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Self Love Experiment πŸ’™πŸŽ™πŸ•―
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Self Love Experiment πŸ’™πŸŽ™πŸ•―

Author: Self Love Experiment πŸ’™πŸŽ™πŸ•―

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This podcast was created by Sierra Lomax, the founder of the movement β€œSelf Love Experiment.” This podcast is about self awareness and being intentional in the way that that you love and care for yourself. This is the platform to discuss how one practices self love. This is the safe haven for transparency. The Self Love Experiment will be utilized to shed light on how to practice self love and what that looks like on a daily basis. This is a journey, and we are in this together.
16Β Episodes
Back at it again with another episode of the Self Love Experiment Podcast! I brought my girl Janaya on to talk about everything we are dealing with currently in this pandemic in regards to life, our money, and our blackness. We give you some jokes but we also give you the real tea. Come sit down with us!Β 
Due to COVID-19 aka Da Rona, life has shifted. We have been told to practice social distancing and most of us are working, sleeping, and eating at home every single day. Live from my closet, in the most comedic way possible, lol I am sharing some tips on how you can stay sane while being quarantined at home.
In this episode, Β I share my complicated experiences with love. Β For a long time, I vowed that I would never fall in love. Getting heartbroken was never appealing to me. But this year I was able to reflect and find out why it was so complicated for me. And I made the decision to choose myself and heal my relationship with love, so that I would be receptive when the right person does come along. Tune in !
The month of October is used as a month to bring awareness to many things, such as Breast Cancer or Hispanic heritage month. But did you know that October is also Domestic Violence Awareness month? 1 in 4 women in the U.S. have experienced physical violence in an intimate relationship. And on a typical day, there are more than 20,000 phone calls placed to domestic violence hotlines nationwide. In this episode I sit down with my sister, Oddessi Marie to discuss her experience in an abusive relationship and how to detect the Β signs of an abusive partner. In this episode we discuss the commonalities of abuse, and the process it takes to walk away.
Grammy Award Winner Erica Campbell, now soon to be best-selling author with her book "More Than Pretty", was recently interviewed on The Breakfast Club and she shared some words of wisdom regarding the start of her solo career after leaving the group Mary Mary she formed with her sister Tina. Β Stepping out on your own can be scary, because change isn't fun all the time. But she spoke about how she prepared herself for her new season, and how she wanted the team around her to elevate as well. Β She asked for God to reveal, remove, repair and replace the people and relationships that were not supposed to continue on with her. Sometimes we can't take the same people with us when we are moving on to bigger endeavors. In this episode, Β I share my thoughts and discuss how I utilized this motto. I hope this can be applied in your life too!
There is this popular saying that you should "stop expecting you from people." I used to adopt this saying until I realized that my expectations are not unrealistic. Although none of us are perfect and the world isn't always fair, I will never stop expecting people to give me respect. In the words of the great Lauryn Hill, "respect is just the minimum."
In this episode, I get to catch up with my middle school friend Vania McClendon. We discuss the trials and triumphs as we navigate adulthood and discipleship.
Rejection is not easy at all. It can be painful, embarrassing and heartbreaking. Β However, it can lead to bigger and better opportunities. How do you handle rejection? How many times have you rejected others? Sometimes the disconnections we have with the people around us, point to a bigger disconnection with the One that created us.
Sometimes we love to point the finger and put the blame on the people around us. However, sometimes we are the toxic person. In this episode, I address my toxic traits and open up on how I can be a better person. I am the bad guy in someone's story, and in this episode, I take accountability for it.
We are wrapping up 2018 and wrapping up Season 1 of the Self Love Experiment! In this episode, I examine what goals I accomplished this year and share what I have learned in 2018. I also share what I am looking forward to in 2019!
Episode 6: Friendship

Episode 6: Friendship


How do you describe what a β€œFriend” is? What I️s your definition of friendship? In this last episode of season 1, I️ talk about what it means to be a true friend. Friendship should be be a bond of mutual affection and trust. We all need to be apart of a community! So, who’s in your inner circle?
Sometimes, we can get caught up in our routines that we have. Sometimes we will only feel comfortable going to work and paying bills, but I believe that life is much more than that. Life is about following your dreams and having ambition, and always hoping and yearning for something greater. In this episode I discuss the importance of dreaming.
My personal Self Love Journey! In this episode I discuss a part of my self love journey and how pursuing a relationship with God helped me learn to love and embrace myself!πŸ’™πŸŽ™
I have been exercising everyday for the past 4 weeks and have noticed a change in my stress levels and anxiety! Are you stressed? Do you know the symptoms? In this episode, I discuss what to look for to help you identify if you may be stressed or struggling with anxiety. But great news! Exercising can help with both! πŸ’™
What is the Self Love Experiment? Im here to define it for you! In this episode I share my responses to the self love questions I asked the women who were apart of the Self Love Experiment Photoshoot. Also I give you the background to the vision of the Self Love Experiment and share some of the ways I practice self love on a daily basis!
Practice Self Love! Let go of toxic relationships! Advocate for yourself . Choose yourself.
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