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First Impression Warrior

Author: First Impression Warrior

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First and Lasting Impression Warrior | Love helping freelance graphic designers, agencies and print shops offer a unique marketing tool to their clients as well as provide marketing tips, tricks and more.
47 Episodes
In this episode, we review some feedback we received on a LinkedIn post asking people their thoughts on the resurgence of QR codes over the past several months - due to the Covid-19 situation. Resources mentioned in this episode: Ilise Benun - Visness Card Digital Business Cards - QR Code Generator -
My thoughts on the practicality of NFC technology at this point in time as it pertains to digital business cards.
Feeling too comfortable for your "britches"? In this podcast we share a few ways to break up your normal routine so you can grow and learn new things.
Computer vision syndrome (CVS) may be spreading faster than any virus. Fortunately, proper eye care and simple adjustments are all that most adults need to reduce eye strain. Studies show that up to 90% of computer users experience at least one symptom of CVS. You’re at risk if you average 3 or more hours online each day. That probably describes most of the population, especially when they’re spending more time at home.
Want to get the big jobs? Start with the little ones. Find a way to get your foot in the door.
Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Maybe that’s because you’re pushing yourself too hard. Being in a constant rush lowers your energy levels and deprives you of satisfaction. You’re ticking off boxes on your task list instead of engaging in meaningful activities. It’s time to start accomplishing more with greater ease. Consider these 3 steps the next time you’re straining to hurry up.
We all have too many priorities and too little time to do them justice. You can create more free time in your life by asking yourself a few questions. Questions are powerful, because they focus your attention and generate solutions. You just have to ask the right questions!
During the COVID-19 "shutdown" (and whenever you have a client you wish to approach) why not do some spec work specific to that prospective client? In this podcast I share my thought and what I am doing to get ahead while things have slowed down. . . so that I am ready when things pick up again soon!
In this three-part series on business networking, I have divided this information into three podcasts: 1.   Preparation – Before You Go 2.   Show Time – At the Event 3.   Follow Up – After the Event This episode covers what to do after you attend your networking event or activity.
In this three-part series on business networking, I have divided this information into three podcasts: 1.   Preparation – Before You Go 2.   Show Time – At the Event 3.   Follow Up – After the Event This episode covers what to do while at your networking event or activity.
In this three-part series on business networking, I have divided this information into three podcasts: 1.   Preparation – Before You Go 2.   Show Time – At the Event 3.   Follow Up – After the Event This episode covers how to prepare for an upcoming networking event or activity.
Last year I attended a talk by speaker and author Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) while at the HOW Design Live Conference (creative professionals from around the globe) in Chicago. The topic of her talk was “Thoughts on Creative Living” but her message and story applies to anyone trying to reach their goal(s). Below are my takeaways from Ms. Gilbert’s presentation. As you will see, they involve taking a deep look inward and being willing to make sacrifices to get where you want to be.
In this episode, we share some advice on how to deal with those times self-doubt and overwhelm try to derail you. Do you ever find yourself in a funky mood. . . doubting what you are doing. . . feeling lost or overwhelmed? Need more business but everything seems to be going against you? If you do, you are not alone. Many of us entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small businesses have these feelings from time to time. It’s natural, after all, we are human right? When you find yourself in this situation do what I do and try a little Self-CPR!
Jacob is a small business owner offering video and marketing services to other small businesses. Content covered in this interview includes: Ultimate Marketing Strategy for Small Business Owners - a new book by Jacob Landis Eigsti. Time blocking Creating a Compelling Vision Effectively communicate the ways you're better than every competitor Using a variety of Marketing Tactics Productivity Planning and Jacob's new Planner now available Three books Jacob highly recommends Here are all of the links mention in the podcast: Jacob's Website: Ebook: Planner: Books: The One Page Marketing Plan Atomic Habits Expert Secrets
Jessica Olma is the Founder and Principal of Scribe Syndicate, a full-service provider of written and edited digital content. Their clients struggle with creating unique material to describe their brand on website and landing pages capable of engaging consumers and capable of building continuing relationships. They feel overwhelmed trying to find ways of cultivating connections through valuable resources like blog articles and sending out newsletters regularly. Social media takes yet another version of the copy for advertising new services or promoting events. Scribe Syndicate also maximizes SEO through keyword use, HTML headings, image alt-tags, meta-descriptions, and backlinks. They partner with web designers and marketing consultants to handle the tedious job of adding this to client content. You can reach Jessica if they want to learn more about her, her services and content writing in general at: Website: Social Media: https://twitter/scribesyndicate To read the full article about Why You Need a Content Writer: eBook link:
Who couldn’t use a little more self-confidence? Self-confidence can often be in short supply, but there are many ways you can get it back. When your self-confidence is lacking, take control of the situation and make yourself confident again. You can accomplish a lot more with self-confidence than you can without. So, what can you do to increase your self-confidence?
Do you struggle to keep your New Year's resolutions? More than likely, the excitement of starting a New Year wanes away and you find yourself back into your old routines. With proper motivation and the will to change, you can be the exception to this trend. The trick is to turn your optimism for the New Year into concrete actions. Once you start a routine, it becomes easier to follow through. Interested in learning more about offering or getting a custom-designed digital business card? Visit our website at: - to become a reseller OR - to have a card built for you.
In this podcast Barry discusses the benefits of starting your own meetup group and explains how to get it started. It is much easier than you may think and positions you as a leader. . . not mention creates a great first impression! Link to ebook download page mentioned in podcast:
Here I share eight items that you may want to pay attention to in order to become more effective in your business.
In part two we will be reviewing the last three areas to be aware of when designing your CDDBC. They are company and contact information, messaging/content, and design. Link to Copywriting Secrets book.  Free. Just pay shipping.