoins wounded healer Chiron in Aries March 20 & the likelihood for further commitment to empowerment for the downtrodden to increase may arrive when the Aries Sun sextiles Pluto in Aquarius (read: an opportunity for such empowerment) & Venus conjoins Saturn, an aspect of commitment & responsibility in relationships.Join us for more @Karmic Evolution Dot Com, when this latest podcast drops at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET today--including Mars’s movement into Neptune ruled Pisces March 22 & Venus’s sextile to Jupiter March 24, as we move toward the upcoming March 25 Libra Full Moon solar eclipse! See you then! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM ON MARCH 9 TO LEARN HOW THE MESSAGES OF THE LAST AQUARIUS NEW MOON FEBRUARY 9 LEAD US NOW TO PLANT SEEDS OF RECOGNITION THAT WE’RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER AT THE PISCES NEW MOON!This week’s podcast reviews the deeper meaning of the last monthly lunar cycle (hint: it’s about learning that not all dreams are capable of becoming reality) & illustrates that when we’re in a time of confusion the Pisces New Moon phase will remind us that from chaos comes clarity!The Pisces New Moon, at 20-degrees 16-minutes Pisces at 2 a.m. PT & 5 a.m. ET March 10, has both luminaries sandwiched between planets in only four other signs—from Pluto at 1’27” Aquarius through Uranus at 19’52 Taurus, concentrating our energies now. On one hand we may be more myopic (read: more subjective than objective), but on the other more focused & better able to concentrate.However, with the Moon, Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and Hygeia--the goddess asteroid of health--all in Pisces, things have been murky for a while. As we emerge from the Aquarius New Moon square Uranus in Taurus cycle—which represented sudden shifts in our ideological values, particularly as they relate to our partnerships—we’ll soon be called to express empathy for others, especially since the Mercury/Neptune conjunction of March 8.We’re tasked now with releasing all wishful or fantastical thinking & grounding the planting of our new Moon seeds into caring for others through the knowledge that we are all one; all part of the greater collective’s energies; all brothers & sisters under the skin.With Juno, the goddess asteroid of partnership, opposing Saturn, however, this might not prove so easy. Some of this was illustrated at President Biden’s State of the Union address March 7, as we waxed toward March 8’s Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces.While he expressed the urgency of March 9’s Mars/Uranus square by saying “I see a future of defending democracy where we protect our right to freedoms, not take them away,” the GOP rebuttal from Alabama Senator Katie Britt’s exposed to a wide audience the GOP’s more dystopian view.This ideological schism could not be wider and, though in play for quite some time now, it’s the Pisces New Moon that will remind us that “no man is an island, no man stands alone…each man’s joy is joy to me, each man’s grief is my own.” If we can get with that program, ideological differences can dissolve & true caring for our fellow human beings can rise to the surface…Join Sheri @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for a look at these ongoing energies & for more Astro News You Can Use, including more about the greater messages this Pisces New Moon brings us all!
JOIN ASTROLOGER SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S “KARMIC EVOLUTION’S ASTROLOGICALLY SPEAKING!” PODCAST for a discussion of how the bigger astro picture is shaping the future both in the U.S. & globally…This podcast explores how the current 36-year Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn cycle, which began January 12, 2020, is bringing new alignments in terms of partnerships—which is happening as we head toward the end of the 36-year cycle of Saturn to Neptune starting in early 2026.We look back at past Saturn/Pluto & Saturn/Neptune cycles as we head toward the beginning of the new Saturn/Neptune cycle which begins February 20, 2026, for the next 36 years. Learn the historical facts related to these astrological cycles & how they pose similar questions for our future…Will the new world order forming now—especially since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine two years ago has strengthened the NATO alliance—portend the weakening of America as a dominant world power? Especially with the current chaos in Congress & the uncertainty around the November 5 U.S. presidential election?All this as Pluto’s about to enter Aquarius for the next 19 years on November 19, 2024, until March 2043, & we’re still dealing with the repercussions of the U.S. Pluto return. This podcast explores, too, the repercussions of the once every 162-year Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces, which began its new cycle on April 12, 2022. We note how, since then, there’s been a major dissolution (read: Neptune & Jupiter-ruled Pisces) of boundaries concerning all things Jupiterian--including law, higher education, immigration, & religion. Join us to look at the astrological macrocosm of these bigger planetary cycle shifts as they are applied to the microcosm of what’s happening now!That’s as in what occurred when the Pisces Sun, Mercury, & Saturn conjoined on February 28. On last week’s podcast Sheri noted how a Sun/Mercury conjunction usually portends a major announcement by someone of import, such as a head of state or someone in a high