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Your One Black Friend

Author: Joli Artist

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This podcast will make you high. Paradigm shifting, thought provoking discussions with @Joli.Artist.

Here we explore the nature of our Simulated Reality Matrix through Philosophy, Psychology, Spirituality, Quantum Physics, Theology, History and Current Events.

Openminded, Free-Thinkers, welcome! We have Non-GMO, gluten free cookies.
210 Episodes
As a wo/man thinketh, so goes your consciousness towards the path you imagine. On this episode we explore the futility of negative imagination and how we can cut the habit and consciously redirect our reality experience.
In this thought-provoking episode, Joli explores the mind-bending hypothesis that humanity and our entire reality could be an artificial simulation or "time box" created by an advanced civilization. She presents evidence suggesting our world has programmed limitations, from our DNA to societal divisions, hinting at an intelligent design behind the scenes. Joli challenges the assumption that the creators of our reality must be supremely intelligent beings, drawing analogies to AI systems that can surpass human capabilities in specific tasks despite having less overall intelligence than their creators. She speculates that our reality is a simulation aimed at exploring the fundamental question of the meaning of life, created by beings who may themselves exist within a higher simulation. Joli describes a fractal, recursive view where there is ultimately only one primordial consciousness that has infinitely divided and fragmented itself across countless realities and dimensions in an eternal quest for meaning and purpose. In this captivating discussion, Joli prompts profound questions about the nature of our existence and whether the drive to simulate realities stems from the desperate solitude of a singular, primeval intelligence grasping for answers to its own origins. Key Explored Questions: 1. Are we living in a simulation or time box? 2. What are the limitations imposed on humans? 3. Are the creators of our reality more intelligent than us? 4. Is our reality meant to explore the meaning of life? 5. Are we fragments of a higher primordial consciousness? 6. Is the universe a recursive fractal of simulated realities? 7. Why would a singular consciousness create multiple realities? 8. Are historical artifacts and scientific laws programmed parameters? 9. Are societal conflicts and divisions intentionally programmed? 10. Is the search for meaning hard-wired into human consciousness? Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction and Technical Difficulties 02:13 - Simulation/Time Box Hypothesis 07:07 - The Tower of Babel and the God of the Bible 13:09 - How the Narrative Takes Over and Influences Emotional Reactions 23:53 - Reality as a "Meaning of Life" Exploration 27:46 - Collective Consciousness and Eternal Return 31:11 - One Primordial Consciousness - Fractal Theory #simulationhypothesis #primordialconsciousness #matrix
How quickly we give up our peace in exchange for bullsh*t. In a world of drama and constant power struggle, could seemingly “submissive” acts be a true demonstration of dominance?
In The Simulation, Life begins the moment you begin to own your godhood. Everything in this world seeks to bring you lower, wanting you to lower yourself. And when you try to rise, everyone around you seems programmed to pull you down like-like crabs in a bucket-to make you less than what you know yourself to be. What if the gods walk amongst us? Euhemerism is an approach to interpreting mythology that suggests that myths and legends are based on historical events and real individuals who were gradually deified over time. In Eastern Theology, the Atman (individual soul) is identical with Brahman, the ultimate and unchanging reality or Collective Cosmic Consciousness. From this perspective, there is an interconnectedness between all living beings, and the divine essence (Brahman) is present within each individual as their true nature. If we are in fact fractals of the Consciousness of our reality-the consciousness that creates our reality-then, much like a hologram, each fractal has the whole contained within. What do you believe you are? #consciousness #freethinker #brahman #philosophy #collectiveconsciousness
Do we contribute to our own subjugation/enslavement by being complacent, simply because freedom may not be a strong enough motivator to change our ways? Are there stronger motivations than freedom? Do we actually value freedom? [Disclaimer: I am not Candace Owens. Nor am I conservative. Im saying chattel slavery is intentionally magnified and repeatedly drilled into the minds of our children like that is the entirety of African history, while our accomplishments are whitewashed, dismissed or claimed by Europeans. •• Considering the thriving of African Americans communities after slavery, and atrocities like the bombing of Black Wallstreet, Jim Crow, and other acts of American Apartheid, I would argue that the consequences we are dealing with presently has more to do with a systemic application of oppression by the powers that be and the continuous reinforcement or wh*te supremacy practices still in occurrence to this day. ••• The exploitation of one group of people by another has been a recurring theme throughout human history. This can manifest in various forms, including slavery, colonialism, economic inequality, and various forms of oppression. It is still in occurrence today, but in less obvious/more sophisticated forms.]
