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K12ArtChat the Podcast

Author: The Creativity Department

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A podcast for K-12 art educators interested in connecting with colleagues and ideas. Each episode, hosted by Matt and Laura Grundler, takes you backstage with guest hosts from #K12ArtChat to dig into the latest art education innovations and resources. You’ll find tips, tools, and inspiration to keep you connected and moving forward.
261 Episodes
Enjoy a lively conversation with Kristi Oliver, Professional Development Manager for Davis Publications. Learn about Dr. Oliver’s work assisting communities in providing high quality art education experiences, Davis’s new partnership with The Creativity Department, and where you can find loads of free resources for your own classrooms.
#TeamGrundler talk with Guest host Debi West about the topic of Art with Purpose
In this episode, Team Grundler talks with Clara Galan & Tanya Avrith about the importance of staying creative and connecting with others, while keeping socially distant!
This episode, Team Grundler talks with friend Jeanne Bjork about the Magic of Mark Making. Even more so the importance during these interesting times.
Team Grundler talks with Catie Nasser about how Robotics and Coding can help play a big role in inspiring creativity in your students and in your classroom!
Team Grundler continue the conversation with the Journal Fodder Junkies crew about the importance of collaboration for you as an artist and an educator and for your students.
Team Grundler talks with the Journal Fodder Junkies about what a journal can do for you individually as an artist!
Team Grundler does a reboot in this episode as they talk with their very first host on the podcast Rabbi Michael Cohen about Skillset vs Mindset and the laws of creativity.
In this episode #TeamGrundler talks with Jorge Valenzuela about some of the creative benefits and the different resources to begin introducing robotics into your classroom.
In this episode, Matt & Laura talk about looking for the Silver Lining during these challenging times. Enjoy, Be Silly, Be Healthy and Stay Creative.
Looking back at an older episode, Team Grundler had the pleasure of talking with famed author, artist, Peter H. Reynolds and his journey of creativity. For an uplifting conversation, during a time of uncertainty, take a listen and feel inspired to create something for yourself and the community around you.
During this episode, Matt & Laura talk with Elizabeth Peterson about the importance of building relationships with students through SEAL (Social-Emotional Artistic Learning).
Team Grundler talks with Joshua Buckley & Michael Earnshaw about the Punk Rock passion, that you sometimes need to bring into the classroom to help engage kids.
In this episode, Matt & Laura talk about how finding a balance in both personal and professional life is so important. Also, balance just means finding a little bit of everything!
This episode, #TeamGrundler talks with Jed Dearybury about the value that play has on engagement and learning.
In this episode, #TeamGrundler talk with guest Janet Taylor, about the idea of choice in the classroom and what that would really looks like by dispelling some myths about it.
#TeamGrundler talks with Language Arts teacher, Kim Durall about the importance of allowing students to share their learning/understanding in their own way.
#TeamGrundler talks with good friend Chris Parker about why having a PLN can help you professionally, as well as personally.
Matt & Laura talk about the importance of Reflection of the year past and what they would like to say more of in the upcoming year.
During this episode Team Grundler talk with Morphi App developer Sophia Georgiou about her path to this creative point in her life. Along with how to get started with 3D modeling/printing.