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The Power Of Zero Show

Author: David McKnight

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Tax rates 10 years from now are likely to be much higher than they are today. Is your retirement plan ready? Learn how to avoid the coming tax freight train and maximize your retirement dollars.
303 Episodes
David starts the conversation by explaining what IRMAA is, if you should be worried about it when doing a Roth conversion, and whether there are ways around it. David defines the acronym IRMAA, Income-Related Monthly Adjusted Amount. This is an additional charge you could be required to pay on your Medicare Part B premiums. As your income goes up in retirement, your Medicare Part B premium increases with it. David explains why standard deductions do not apply when calculating IRMAA. What is the link between IRMAA and doing Roth conversions? Roth conversions are construed as part of your annual income in the IRMAA calculation. David explains why you could do a Roth conversion before ever getting on Medicare and still end up paying that increased premium. The IRS has a two-year look-back period when doing IRMAA calculations. So if you did a Roth conversion at age 63, for example, that would be included in the IRMAA income calculation at age 65 when you finally get on Medicare. If Roth conversions could potentially cause IRMAA, should you avoid them altogether?  According to David, the answer is no--and that's because of two reasons.  First, if you don't do a Roth conversion, you could risk growing and compounding your IRA or 401K to the point where RMDs at 73 are so large that you could get hit with IRMAA every year for the rest of your life. Secondly, tax rates will go up in the future. So you certainly don't want to forego a Roth conversion, only to pay much higher taxes on your IRA or 401k distributions down the road. According to David, if you get enough Roth conversions done by the time you reach 63, you could avoid IRMAA altogether. Why? Because distributions from Roth IRA are not included in the IRMAA income formula. By doing a Roth conversion and taking the IRMAA hit in the short term, you could put yourself in a position where you avoid IRMAA for the rest of your life and stay off the IRS's radar when it comes to Social Security taxation.     Mentioned in this episode: David’s upcoming book: The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back on Track David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
This episode addresses Suze Orman’s epic IUL rant on her Women and Money podcast. Suze Orman begged her audience not to do Index Universal Life insurance policies. This very broad brush and no nuance approach of every financial guru is what David’s upcoming book The Guru Gap touches upon. David explains why the generic approach financial gurus tend to have is leading people astray. David brings up Orman’s advice to one of her listeners who has been investing $200/month into an IUL policy. David recreated this listener’s exact policy through one of the top IUL carriers in the industry – he shares his findings. Starting an IUL is like getting married: it only really works if you plan on keeping it until death do you part. David goes over the reason why IUL should be the last bucket to turn to for liquidity in the early years.  These days, most IUL carriers these days allow you to receive your death benefits in advance for the purpose of paying for long-term care. David believes that “an IUL can serve as a great volatility shield in retirement”. A recent Ernst & Young study showed how people can dramatically increase their sustainable levels of income in retirement in the context of IULs.     Mentioned in this episode: David’s upcoming book: The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back on Track David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Suze Orman’s Women and Money Podcast Ernst & Young
David and Mark Byelich talk about why people don’t want to pay a tax before the IRS absolutely requires it of them. David touches on the 2018 documentary The Power of Zero: The Tax Train is Coming. Mark Byelich explains that the longer someone hasa tail of the overage in their IRA hanging out there, the more risk they have. Mark discusses what happens in financial planning when people ease.  When it comes to people around the country, the initial tax payment is typically the thing that’s really hard to get over. David shares what tends to occur when people get over the “shock” of paying that initial tax.     Mentioned in this episode:  David’s upcoming book: The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back on Track David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Mark Byelich The Power of Zero: The Tax Train is Coming  Doug Orchard  George Shultz  Ed Slott
Today’s episode is part of David’s interview with Mark Byelich. David and Mark address Mark’s concept of “suddenly single”. David once met an Uber driver who had saved $1.5M. All financial advisors gave him the same advice “don’t change anything” but David had something different to share. A Roth conversion is something married couples should consider to avoid being automatically catapulted into the 22% or 24% tax bracket if one spouse dies. David breaks down the thought process behind considering a Roth conversion even if you feel like you’ve done everything right. Mark and David touch upon the potential challenges of inheriting an IRA from your parents – and the two types of people who typically inherit them. You may think “I’m never going to be in any bracket other than the 10% or 12%”. But think about what would happen to your heirs if you passed away, says David. David sees the Roth conversion as the single greatest tool that’s available to you today to be able to maximize the amount of money that your kids are going to be able to spend.     Mentioned in this episode: David’s upcoming book: The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back on Track David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Mark Byelich