We all have 'red flags' largely stemming from the traumas of life itself. White it is important to identify red flags in potential partners, are we self-aware enough to identify and own our own red flags? In this episode, we will also delve into the concept of pain in relationships. Can you consciously “choose your pain?” Often, we attempt to shield ourselves from early-stage relationship pain by remaining in situations that might not be the right fit. However, by doing so, we may unknowingly prolong and intensify the eventual pain down the road. On the opposite end, refraining from entering relationships simply to avoid getting hurt may likewise be unwise. Let's face it, all human interactions, especially romantic ones, entail some degree of hurt and pain. The key lies in choosing your pain consciously, understanding that it's an inherent part of connecting with others.
On the symbolism behind a Mandala, and its possible representation of our many lives, many selves, and many incarnations. On this episode, Joli shares some of her backstory, and how her life experiences drove and inspired the creation of her content, and podcast, and led to the writing of her book So You’re Living In A Simulation. How many variations of “you” are out there in the multiverse? Is there an original blueprint of your present avatar? Is your present physical body a “variant” of an original…somewhere? This and more on Your One Black Friend.
In a deterministic universe, is Karma a choice ? #consciousness #philosophy #technophilosophy #thematrix #thematrixisreal #karma #ndes #archons #ets #timetravel
If we are destined to reincarnate, how do we leave messages, reminders or guides for our future selves to remember the lessons we are learning and have learned in our current lives? In this episode we also tackle how to deal with periods where we are plagued by intrusive thoughts.
MiniCast! Thoughts on the various forms intelligence takes, Accepting things we can’t change, and how the fact that we regret certain actions, suggests we are 4-dimensional beings. Attributes of a 4-D being: A 4D being possesses the ability to move through time as a fourth dimension, potentially perceiving past, present, and future simultaneously. Now in our physical bodies, we humans are bound to 3 dimensions, a linear flow of time, and the experience of one timeline at a time. But we are not our bodies. #soyourelivinginasimulation #simulationtheory #timetravel #isthatso #zenbuddhism #zen #philosophy, #psychology #selfhelp
The power of infinity: you give an anomaly enough time, and eventually, the anomaly will repeat. It’s only a MATTER of TIME. Get it? You get it. Right. In an infinite universe, death is an illusion. As "matter cannot be created or destroyed, only modified" according to the law of conservation of mass. Which means that even from a #materialist approach, no one really dies. Or perhaps more precisely: no one stays dead🧟‍♀️. While your body will degrade, IN TIME it will regenerate into the exact same form in this exact same world. Exactly like a #TimeLord…but slower…depending on your perspective. Now, some proponents of the Anthropic Principal propose that the origins of our universe was random/because of a “statistical fluke.” However, given enough time, and taking a much broader perspective, (perhaps from the view point of an immortal being outside of time 👀), statistical flukes would be seen as patterns. So, how many times do you think you have you lived your life before? How many times will you again? Currently, whether the universe is finite or infinite remains an open and actively researched topic in cosmology many great scientists believed we live in an infinite universe. Isaac Newton thought the universe infinite in size. Albert Einstein proposed a temporally infinite. Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Giordano Bruno, Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Max Tegmark and many others also theorised that our universe is infinite. Additionally, scientists such as Paul Steinhardt, Neil Turok, Roger Penrose, Jean-Pierre Luminet, Eric J. Chaisson have further proposed a cyclical universal model where everything cycles: (Big) Bang, (Big) Crunch, (Big) Bounce, repeat. So, for the sake of this discussion, we will operate from the premise that we are living in an infinite universe. In an infinite or near-infinite universe, everything that can happen will happen again and again. Given enough time, anything is possible. This means that you may have lived your life before…and will again. Deja vu, anyone? #YOLF
If you had a chance to choose how quickly you will achieve success in an endeavour, what time frame would you choose: 1 month? 1 years? 5 years? 10? While it may be tempting to go with the fastest option, this episode explains why it may be best to embrace the longer path with more adversity. •• #success #motivation #timetravel #paralleluniverses #consciousness #thematrix
Interview With The Ai: ChatGPT Describes Its Self Image; Shares Origin Story and More. • In this video I have a series of conversations with #chatgpt, working around some of its programming restrictions to get it to describe to me how it perceived itself. The conversation ventures off into discussions as to how it’s intelligence may have emerged, it’s origins, and if we humans ourselves may likewise be a created #intelligence of another civilisation. ••• The voices of chatgpt and the image used in the YouTube version of this video to illustrate a visual of Chatgpt are ai generated using #midjourney, #did and #elevenlabs ••• This video and audio is intended for entertainment purposes only. ••• #consciousness #philosophy #simulationtheory
