Shaping Chaos

Shaping Chaos
Author: Thereforth
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On the Shaping Chaos podcast, you will hear do-ers and makers from the worlds of leadership, innovation, marketing, research and design share their stories on how they thrive with chaos and make the most out of it.
19 Episodes
Speculative design helps individuals and organizations shape their future success by enabling everyone to think outside their focus. During this inspiring conversation, Phil shares how he managed chaos when unsure what to do and how he uses speculative design to develop solutions for problems that are yet to come.
When working under uncertainty, playbooks and frameworks for decision making might fail when the level of complexity is too high.
Mariana works at the interception between social innovation, education, business and design to help founders, managers and students navigate complexity by using what she calls a design attitude — a set of cognitive skills that spark change.
She introduces concepts that can change our approach to problem-solving and help us navigate the uncertainty without fearing the unknown.
Governments often take big decisions.
They come in the form of policies, mandates or directives aimed to create a better future for the country and its citizens.
Sometimes, these institutions lack a holistic understanding of how the smallest change can have a significant impact on something they overlooked.
Marco Steinberg, the founder of Snowcone and Haystack, helps governments navigate the chaotic nature these entities go through by showing them how to approach problems from the various standpoints.
In this conversation, we talk about how to drive change by understanding the forces at play when creating a lasting positive impact.
The world is interconnected and multiple perspectives allow us to see deeper connections and relationships.
Indy Johar, the founder of Dark Matter Labs, brings this multitude of perspectives to every challenge, and helps organizations to "radically redesigning the bureaucratic & institutional infrastructure of our cities, regions and towns for a more democratic, distributed great transition".
In this conversation, we talk about how we can understand chaos and complexity.
For some, innovation happens to the lucky ones.
It is hard to attain, difficult to measure and unpredictable.
For Bob Moesta, the innovator and founder of the Re-Wired Group, understanding and learning how to innovate is what makes a great product, service or organization.
In this conversation, we talk about innovation frameworks and how to make sense of chaos.
COVID-19 devastated the travel industry.
For many, it meant the end of the business.
For Charlie, the ultra-marathon runner and founder of Epic Travel, it became an endurance lesson.
Tune in to this episode and learn about the parallels between chaos, endurance running and business planning.
In a small town of west Wales, David Hieatt is focusing on the difficult task of bringing 384 jobs back.
He's not afraid of difficult things, and often he uses them as the source of inspiration.
As the founder Hiut Denin and other successful businesses, he has faced chaos multiple times. Now he calls it a silent friend, the one that is there to show you the way.
Tune in to this fantastic conversation and learn how to learn from chaos.
If you ever been in a chaotic situation you know it: your heart races, you make quick decisions, you want to get out there fast.
Alisan designs services and products to calm you down in those situations, making sure you make the right decisions and focus on what matters most.
He has something to say about working with chaos an understanding its significance in the ecosystem
For the past 10 years, Claire Lew has been shaping businesses in the background.
She founded Know Your Team to help leaders become better at leadership by focusing on topics that most of us overlook: how to give honest feedback, how to nurture your talent and how to run a team effectively.
In this conversation, we go deep on what prevents us from becoming great leaders and what we should do about it.
BONUS: Claire shares her framework on how to give feedback that inspires action.
[Former Captico Talks Episode] Pip Jamieson is on a mission to make diversity the driving force of the future and created The Dots network with that as one of the core values for growth. She talks about how important is diversity for success, how to make it an integral part of your plans, how to create a thriving creative culture and how should we look at creativity in the era of quantum robotics.
Pip also shares the challenges she faced as a female founder in the tech industry whilst trying to grow and fund her company and ideas and what to do to best overcome that.
⚡For comprehensive episode notes visit
[Former Captico Talks Episode] Pedro Brandão has built Significa to thrive on creativity.
Today Significa is one of the most renowned digital product studios in Portugal, and in this conversation Pedro shares the habits that are leading them to create a thriving environment and culture, how to grow creative talent and how building relationships with other companies creates a thriving ecosystem - a contrarian perspective over what every other businesses are doing.
Tune in!
[Former Captico Talks Episode] Doist is the fully fledge remote company behind the productivity tools Todoist and Twist. Ana shares incredible insights on async communication, managing creativity remotely, from first designer to design management, mental health, hire remote talent and much more.
✨Show Notes ✨
Start up Chile happen in 2012 and not in 2009 as mentioned in the show.
👨🎨👩🎨People Mentioned
Amir Salihefendić - @amaix3k - Founder of Doist
Alex Muench - @alexmuench - Product Design at Doist
Margarida Mouta - @nargaridamouta - Illustrator at Doist
Ben Breckler - @benbreckler - Product Designer at Doist
Sam Beckett - @samjohnbeck - Product Designer at Doist
Wallace Chao - @Chiachichao - Product Designer at Doist
Panagiotis Tsamoudakis - @tsamoudakis - Product Designer at Doist
Weihung Yin - @WeihungYin - Illustrator at Doist
How Slack is ruining work - @ranimolla - Vox
Designing distributed: collaboration on Doist’s fully-remote design team - Ana Ferreira for the Invision Blog
What Most Remote Companies Don’t Tell You About Remote Work - Amir Salihefendić
A Brief History of Time - Stephen Hawking
Ruined by Design - Mike Monteiro
Mismatch - Kat Holmes
The Making of a Manager - Julie Zhuo
21 Lessons for the 21 Century - Yuval Noah Harari
The sound of this podcast has been optimised by my great friend Ash Castanheira! Thank you 🙏
[Former Captico Talks Episode] Matt Brooke-Smith is the Founder and CEO of Future Workshops the London based digital product company that has been delivering products that people love for more than 10 years. In this conversation we talk about the importance of investing in your own ideas, diversity in the team and in your business, the best way to invest in talent and much much more.
People Mentioned in this episode:
Fabio Galloneto -
Jenny Grinblo -
Noble Union
David Ashford
Andy Honas
Brands Mentioned:
Steve Jobs
Austin Martin
Saatchi & Saatchi
Top Gear
Goldman Sachs
A fantastic conversation with the co-founder of the uber-successful studio Ustwo, about ultra running, ego, succeilure, Fampany, the bestseller mobile game Monument Valley and a meeting with Tim Cook.
✨Mills JDFI Podcast ✨
Documentary mentioned:
Life in a day
Ustwo Games mentioned:
Monument Valley
People mentioned:
Ustwo Co-Founder Jonh Sinclar a.k.a “Sinx”
Ustwo CEO Carsten Wierwille
Tim Cook
Dem Gerolemou
Nuno Coelho dos Santos
Danny White
Daniel Gray
Ken Wong
Ultra Runners
Timothy Shieff
Rich Roll
Books mentioned
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday
In this episode, Kaave Pour, the co-founder of Space 10, a company dedicated to improving everyday life for people and the planet, and I discuss how to navigate uncertainty and create spaces for collaboration. Kaave shares insights on the importance of VALUES and how they can evolve as a company grows. We also explored the role of play in work, and how technology is shaping the future of our homes — a future that Kaave believes is about to happen. Kaave's vision for the future of technology and innovation is truly inspiring, and I deeply curious to see where he's bringing his design impact next.
From this conversation I am taking George Bernard Shaw quote and have it as en everyday reminder: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing”.
Key Takeaways
Creating a better everyday life requires navigating chaos and uncertainty.
Building spaces for collaboration and exploration is essential in creating innovative solutions.
Your's and your company values play a crucial role in guiding decision-making and ensuring alignment with the mission.
Playfulness and having a playful approach can enhance creativity and engagement in work.
Identifying new trends and needs in technology is key to driving innovation.
In this podcast episode, Matthew Claudel, the founder of Field States, shares valuable insights on emergent design and managing complexity. We discuss the importance of experimentation, learning from failures, and the role of curiosity in driving innovation. Matthew offers a thought-provoking discussion on how cities learn and evolve, with useful lessons for anyone interested in design, urban planning, or creativity.