This episode addresses the 8-step plan for a successful retirement plan that was recently shared by Dave Ramsey’s “sidekick,” George Kamel. Just like in any field of life, a good financial plan benefits from assessing where you are, where you want to be by a given date, and what needs to be done to get there. David dislikes the approach of painting everything with a broad brush and characterizing niche financial planning principles in broad, one-size-fits-all financial planning terms. That’s what, in his opinion, many so-called “financial gurus” like Dave Rasmey tend to do. David mentions his upcoming book, The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back On Track. George Kamel has found that 8 out of 10 millionaires have reached their millionaire status by investing in their company’s 401k plan.  David shares his philosophy: “If you’re in a 24% bracket or lower, opt for the Roth 401k. If you’re in the 32% bracket or higher, stick with the traditional 401k.” David contradicts Kamel and explains that the reason you invest in a Roth IRA is because you think that your tax bracket in retirement is likely to be higher than it is today. For David, when it comes to millionaires who have paid off their homes, it’s important to distinguish between causation and correlation. A problem with Kamel’s view on Social Security is that Social Security is likely to never go away. What may happen, says David, is that the retirement age will be changed. Kamel and David are in agreement: investing is a marathon, not a sprint – and it isn’t for the faint of heart. According to an April 2024 study by Dalbar, investors continue to be their own worst enemies when it comes to saving for retirement. Except for step 5, David sees George Kamel’s 8-step plan as a pretty sound solution.     Mentioned in this episode: David’s upcoming book: The Guru Gap: How America’s Financial Gurus Are Leading You Astray, and How to Get Back on Track David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Dave Ramsey George Kamel David M. Walker Dalbar’s QAIB
Today’s video comes from David’s interview with Dave Christy. They discuss how life insurance and annuities can help maximize your retirement.  They start by describing the three different ways cash value life insurance can positively impact your financial plan.  David reveals how IULs can be an excellent replacement for the bond portion of your portfolio.  David explains why most people get heartburn when they think about paying for traditional long-term care.  David goes over the unique aspects of cash value life insurance--if you ever need long-term care, the insurer will start paying your benefits in advance of your death to pay for long-term care.  David covers how cash value life insurance can extend the life of your investments when it comes to sustainable withdrawals in retirement.  According to David, the problem with the 4% Rule is that it's an expensive way of mitigating longevity risk.  David describes how cash-value life insurance works and why it's an excellent volatility shield in retirement. When you utilize cash value life insurance, annuities, and traditional investing together, you will yield higher income in retirement than any other alternative.  Dave defines prudent asset allocation and how to use it to protect your retirement. They both agree that the number one rule to being a successful investor is to not sell things when your investments are down.  For David, every investor should aim to accumulate three to five years worth of living expenses in their cash value life insurance by day one of retirement.  The IUL is not a stock market replacement. But it will give you more productive returns than a whole life policy.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
Today’s video is part three of David’s interview with Dave Hall. They discuss whether Trump will extend the tax cuts if re-elected.  David cites a recent report from the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget that says that if they extend the tax cuts, the government will have to borrow $5 trillion to pay for those tax cuts.  David explains why he doesn’t see another tax cut happening without a commensurate reduction in spending.  David tackles people’s assumptions that tax cuts can stimulate enough economic growth to be able to pay for themselves. Dave and David agree that more people are starting to come to terms with the fact that taxes will go up in the future.  David explains why individual investors need to be realistic about the types of tax rates they're likely to pay down the road.  David shares his thoughts on whether the Inflation Reduction Act was successful in bringing inflation down and cutting government spending.  Why you need to take advantage of historically low tax rates today and protect your retirement before tax rates go up for good.  David covers the benefits of taking advantage of historically low tax rates while they're still around and why you need to get your savings systematically repositioned to tax-free. Dave talks about doubling taxes and how they could easily ruin retirements that would have otherwise worked out well. Politicians are in the business of getting re-elected. That is their number one job. You may think their number one job is to represent you, but their number one job is to get re-elected.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
