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Less Drama More Mama

Less Drama More Mama

Author: Less Drama More Mama

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319 Episodes
From playground drama to lunchroom cliques, childhood friendships can feel like a roller-coaster ride. As moms, we often worry about our kids' social lives, but we aren't always sure how to help. In this week's episode, I chat with Alex Alexander of the Friendship IRL podcast about navigating the complex world of kids' friendships. We talk about everything from teaching social skills to handling friend drama. Tune in to hear our full conversation and gain practical strategies you can start using today. For full show notes and information, visit The post Helping Your Child Navigate Friendships – 316 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Have you ever thought that a simple Post-it note could revolutionize your parenting? In today's episode, I explore how these humble sticky squares can become powerful allies in raising happy, organized, and well-adjusted kids. From boosting communication to managing behavior, we'll explore how these small squares can solve big parenting challenges in surprisingly effective ways. For full show notes and information, visit The post Parenting with Post-Its: 15 Ideas That Really Stick – 315 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
The kids are cranky, the house is a mess, and you're wondering how you'll ever get back into the school groove. Sound familiar? This week's episode tackles seven of the common challenges families face when trying to reset their routines after a break.  We're talking practical tips to help you dodge those pitfalls and start the school year strong with more ease and flow! For full show notes and information, visit The post Routine Reset: 7 Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Back on Track After a Break – 314 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Imagine stepping away from your daily grind and coming back with a whole new perspective. That's exactly what happened for me during my 12-week summer sabbatical, and I can't wait to share my experience with you. In this episode, I'm spilling the details about my break. From my daughter's high school graduation to my own personal growth journey, it's been quite a summer. And the best part is that I'm coming back with fresh insights and renewed energy to help YOU on your motherhood journey. For full show notes and information, visit The post Update on My Summer Sabbatical – 313 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
New pencils, fresh notebooks, and...knots in your stomach? The back-to-school season isn't just about shopping - it's an emotional roller coaster for many kids (and parents, too!). In today’s episode, I address the challenges of transitioning from summer to school and share practical tips to help you support your kids, whether they're excited, anxious, or somewhere in between. Give this episode a listen and equip yourself with strategies to support your family through this transition. Get full notes and information at The post Tips for a Stress-Free Transition to School: Summer Playback Series – 312 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Do you or someone you know overreact to minor problems? Or always seems to be in the middle of a crisis? There's a fascinating reason behind this - and it all starts in the brain. In this episode, I pull back the curtain on why our minds love to make mountains out of molehills. We'll explore the brain science behind dramatic thinking and uncover some surprising truths about why some people seem to attract drama like a magnet. If you're ready to change the channel on your internal soap opera and embrace a calmer, more realistic view of life, this episode is a must-listen. Get full show notes and information at The post From Mind Drama to Mindful Mama: Summer Playback Series – 311 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Words matter, especially when it comes to our kids. And sometimes, we use certain phrases without realizing their potential negative impact. Today’s summer playback reveals three common expressions that might be quietly undermining your parenting efforts, damaging your relationship with your kids, and hindering their emotional growth. But don't worry - I share alternatives that can help strengthen your bond and foster emotional maturity. This episode is packed with real talk and practical tips you can start using right away. No fancy parenting theories here - just straightforward advice to help you and your kids communicate better. Ready to upgrade your communication with just a few simple tweaks? Pop in your earbuds and give this episode a listen. Your future family interactions might just get a whole lot smoother! For full show notes and information, visit The post Words Matter: 3 Phrases to Eliminate When Talking to Your Kids: Summer Playback Series – 310 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Two episodes ago, we explored four psychological defense mechanisms I often encounter in my work with moms. Today, we're zooming in on one of them even more – projection – the sneaky way your mind casts your own insecurities, fears, and past experiences onto others, especially your kids. This episode sheds light on how these unconscious thoughts shape your parenting and might just be the lens you need to see yourself - and your children - more clearly. For complete show notes and information, visit The post Understanding Projection: How Your Past Shapes Your Present Parenting: Summer Playback Series – 309 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Are you stuck in a cycle of conflict and drama? Today's episode reveals the roles we unconsciously play in conflict that keep us entangled in a loop of blame, helplessness, and over-responsibility. By understanding how you and others might be caught in the roles of Persecutor, Victim, or Rescuer, you can learn to step out of these roles and into a more empowered life. Tune in and unlock the keys to exiting the Mama Drama Triangle once and for all. For full information and show notes, visit The post How to Exit the Mama Drama Triangle: Summer Playback Series – 308 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Have you ever had one of those days where you find yourself making excuses or snapping at your kids for no real reason? It might be your defense mechanisms at play, protecting you from uncomfortable truths and emotions. In this episode, we'll take a look at some of these hidden forces and how they show up in our everyday lives, especially as moms. I share personal stories and practical tips on how to catch yourself using these defenses, what to do about them, and why opening up to discomfort can be a game-changer for your personal growth. Get full information and show notes at The post Understanding When You Get Defensive: Insights for Moms: Summer Playback Series – 307 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Are sibling rivalry and constant bickering driving you up the wall? I know firsthand how stressful it can be when your kids' fighting seems endless, and you end up screaming even louder than them to make it stop. In this week’s episode, I’m sharing some practical insights and tools that helped me and can help you, too. Discover how to shift your perspective and handle sibling squabbles in a more effective way to bring more calm to your home. For full show notes and information, visit The post Dealing with Sibling Rivalry: Summer Playback Series – 306 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Today's episode addresses a common question many parents face: "How do I get my partner on the same parenting page?" Parenting is tough, and it gets even trickier when you and your partner have different approaches. These differences can lead to frustration, conflict, and even strain the relationship. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. Tune in to discover how you and your partner can work together effectively, even when your parenting styles differ. For full show notes and information, visit The post Parenting as a Team Even When You’re Not on the Same Page: Summer Playback Series – 305 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Are you ready to take control of your thoughts and bring more positivity into your daily life? In today's episode, I'll share a simple tool to help you build new, positive beliefs and explain how to collect proof of them. Get ready to shift your mindset and improve your experience of parenting! For more information and full show notes, visit The post Building Your Parenting Evidence File: Summer Playback Series – 304 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Are you finding it challenging to guide your kids through the end-of-school-year transitions and the emotional ups and downs that come with it? In this episode, I discuss why transitions can be so difficult for kids and how you can support them during these times. Whether school just ended in your area, you still have a few more weeks to go, or you're listening to this at another time of year altogether, this episode is packed with insights and practical advice to help you guide your kids through change and difficult emotions. Get full information and show notes at The post Guiding Kids Through Change and Emotions: Summer Playback Series – 303 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Feeling the pressure of juggling a whirlwind of end-of-school activities and expectations? You're not alone. This time of year can be packed with class parties, recitals, assemblies, proms, graduations, and final exams. It's enough to leave anyone feeling overwhelmed! In this week's episode, I revisit how to tackle the end-of-school stress with grace and composure. Summer is very close, mama, so take a deep breath, and let’s finish this school year strong! Get full show notes and information at The post Conquering End-of-School Stress: Summer Playback Series – 302 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Welcome to the first edition of the Summer Playback Series, dedicated to Mental Health Awareness Month. The primary goal of this month is raise awareness about mental health issues, reduce stigma surrounding mental illnesses, and advocate for better mental health care resources and support. In today's episode, we're revisiting two earlier episodes that discuss seven signs of good mental health and how poor mental health affects parenting. Tune in to explore these important topics with me. For full information and show notes, visit The post Mental Health Awareness for Moms – 301 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Happy 300th episode! 🎉 In celebration of reaching this incredible milestone, I have something extra special for you: a podcast episode directory! This directory is your ultimate tool to navigate through the 300 episodes with ease. Whether you're seeking tips on managing your mama meltdowns, strategies for self-care, or insights on raising resilient, self-sufficient adults, this directory has got you covered. But that's not all—today's episode is dedicated to something every mom deserves: a much-needed, well-deserved break. Join me as I explore the importance of giving yourself a break, share practical tips to make it happen, and make an important personal announcement. For full show notes and information, visit The post Give Yourself a Break – 300 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Not all teens are glued to their screens! In this episode, my daughter, Dalia, talks about a choice she made that totally surprised me—she deleted TikTok from her phone. Join me as I chat with Dalia about why she made this bold move, how it's going, and what she wants you to know to help your kids spend less time on screens and more time connecting with you! For more information and full show notes, visit The post Why My Teen Decided to Delete TikTok – 299 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Are you looking for new ways to support your child's social and emotional development? Look no further! In this week's episode, I discuss the transformative power of books for teaching kids about emotions, relationships, and resilience. Based on my experience as a school counselor for kids in kindergarten through 8th grade and reading TONS of books, I've curated a list of my favorites to save you time and money researching them all yourself. Tune in to hear my picks for kids of all ages. Happy listening (and reading)! Get full show notes and information at The post My Favorite Kids’ Books for Social and Emotional Learning – 298 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Do you wish you felt better, like, yesterday? Being in a hurry to feel better often backfires, prolonging suffering rather than alleviating it. In this week's podcast episode, you'll discover why rushing to feel better can be counterproductive, and how slowing down can actually help you feel better sooner. If you're feeling frustrated, discouraged, or helpless in your parenting and are looking for a quick fix, this episode is for you. Get full show notes and information at The post Quit Rushing to Feel Better – 297 appeared first on Less Drama More Mama.
Comments (6)

Laura Sockwell Raben

Love our Milk & Hunnies friendship! Keep rockin' these Podcasts. xo

Jun 11th

Laura Sockwell Raben

I love tuning in weekly! just yesterday I applied parenting with patience as my 13 year old son was projecting after a difficult day at school. His words turn to blaming me for everything going on. After completing my 3 months training and coaching with you, I was able to remind myself that these are his thoughts and recognize I had done nothing wrong. I stayed patient until he was ready to discuss things today. We talked through everything going on at school and we are closer because of it. thanks Pam!

Feb 21st
Reply (1)

Laura Raben

So true. Thank you for speaking about this topic.

Jan 16th

Laura Raben

Always love listening to new ways to declutter.

Jan 2nd

Laura Raben

I love this! Especially love the list of practical thoughts to "Say no without guilt"! I took notes & will be working on identifying My Essentials & "Living by design, not by default". Thank you Pam for sharing your wisdom. xo

Nov 8th