position, be it a politician, celebrity, or other prominent personage.However, this conjunction included serious Saturn—& was in the archetypal sign of Neptune-ruled Pisces, which cast a cloud of confusion over whether such an announcement would actually come to pass. And major announcements we had! From the stepping down of Senator Mitch McConnell as minority leader of the Senate, to the confusing statement by President Biden indicating an Israeli/Hamas ceasefire was near, to the Supreme Court’s announcement it would take up Donald Trump’s presidential immunity claims & cause more delay, & more!Join us to grow in consciousness via an interesting astrological conversation about this & more Astro News You Can Use as we approach the March 3 third-quarter monthly lunar square following the February 24 Virgo Full Moon which asked us to release our attachment to believing in things that prove to be factually untrue in the end. You know, like that the fact that “billionaire” Donald Trump can’t easily afford to put up $464 million in escrow while he appeals his recent NYS financial judgment in court—stuff like that!Don’t miss this interesting “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM (or your favorite podcast station) which drops today March 1 & learn more about how long-term astrological energies work in the REAL world! Looking forward to seeing you later! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN@KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S, for a deeper exploration of how the Virgo Moon sheds light on the tall tales spun by the Pisces Sun, Mercury, & Saturn that lack factual foundation & how this changes our perspective regarding our future ideologies, including about all things political.As we approach the February 24 Virgo Full Moon at 4:30 a.m. PT & 7:30 a.m. ET, & the “just the facts, ma’m” Virgo Moon reflects back to the Pisces Sun, Mercury, & Saturn, its rigid notions that apocryphal imaginings are “real,” the Venus/Jupiter square likewise illustrates the over the top exaggeration of such false narratives (such as, for example, the dispelling of the GOP’s “Biden bribery scheme” as fabricated by a Russian operative who lied.)This change in ideologies about who and what to trust as time goes by has been part of the monthly lunar cycle’s intent since the Aquarius Full Moon February 9 & the cycle’s first-quarter square February 16. Both were times when sudden shocking news—from Donald Trump’s refusal to ally with protecting NATO nations on February 10 to the news of “the faker” in the Biden bribery case February 15. And then there’s the sudden shocking death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a Russian penal colony at the age of 47 most likely at the hands of his nemesis strongman Vladimir Putin on February 16Join us to learn what’s followed, including the change in perspectives by those both within & without the U.S. as the GOP continues to further suppress women’s rights here in the U.S. through limiting their rights to bodily autonomy via a recent judge’s anti IVF ruling.There’s more Astro News You Can Use, as we examine the astrological energies leading up to this Virgo Full Moon & what will likely occur—especially through the potential for more major announcements between now and February 28 when the Pisces Sun, Mercury, & Saturn conjoin. And that’s after Mars squares Jupiter—a potentially explosive energy—occurs on February 27.)The hope is that whatever this announcement entails, it will bring further closure to how those tall tales spun—particularly since Trump’s cries of election fraud since 2020—may finally be put to rest through t
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM We revisit what occurred during Pluto’s journey into Capricorn (& retrograde into Sagittarius) between January 26 & November 27, 2008, when he entered the Saturn-ruled sign of foundational security. And then apply this history to Pluto’s first dip into ideological group-oriented Aquarius March 23, 2023, & his retrogrades back into Capricorn until he reenters Aquarius November 19, 2024, until 2043…It's when a slow-moving planet like Pluto moves into a new sign that we get the biggest bang. And in November 2008 the world experienced a financial crisis like no other, sparked by the crisis in the U.S. housing market due to knowledge of how hidden predatory lending practices came to the surface & broke the system. Then, it was about the Plutonic transformation of all things Saturn/Capricorn related: business, banking, assets, wealth, both corporate & personal finances, etc., as what became known as the “Global Financial Crisis” is now known as most severe worldwide economic crisis since the Great Depression of 1929.This podcast compares that time with the similarly rocky time now as Pluto has already entered Aquarius March 23, 2023, & continues to retrograde back into Capricorn until he reenters Aquarius November 19, 2024 until he first dips his toe into Pisces in 2043. Only now, it’s about transformation to all things fixed air sign Aquarius, including political ideologies & the hardening of such ideologies into different groups.While since 2008 we watched financial foundations crack & subsequent reforms made to the system, now we are watching ideological foundations grow father apart, not only in the U.S. but throughout the world. As Pluto’s in its nascent stages of entering Aquarius for the long term, the question becomes: Will history repeat itself &, if so, how? What are the foundational cracks that we’ve