Today’s episode is part 2 of David’s interview with Dave Hall. David shares his thoughts about moving the retirement age to what it currently is. Dr. Larry Kotlikoff has suggested raising taxes to 4% – 2% on the employee and 2% on the employer – as a way to solve the issues around Social Security. David sees the combination of pushing back the retirement date and increasing revenue as a valuable avenue to tackle the Social Security issue. Dave and David talk about the current and future state of Medicare.  Medicare is the largest of the three programs that constitute the $239 trillion underfunding. David touches upon David Walker’s answer to the question “Do you foresee a future in which they could raise income taxes to pay for that underfunding?” States like California and Washington are concerned about the future viability of their Medicare programs because of all the long-term care needs the country has. There’s a 70% chance that, among spouses, one will end up needing long-term care. David unpacks the potential repercussions of that.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Dave Hall Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff Suze Orman David M. Walker
Today’s episode is part 1 of David’s interview with Dave Hall. David shares what he considers the fundamentals of his financial movement: “numbers don’t lie.” David cites a recent Penn Wharton study that illustrates two things that should be done by 2043 – and what will happen if these conditions aren’t met. Dave and David discuss the debt-to-GDP ratio, and why debt isn’t the problem. According to experts, when the debt-to-GDP gets past 75% it’s when there’s an eroding influence on your economic output over time. Dave and David go over when they started to track the $21 trillion dollar debt situation and related aspects. There’s a demographic “time bomb” and it will have an impact on Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.  David talks about the big inverted pyramid, its relation to benefits, and the increasing tax rate forecast. Medicare is five times more expensive than Social Security, making it a harder thing to fix.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Dave Hall Comeback America and America in 2040: Still a Superpower? by David Walker Penn Wharton Bill Gates David Walker’s interview with David McKnight David Walker’s Interview on 60 Minutes
Today’s video is part four of David’s interview with the co-founder of Power of Zero, Larry DeLegge. They discuss whether AI will replace financial advisors and if Congress will take away the tax advantages of cash value life insurance. According to David, financial planning is more of an art than a science. This is why he is not all that convinced that AI has the capabilities to successfully handle people’s unique and complex financial situations.  2043 will be a big year for our country. Once we hit a 200% debt to GDP, no combination of increasing taxes or reducing spending will arrest the fiscal collapse of our nation. David breaks down the options and solutions we still have to put our country back on a sustainable fiscal path.  David shares his thoughts on whether Congress will change the rules on cash value life insurance.  The book, Power of Zero, works best for people who have already accumulated money and are looking for ways to wring the most efficiency out of their savings while shielding themselves from the impact of higher taxes.  David reveals that his next book will target the younger generation--the people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.  David agrees with Harrison Young’s famous saying that the people who contribute 30 percent of their retirement savings to cash value life insurance take much more income in retirement than people who do investments alone.  David shares why he believes financial advisors need to redeem life insurance and tax-free planning principles by teaching the principles to the younger generation. If you're going to write a book, find some good stories and make those stories the centerpiece of what you're trying to drive home. That’s how you write a good book. David’s advice for people looking to write a book on finances: don't ever start a book with your own personal story. Start your book with a story that will grab your reader’s attention and then keep them for the rest of the book.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Tom Hegna's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? By Tom Hegna
Today’s video is part two of David’s interview with Larry DeLegge, the co-founder of Power of Zero. They discuss the tax bracket you should avoid when doing a Roth conversion. They start the conversation by describing why it’s a no-brainer to pay your taxes today at 22 or 24% marginal rates. Instead of rushing to complete Roth conversions by 2026 and potentially bumping into higher tax brackets, David suggests stretching the conversions over several years. After 2026, the tax brackets are expected to increase, with the 22% bracket becoming 25% and the 24% bracket becoming 28%. However, these brackets are still lower than the higher brackets (32%, 35%, 37%) that one might be forced into if they rush the Roth conversion. David reveals why he advises people to do Roth conversions but only follow a restrained approach to Roth conversions.  David talks about the ideal balance for saving money in taxable, tax-deferred, and tax-free buckets.  What will happen to standard deductions come 2026? David is not worried about the standard deduction. He explains that standard deductions will be around for the foreseeable future, and there are no indications of the government getting rid of them.  For David, it’s more prudent to plan for higher taxes than to speculate on the complete elimination of the standard deduction. All financial advisors agree that tax rates will be significantly higher in the future, which supports the strategy of paying taxes now at lower rates. Should people use cash to pay tax on Roth conversions now, or should they contribute it to a Roth 401(k) now? David’s advice is for people to go with the Roth 401K.      Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
