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Astrology Alchemy Podcast
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Astrology Alchemy Podcast

Author: Sheila Bélanger

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The Astrology Alchemy podcast gives you inspiring insights from current astrology cycles that support your path of turning your personal “lead” into “gold.” Hosted by archetypal astrologer Sheila Bélanger.

274 Episodes
A potent New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini invites you to follow new directions with projects and ideas. Plus the second Saturn square Uranus cycle continues the yearlong shaking up of old ways of being and doing things.
An amazing week to activate your courage to listen to your destiny calling you and align with the greater Mystery in the midst of current personal and collective initiatory change.
The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini-Sagittarius calls us to shift old beliefs. Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini inviting you to a 3-week period of reviewing and redefining your stories.
A week of conversation between planets in Gemini and Pisces--opportunities to think differently and align with deeper intuitive knowing. Plus an invitation to turn toward inner remodeling for a few months as Saturn goes retrograde.
"A week of a boost of spiritual enlightenment" with Jupiter entering Pisces. plus a grounding, earthy New Moon in Taurus.
Three key cycles with planets in Taurus and Aquarius that challenge us to balance holding onto established security and opening to greater innovation and change.
This is a potent, intense week calling you to clarify the balance between personal security and what you need to contribute to the greater good. The key cycles are:-Full Moon In Scorpio cutting to the heart of the matter with necessary changes-Pluto goes retrograde inviting a focused 6 months of inner remodeling-Sun and Uranus join together to wake you up to radical shifts 
The Sun (Heroine-Hero-Conscious Self) in Capricorn squares Chiron (Wounded Healer) in Aries calling you to a healing journey of greater self-acceptance and willingness to release ancestral patterns that are not yours to carry. The Sun trines Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus supporting you to to free yourself from outworn constrictive  patterns by making some necessary radical changes around stewardship of your resources and being em-bodied. The Full Moon (Instinctive Nurturer) in Cancer calls you to balance strength and vulnerability. Chiron is square this Full Moon inviting you to emotionally release limiting wound patterns that keep you from deep belonging to yourself and your life. The Sun conjoins Mercury retrograde (Storyteller-Communicator) in Capricorn seeding a new 4-month timeline to create, implement and test out a new project that aligns with your purpose, authority and a more sustainable life.Podcast Poem: "Beannacht" (Blessing for a New Year) by John O'DonohueRegister for the FREE 2023 Astrology Cycles Forecast Webinar: the showGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
The major astrology of this week is the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The Sun (Conscious Self), Venus (Relational One) and Mercury (Storyteller) are together in Scorpio. They are opposite the Moon (Instinctive Nurturer) and Uranus (Maverick) in Taurus. And all these planets square Saturn (Responsible One) in Aquarius. Whew!!!! This is a huge emotional cauldron of transformation. Align with your mature compassionate self to shift the old  patterns of getting trapped in emotional trauma-drama (Scorpio) because of survival fears (Taurus). Recognize which of these patterns are echoes of past pain (for you and your unhealed ancestral) so you can free yourself to evolve into a new belonging (Aquarius) to your life, your people and your world.Podcast Poem: "A Message from the Wanderer" by William StaffordSupport the showGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
Remember that Mars (Warrioress-Advocate) just turned retrograde in Gemini for 2 1/2 months. Slow down, track and shift old thought patterns of verbal arguing in order to be right. Ask yourself these questions: Is this my battle to fight?What diminishes my life energy? Then take action to make changes based on your answers. Also several planets conjoin the South Node (Old Survival Patterns) in Scorpio this week. Look for insights for where you are caught in too-costly dramas with relationships, communication and your resources.Podcast poem: "Talk About Walking" by Philip BoothFree Mars Retrograde workshop at Support the showGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio invites you to deal with experiences that carry old emotional residue. Lean in and transmute them. Jupiter (Teacher-Guide) re-enters Pisces until the end of the year asking you to address limited paradigms of victimization and escapism and reconnect to functional faith and hope. Mars (Advocate-Assertive One) goes retrograde in Gemini for 2 and 1/2 months challenging you to track how your busy mind and actions can exhaust you. In this time, review what diminishes your life energy and have the courage to change your mind and habits to allow more freedom and openness in your life.Podcast poem: "Sweet Darkness" by David WhytePoet's website: https://davidwhyte.comSupport the showGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
