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Mastering Video Content Marketing

Author: APV

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The podcast that helps brands, businesses, organizations, institutions and individuals better understand video content marketing and how to leverage it most effectively to generate impressive results.
43 Episodes
Start Boldly!

Start Boldly!


A lot of clients and creators just don't know where to start their story when it comes to creating compelling and engaging videos that actually attract, engage, delight and drive audiences to action.  In today's episode of mastering video marketing from APV, Daniel Clarke - Executive Producer at APV Clubhouse is going to give you another one of his story tips...  Today's tip is to start boldly!
Whenever Creative Director Thomas J Elliott meets with new clients or prospects many of them ask him where they can find ideas for their video content.   In a similar vein when many clients brief APV on a new project they will often send video samples from competitors they would like to emulate or improve upon.   In today's episode from APV on mastering video marketing, Creative Director Thomas J Elliott is going to be talking about how in both of these situations it is a great idea to widen the scope of your influences and look outside of your particular vertical or field for inspiration.
Too Expensive!

Too Expensive!


When choosing the right partner (be they an agency, production company or freelancer) determining what is the right price for the services and solutions can be difficult for many clients to measure.   In today's episode Harry Pang from APV is going to talk through the elements you should consider when considering the price of a video creator and their services and solutions.
Choosing your aspect ratio is a key element in determining your film’s composition and mood.    Can you compose and light wider shots?    Do you want to focus the audience’s attention on certain details?    Do you want to immerse them in the film’s lavish or fantastical environments? Or do you want to confine their field of view to avoid emptier, flatter settings?   In this episode we will answer many of your questions about Aspect Ratio and how to choose the right one.
In this latest episode of mastering video marketing for APV, Creative Director - Thomas J Elliott is going to be talking about video mistakes and how you as a brand, business, organisation or institution can learn from them.   Mistakes are an essential part of getting better at video just as they are an essential part of getting better at life.  Mistakes provide massive learnings for improvement.
Idea Vs Budget

Idea Vs Budget


Following on from Harry Pang's last episode on determining your budget for your video content, Thomas J Elliott's episode today for APV's mastering video marketing series is all about understanding Idea vs Budget and what comes first.   Many clients want to set a budget first, but today I'm going to put forward the notion that actually having the idea first always makes better sense in the long run.
Whether you are thinking about how much to spend at the supermarket on groceries or how much you need to spend on video content marketing there is one crucial factor that shouldn't be overlooked...   Determining your budget.   In this episode of Mastering Video Marketing, Harry Pang - Head of New Business and Content Development at APV is going to give you some simple, direct and actionable advice on how to best determine your budget for video.
Who's Your Audience?

Who's Your Audience?


When briefing in a new video the first question you should always ask is who is your audience?   Sadly a lot of people will answer this question with: “This video should appeal to everyone”.   But the fact of the matter is even the broadest of content has an initial target audience who need to identify with it first in order to share it to a broader audience and build the bridge of accessibility.   In this episode from APV of mastering video marketing - Daniel Clarke, Executive producer of APV Clubhouse will give you some useful and valuable tools on understanding just who your audience is.
In today's episode Harry Pang - Head of Content and New Business Development is going to share with you a free tip on how beneficial it can be to give away useful information to your audience for free using video (how meta is that?).
In this episode of mastering video marketing video from APV, Creative Director Thomas J Elliott - 艾湯姆 is going to be talking about something that should be logical but always seems to be forgotten when creating visual content (video and animation).   Many creators, brands, businesses, organisations and institutions spend a great amount of time developing the story and the outline and in particular the audio part of the story (be it voice over or dialogue) but it is essential to remember that video is a visual medium...   So today's episode is all about thinking about the visuals first!
In today's episode from APV on mastering video marketing, Thomas J Elliott - 艾湯姆 is going to be talking about how Video Content Marketing is a long term commitment and those who truly want to master video have to be prepared to be in it for the long haul!
Too Much Voice Over!

Too Much Voice Over!


You can probably imagine how thoroughly irritating it would be if someone followed you around all day and just spoke out loud every action you performed during the day...   "You are now opening the door to your car"... etc... etc...   This is how your audience feels when there is too much voice over or the voice over serves no other purpose than just to say what is happening on screen.   In today's episode from APV, Harry Pang will share some more reasons why too much voice over is never a great idea.
Start By Answering Why

Start By Answering Why


When creating a piece of effective video content many people struggle with just how to start.   In today's episode from APV, Daniel Clarke - Executive Producer at APV Clubhouse is going to help you with one easy solution - start by answering "Why?".
Marketing your organisation can at times feel like a full contact sport.    You find yourself and your brand trading blows with your competition every day for market share and top talents!    Your reputation and visibility among potential clients is important for attracting new businesses and revenue opportunities.   A great way to build and differentiate that brand is through the use of video and visual content.   In today's episode from APV on mastering video marketing, Creative Director Thomas J Elliott is going to talk you through the importance of adding video to your employer branding toolkit.
The internal approval process for any video project can be challenging for even the most experienced marketing and communications experts.   Fear of what others may think of the creative and potentially challenging work you have created (either with your agency or production partner or perhaps even with your internal video team) can often cause doubts that can sidetrack or outright destroy a project before it has even had a chance to be seen by its intended audience.   In today's episode of mastering video marketing from APV, Daniel Clarke - Executive Producer at APV Clubhouse is going to give you some advice on trusting your instinct and respecting that your boss probably trusts it too.
Today's episode from APV (as part of our mastering video marketing series) features creative director Thomas J Elliott and is all about the difference between having an idea and executing it well through visual storytelling.
In today's episode from APV of mastering video marketing, APV Clubhouse Executive Producer - Daniel Clarke is going to share with you what a teleprompter is and why, when and how you should use one when creating effective video content.
If you want to learn the key to make a really great product video, then don't start settling in to the midweek slump just yet & instead take a moment to listen to today's episode of Mastering Video Marketing from APV.   Head of Content and New Business Harry Pang is going to share a fantastic tip from his series on top ten most common fails made in videos - too many product features not enough benefits for the audience.
In todays episode from APV, Creative Director Thomas J Elliott - 艾湯姆 is going to share with you some thoughts and practical tips on how you can better leverage talent you have speaking at events and conferences to make relevant video content that you can share with your audience all year round!  Its a simple extension of our brandcasting model that enables events organisers and brands, businesses, organisations and institutions who hold and run events to generate a much higher ROI from the speakers, panelists and guests.
In today's episode from at APV of Mastering Video Marketing, Daniel Clarke - Executive Producer at APV Clubhouse is going to share one of the lessons we have already learned in preventing internal roadblocks to creating daily video content: You can't be too preoccupied with perfection!  In fact if you spend too long listening to those who say you can't... You won't ever get there at all.
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