Today’s episode is part 1 of David’s interview with Power of Zero co-founder Larry DeLegge.  The two talk about value life insurance policies, children, and whether life insurance can serve as a viable volatility shield in retirement. David shares his thoughts regarding the “IUL vs. whole life insurance policy” debate. For David, starting a life insurance policy is like getting married – he explains why. When it comes to life insurance policies, there are two key things David looks at. The first one is safe and productive growth, the second thing is a guaranteed 0% loan. David touches upon the 4% rule and the so-called volatility buffer. “The problem with the 4% rule is that it’s a pretty expensive way to go about saving for retirement,” says David. A recent Ernst & Young study looked at whether there is any reliable way to get an 8% distribution rate. David cites a study that said that bonds are much more correlated to the stock market than we previously thought and are much more volatile than previously thought..  David discusses precautions to take with the LIRP for your children to avoid unpleasant surprises.   Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at MetLife Hancock Midland Dave Ramsey Ernst & Young Curtis Ray
This episode is part 3 of David’s interview with Power of Zero co-founder Larry DeLegge.  The two discuss the most dangerous retirement advice from Suzie Orman, Dave Ramsey, and Ken Fisher.  Financial gurus in the business of dispensing one-size-fits-all financial planning advice is David’s biggest pet peeve.  Why do they do it? To appeal to a broader range of Americans. David explains what his so-called Dave Ramsey’s circle of poverty is all about. Two out of three people who reach financial independence following Ramsey’s advice will run out of money before they run out of life…two-thirds of the time! David believes that Dave Ramsey is good for bad investors, but bad for good investors – and cites a couple of examples to illustrate that. David talks about why he believes Ken Fisher is averse to bringing up Roth conversions to his clients and prospects. There’s a key difference between Ken Fisher and the likes of Dave Ramsey – David tells it all. David opens up about something he’s really excited about regarding his new book. Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Dr. Wade Pfau Tom Hegna Graham Stephan Power of Zero YouTube Video Dave Ramsey Eviscerates Co-Host George Kamel for Preaching the 4% Rule Clark Howard
Today’s video is part six of David’s interview with financial advisor Chris Martens where they discuss the fatal flaw in Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman's retirement planning advice. They discuss David’s new book, “The Guru Gap,” and how America’s financial gurus are leading people astray.  David believes that Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman have done an incredible service helping many Americans get out of debt and even become rich--but they’re not all that good at helping you stay rich or secure your retirement. According to David, the problem with most financial gurus is that they're trying to appeal to as broad an audience as possible. To do that they dispense one-size-fits-all financial advice. Unfortunately, because of this really broad un-nuanced approach, most financial gurus cannot stay behind products like permanent life insurance that require nuance. David reveals that his main goal is to uncover sustainable retirement strategies and help people wring the most efficiency out of their retirement plan. David and Chris agree that people should not take financial advice from advisors on TikTok. David further explains why TikTok is not his favorite place to get financial advice.      Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
Today’s episode is from David’s conversation with CFP Adam Olson. They discuss why mega-CPA firm Ernst & Young is saying that if you want to maximize your income in retirement, you should put 30% of your retirement savings into a cash value life insurance. David reveals what percentage of your savings you should put into a life insurance retirement plan.  David shares the benefits of accumulating three years worth of living expenses in your cash value life insurance–this is to pay for your living expenses in the year following a downturn in your stock market portfolio. According to David, the benefit of doing so is it gives your stock market portfolio a chance to recover before taking further distributions. If you’re 50 years or younger, put 30% of your retirement savings towards cash value life insurance. This move alone will double your sustainable withdrawal rate in retirement. So, if you’re saving 25% of your income for retirement, David recommends putting around 8% into a cash value accumulation product. Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