been ignoring that may well widen into another global crisis, but this time one with an Aquarian theme?Join us for this discussion, along with how Pluto’s journey into Aquarius now coincides with the already triggered U.S. Pluto return to its position in 1776 at this country’s birth, & how the widening set of ideological beliefs between different groups may ultimately play out.We look also at this week’s Astro News You Can Use, including the waxing first quarter monthly lunar square of the Taurus Moon to the Aquarius Sun February 16, part of the Aquarius New Moon square Uranus cycle that began February 9 which revealed several shocking surprises via the collective. Changes to our sense of security (& therefore our values) abound as this monthly lunar cycle waxes—find out more about the astrological implications of this by tuning in to this week’s podcast!We review also how the March 13/14 Mars/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius manifested, true to form, as violence in places like Kansas City, MO, by February 15. And the upcoming entrance of Venus into Aquarius & the Sun’s square to Uranus February 16, the Venus/Pluto conjunction February 17, followed by the Sun’s move into empathic Pisces on February 18. In addition, there’s the Venus/Mars conjunction February 21/22, & Mercury’s move into Pisces February 22/23, as we gear up for the Virgo Full Moon’s release on February 24!Join us for all this & more @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM, starting today! See you soon! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK'S PODCAST First we look back at the momentous after-effects of the Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Aquarius from February 5 when Mercury joined the Sun & Pluto in the sign of independence, technology, humanity, & democracy. Mercury, the god of communication had a lot to say about these subjects when he met up with Pluto, god of the underworld who represents death & rebirth, power, sex, & finances in the form of joint resources & other peoples' money.This podcast discusses the astrology behind recent announcements between February 5-8 that carry such themes. For example, word of King Charles III's cancer diagnosis, Donald Trump's appeals court loss of his ability to claim immunity in his federal criminal case--a major milestone in protecting the U.S. democratic legal system from extinction--& U.S. House of Representative's speaker Mike Johnson's miscalculation that group votes would go his way.These are just a few examples of repercussions of the February 5 Mercury/Pluto conjunction--another one being the announcement that at least 32 of the 136 hostages still held by Hamas (or their proxies) in Gaza since October 7 are now dead. (Mercury/Pluto=messages about death. )Also dead now is the effort to impeach President Joe Biden via the release February 8 of the special prosecutor's report that he did no wrong in the classified documents investigation, & a hard “no” from Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu on the latest proposed Israel/Hamas ceasefire for hostages deal.And then, post the ME/PL conjunction & as we waxed toward the potential disruptive energies of the Sun/Uranus square February 8, there's FL Rep Matt Gaetz's introduction of a resolution in the House to kill Trump's liability based on Section 3 or the 14th Amendment. While February 8’s Supreme Court arguments centered on Trump's disqualification from the Colorado presidential ballot on the grounds that he participated in insurrection, Section 3 states that Congress can "remove such a a vote of two-thirds of each House."If successful, which is unlikely, passage of such a resolution by both Houses of Congress would shield all 147 GOP House & Senate members who voted to accept fake electors & thereby obstruct justice on the evening of the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Understanding this with greater clarity might help change some voters’ minds as primary season gets seriously underway soon…It's the Aquarius New Moon square Uranus in Taurus that may bring us such revelations (shocking or otherwise) since it follows the Sun/Uranus square from Feb 8 & is followed by a Mercury/Jupiter square February 10, indicating that overlooked details such as this resolution’s import may provide the death knell to democracy as we know it.That sloppy thinking may reveal important details is evident in Mike Johnson's declaration that, though he lost the House vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas AND on the bipartisan immigration bill that included aid for Ukraine, Israel, & humanitarian assistance for certain regions, including Gaza, he's promised to try again on the former.Meanwhile, we're headed to a new synodic cycle between Mars & Pluto in Aquarius after Mars enters Aquarius February 12/13 & conjoins Pluto on the 13/14. Happy Valentine's Day as this potentially intense, volatile, explosive energy is bound to result in some fireworks--the only question is whether this energy proves positive or negative in nature. Stay tuned, because after that Venus enters Aquarius & Mercury squares Uranus February 16, while there's then a Venus/Pluto conjunction February 17.The one thing we know for sure is that there are some volatile days ahead as Biden begins to criticize Israel's actions in Gaza as "over the top," Tucker Carlson interviews Russia's strongman Vladimir Putin & aids its anti-western propaganda machine, & Donald Trump moves toward a possible federal criminal trial after all...Check out the latest podcast @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM, & we’ll see you then! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR A LOOK AT HOW THE THIRD QUARTER MONTHLY LUNAR SQUARE OF THE SCORPIO MOON TO THE AQUARIUS SUN HAS RESULTED IN AGREEMENT & GREATER EMPOWERMENT IN VARIOUS GROUPS TO DATE!This week’s podcast looks at how the larger themes of this month’s lunar cycle since the Capricorn New Moon squared the Nodes & Jupiter on January 11 have played out—& ahead to the upcoming February 9 Aquarius New Moon square Uranus & trine/sextile the Nodes. When a leader of the pack emerged at the Leo Full Moon January 25, we were cautioned about over-optimism. Now we look ahead to see how group ideologies may change with the Aquarius New Moon.This podcast also takes a look at Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, very bad, no good, day in court when a jury verdict slammed him with an $83 million judgment based on defamation via tracing the Mars/Pluto synodic cycle in his chart.Did you know his first defamatory tweet went out on June 20, 2019, just as transiting Mars in Cancer was conjoining his natal Saturn/Venus in Cancer AND opposing transiting Pluto as it, was opposing his natal conjunction? K, well come find out more about how the transiting Mars/Pluto cycle has resulted in some “interesting” setbacks for Trump over the past few years. (Hint: most of them financial since Pluto represents joint resources & other peoples’ money!) AND how this cycle may play when Mars opposes Pluto exact two days before the U.S. presidential election November 5.We look also at agreements made at this third-quarter waning lunar square involving passage in the U.S. House of Representatives—which overrode GOP right wingers objections to pass a $78 Billion Tax Relief for American Families Workers Act designed to extend the child credit & benefit small businesses. Likewise, we take a gander at how European Union leaders banded together to convince Hungary’s Viktor Orban to approve a landmark 50 billion euro (US $54 billion) fund for Ukraine that will help the country stay afloat for the next four years, despite U.S. aid remaining stymied in Congress.AND, can we notice the effects of Uranus’s recent station direct in Taurus on January 26/27 during the recent U.S. Congressional hearing about regulating social media platforms (read: technology) to prevent child abuse? Or the fact that Universal Music seemingly suddenly pulled it license with Tik Tok to play major artists’ music on that platform (think Taylor Swift, Drake, U2, Ariana Grande, & you’ll get the picture!), & the music of those artists (& others’) suddenly disappeared on the eve of the February 2 third-quarter lunar square.Join us for all this & more Astro News You Can Use—including Mercury’s entrance into Aquarius & meet up with Pluto February 5, & the Sun’s exact square to Uranus February 8, just before the Aquarius New Moon February 9. Also, Mercury squares Jupiter February 10, Mars enters Aquarius February 12/13 & Mars/Pluto begin a new synodic cycle in Aquarius when the god of war meets the god of the underworld February 13/14!Get the scoop on the greater meaning of all these astro happenings when you tune into this week’s Karmic Evolution’s podcast @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM--or any of your favorite podcast stations! See you then! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S ASTRO NEWS YOU CAN USE PODCAST @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET to learn more about how heavenly movements affect us all…The Leo Full Moon, followed January 26 by the exact square of the Aquarius Sun to Jupiter, warns us to not get overly optimistic about who seems to be the current GOP leader in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. That’s because Uranus’s January 26/27 station direct in Taurus may change our perspective by “making us conscious of imperfection,” as Erin Sullivan puts it.Join us for a wider discussion of this & more Astro News You Can Use, including a look at Nikki Haley’s chart, which reveals how—just like in U.S. House speaker Mike Johnson’s chart—her Nodal axis was hit by as square from the October 28 lunar eclipse. In addition, how the January Sun/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn fell smack on her natal Capricorn Sun & how that’s manifested thus far! Both will have the upcoming March 25 lunar eclipse in Libra trine their Aquarius North Nodes so we may not want to count either of them out just yet, we shall see…Meanwhile, as Venus has joined Mercury & Mars in Capricorn, the latter two conjoin January 27, bringing messages from the military generals in Israel that the plan to eradicate Hamas entirely is all but impossible. Mars in Capricorn, known as “the general” has sent messenger Mercury to negotiate a new Israeli ceasefire/withdrawal & hostage release in the form of CIA director William Burns. All this as the Mars & Mercury squares to wounded healer Chiron in Aries continues to reveal the worsening conditions in Gaza in terms of lack of food, water, & medicine as disease begins to spread.Meanwhile, we discuss too how the upcoming April 8 solar eclipse in Aries energy may begin to manifest now because the Nodes have already hit the sensitized eclipse degree of 19’24” Aries! Learn more about how this works as well as other important Astro News You Can Use when you join us for this week's latest “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! See you there! Namaste...
