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Alpha Parent

Author: Yulia Rafailova, Executive Function Coach

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Alpha parents are confident and outcome independent. They focus on creating a safe, secure, and non-judgmental space for their child to explore, learn, and grow. Alpha's know that in order to teach their child how to navigate the world, they must model the behavior, habits, and skills they want their child to learn.
15 Episodes
In this short interview, my guest, Holly, shares her biggest takeaways from the Alpha Parent Group Coaching Pilot. We talk about the online course, weekly group coaching sessions, and parent pods. Holly's Testimonial I found that Yulia's course was extremely helpful for me to return to my place of compassion for my child who suffers from a lack of executive functioning skills.  It has been a hard thing to comprehend and find empathy when trying to keep a functioning household and everyone doing their part.  I now understand what I need to bring to the table and how to change my expectations so that I can help him thrive instead of going in a downward spiral of frustrations and then anger.  Holly
The Parent's Tao Te Ching is (in my humble opinion) the most important parenting book ever written. It is also the inspiration for my upcoming Alpha Parent Online Mini Course. This new, 15 minute, guided meditation features a relaxing body scan and several of my favorite readings combined with a beautiful playlist.
I talk to my 16 year old coaching client, Jude, about navigating relationships, academics, ADHD, and the quarantine. 
I talk to my 17 year old coaching client, Nathan, about navigating school, ADHD, and the quarantine.
To all the moms who sacrifice so much for your families, I see you. I hear you. I acknowledge you. I wish you more joy, more peace, more play, and more self-compassion on this Mother's Day and beyond. Here's a gift for you - a meditation to connect you with your inner-child. Written by the brilliant, Katie Krimitsos, of the Women's Mediation network, and recorded by me.
Jon Pearson has been called an “imagination guru” and a “maestro of creativity.” He combines his skills as artist, writer and speaker to awaken, entertain and inform his audiences whether he’s speaking about humor techniques, visual thinking or storytelling. Jon’s core message is “Imagination will set you free.” He believes that along with courage and caring, creativity is what will save the world. And he believes that creativity starts with imagination and goes way beyond “the arts.” Jon has worked with artists, writers, educators, businesspeople and life coaches—over one million people around the world. He is a Distinguished Leader of the Creative Education Foundation and has been a featured speaker for many state and national conferences. He received from the U.S. Patent Model Foundation’s national “Creativity Conference for Educators” the highest workshop ratings in its history.  Jon has a lot to say about the system of modern schooling and how we can reimagine it to better serve the needs of students, teachers, and society.
I talk to Political Philosophy Professor, Dr. Nicholas Dungey, about the role of executive function and executive power in the modern Western Culture. Parents will learn how to trade power for influence and how to guide their kids to develop self-awareness and self-governance in the age of impulsivity and endless acquisition.  (Warning: This is a Deep Dive! Find more awesome podcasts by Professor Nicholas Dungey at
Parents, If the thought of your child becoming an independent adult seems like an impossibility right now, please know that that's OK. Raising a differently-wired child means letting go of the traditional roadmap to adulthood and helping your young adult design their unique path toward a fulfilling life that they can manage.  In this interview, life coach, Lynn C Davison and I boil down the process of parenting into a concrete system that helps you shift from the impossible to the possible, and into the inevitable. P.S., You can find Lynn on her website at; on Facebook at; or email her at
If you could boil down parenting into one concrete action, what would it be? Join me and Conscious Parent Coach, Naomi Rodriguez, in this conversation about finding your parenting groove. 
I'm thrilled to bring you this interview with my personal meditation and breathwork coach, Jeannie Kulwin. I can say without hesitation that this is one of the most important conversations I've shared on this podcast.    Here's why...   Many of us (myself included) go OUT OF OUR WAY not to feel our feelings.    We would rather...  Binge watch TV shows  Binge eat carbs and sugars  Drink excessively  Smoke Cigarettes  Work ourselves ragged  Run up credit card debt on "retail therapy"  Spend countless hours on social media and gaming While this stuff provides us with some momentary relief, we know it's really a way for us to avoid dealing with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. So, on top of the built-up stress, we pile on the self-criticism and shame...and so the cycle continues. How do we break this vicious cycle? How do we recharge our batteries and have enough energy to power through the day? How do we actually reduce our stress and heal our trauma? How can we teach kids do the same? There is no cookie-cutter answer here... Each of us need to embark on our own self-care journey and find what works for us. I hope that sharing my personal journey helps to illuminate the path forward for you. In service, Yulia 
In this episode, I read my Open Letter to Parents about 1) the five symptoms of micromanaging your kid, 2) the negative effects that it causes, 3) the common excuses that keep you stuck, and 4)how you can turn it all around. Read this letter and check out my weekly vlog on
In this series, teacher and mom, LaTanya Carter, speaks to me about navigating her kindergartener, 3rd grader, and 8th grader through LAUSD. In this episode we talk about what happens in your child's brain and body in an emotionally unsafe classroom as well as how to reframe your child's negative experience if they don't like their teacher.
Summer to Fall Transitions

Summer to Fall Transitions


In this series, teacher and mom, LaTanya Carter, speaks to me about navigating her kindergartener, 3rd grader, and 8th grader through LAUSD. In this episode we discuss the transition from summer to the fall school semester and expecting the unexpected.
NO SHAME Parenting

NO SHAME Parenting


In this podcast my friend, math professor, and mother of seven, LaTanya Carter, shares her insights about parenting seven completely different individuals, and the importance of freedom in her home. Quotes from our conversation: "I became combative, because I didn't want the opposition, so I was fearful that she [my daughter] was taking over. So I would react in ways, that I think now, were ridiculous."
In today's podcast: I speak to math professor and mom of seven kids, LaTanya Carter, about identity, grit, and navigating the dysfunctional public school system. P.S. Like this podcast? Thank you! Please share it to help me reach more parents. Quotes from our conversation: "It never shows up on her report card, though, because this is not what we're testing in school. And for her, the grit is lost in the system, and she loses a part of herself." "At some point, I had to realize the things I'm being asked to take from her, are later going to be asked from me to give back to her, to empower her."