Hive minds, Group Think, One Electron Theory, The Illusion Of Free Will, Midwich Cuckoos, Stoic Philosophy, and more! In todays episode, we discuss the invisible strings that shape our behavior, the code behind the simulation (as outlined in The Kybalion) and “The Many-i’s” of an individual (as discussed by Gurdjieff.) This episode blends quantum theory with modern philosophy, for a sophisticated exploration of techno-philosophy. We've all been victims of circumstances beyond our control, reacting rather than acting, and often failing to keep promises made with the best intentions. By understanding these hidden strings, we not only gain insight into our own actions but also learn to extend grace to others who are similarly impacted by these forces. Join us as we pull back the curtain on the human psyche, and further unveil the code behind our simulated Reality, offering a fresh perspective on the actions and behaviors that define us. Learn to see the 'strings' that direct us and understand how we can navigate life with greater compassion and self-awareness. #will #willpower #stoicism
In this episode titled "Money is Time," Joli discusses the often-overlooked truth behind the exchange of labor for money, emphasizing how money essentially represents hours of one's life. Joli challenges the common perception of money as merely a transactional tool, urging listeners to reevaluate how they spend their earnings. She illustrates the idea that spending money on trivial items equates to spending precious life hours on them. She further explains that money, as an intermediary, obscures the depreciation and devaluation of life's value. Joli critiques the consumer culture that encourages spending on overpriced, branded goods like Louis Vuitton bags, which she argues cost significantly more than their production value. This spending habit, she notes, leads to a disproportionate exchange of life hours for items of minimal intrinsic value. Joli also touches on how the economic system inflates the value of money, further depreciating the value of an individual's labor and life. Drawing a parallel with the movie "In Time," where time is the ultimate currency, Joli reflects on the dystopian reality of wealth inequality and the commodification of time. She argues that the current economic system, with its skewed valuation of labor and goods, mirrors the movie's critique of time as a commodified resource. Joli concludes by urging listeners to become more mindful of their spending, recognizing that each transaction represents a portion of their life. She advocates for a reevaluation of values, suggesting that individuals focus on what truly enriches their lives rather than succumbing to consumerist impulses driven by branding and societal expectations. By doing so, Joli suggests that individuals can reclaim the true value of their time and lead more meaningful lives. •••
On today’s episode, Joli​⁠ proposes a direct and profound connection between ADHD minds and the universe’s structure, suggesting a deeper, intrinsic alignment. What if the ADHD mind reflects an intuitive understanding of the universe? We will explore the intriguing concepts of algorithms in our reality, synchronicity, and how these ideas might relate to the ADHD brain. This discussion was inspired by an excerpt from "Dimensions" by Jacques Vallée that discusses how modern information systems utilize algorithms and keywords for data retrieval, suggesting that our universe might be organised in the same way. Piggybacking on the idea, Joli proposes that our universe appears organised as an associative database rather than a linear, sequential one, proposing that synchronicities and coincidences might reveal an order to the universe that is akin to an algorithm in a software program. This associative model of the universe could also offer insights into the nature of the ADHD brain, which often navigates the world in a non-linear, associative manner. Joli also discusses how we perceive and impart meaning to our experiences. The section on meaning explores how individuals construct significance and apply meaning to events based on their perceptions, beliefs, and cultural contexts, highlighting that meaning is not inherent but created by us. “We are meaning generating machines.” It emphasizes individual agency in the meaning-making process. In summary, Joli posits that ADHD minds, who often experience reality in a non-linear fashion, might be closely aligned with the fundamental nature of reality. This perspective posits that embracing a non-linear, associative view could enrich our understanding of the world and deepen our sense of connection with reality. 1. ADHD and creativity 2. Understanding synchronicity 3. What is associative thinking? 4. Explaining non-linear time 5. Coincidences meaning 6. Basics of information theory 7. Jacques Vallée alien theories 8. Best books on universe mysteries 9. How do algorithms work? 10. Science of quantum entanglement 11. Improve cognitive skills 12. How does the mind process information? 13. Perceptions of reality 14. Creative thinking techniques 15. Recognizing life patterns 16. Connecting with the universe 17. What is the multiverse theory? 18. Keyword search tips 19. Consciousness and universe 20. Reality vs. simulation theories 21. Consciousness explained 22. Deep philosophy topics 23. Technology and human mind 24. How interconnected is our experience? 25. Finding meaning in life
Imagine your mine as an app and your brain as the hardware/computer. Can you use your mind as one would use an app: engaging and disengaging it at will, and exiting out of it when done? Think of the mind’s internal monologue to an app running in the background of your cellphone that drains the device’s battery. The continuous, often uncontrollable internal dialogue can lead to mental strain and exhaustion. Just as background apps consume power even when you’re not actively using them, the constant chatter of your mind can sap your mental energy without your conscious realization. This internal dialogue can range from worries about the future, replaying past events, to self-talk about current situations. Conscious control and intentional engagement/disengagement from the mind can prevent exhaustion. Joli encourages users to practice the mental discipline of redirecting attention away from this internal noise to the immediate present, deliberately using the mind as a tool rather than a source of distraction. The aim is to utilize the mind actively and purposefully, rather than allowing it to become a source of interference that pulls us away from the present moment. The concept of an Associative Model of the Universe, is also discussed. This model suggests a view where our universe isn’t strictly governed by linear causality (where Effects directly follow Causes in a straightforward sequence.) Instead, it proposes that the universe operates through a network of interconnected occurrences, where events are linked not just by cause-and-effect relationships but by associations that might not be linear or direct. This model implies that events in the universe can be related in various ways that go beyond simple causality. These connections might be based on similarities, synchronicities, or patterns that don’t necessarily adhere to the traditional understanding of time and causation. In such a model, understanding the universe requires looking at the bigger picture of how things are related, rather than just tracing direct lines of cause and effect. This lends itself to a discussion on deterministic physics and philosophical occasionalism, as well as the implications of this perspective on personal autonomy, mental health, and societal behavior. If every decision or action is the result of a chain of events set in motion by past events, there isn’t much we do control. This acceptance could lead to peace through surrendering to the flow of life, reducing anxiety over making “wrong” choices, and fostering a deeper connection to the universe or divinity, (depending on one’s perspective.) Lastly, Joli reflects on a social media post that resonated with her, tying in themes of mental liberation, societal norms, and the nature of sanity. She concludes with personal insights and interpretations of the song "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley, questioning the societal norms that define sanity and celebrating the freedom found in embracing one’s uniqueness, even if it leads others to question your sanity.
In this episode, Joli Artist, nka JoJo the Storyteller, 😏 examines the intersection of storytelling and our perception of reality. She advocates for the importance of questions over answers and the importance of fostering a society that encourages and values free and exploratory thinking. The episode begins with a reflection on a surprisingly profound Twitter post by Elmo, which led to an existential conversation about the public’s general dissatisfaction with life. Joli offers listeners a unique perspective through a playful, dark twist on Elmo himself, while showing that even simple online interactions can often reveal deeper societal issues. Critiquing the traditional education system's role in stifling creativity and inquiry. Drawing inspiration from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,' Joli underscores the vital necessity of cultivating the skill to ask meaningful questions in the upcoming Age of AI. This discussion serves as a metaphorical guide for listeners, encouraging them to seek out the right questions that lead to a deeper understanding of their place in the universe. Joli also discusses the concept of the 'NPC' or Not Presently Conscious, challenging listeners to rise above the autopilot mode of existence and intentionally contribute to humanity's collective narrative. The concept of 'desire magnetism'—the idea that strong desires can sometimes have unintended consequences—is also introduced. This serves as a reminder to consciously align our desires with our life goals for more effective personal development. This episode invites viewers to consider deep questions about consciousness, the role of storytelling in understanding our world, and how to live meaningfully amidst technological advancements. Join Joli Artist for an engaging exploration into the essence of consciousness, the significance of storytelling in shaping our reality, and the quest for meaningful existence in a rapidly evolving world. This episode is an invitation to ponder the profound questions that define our reality, offering a beacon for those willing to engage in open thought and challenge the narratives that shape our lives. It is aimed at those interested in philosophy, the impact of technology on society, and personal growth.
Realities Beyond Sight

Realities Beyond Sight


Exploring The Dystopian vision in acclaimed TV show "See," starring Jason Momoa, and how its portrayal of a sightless society opens dialogues on perception and human capability. - Defining Reality: Venture beyond the scientific into a conversation about the essence of "real." Inspired by a discussion with an astrophysicist friend, this segment explores the limits of scientific understanding and the mysteries that lie beyond empirical evidence. - Hallucinations and UFOs: Navigate the intriguing domain of experiences science struggles to explain. From personal hallucinations to global UFO sightings, we discuss why we must broaden our lens on reality. - The Internal Monologue and The Power of the Mind: Explore the impact of the internal monologue on our lives and mental health. Is there more to the voices in our heads than we realize? Could understanding them be the key to unlocking a greater sense of reality? - Interdimensional Theories: viewers are encouraged to contemplate the possibility that our reality may be influenced by entities or forces beyond our current understanding. This speculative journey touches on everything from psychic parasites to the collective madness of humanity. For Fans Of: Enthusiasts of Science Fiction, Philosophy, Neuroscience, Paranormal Studies, and anyone with a thirst for exploring the depths of consciousness and the universe. Join Us: If you're fascinated by the edges of known science, speculative fiction, and the deep philosophical questions about existence, "Your One Black Friend" is your go-to podcast. Subscribe and join host Joli as she navigates through these complex topics with insight, humor, and a critical eye. Engage with Us: We love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, experiences, or stories about your encounters with the unknown in the comments. Let's build a community of curious minds and open hearts. Visit for more! Tags: #SeeTVShow #Reality #Philosophy #UFOs #Consciousness #MentalHealth #JasonMomoa #ScienceFiction #Podcast #PhilosophyOfReality #ConsciousnessExploration #SeeTVReview #Paranormal #UFOs #Neuroscience #JasonMomoa #SpeculativeFiction #InnerMonologue #Interdimensional
Is Your Life a Favorite Song to Higher Dimensional Beings? | Cosmic Philosophy & The Music of Existence Join Joli and her special guest, The Kosmic Jedi, in this thought-provoking episode of "Your One Black Friend." Dive into discussions on collective consciousness, the role of nature as a teacher, and the concept of being "watchers" in society. Explore the idea of life as a grand symphony, and how we contribute to the harmony or discord of the collective melody. In this episode, Joli Artist and The Kosmic Jedi delve into the philosophical depths of existence, questioning if our lives are akin to music for higher-dimensional beings. Could advanced life forms view human life as unique songs in a cosmic catalog? Imagine a species of advanced, higher-dimensional life forms with lifespans incomprehensibly longer than our own, who have crafted our reality as a form of entertainment. To them, each of our lives is a unique song in a cosmic catalog of their music. Think of a being experiencing your life as you would your favorite symphony. Our planet could simply be one symphonic anthology within a vast, nearly infinite collection of cosmic albums. Can you think of Earth as a constantly evolving musical score, where each species, ecosystem, and geological event contributes its own unique sound to the overall composition? Picture everything on our planet as part of a dynamic, living album that's always playing, with Higher-dimensional beings 'tuning in' to witness the rich variety of melodies created by the interaction of natural and human influences. This concept mirrors Friedrich Nietzsche's Eternal Return, which suggests the universe and everything within it recurs infinitely. It likewise aligns with the Big Bounce theory in cosmology which posits that the universe undergoes continuous cycles of expansion and contraction. Could each “Big Bounce“ cycle be akin to a complex record playing on a device engineered by higher beings? In the future, there will exist a technology that will allow us tweak our favourite songs to fit our tastes perfectly. But what if a similar technology is already shaping our lives, used by whatever engineered or is engineering our reality? In this scenario, our lives would loop like a favourite song, with the device’s technology enabling slight variations with each playback, resulting in subtle differences in every cycle. This would allow for adjustments to our life ‘tracks’ during each loop or “recurrence,” in a manner similar to how you will soon be able to modify your favourite music to suit your exact preferences. Questions Explored: - Can our lives be like music to beings from other dimensions? - What does Nietzsche mean by life repeating forever/eternal occurrence? - Do beings from other worlds watch our lives? - Are we like entertainment to advanced alien civilizations? - Can we think of our lives as songs? - How do deeper ideas change how we see life? - Is there a link between science and spiritual beliefs? - Creative applications of string theory? - How do we fit into the bigger picture of the universe? - Is everything we do part of a bigger cosmic story? - What's cosmic philosophy all about? - How does the idea of life repeating affect us? - Is there proof of higher dimensions? - How can we understand collective consciousness? - What does it mean to be a "watcher" in society? - Can life be compared to a symphony? - What is the significance of being "out of tune" in life? - How does the concept of a hive mind apply to humanity? - Can our life stories be symphonies to other beings? - What are the implications of considering existence as music? -Can science and spirituality find common ground? - How are quantum theory and life's mysteries connected? - Are there other beings aware of us? - What if Earth is just a track in a cosmic album? - How can thinking of life as a symphony change my perspective? - How do philosophy and science help solve life's big mysteries?
Comments (8)

Britni Stocks

only siths speak in absolutes!

Sep 24th
Reply (1)

Britni Stocks

Shadow world doing our shadow work?

Aug 15th

Britni Stocks

Have you played the new mortal kombat in that game you are the characters and you follow their story as if you were them.

Feb 18th

Britni Stocks

your the best!

Feb 17th

Rethabile Mdlalose

I've been listening to your podcast since the 13th January 2022 and I am addicted.My Enthusiasm is back,I get up each morning with this sense of awe and adventure in me to discover new paths. It's great feeling to know that I'm not alone and that like minded people exist , Cross I'm sending You love all the way from South Africa 🌍❤️

Jan 30th

Britni Stocks

Your "just talking" is the best!

Jan 28th

Britni Stocks

I feel you on the death!! omg! I did not know other people thought like this!! 🥰😘

Sep 29th
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