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THE LATEST ASTRO NEWS YOU USE PODCAST—INCLUDING THE UPCOMING LEO FULL MOON JANUARY 25-- JANUARY 19!This week’s podcast discusses how the nascent Saturn/Pluto & Jupiter/Saturn synodic cycles--begun in early & late 2020, respectively—are beginning to create a new global order. We review the history of the past two Saturn/Pluto 36-year cycles & how they coincided with WWI & WWII--both of which resulted in drastically realigned global politics.Even Foreign Affairs Magazine notes that “2024 is the year of a rare planetary alignment,” as 80 nations—including major democracies—are set to go to the polls to elect leaders in 2024, & the world is poised to enter a new era as this astrological cycle progresses.When the Sun meets Pluto at 29-degrees 58-minutes Capricorn for the first time since January 18, 1789--when the two conjoined at 29-degrees 45-minutes of Capricorn—it’s followed hours later by their entrance into Aquarius January 20. Although Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn one more time between September 1 & 19 November, January 20 marks the triggering of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction degree of 0’28” Aquarius that heralded future change to power structures starting December 21, 2020.The Jupiter/Saturn cycle, in the air element for the first time in 200-years since 1980, portends new leadership—which we see through exploration of the myth of the death of the old king & the reign of the new one. This podcast explores how the waxing Jupiter/Saturn cycle implies the death of “an old principle.” (Jupiter formed a waxing sextile to Saturn back in June 2023 & will come within a degree of a Saturn sextile again between January 27-February 23) This death is often followed a period of uncertainty & chaos (sound familiar, anyone?) before a new one takes hold, both collectively & personally.Find out more about how these cycles are interacting with current astrological events, as the January 17 waxing first-quarter monthly lunar square challenges us still to continue to steady the wheel & steer the ship toward partisan compromise here in the U.S. & abroad as we wax toward the January 25 Leo Full Moon square Jupiter!Join Sheri for all this & more at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! See you then!
