DiscoverBoring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep
Boring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep

Boring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep

Author: Sharon Handy

Subscribed: 1,805Played: 86,969


Boring Books for Bedtime is a weekly sleep podcast in which we calmly, quietly read something rather boring to silence the brain chatter keeping you awake. Think Aristotle, Thoreau, and whoever wrote the 1897 Sears Catalog—mostly nonfiction, mostly old, a perfect blend of vaguely-but-not-too interesting.

If you're on Team Sleepless, lie back, take a deep breath, and let us read you to rest.
303 Episodes
Let’s relax and sleep with more about the origins of that magical medium, movies! This time, we explore motion, mess with gelatin, and call “Action!” on the development of celluloid film thanks to one George Eastman.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Moving Pictures” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s relax and sleep with more from this solo journey by sailboat. This time, we cross the Atlantic, serenade dolphins, and…a seafaring ghost saves our narrator from a cheese-induced fever? Sure, why not. I don’t write them, friends.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Sailing Alone Around the World” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s relax and sleep with more from a classic that combines mathematics and social commentary with pointed angularity. This time, our narrator is inducted into that most secret of secrets…three dimensions. Why, it’s madness, I tell you.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Flatland” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s celebrate our 300th episode and 10 MILLION listens with a bit of fireworks! That sounds exciting, but it’s really just a sleepy catalog of firework displays in England up to the 19th century. Flaming dragon battles and “philosophical fireworks” are somewhat mentioned, so that’s fun.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Pyrotechnics” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s return to a political classic and learn more about how to govern as a prince. This time, we hear why neither the rich nor the mercenary can be trusted, why it’s easy to earn the people’s faith by being nice, and the excellent word “dastardy” is used.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “The Prince” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
This week, let’s relax with the intricacies of car maintenance as we learn the proper care and operation of a 1912 Model T Ford. Why, it’s so simple, anyone can fill the dope caps and grind the valves. Ford thinks you can, anyway, and isn’t that a bit cheering?   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s sail to sleep with more about the history of maritime exploration, including Vikings in North America, the Chinese invention of the compass, Arabic navigation tools, and the rise of the Portuguese. Dreams ahoy!   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “The Book of the Ocean” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s return to this relaxing classic and learn more sleepy advice about paying visits, leaving cards, proper wedding invitations, and how to sit in a chair. Dear listeners, it seems your reader had no idea.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Etiquette” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
This week, we conclude a relaxing Greek classic about getting the best from your cavalry horse, including what to wear, and then fall asleep to the riveting legalese of Project Gutenberg’s usage license for all these free eBooks I share with you. The horse stuff is more fun, to be honest.   Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you get exclusive episodes, keep us ad-free AND get a chance to hear your personal fave. Win-win! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “On Horsemanship” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let's continue to wend our relaxing way through a fundamental text of science and explore how elements combine and de-combine with that wonderful substance, water. Truly the solution for sleep!   Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you get exclusive episodes, keep us ad-free AND get a chance to hear your personal fave. Win-win! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “The Principles of Chemistry” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s return to this sleepily detailed guide to rail journeys in 1860, and learn what to wear, the importance of travel insurance, and how to steal a horse to get to the station on time. Handy indeed!   Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you get exclusive episodes, keep us ad-free AND get a chance to hear your personal fave. Win-win!   Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “The Railway Traveller’s Handy Book” at the Internet Archive:   Music: "Healing,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Tonight, let’s celebrate the sleepy splendors of spring and go shopping for the latest in floral novelties offered by Gardiner & Co. in their seed annual. Apparently, in 1890, Japanese delights were all the rage.   I also announce a new Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you help us stay ad-free AND get a chance to hear your faves. Win-win! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Tonight, while your reader recovers from a snuffly illness, let’s rewind to 2021 and fall into the rhythm of sleep with a book that works hard to put meaning into music, but mostly just manages to make it boring. So…kind of perfect, really.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “How to Listen to Music” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Healing,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with more from Muir’s poetic ode to the spectacular natural wonders of North America. This time, we complete our relaxing tour of Yellowstone and head to beautiful Yosemite, the jewel of the Sierras. Truly the stuff of dreams.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Our National Parks” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Watching Whale on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s return to the relaxing world of dairy products and learn more about the design of a good curing room, dividing profits among your producers, and what makes a great cheese. Hint: it’s definitely not skim milk!   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Handbook on Cheese Making” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Chasing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s return to this sleep-inducing exploration, and speculation, about the Red Planet. This time, we learn about seasonal fluctuations of the poles and how they do or don’t mirror our own. Which is exactly as interesting as it sounds.   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Mars and Its Canals” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s find our mental rapport with sleep as we conclude this, uh, scientific guide to mind reading, learn how to find cards and drive a wagon while blindfolded, and discover how naughty charlatans dupe the public. Fake mind readers, you say? Impossible!   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Practical Mind Reading” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s spend our way to sleep as we learn more about the concept of value, why pounds are silver instead of gold, and how rent should be charged in corn rather than coin. Truly priceless boredom!   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “The Wealth of Nations” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s climb the slopes of sleep as we continue this history-making journey to study the world’s mightiest mountain. This time, our yaks run wild, we eat dumplings, cross quicksand, and take the first photo of a lama. Dreamy adventure awaits!   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY,   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Let’s fly away to sleep with more about beautiful birds and that fantastic family of feathered friends, the parrots. This time, we marvel at lovebirds, cockatoos, and the curious kakapo. Adorable!   Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Patreon: Buy Me a Coffee:   Read “Cassell’s Book of Birds, Volume 1” at Project Gutenberg:   Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY   If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website,
Comments (20)


Such a perfect, no-frills sleep aid.

May 22nd

Michael Bogin

I had terrible insomnia while traveling. Nothing was working. Then I found this. it's a miracle. This is like audio Ambien. Thank you!

Jul 10th

mad mercenary

This is one of my favourite sleep podcasts, the content is fantastic and the readers voice is perfectly gentle and soothing to help you fall asleep. Thanks so much for creating this awesome podcast ☺️😴

May 11th


I absolutely adore this episode, but the sound is so quiet compared to the rest it is hard to hear *tears*

Dec 28th

Na en

also titled: descriptions of an autistic person

May 6th

Na en

That was too interesting, listened to the whole thing :D

Sep 8th

Yasmine C

not boring at all

Mar 5th

Yasmine C

very soothing and love the poetry

Mar 5th


Storyteller' voice is soothing

Oct 12th

Anna Mouse

Such a nice book

Oct 12th

Boring Books for Bedtime Podcast

I apologize if you tried to listen to this first-thing and got nothing but silence or static. Apparently, the file was corrupted, but all fixed now. Thanks for your patience!

Jun 17th

Kushal Kaushik

Hello from India. I love your channel and I want to thank you for putting me to sleep every night. Not sure how else I would be able deal with my insomnia.

May 26th
Reply (1)

Anna Mouse

It's the best thing I've discovered in the internet for the long time

May 4th
Reply (1)

Troy McKoy

You can really stop reading after 10 minutes 'cause everyone is already sleeping... LOL and do you get flack from authors for adding their titles to the "boring" list? LOL

Mar 26th
Reply (3)

Christine Ingels

Thank you again for your reply and recommendation on Reddit! Can't wait!

Nov 27th