DiscoverBishop Gregory Parkes
Bishop Gregory Parkes
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Bishop Gregory Parkes

Author: Bishop Gregory Parkes & Spirit FM 90.5

Subscribed: 8Played: 156


Bishop Gregory Parkes is the spiritual leader of the Diocese of St. Petersburg 
that is comprised of nearly 500,000 Catholics, more than 280,000 of whom are registered and includes 75 parishes, 5 missions, more than 13,000 students registered at 46 schools and early childhood centers, two universities, and a variety of social service, health care, housing and pastoral ministries located within the five counties of Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Citrus. Mass is celebrated in 14 languages, and we are led by our fifth bishop, Most Reverend Gregory Parkes who was installed on January 4, 2017.

His role is to govern, teach and promote in every way the holiness of the Christian faithful. Bishop Parkes believes that serving for God’s glory is the guiding principle of his ministry, which is why he chose, “To your name give the glory” from Psalm 115, Verse 1 as his pastoral motto. His ministry takes him throughout the community for pastoral visits, blessings and dedications, gatherings, sacramental celebrations and many other liturgical events. He also seeks to connect with people online and on-the-air through regular updates on social media (@BishopParkes), YouTube (@DioceseofStPete), via podcasts and Spirit FM 90.5. To learn more, visit 

418 Episodes
Bishop Parkes shares his recent trip to visit seminarians of the diocese. He also talks about the new pastoral plan for the Diocese of St. Petersburg called, "A Call to Conversion."
Bishop Parkes reminds the faithful to not become overwhelmed with rote prayers or colorful prayers, but to listen to what God is saying to you in the quiet of your heart.
Bishop Parkes encourages the faithful who struggle in prayer to look to the Catholic Church's rich treasury of prayers and devotions.
At the start of the new year, we remember the role of Mary in salvation history.
Bishop Parkes prays for God's blessings on a new year.
Christmas Nativity

Christmas Nativity


Bishop Parkes reminds us of the 800th anniversary of the creation of the Nativity scene and its importance to the faithful.
Bishop Parkes reminds us what the season of Advent is really for.
Advent 2023

Advent 2023


The Advent season is upon us and Bishop Parkes encourages the faithful to prepare their "house" for Jesus.
A handful of dioceses in Florida and the Southeast have filed a cause for sainthood for the Martyrs of Florida. Bishop Parkes began the case when he was Bishop of Pensacola-Tallahassee and has continued the case for over 10 years. He talks about the cause for the saints and the process for moving forward.
Mater Dei Society 2023

Mater Dei Society 2023


Bishop Parkes thanks the faithful for their support of the works of the diocese, and especially those who go a step further in their commitment and generosity by inviting them to be part of the Mater Dei Society.
Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving 2023


Bishop Parkes shares his plans for the Thanksgiving Holiday and what he will be thanking God for this Thanksgiving.
St Jude Medal Ceremony

St Jude Medal Ceremony


Bishop Parkes recently awarded faithful from local parishes the St Jude Medal for outstanding ministry and stewardship in their community.
Bishop Parkes recently attended the 25th anniversary celebration dinner for the Catholic Jewish Center at Saint Leo University. He reflects on the evening in light of the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
Doctors of the Church

Doctors of the Church


The Memorial of St. Leo The Great, Doctor of the Church, is November 9th. Bishop Parkes explains what a Doctor of the Church is and who may be considered next for being named "Doctor."
Bishop Parkes shares his visits to diocesan schools and educating the children about the life of Blessed Carlo Acutis.
Interment of Ashes

Interment of Ashes


Bishop Parkes talks about the proper interment of ashes and the Church's views on scattering and keeping ashes.