Claim Ownership


Author: Rod Genders

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Welcome to EstatePlanner, the podcast that tells the truth about Wills, estates and guardianships in Australia. We all have loved ones that we care-for. As the Australian population ages, it is getting more important to protect ourselves, our family and our assets. Rod Genders is one of the most senior and respected lawyers in Australia, specialising in Wills and estates for 30+ years. Learn from him as he discusses what to do and what not to do, to plan for the future.
7 Episodes
Basic Estate Plan

Basic Estate Plan


The thought of creating an estate plan can at first appear intimidating, but if you break down the process into smaller pieces, it will make it more manageable. By taking it step by step, it’s more likely that you’ll be comfortable getting started with the process. Deciding what goes into an estate plan that fits your life and accomplishes your goals should be done with the help of a lawyer who specialises in estate planning. Learn more:
When older people need to move into retirement accommodation, they typically need to sell their existing home to buy-in to the retirement village. This week we discuss some of the practical issues of how to achieve this, including how to afford to renovate and update the existing home to get top-dollar AFTER moving into the retirement home.  Learn more:
For those of us getting out of a long term relationship, there is a lot of disentangling to do. Legally & financially, we need to remove that person from our affairs, so that we can move forward with confidence that they can no longer access or control important aspects of our lives.  Learn more:
When we start thinking about putting our affairs in order, we typically concentrate first on our Will and then on a Power of Attorney, because we are conditioned to think in terms of financial assets and how to control them. However it is often the 'softer' issues that cause the most stress in a family. Which nursing home will I go into? Who will my carers be? What end-of-life decisions do I want to make? Listen to the estate planning expert Rod Genders as he discusses these important issues.  Learn more:
“How to stop the Government giving away your assets after you die and charging a fortune to do it” With all the recent talk about Australia’s ageing population, changes to superannuation and media speculation about the possible return of death duties, this timely interview reveals senior legal specialist Rod Genders from the oldest law firm in South Australia dishing the dirt on: - how estate companies make their fortunes from “free” Wills - how to save your family over $10,000 when they administer your deceased estate - how to avoid Government bureaucrats taking control of your finances, accommodation, health & medical decisions - plus much more. This hard-hitting 45 minute radio interview tells the real truth about how to plan for the future, to protect yourself, your family and your assets.  Learn more:
Poor Man's Will

Poor Man's Will


Important information for anyone trying to help an older person with money management. Joint accounts with other people are common, but can cause many problems. Specialist Australian estate planning lawyer Rod Genders talks about the Dangers of Joint Ownership in Estate Planning.  Learn more:
Senior Australian lawyer Rod Genders gives a quick (5 minute) overview of Testamentary Capacity - an increasingly common and important problem as Australia braces for a projected tripling of Alzheimer's in our rapidly ageing population.  Learn more: