

Author: Clifford Davis

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A distinctively different approach to learning the Bible! Exegetical and verse by verse!
258 Episodes
Nehemiah 9:26-37 Peter Adam writes in Reading the Bible Today Series (2014): "The big structure is that God had blessed [Israel] (vv 6-15), God had blessed them despite their rebellion (vv 16-25), and that they had rebelled despite God's blessing (vv 26-31)." 
Nehemiah 9:1-25 As the Israelites rehearse their history and understanding of what GOD has revealed, two truths stand out: 1) their pattern of sin is undeniable, persistent, and great, and, 2) GOD's past faithfulness and His promises are the basis of their hope in the moment.
Nehemiah 9 (part 1)
Nehemiah 8:13-18 From the Pulpit Commentary (1909): "The careful student of God's word is rewarded by important discoveries.  He will find truths, precepts, and promises which are new  to him, or come with all the freshness and force of a new revelation,  to correct his beliefs or his conduct, or to give him new comfort and joy.  The Bible is an inexhaustible mine of eternal treasures.  It will repay the constant study of a life."
Nehemiah 8 When the people hear the "Book of the Law of God" read and explained to them, they weep and mourn.  But Nehemiah, Ezra, and the Levites tell them not to grieve "for the joy of the LORD is your strength".  This is such a powerful truth!
Nehemiah 7-8 (part 1) Soon after after the walls are finished "all the people" Gather together and ask Ezra to read "the Book of the Law of Moses" to them.  They don't want Ezra to wax eloquent with his own musings on life and faith and they aren't gathered to swap their own ideas about God, they want to know how GOD has revealed Himself!
(Back from our East coast vacation to visit family) Nehemiah 6 Nehemiah faces a persistent battery of temptations to stop him from his God-given effort to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Nehemiah 5 is a terrific example how Christians (individually) and the church (collectively) should respond to opposition and hardship.  Mistreatment & opposition from outsiders is to be expected (to some degree); but sometimes, the opposition originates from those expected to be allies!  What then?
Nehemiah 4 We begin by spending some time confirming the late juncture in which Nehemiah arrives -- by all accounts, in very close connection with Malachi.  Otherwise, in chapter 4, we see that as Nehemiah makes progress on the rebuilding effort, his opponents intensify their efforts to stop him!
Nehemiah 2-4 Nehemiah has only known life outside of Israel.  He is living a very comfortable, secure life serving the King of the Persian empire -- so WHY does he even care about what's happening in Jerusalem nearly 1000 miles away? 
Introduction to Nehemiah and chapter one Before starting a lengthier series from Genesis 1-11 (starting in September?), we are going to do a shortened study of Nehemiah.  We recently finished Ephesians by spending four weeks on the subject of prayer.  As it turns out, Nehemiah is a wonderful example of godly prayer, so why not now?
Psalm 123 -  Guest speaker, John Davis (Pastor Cliff's son) comes to us from Louisville, Kentucky to open God's Word from one of the  psalms of ascent!
Ephesians 6:19-24 - Finding himself "an ambassador in chains" Paul adds a personal prayer request before writing his final benediction.  A terrific quote from Alexander Maclaren (1826-1910) concludes our study of the letter first delivered to the Ephesians.
Ephesians 6:18 -- A wide variety of persons are called upon to provide an understanding of what the Bible means when it calls upon Christians (the church!) to pray, "at ALL times with ALL prayer and petition in the Spirit, and to this end, being on the alert with ALL perseverance and petition for ALL the saints,"  (Legacy Standard Bible)
Ephesians 6:18, "praying at all times in the Spirit" What does "at all times" look like ? What does "in the Spirit" mean?
Curt Fleck is the Executive Director of CIVIL SERVANT MINISTRY -- a ministry devoted to sharing the God's Word and the Gospel with those involved in politics in Springfield and Illinois.
John Burton (1803-1877) English children's hymnwriter, I OFTEN SAY MY PRAYERS 1 I often say my prayers; But do I ever pray? And do the wishes of my heart Go with the words I say? 2 I may as well kneel down, And worship gods of stone, As offer to the living God, A prayer of words alone. 3 For words without the heart, The Lord will never hear; Nor will He to those lips attend, Whose prayers are not sincere. 4 Lord, show me what I need, And teach me how to pray; Nor let me ask Thee for Thy grace, Not feeling what I say.
Ephesians 6:17b, Besides discovering how well the LEGACY STANDARD BIBLE translated the entire passage on the Church's armor, probably the most interesting discovery was the realization the Church/Christians are told to "receive," rather than "pick up" the "sword of the Spirit" !
Ephesians 6:16-17 We initially take care of a few unfinished details concerning the "shield of faith" -- Did Jesus have faith?  Next we spend a good amount of time considering what it means to "receive" the "helmet (or hope) of salvation".