A supportive harmonious week getting you ready for the upcoming eclipse season and Mars retrograde. The Sun (Conscious Self) and Venus (Relational One) conjoin in Libra to support you to anchor in your core values of reciprocity and fairness in all relationships. Both the Sun and Venus trine Mars (Courageous Warrior/ess) in Gemini inviting you to honor and invest in new ideas and options for positive change in relationships. Open your mind to go beyond habitual wounded mind patterns of anger and frustration to focus on what you really love and care about. Both the Sun and Venus square Pluto in Capricorn challenging you to stop being an over-controlling relationship cop or taking on too much for others. At the end of the week, Saturn (Responsible Structure-Maker) turns direct in Aquarius after 4 months of retrograde motion. Big call to "adulting" time with implementing new life structures and forms  that are more liberating and authentic for all concerned.Podcast poem: "The Word" by Tony HoaglandSupport the showGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
The potent healing energies of the recent Full Moon in Aries continue to invite you to more deeply claim your authenticity, especially in relationships. Mercury (The Communicator) re-enters Libra to help you integrate the insights you gained about reciprocity from its recent retrograde cycle. Mars (Advocate-Courageous One) in Gemini squares Neptune (Dreamer-Mystic) in Pisces challenging you to release false identities crafted as survival strategies and have the courage to be who you really are. Mercury in Libra opposes Jupiter (Mentor-Expanded One) in Aries for the third time since early September. Look for insights and more awareness about the bigger picture in your life. Both the Sun (Conscious Self) and Venus (Relational One) in Libra trine Saturn (Responsible One) in Aquarius signaling it's time to make more serious commitments in your life.Podcast Poem: "It is I Who Must Begin" by Vaclav HavelSheila's website: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
The Sun (Conscious Self) in Virgo opposes Neptune (Dreamer-Visionary) in Pisces and trines Pluto (Transformer) in Capricorn supporting you to ground into your heart and compassion and transmute old patterns of over-control. Venus (Relational One) in Virgo squares Mars (Advocate) in Gemini challenging you to balance your love of form and game plan with your love of innovative new ideas and change. Mercury (Storyteller) in Libra opposes Jupiter (Mentor-Seeker) in Aries inviting you to go beneath limited reactions of fight or flight and activate  authentic and effective communication patterns.Podcast Poem: "Love After Love" by Derek WalcottSheila's website: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
Mars (Advocate) in Gemini sextiles Jupiter (Teacher-Expanded One) in Aries to support you to courageously expand your beliefs and stories about what it means to be independent and free to do your own thing.  Mercury (Storyteller-Communicator) in Libra opposes Jupiter inviting you to redefine the balance between independence and connection in relationships.Podcast Poem: "Making Contact" by Virginia SatirSheila's website: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
Uranus (Maverick) goes retrograde in Taurus inviting you to five months of inner revolutions around themes of security and resources. The New Moon in Virgo squares Mars (Advocate-Champion) in Gemini supports you to seed new paths to healing and inner alignment by courageously opening your mind to new ideas and options. Venus (Relational One) in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus and opposes Saturn (Responsible One) in Aquarius challenging you make essential deep changes in relationships and with your resources to activate a more mature and sustainable life.Poem: "Tired of Speaking Sweetly" by HafizSheila's website: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comGo to Sheila's website for information on workshops, online courses and to subscribe to her weekly newsletter: https://www.ontheedgesofchange.comFollow Sheila: out Sheila's YouTube Channel:
Mercury (Storyteller) squares Mars (Warrior) and Uranus (Maverick) and opposes Saturn (Structure-Maker) catalyzing you to radically shift an old scarcity and fear mindset and activate your mature leader mindset. The New Moon in Leo invites you to seed new ways to be in your creativity and dignity while helping others to do the same. Jupiter turns retrograde for four months of inner redefining of your core beliefs around independence and personal will. Uranus conjoins the North Node ushering in a new 15-year journey of shaking up how we collectively steward resources and on an individual level, how you live a  life on your own terms.Poem: "The Moment" by Margaret AtwoodPoet's website:'s website:
A very full week of Venus (the Relational One) turning retrograde conjunct Pluto (The Transformer) beginning a 6-week underworld journey of transforming relationship and value patterns that need releasing. Chiron (The Wounded Healer) goes direct inviting you to initiate outer healing by bravely being more visible with your authentic self. Winter Solstice and the returning of the light comes this week.  And the last of the Saturn-Uranus square cycles completes supporting you harvest the challenging lessons of this year about balancing order and chaos.
Neptune goes forward this week in Pisces inviting you to open to greater visions and hopes while compassionately nurturing the parts of you feeing caught in hopelessness and overwhelm. At the end of the week a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius supports us to find new ways to follow our aspirations and spiritual wisdom that lies underneath our grasping strategic mind caught in its certainty about everything!
This week, the Sun, Mercury and the South Node dance with one another in Sagittarius offering  opportunities to catch up with yourself. Open to  insights and deeper meanings about all the immense shifts and changes you, your beloveds and our world has experienced.  Recognize past stories and perspectives that need to shift. Honor deeper beliefs that source you now.