Christ Fellowship Church | Miami

Christ Fellowship Church | Miami
Author: Christ Fellowship Miami
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These are the sermons from Christ Fellowship Miami. We are a church that exists to help you and your family follow Jesus.
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324 Episodes
Whether you’re a Millennial, a Baby Boomer or a part of Generation Z, you’ve likely found yourself comparing your life to the lifestyle of the generations before you. Maybe you’ve even blamed them for issues regarding politics, the economy or the environment. No matter what generation you’re a part of, every single one has the same responsibility: to raise up the next generation for Christ. Listen in as we learn from the Book of Judges where Israel went wrong in this area and how we can avoid making the same mistakes.
Life is kind of like football—we are the players and God is the coach. When God makes a call for you to follow on the field, do you obey? In the Book of Judges, we see an example of the consequences that occur when God’s people start to ignore His commands. Join us as we discover what we can learn from this story and how our obedience to God can drastically change our lives.
God hasn’t just given you everything you have, He’s entrusted you with it. Your possessions, finances and resources aren’t just blessings—they’re responsibilities God has given you so that you might steward them well. Join us as we learn what it means to be a good steward and how we can model that practically.
Did you know the word “Christian” comes from a Greek word that means “little Christ”? In fact, the Bible calls followers of Jesus His “ambassadors” and says we have been entrusted with a special mission. What is this mission and how can we accomplish it? We invite you to listen in as we learn what it means to be ambassadors for Christ and the high expectations God has for this role.
It may come as a surprise, but the Bible says that every single one of God’s children has received a gift. But this gift isn’t physical—it’s even more special than you may think. What is this gift and how can we use it? Has everyone received the same gift or do we all have different ones? We invite you to listen in as we discover this gift’s meaning and how God has commanded us to use it for His Kingdom.
The first month of 2025 is already flying by—how are your New Year’s resolutions going? If they haven’t been going the way you planned, there’s a crucial ingredient you might be missing. We invite you to listen in as we continue to look at how we can grow more in our walks this year than the last and how being in a Small Group can change everything for us.
2025 has officially begun. Whether you have financial goals, career goals, relationship goals or health goals for this new year, we want you to add an even more important spiritual goal to your list—getting to know God better.
When you look back on the past year, what’s the first word that comes to mind? Whether this year was a great one or a not-so-great one for you, don’t just quickly leave this year in the past and impatiently wait for the new one. Listen to our exclusively online service as we discover how to end 2024 well and start 2025 right.
Life is full of challenges, especially in the Christmas season. For many of us, they can be even more overwhelming when we feel like we are all alone. The truth of Christmas is that no matter where we are or what we’re going through, we are never alone when we have Jesus. Listen in as we celebrate Christmas Eve and discover what “Immanuel (God with us)” really means.
Did you know there are two types of grace that the people of God experience? The Book of John says in Jesus’ “fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” What are these two graces and how do we receive them? Listen in as we celebrate Christmas and discover the incomparable grace of Jesus Christ.
In the Book of Isaiah, Jesus is called a “man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.” Part of Jesus’ human nature is His ability to feel the same emotions we do. One key characteristic of Jesus described multiple times in the gospel accounts is “compassion.” How does Jesus’ compassion differ from our own and what can we learn from the way He acted out his compassion? Listen in as we learn about this incomparable attribute of Christ and discover how we can mold ourselves to be more like Him.
It can’t be touched, heard, smelled, or tasted—it can only be seen. Light has been an invaluable resource for all of time. “Let there be light” were the first words uttered by God in the Bible, and when He walked the Earth, He called Himself the “light of the world.” What is so special about this light? Listen in as we discover the incomparable light of Christ and learn what it means for us this Christmas season.
According to dictionaries, “redemption” means the action of saving or being saved from sin, error or evil. However, it could also mean the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. What makes the Book of Ruth so special is that it points to both types of redemption—for Ruth’s life and our own lives too. Listen in as we read the end of this incredible story.
In Psalm 37, there’s a famous verse: “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” But the part that many people forget is the verse right after: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” We all want God to fulfill our desires, but sometimes they don’t align with the path that God has for us. Join us as we continue to learn from Ruth how to trust God even when the plan He has is completely different from the one we imagined.
What does it mean to take “refuge” in God? After all, we cannot physically see or touch God, so how can we go to him for safety? The Book of Ruth details a short story about a pagan girl who finds true refuge in God. Join us as we learn how we can do the same and how it can radically transform our lives.
“If God is for me, why am I going through adversity?” It’s the age-old question we have all found ourselves wondering. Where is God when we need Him the most, and why should we trust Him despite all of the trials we face? Listen in as we learn from a bittersweet story about how to respond when we encounter despairing times.
It’s been the most hotly debated topic all year long—the 2024 presidential election. Whether it’s regarding the economy, the border or amendments on the ballot, it’s easy to feel anxious about the future of our country. Listen in as we dive into the truth about the election and how Christians should respond in the midst of chaos.
In the book of 1 Peter, God commands us to be “sober-minded.” What does that term really mean? Is it referring to the use of illicit substances or an overarching state of mind? What is God’s view on using certain substances, and what are the common arguments in favor of them? We invite you to listen in as we seek clarity from God’s Word and learn how Christians should respond to this topical debate.
In 2023 alone, researchers estimate there were 1,026,700 abortions in the United States. That means over a million babies were intentionally killed in the womb before they could even take their first breath. Although the Bible doesn’t explicitly mention the word “abortion,” God still has plenty to say about life in the womb. Where should Christians place themselves on this national issue? Listen in as we tackle this heavy and heartbreaking topic straight from the truth God has laid out for us.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, record temperatures, rising sea levels—it seems like we are experiencing the Earth's “groans” more and more. Is humanity responsible for this? How should Christians respond to the idea of “climate change” and “environmental responsibility?” Listen in as we explore these controversial topics and learn where our true hope lies regarding the fate of our world.
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