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Morning Motivation Show

Author: Sir Evans

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Inspiration, Motivation, and Empowerment one day at a time!
62 Episodes
On December 16th, 1977, Bill Withers released his classic feel-good song “Lovely Day”. Withers stated in an interview that his inspiration wasn’t really sparked by romance or a beauty found in nature. I think that we all have a “lovely day” within us, but what does that mean and what does yours look like? Tune in for the Feel good episode of the day! Lovely  Derived From #MorningMotivation: Daily Morning Motivation Messages:  Lovely Day: Finding your Happy Place| Morning Motivation (
Spiritual Retargeting

Spiritual Retargeting


Imagine this: You're scrolling through social media and you notice a product or service that interests you. You stop your scroll and click on the product or service, but you decided not to buy. All of a sudden you begin to see that same product all over your social media now!  I'm sure you have experienced this before and it's called retargeting. Once you have shown interest in a product or service, that Company begins to focus its attention and efforts on you. They’re specifically targeting individuals who have expressed interest or who have engaged with their content within a certain period of time.  But did you know the enemy does the same thing? Here are a few things to remember about spiritual warfare and how you’re targeted. 



There are six different types of chess pieces. Each side starts with 16 pieces: eight pawns, two bishops, two knights, two rooks, one queen, and one king. Every piece has its purpose and every piece is important in its own way. Becoming a good chess player involves a strategy of course but it starts with knowing the characters in the game. What do you think is more important? Understanding how the different pieces move or understanding why it moves the way that it does? I think it’s more important to understand HOW each piece moves. Because when we're playing the game it doesn’t really matter WHY They move the way that they do, only HOW in order to win. If one of my pieces is overtaken by my opponent, then I need to understand how to play my best game with the pieces I have available. You have to understand the pieces that you have around you in life...Lets discuss those pieces! 
We wait for others to make sense of our purpose, decode it, or make sense of the path that is best for us. However, no one will see your dream the way that you do. No one can make your vision a reality if you don’t first move into that reality conceived in your dream. It's about how to live life without regrets, and to really go for what you want. If you're not sure if this episode is for you, just ask yourself: "Am I ready to be all that I can be?" Ready? Let's do it.
What is a Conduit? A conduit is someone who carries, shares, or transmits. And in the world of social impact and philanthropy, that can mean one person carrying information to another. Join me as I share what it means to be a conduit for a change!
It's that time of year again when everyone's resolutions have become a distant memory. For many of us this is a great time to take a moment to reflect on the year thus far and what we truly want to achieve this year.  This episode is dedicated to the motivated! Consider it an opportunity to keep the momentum flowing or to reignite it!
Death of Bad Habits

Death of Bad Habits


What if you had a funeral for your bad habits? In this episode,  I share how to do the heart work on toxic traits. In other words, how to have a funeral for those old harmful patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Heal those wounds from childhood so you can live an authentic life now! When someone goes missing, the pressure on the family and friends is overwhelming. So many emotions flood the community; shock and fear, also hope, the thought that their loved one will not return is too much to take in. Unfortunately, people go missing every day, for many different reasons The adjustment for those impacted is life-changing. There’s a correlation between these traumatic events and how we handle change in our own lives. Here’s how;
Whats Your Crutch?

Whats Your Crutch?


I'm not talking about addiction to drugs or alcohol. I'm talking about that one thing you do that's robbing you of success, happiness, and fulfillment. Sometimes we don't realize it's happening until the damage has already been done. But once you're aware of it, it can be exposed for what it really is: a weakness. In this episode, I discuss the importance of building a strong foundation for your life and how to ensure your crutch is slowing you down. I have learned how to walk twice in my lifetime, and both times the legs and brain act as though walking was a new phenomenon. I have gone from a wheelchair to a walker, to crutches, and then a cane. But what if I decided to continue using the walker even if I was done healing?
Every hero has a villain. The more powerful you are, the more resistance you'll come up against. But in order to understand your enemy, you need to know their history. The goal of this episode is to give you some insight into what motivates your opposition and the approaches. So when they attack, it's easier for us all to fight back! I grew up reading comic books as a child. I loved Marvel and DC Comics which featured some of my favorites from X-Men to Superman. One thing that everybody knows is where there is a superhero, there is a villain not too far behind. The dynamic is always interesting yet entertaining because of the relationship between a hero and a villain. It’s a diabolical bond, of which they spend so much time trying to defeat/stop one another that they learn everything about the character. How they think, feel, interact in society, and worse of all sometimes they even know the hero's true identity behind their mask or costume.  Join us as we look at some of the enemy's favorite tricks and tactics.
Superhero movies and television shows have become increasingly popular over the past several years. One thing that rarely changes in the story is the “lightbulb moment”. The lightbulb moment is that point when the hero or heroine realizes that they have power. That moment when they realize that they can do something unique that those around them aren’t capable of doing. But with that power, comes even greater responsibility. This episode will help you understand how to have your lightbulb moment so you can discover who you are!
Whats Your Superpower?

Whats Your Superpower?