Show host Arturo Johnson shares his experience with coming across David’s content – and how it has changed his perspective. David mentions a study that illustrates the benefits of putting 70% – and not 100% – of your retirement savings into a Roth 401k and the balance into cash value life insurance. Dave Ramsey is famous for stirring up a hornet’s nest among CFPs all across the U.S. David unpacks a shortcoming with one of Ramsey’s principles. David goes over what can happen when you utilize life insurance as a volatility shield/buffer. The only way to get an 8% distribution rate in retirement is by utilizing a financial tool that Dave Ramsey says is a hot pile of garbage: cash value life insurance. The reason why David likes IUL is because history shows that you can get five to seven percent net of fees over time in your IUL. David talks about something he dislikes in Ramsey’s views on IUL and that many “gurus” such as Suze Orman, Clark Howard, and Ramit Sethi say it’s a scam. “The IUL is not a stock market replacement, it’s a bond alternative,” says David.   Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Arturo Johnson Dave Ramsey Suze Orman Clark Howard Ramit Sethi George Kamel Tom Hegna
David talks about what tax brackets will look like starting from January 1st 2026.  One of the things that will change in 2026 are the actual tax rates – with an increased percentage of tax attached to a given range of income. In 2026, tax rates will return to what they were in 2017. David points out that some people online mistakenly believe that, in 2026, things will simply revert back to the same tax rates of 2017, with the same income ranges attached to those rates. An important thing to note is the federal government will index the 2017 tax brackets for inflation, treating your 2026 tax bracket as if the tax cut had never happened. David shares a fairly accurate way of determining what your tax brackets are likely to be and what it will end up costing you.  Those in the 24% tax bracket or lower will see a slight uptick in their taxes in 2026 – not because of tax bracket compression but due to their tax rate increasing. David sees doing a Roth conversion as a huge planning opportunity to protect yourself. The idea is to take advantage of the Trump tax cuts while they’re still around so that, by the time they expire, you’ll have safely transferred a portion of your retirement savings to Roth IRAs. David believes that, even though tax rates will go up in 2026, they’ll increase even further in 2030 and 2031 to pay for interest on the national debt in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
David talks about the Power of Zero “philosophy,” as well as a recent Penn Wharton study saying that, if all we do is continue on this same course, by 2043 there will be no arrest in the financial collapse of our country. 95% of Americans have the lion’s share of their retirement savings sitting in what we call tax-deferred vehicles like 401(k)s and IRAs. A big problem most Americans face: every year the IRS gets a vote on what percentage of your profits they get to keep. David shares the Power of Zero origin story and he explains what someone should do to get as close as possible to someone else. David addresses the question “Where should we be investing our retirement dollars? $29,200 is the limit under which you’ll get to experience the water. “A lot of people don’t realize that their social security number can be taxed,” says David. Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Penn Wharton The Insurance Buzz
How much of your social security is getting taxed, at what rate, and is there anything you can do about it? Unfortunately, the IRS doesn't make it easy for people to understand how much of their social security is taxable and at what rate. David explains that the best way to understand social security taxation is to first know about provisional income--this is the income the IRS tracks to determine how much of your social security will be taxable. As you continue to increase your IRA distributions and, therefore, your total provisional income, the percentage of your social security that becomes taxable quickly begins to rise. The IRS says that if your provisional income is between $32,000 and $44,000, up to 50% of your social security can become taxable. Fortunately, there are some scenarios where you wouldn't pay any taxes, thanks to standard deductions.  The most obvious thing to do if you don’t want social security taxation is to do a Roth conversion.  According to David, any income taken from a Roth IRA does not count as provisional income and, therefore, does not count against the thresholds that cause social security taxation. However, the only time it makes sense to do a Roth conversion is if you believe that your tax rate in the future is likely to be higher than it is today.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at
This episode addresses whether the mainstream financial planning community is justified in avoiding Indexed Universal Life. Lately, social media has been filled with videos praising the virtues of a financial tool known as Indexed Universal Life (IUL). David explains why the IUL has been taking such a beating from traditional financial planners. David discusses three different viewpoints against the IUL – including that of scammy salesmen on TikTok who often describe the IUL as “a stock market replacement on steroids.” Financial gurus tend to be jack of all trades but masters of none with IUL critiques that are either plain wrong or far too simplistic, says David. As a result of these groups’ cumulative efforts, IUL is widely viewed as a caricature of a financial product. David goes over how to objectively evaluate IUL on its merits and shares three of its positive utilizations as a dynamic financial tool.     Mentioned in this episode: David's books: Power of Zero, Look Before You LIRP, The Volatility Shield, Tax-Free Income for Life and The Infinity Code (free 3-part video series) @mcknightandco on Twitter  @davidcmcknight on Instagram David McKnight on YouTube Get David's Tax-free Tool Kit at Suze Orman Dave Ramsey George Kamel Ernst & Young