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Apocalypse Cow Music Licensing

Author: Apocalypse Cow

Subscribed: 167Played: 19


Apocalypse Cow Productions: Songs available for immediate music licensing. Everything from Modern Rock, Retro, Orchestral, Punk, Electronica, Instrumental Themes, Holiday, Jazz and oh, so much more.
19 Episodes
Apocalypse Cow - ###

Apocalypse Cow - ###


Orchestral Animals music Track list: 1. History In Your Home Overture 2. Gopher's Anxiety At The Penalty Kick 3. Raccoon With The Remote 4. Bunnies Rule Everything Around Us 5. Mansion Of The Ghost Cat 6. Turtle's Regret After A Reckless Night 7. The Hamsters Organize 8. Scavenger Hunt Squirrel Champion 9. The Experiments Of Dr Dolphin 10. Parakeet's Day Of Freedom 11. Chinchilla Stalks The Dustball 12. Frankenpigeon Awakes 13. Hippochondriac 14. The Fellowship Of The Geese 15. Friendly Fishes Flying From Finland First Class Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Troy Sterling Nies - Diabolical Tales Part Three music Track list: 1. Diabolical Tales Part Three - Pt 01 2. Diabolical Tales Part Three - Pt 02 Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Cow Potpourri! music Track list: 1. Crime Scene 2. High Heels and Long Legs 3. Back Alley 4. ShamRock Outro 5. A Good Sign 6. Easy Haul 7. Tail Lights Fade 8. Watch out Mr. Frog! 9. A Hero's Work is Done 10. Lazy River 11. Lights Go Down 12. Lunch on the River 13. Muholland Drive, What a View 14. Mustang 15. Riding the Model T Home 16. Side of the Road 17. Green Light Review 18. Tampa Trip 19. Tip Jar on the Lid Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Two Brothers, One Beer and The American Dream music Track list: 1. Two Brothers, One Beer and The American Dream Pt 01 2. Two Brothers, One Beer and The American Dream Pt 02 Contact for licensing or lyrics.
"A Role Of Their Own" music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. A Role Of Their Own Score Pt 01 2. A Role Of Their Own Score Pt 02 3. Dames Of Destinu Def Jam 2000 Contact for licensing info.
Roughly Enforcing Nostalgia music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Shannon At The Dog 'N' Suds 2. Makin' It Up As we Go Along 3. Zinka 1986 4. Summer Of '99 5. Screw 'Em All If They Can't Take A Joke 6. I Can Tell You're In Love 7. Cop's Eyes 8. The Ambient Tangerine Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Troy Sterling Nies music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Rebel Camp 03 2. Cyclopean Dreams 3. The Hollow Men 4. The Park 5. Neither Dead Nor Dreaming 6. Abduction and Escape 7. Starry Starry Night 8. Curtains 9. Chase To Calabra 10. Entropy IV: Flashback Contact for licensing info.
Orchestral and Symphonic Music for Music Licensing Track list 1. Pretenders, Contenders and Dark Horses 2. Velvet Room 3. The Champions Of Torino 4. Overture from Henry IV Pt 1 5. And What Rough Beast 6. Mylar Boots 7. Lady Mortimers Song Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Songs to do Computer Programming by or for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Hungarian Notation 2. SysAdmin 3. Service Entrance 4. Superuser 5. I Used Science! 6. Killer App 7. Baylesian Filter 8. Command Prompt 9. Page Left Intentionally Blank Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Roughly Enforcing Nostalgia music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Fade To Blonde 2. Hans Blix On His Birthday 3. Like We're All Forgiven (We Came, We Saw, We Conga'd) 4. The Nigerian Prisoner 5. Kickback Shock 6. From A Litany In Midair 7. Been Down So Long (or) Tuntion At The Hessed House 8. Butcher's Bill 9. Running Gum Blues Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Reggae Crime Scene Music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. MDF 2. Arson Plus 3. Carmen Miranda Rights 4. Superuser 5. Crooked Souls 6. The Well-Tempered Glass 7. Dub Ya 8. Throwness 9. Command Prompt 10. Zigzags Of Treachery 11. Brinkmanship Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Heist/Chase music for television Licensing Track list: 1. Lindbergh Law 2. Curtain Call 3. Proximmetry 4. Glass Key 5. The Devil In The Details 6. Baylesian Filter 7. Rebar Rehab 8. Nightmare Town Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Hard Rock for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Sham Rock (or) How to Kill Children on Television and Still Get Re-Elected 2. Two Coins for the Boatman 3. There Against the Wall 4. Next Year in the Wholly And 5. I Could Be So Much More 6. You Are Here Contact for licensing or lyrics.
CSI music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Lindbergh Law 2. Proximmetry 3. Angioplasty 4. Stretch 5. Ten Card 6. Short Ride In A Pop Machine 7. Challenge/Response Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Civic-Minded songs for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Why There's So Much Crime 2. Sham Rock (or) How To Kill Children On Television and Still Get Re-Elected 3. Been Down So Long 4. Generation Resignation 5. Hans Blix On His Birthday 6. From A Litany in Midair 7. Like We're All Forgiven (or) We Came, We Saw, We Conga'd 8. Butcher's Bill Contact for licensing or lyrics.
CSI type music for Music Licensing Track list: 1. Mass Transit Blue 2. Halt Tape 3. Son of Sam Law 4. Castoff 5. Center Mass 6. They're Dragging the Lake Contact for licensing or lyrics.
80's New Wave Songs for Music Licensing Track list and styles (a la's): 1. Shannon at the Dog 'N' Suds - (Cars Rock) 2. I Can Tell You're in Love - (Crowded Minds) 3. Zinka 1986 - (Def Poison) 4. Today I've Got it Figured Out - (Material Crenshaw) 5. McFly Cuffs - (A-Ha, Rick Springfield) 6. Ambient Tangerine - (Tangerine Sakamoto) Contact for licensing or lyrics.
Songs for Music Licensing. Track List and style (a la's): 1. Psychotropical Shores - (Foo Rock) 2. What is the Purpose of Your Visit - (Collective Dolls) 3. Indie Cred - (Jet Stooges) 4. Everything New is Old Again - (Beta Lips) 5. The Summer Fashions - (Killers Revenge) 6. There Against The Wall - (Nickel House) 7. I Could Be So Much More - (POD) 8. Like We're All Forgiven - (Modest Killers) Contact for licensing or lyrics.