DiscoverA Beggar Who Found Bread
A Beggar Who Found Bread
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A Beggar Who Found Bread

Author: A Beggar Who Found Bread

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A look at the whole of Scripture and how it applies to followers of the Messiah today. Challenging and dispelling some modern, western interpretations and getting to the roots of the Faith. Also, some obscure music trivia to kick off each episode.
264 Episodes



“A potter makes one vessel for honorable use and one for common use” does this imply eternal predestination or was Paul addressing other matters? A look at Romans chapter 9. #faith #followMessiah #predestination #Christianity #Bible
Live Again

Live Again


Life and death have been placed before us. Life, chayim is plural while death, mavet is singular. What can this mean to us? #faith #religion #followMessiah #christianity #lifeanddeath
Walk It Out

Walk It Out


What does it mean to “walk in the Spirit” or be “led by the Spirit”? How can we improve our “walk”? #followMessiah #Christianity #faith #Bible #religion #Scripture #HolySpirit
No Second Chances

No Second Chances


A look at an alternative understanding to final judgment. What can we learn from the rich man and Lazarus, the book of Revelation and a Jewish perspective on life after death? #faith #bible #followMessiah #Christianity #judgment #heaven #hell #paradise #sheol #salvation
Would You Die for Me?

Would You Die for Me?


Where does the idea that the death of the righteous atones for the sins of others come from? How did the Apostles understand the death of Messiah atones for the sun of the world? #faith #followMessiah #atonement #bible #christianity
Thief in the Night

Thief in the Night


How much time should we spend trying to calculate when the Day of Adonai will arrive? What does it mean to be prepared for the Day that no man knows which comes like a thief in the night? #faith #Bible #followMessiah #resurrection #christianity
Feels Good to Me

Feels Good to Me


Is it possible to live a holy life? Is there anything we can do to please Adonai? A look at chapter 4 of 1 Thessalonians. #faith #Bible #followMessiah #holyliving #chritianity
Everybody Hurts

Everybody Hurts


It’s not a matter of if we will face struggles, persecution, trials and suffering in this life; it’s a matter of when we do, will we bear up under it through our faith? 1 Thessalonians 3. #faith #christianity #followMessiah #Bible #Scripture #tribulation #persecution
Wind In My Sails

Wind In My Sails


A look into 1 Thessalonians chapter 2. How did Paul, Silas and Timothy conduct themselves among others? What did they mean by calling people to lead lives “worthy of God”? #faith #followMessiah #Messiah #Bible #scripture #christianity
People Get Ready

People Get Ready


A look at the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians. The evidence of faith, love and hope displayed by followers of Yeshua.
No Surprises

No Surprises


If we take Messiah at His word as to how we should live, there really are no surprises. How should we then live?
Shadow Moses

Shadow Moses


A look at the importance of the origins of the faith for followers of the Messiah. #followMessiah #Yeshua #faith #Christianity #Bible



What does it mean to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness? #followMessiah #faith #Bible #Christianity



The Messiah described the Kingdom of Heaven as a treasure and a valuable pearl for which people sell all to obtain. What is the Kingdom to which the Master refers and what motivates one to sell all to obtain it? #followMessiah #Christianity #Bible #faith #motivation #kingdomliving
Show Me How To Live

Show Me How To Live


Learning to follow Yeshua. What does it mean to be called and to be chosen? #followMessiah #religion #faith #Christianity #Bible
Follow The Leader

Follow The Leader


A look at the expectations for followers of Messiah through the sermon on the mount and the Didache. #faith #scripture #followMessiah #Bible #Chritianity
I Don’t Wanna Die

I Don’t Wanna Die


What holds us back from fully following Messiah? What do we want to hold onto and fear giving up? What part of our lives won’t we let “die” to follow Him completely?
Blood & Water

Blood & Water


What did John mean that Messiah “came from water and blood”? How do we distinguish between sin that leads to death and sin that doesn’t lead to death? A look at 1 John 5.
Love is a Battlefield

Love is a Battlefield


How is loving one another the “goal” of the command to love the Most High? How can we recognize the Spirit of God as opposed to other spirits? 1 John 4.
Back Where We Started

Back Where We Started


What have we “heard from the beginning”? What is the evidence of one who is a child of The Most High? A look at 1 John chapter 3.
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