After recording this episode, I feel Matthew gave me the articulation I need in my practice to see design as tool to solve emergent problems, a Darwinian approach that I believe will grow fond on me and I hope you find it revolutionary in your work as well as I do.
Key Takeways
Emergence in design involves embracing uncertainty and allowing the process to unfold organically.
Chaos and interdependence are inherent in today's world, and organizations must navigate these complexities to create meaningful change.
Fear can paralyze action, but creating a safe space for experimentation and offering grace to oneself and others can help overcome it.
Designing for emergence requires involving stakeholders, exploring alternative perspectives, and designing the right questions rather than seeking predetermined answers. Structured experiments are essential in urban planning to explore new ideas and approaches.
Maintaining the value created during experiments is a challenge, as there is often no well-fit structure for sustaining it.
Procurement processes can hinder innovation, and there is a need to redefine procurement to support more exploratory outcomes.
Cities learn and evolve through a continuous feedback loop of exploration, observation, and change.
There are parallels between the fashion industry and cities in terms of loops and feedback in design and innovation.
Designing for long-term transformation requires balancing long-term vision with smaller feedback loops and experimentation.
The most significant barrier to creativity and innovation is how individuals perceive themselves and their creative abilities.
Curiosity is a key factor in success, driving exploration, asking the right questions, and embracing the unknown.
In this episode, Alexander Vilinskyy talks about his perspectives on embracing chaos, innovation, and learning from mistakes. We dive into the importance of junior team members and why we should optimize for luck. We also touch on the future of devices and interaction - where I learned about how we can potentially interact with devices in a near future! Alexander shares his thoughts on interacting with knowledge and information, exploring new mediums, and the impact of war on his short and long-term perspective. What stands out in this episode is how we
In this episode, Brian Boyer, co-founder of Dash Marshall and director of the Urban Technology program at the University of Michigan, shares his insights on navigating the complexities of design and the intersection of cities and technology. We discussed the difference between complexity and opacity, the value of design in decision-making, and the importance of understanding social knowledge. For me the highlight comes when Bryan discussed the need for a broad toolbox in dealing with complexity and the challenges of multidisciplinary projects, something that still seems to be a struggle in the modern world. As a teacher, Bryan also shares his experiences educating students to find a balance between different design perspectives and the importance of asking the right questions in city planning.
Key Takeways
The intersection of cities and digital technology brings together different approaches and perspectives.
Historical figures like Olmsted and modern innovations like Uber have had a significant impact on cities.
Finding a balance between utilizing and protecting the commons is crucial in the digital age.
Educating students to find the middle space between different design perspectives is essential.
Asking the right questions and understanding the qualities and experiences of a place are important in city planning.
Turning once abstract ideas into something tangible and usable is a key contributor to success in design.
In this episode, Benjamin Yoskovitz, Founding Partner at Highline Beta, shares valuable insights on navigating the complexities of business and life. We discusses the importance of identifying trends and patterns in the market, balancing chaos and creativity, and making data-driven decisions amidst chaotic information. Benjamin also shares lessons learned from his book Lean Analytics and the story behind the B-Real app.
The concept of atomic units of engagement stands out for me and its one I will be using in my approach going forwards but you will find ton more of practical advice and inspiration for anyone looking to thrive in the ever-changing world of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Key Takeways:
Navigating chaos in fundraising requires mapping out the process and creating a step-by-step checklist to bring clarity and control.
Building a better relationship with chaos involves accepting that control is impossible and focusing on what can be controlled.
Collecting data is important, but it's crucial to focus on a few key metrics that will actually change behavior and inform decision-making.
In a world obsessed with perfection, it's important to recognize that chaos cannot be eliminated and to embrace the opportunities it presents. Identifying mega trends and having insights are crucial when building a company.
The creator economy and the business of one are significant trends in the current market.
Solo entrepreneurs face unique challenges, such as infrastructure limitations and cross-border transactions.
The concept of atomic units of engagement is powerful in creating sticky and engaging products.
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