Who are you? What makes you special? And how can you use that to change the world, or at least the world around you? Tune into the season 5 premiere episode and find out.  Did you know that you have a Superpower? It’s being used every single day under your nose and you didn’t even know it! Oftentimes we overlook our superpowers because we’re so used to using them. Imagine Superman lifting a car off of a person in need, but not realizing his superhuman strength! It can be frustrating not knowing what you’re good at or knowing what is it that makes you unique.  Here’s a perspective to help you understand what your superpower is. It’ll be as easy to remember as putting on clothes! Sponsored by: The Superpower Planner (



Have you ever tried a new diet and it actually worked for a little while? How about working out, doing a regiment that involved building your endurance up. One of the things about building your endurance up is that you have to push yourself at some point to do just a little bit more than you did previously in order to condition the body to the subtle change. However, when we get a rhythm going and we fall short, it is that temporary defeat that discourages so many of us. In this episode, We’ll discuss, why it’s so hard to stay motivated. We’ll also talk about what role endurance truly plays in our daily endeavors, and how to maintain it.



Most people don't want to be successful; True or False? They're too scared of what it will take to get there. But if you pay the price for greatness, and eliminate your fears, then anything is possible, right? In this episode, I share how to balance fear with courage and find a way to eliminate self-doubt so you can start moving towards the greater good. You can't achieve your goals without paying the price for greatness. Its time to play Elimidate
"You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with."  “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. However, there’s not enough time spent on “why” this is important and how it can help your growth or hinder it: The phrase insinuates that the people that you spend the most time around are the people that you will most likely resemble. However, what if you’re not around the “ideal” people? What if you want to use this concept in order to strengthen your circle or avoid the inevitable friction that will ultimately come with growth?
When I first learned to drive, it was required for those who were of the age of 15, to take Driver's Ed. My parents didn’t have the patience to teach me how to drive, so driving school was a great idea for them also. Needless to say, I managed to survive Driver's Ed and learned to be a pretty good driver. However, how good of a driver would we be, if we never left the parking lot? What if we never even started the car up and just sat in the parking lot, “talking” about driving? Good drivers are made on the road, not in the parking lot. In order to become better, an expert, or simply experienced we must be willing and able to get on the road and be challenged by the twist and turns of the journey were pursuing. In this episode, we’ll discuss the different types of comfort zones and which type will keep you trapped in the parking lot.
One of the reasons our ears pop when a plane is landing is because the air pressure is increasing. Therefore, the air pressure is literally pushing pressure unto the eardrum and the Eustachian tube can’t react fast enough! Something similar happens when swimmers or scuba divers are going underwater. The weight of the water above the swimmer increases upon them the deeper they go. They are not only experiencing the pressure of the water but the complete sum of the air and the water above them combined! In this episode, we’ll discuss how/why various seasons in our life will apply the most pressure. Especially those seasons spent near the bottom. In order to make it to the top of your game, you have to understand PRESSURE. Subscribe to Morning Motivation Messages: Text “Motivate Me” to 31996  Instagram:  Podcast:  LinkedIn:  Facebook: www.  Website:
Before we had maps and navigational systems to help us find our way through this world, there were people who surveyed these uncharted lands documenting their new discoveries. They embarked upon newfound territories exploring the beauty and dangers of the earth. From the mountain tops of the Barberton Greenstone belt in South Africa to the waters of the North Pacific Ocean, there has been so much learned, with yet so much more to be discovered. Life is too short not to love yourself, yet too long not to learn yourself. If you never experience the ocean view from the staircase at the Duomo in Amalfi or explore the Jardim Botanico in Rio de Janeiro perhaps the greatest upset would be never exploring and learning the world inside of YOU. There will never be another destination that holds what you hold or knows what you know. The valleys and peaks of your life may seem In this episode, we’ll explore the importance of learning who you are and why Self-Love is so toxic in the wrong hands.
Lazy Luxury

Lazy Luxury


Welcome to the era of Lazy Luxury, where everyone craves "the life" but loathes the work! Everybody wants to live a life of luxury, without ever first living a life of leverage! Ben Kinney once said there’s a difference between leverage and luxury. Although there is such thing as having too much leverage, leverage oftentimes comes before luxury. In this episode, we’ll explore the difference between leverage and luxury, and how you can have them both without losing it all! Too often, we spend time in a lap of luxury that we can’t afford. That type of champagne taste on a beer budget isn’t luxury at all, it’s actually laziness. Subscribe to Morning Motivation Messages: Text “Motivate Me” to 31996 Instagram: Podcast: LinkedIn: Facebook: www. Website:
Flea Circus

Flea Circus


I was watching a “Different World” with my wife recently (one of the greatest television shows ever btw lol) and one of the main characters Dwayne Wayne was speaking to his students about fleas in a jar. Every day they would jump up attempting to get out of the jar, but they would hit their head on the lid. One day after many days the lid was removed. However, by this time the fleas no longer attempted to jump because they had been conditioned to the lid still being on the container. The fleas were now free to leap, but the fear of bumping their head and of being kept in the jar kept them from leaping. A lot of people in society are still in the Jar. Regardless of your race, society has done a wonderful job of keeping the majority of the population in a jar without a lid because it's more productive for the “system”. In this episode, we’ll dive into the crabs in a barrel mentality. How we become like a flea circus and the components that make the show operate. We’ll also explore areas of opportunities to escape the “trap”



A lot of times we judge the methods others use for personal development without analyzing what they’re training for and why they’re training. On the other hand, some simply use the right remedies for the wrong problem! Everybody is not spiritually enlightened, Emotionally intelligent, mentally healthy, or physically active. Just because you’re strong in one area, doesn’t mean you aren’t weak in another. The same exercises that are used to strengthen one facet of your existence, won’t always strengthen another. Hence why doctors, pastors, trainers, life coaches, and therapists are separate professions. Understanding the difference helps us to understand the multiple layers of our existence that need attention. In this episode, I’ll be discussing why our Alignment is everything, in regards to success!
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