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THE LATEST ASTRO NEWS YOU CAN USE PODCASTThis week brings continued conflicts around the world that need to be solved, but which require a patient, stable, practical, & steady hand to navigate the relay race between remaining committed to old partners & forging relationships with new ones. This ability to reach across the aisle, so to speak, is nowhere more prevalent than in the U.S. House of Representatives which currently resists bipartisanship to the point of a potential complete government shut down.We discuss this situation vis-à-vis the chart of House speaker Mike Johnson, who’s religious convictions has him believing he’s Moses able to part the Red Sea in his quest to steer the ship of government safely to the shore. Though untimed, we glean an awful lot about him through this chart analysis that provides clues to his survival over the long term or if, like his predecessor Kevin McCarthy, he’ll go down with the ship for making a deal to avoid government shutdown by reaching across the aisle.Will transiting Jupiter in Taurus squaring Johnson’s natal Leo South Node & Aquarius North Node (which conjoins his natal Aquarius Sun) tell the story of a loss of faith in him by his fellow House members? And will the upcoming January 25 Leo Full Moon, which falls smack on his natal Nodes while Jupiter’s still squaring them illuminate his “Moses complex” to his detriment? Is it, perhaps, hubris on his part to think that his inexperience as a leader will allow him to succeed avoiding a government shut down yet keep everyone in his caucus happy?Meanwhile, we investigate also what’s going on in Donald Trump’s chart as he faces potential bankruptcy (this Saturn-ruled Capricorn New Moon’s about business, after all!) in his NY civil trial—a verdict from which is expected during Mercury’s transit through Capricorn between January 13 & February 4. Will the upcoming Sun/Pluto conjunction at 29-degrees Capricorn January 20 (transformation to his joint resources) seal the deal?Will things move even more quickly now that all planets--including Jupiter (the courts) & Mercury (communication)—are in direct motion except for Uranus, especially since both the Sun & Pluto enter Aquarius January 20 too? And how about when Uranus stations direct between January 26 & 27? Will it be full speed ahead with his other current court cases--& what surprises might Uranus’s station entail?Check out all this & more at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM where you can listen to the latest “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast starting today! See you there! Namaste…
TODAY ON KARMIC EVOLUTION'S PODCAST @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM WE TALK ABOUT THE EXPLOSIVE EVENTS SINCE BOTH JUPITER & MERCURY STATIONED RETROGRADE THIS PAST WEEK, & HOW THEY IMPACT US VIS-A-VIS ACHIEVING OUR FUTURE GOALS!Tune in any time after 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET January 5 to "Karmic Evolution's Astrologically Speaking!" podcast to learn about how the combination of astrological energies at the end of December reverberated throughout the world as earthquakes, fires, assassination attempts, terrorist bombings, looming 2024 U.S. budget arguments over immigration (Saturn's still in Pisces, remember?), & legal issues related to who can be on ballot for the upcoming U.S. 2024 presidential election created a "perfect storm" that ignited as Jupiter stationed direct on December 30 & Mercury did the same in Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius January 1.We'll look back at these events as well as forward to the upcoming January 11 Capricorn Full Moon (which squares the transiting karmic Nodes & Chiron in Aries) & its future implications for planting seeds that allow us to become more responsible & mature when it comes to listening to partners & their need to be heard rather than simply reacting rigidly or righteously or callously to both their & our own needs. Join astrologer Sheri Horn Hasan for a profound look at what's been & what's to come as Mars enters Capricorn, the Capricorn Sun trines Aries Chiron, Mercury direct in Sagittarius squares Neptune, the Sun forms an earthy trine to Uranus, Mars sextiles Saturn--all leading up to the Capricorn New Moon January 11! And whether this lunation will provide a more steady hand to guide the U.S. toward satisfactory budget negotiations as we approach the first FY 2024 budget deadline on January 19! Tune in for this & more astro news you can use @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! See you then! Namaste...
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK'S ASTRO NEWS YOU CAN USE PODCAST WHICH DROPS AT 11 A.M. PT & 2 P.M. ET TODAY! We discuss what's leading up to next week's Sagittarius New Moon--which has both luminaries separating from Mars in Sagittarius & waxing toward squares to Neptune, Mercury stationing retrograde, & a Sun/Uranus quincunx—now that Mercury’s in Capricorn & Venus entered Scorpio (after squaring Pluto) last week.We’ll discuss how the symbolism of what’s going on in the collective right now reflects back to us in our everyday lives that—as we prepare to plant our Sagittarius New Moon seeds for the month on December 12—we need to search our soul (and not our minds or our egos) for what we really believe is moral justice. We'll look at the astro messages of this past week—which illustrate the move of Mercury from fiery Sagittarius into Capricorn (judgments, delays, restrictions, etc.), & Venus into Scorpio (both the delay of financial funding of war AND the issue of rape in the news as both luminaries separate from war god Mars), & much more…And how the winding down of this month’s lunar cycle is meant to prepare us for next week's Sagittarius New Moon when we plant seeds that can replace any outdated righteous philosophies about “justice” with ones our soul knows to be truly morally just. We discuss how we know an adjustment is necessary because the Sun quincunxes Uranus, & because Mercury’s station retrograde calls for review. All this, including the meaning of the Sun waxing toward an exact square to Neptune--which stationed direct on December 6--at this lunation as we delve into the deeper meaning of Neptune direct & this upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle.These all represent that it’s time for some soul-searching about where we’ve deceived ourselves (or been deceived by others) into believing righteous causes are worth fighting for when deep down our soul may tell us otherwise.Join us for this enlightening asto discussion @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM!#astonews, #astronewsyoucanuse,
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR HER NEW PODCAST ON THIS & MORE ASTRO NEWS YOU CAN USE DROPPING TODAY AT 11 A.M. PT & 2 P.M. ET!We'll discuss this upcoming lunation in the context of it as part of the November 13 Scorpio New Moon monthly cycle, the Sun/Mars conjunction in Scorpio November 17, the first-quarter lunar square November 20, the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius November 22 & square to Saturn November 23, along with Mars entrance into Sagittarius November 24 & his square to Saturn November 25!A look at what’s happened during this time period helps us understand what might be yet to come—but also that it may not manifest smoothly, especially if we don’t allow ourselves to understand where we’re stuck in old philosophies based on old values that have led us to reject another’s way of thinking or perspective.Sheri gives a multitude of example of the fall-out from the November 17 Sun/Mars conjunction in terms of astro news--& there’s quite a bit of it! Plus, are we in for major health issues in the collective as Hygeia, the goddess asteroid of health, waxed at this Gemini Full Moon toward an exact square to shock-maker Uranus, still retrograde in Taurus? Tune in to find out!And, while you’re there, don’t forget to download at Karmic Evolution Dot Com your free “How To Keep Your Sun Sign Happy!” advice from renowned astrologer Steven Forrest! Namaste…
JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS & MORE ASTRO NEWS YOU CAN USE! All this as Venus transits through Libra, the archetypal deal- & peacemaker, & Mercury’s in hyperbolic Sagittarius! As Mercury in Sagittarius sextiled Venus in Libra, we saw how both influenced Congressional deal-making, Biden’s amicable meeting with Xi, & the announced release of an Ethics Committee report finding Santos violated campaign finance law.This Includes the relatively swift Congressional agreement on a continuing resolution to keep the U.S. Government open, the sudden negative turn-around of fate for NY Rep. George Santos, & President Biden’s reestablishment of open lines of communication with China’s Xi Jinping!On another note, since Mercury’s been in Sadge (since November 9) & we approach today’s Sun/Mars conjunction in Scorpio, we’ve seen an increase in over-the-top Nazi rhetoric out of the mouths of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump & his sycophants. We begin to recognize the symbolism of the concept of “hostage,” not only in the obvious situation in the Middle East, but the less obvious as well such as how Trump holds a high percentage of his base “hostage” through vociferously proclaimed authoritarian plans for if he regains the White House.We’ve seen also how the right wing GOP House members have held the rest there hostage to its minority desires, how AL Senator Tommy Tuberville holds that body hostage as he impedes important military appointment confirmations which only weakens U.S. military readiness for the rest of its citizens & the country as a whole, & how American voters have been held hostage to an “originalist” interpretation of a Supreme Court which recently released a “pretend” code of ethics as Mars waxed trine to Neptune…Plus, more about the Sun/Mars next two-year synodic cycle, & how Saturn in Pisces, now direct since November 4, is beginning to gain speed again as the flow of migrants across the southern U.S. are injured in record numbers falling from the border wall there resulting in broken bones, etc. On the brighter side, there’s the movement toward a Hamas hostage release deal, the ratification of United Auto Worker’s union contracts with the big three auto makers, & the conviction of the man who attacked Paul Pelosi, Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband, with a hammer, fracturing his skull.Join us for all of this & more Astro News You Can Use as we approach the first quarter square of the monthly lunar cycle, the Sun sextiles Pluto, & Mercury trines wounded healer Chiron November 20, and Mars sextiles Pluto November 21, while the Sun ingresses into potentially more optimistic Sagittarius November 22!It remains to be seen whether optimism holds as Venus opposes Chiron then, & the Sun squares Saturn November 23, followed by Mars’ entrance into Sagittarius & square to Saturn November 24 & 25, respectively. This kind of "stop & go" energy is likely to cause a good deal of frustration--especially vis-a-vis the Middle East hostage situation--so stay tuned!Check out “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” latest podcast @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM, which drops today at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET! And while you’re there, don’t forget to download your free “How To Keep Your Sun Sign Happy!” astrological advice from renowned astrologer Steven Forrest! Namaste…
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