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Hard Electronic podcast from

Author: Magnatune

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60 minutes of Hard Electronic, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil:
175 Episodes
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. Ambient Teknology, 3. Wicked boy, 4. Psycliq, 5. Psycliq, 6. Michael Lovatt, 7. Windpearl, 8. Mr Gelatine, 9. dammerson vaughan, 10. Domased, 11. dammerson vaughan, 12. iNTROSPEKT, 13. Windpearl
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. Windpearl, 3. LehtMoJoe, 4. Strojovna 07, 5. Zero Slum, 6. Strojovna 07, 7. Mantic, 8. Domased, 9. Mike McGuill, 10. Wicked boy
In this podcast: 1. Domased, 2. Windpearl, 3. Mantic, 4. Wicked boy, 5. dammerson vaughan, 6. Domased, 7. Strojovna 07, 8. Dr Kuch, 9. DJ Markitos
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. The Rapture, 3. Windpearl, 4. Windpearl, 5. Wicked boy, 6. Ambient Teknology, 7. DJ Markitos, 8. Dr Kuch, 9. Domased, 10. Psycliq, 11. Mr Gelatine, 12. Strojovna 07
In this podcast: 1. DJ Markitos, 2. Version, 3. Strojovna 07, 4. My Woshin Mashin, 5. The Rapture, 6. Monoide, 7. Strojovna 07, 8. Mike McGuill, 9. Windpearl, 10. Zero Slum, 11. Windpearl
In this podcast: 1. Zero Slum, 2. Mantic, 3. Processor, 4. Wicked boy, 5. Michael Lovatt, 6. Domased, 7. dammerson vaughan, 8. The Rapture, 9. Mantic, 10. DJ Markitos
In this podcast: 1. Strojovna 07, 2. Strojovna 07, 3. Psycliq, 4. Strojovna 07, 5. Strojovna 07, 6. Processor, 7. Beat Under Control, 8. Wicked boy, 9. Processor, 10. Industrial Sound Bank, 11. dammerson vaughan
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. Wicked boy, 3. Strojovna 07, 4. Mantic, 5. Processor, 6. Strojovna 07, 7. Dr Kuch, 8. DJ Markitos, 9. Processor, 10. Industrial Sound Bank, 11. Wicked boy, 12. Processor
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. My Woshin Mashin, 3. Version, 4. Beat Under Control, 5. Petar Alargic, 6. DJ Markitos, 7. dammerson vaughan, 8. Processor, 9. Strojovna 07
In this podcast: 1. LehtMoJoe, 2. Strojovna 07, 3. Strojovna 07, 4. Mr Gelatine, 5. Version, 6. Strojovna 07, 7. Strojovna 07, 8. DJ Markitos, 9. The Rapture, 10. Wicked boy, 11. Processor, 12. LehtMoJoe
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. Michael Lovatt, 3. Strojovna 07, 4. Windpearl, 5. Zero Slum, 6. Windpearl, 7. Strojovna 07, 8. Mantic, 9. Beat Under Control
In this podcast: 1. Stephen Schweyen, 2. Strojovna 07, 3. Beat Under Control, 4. Strojovna 07, 5. Zero Slum, 6. Version, 7. Strojovna 07, 8. Mike McGuill, 9. Version, 10. Mike McGuill
In this podcast: 1. My Woshin Mashin, 2. Zero Slum, 3. Wicked boy, 4. Domased, 5. Mantic, 6. Strojovna 07, 7. Domased, 8. Strojovna 07, 9. Wicked boy, 10. Domased
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. DJ Markitos, 3. DJ Markitos, 4. The Rapture, 5. The Rapture, 6. Wicked boy, 7. DJ Markitos, 8. Zero Slum, 9. Windpearl
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. Industrial Sound Bank, 3. iNTROSPEKT, 4. Strojovna 07, 5. Processor, 6. DJ Markitos, 7. Beat Under Control, 8. Mr Gelatine, 9. The Rapture, 10. Windpearl, 11. Mr Gelatine
In this podcast: 1. Beat Under Control, 2. Domased, 3. Psycliq, 4. Strojovna 07, 5. My Woshin Mashin, 6. Processor, 7. The Rapture, 8. Windpearl, 9. Processor
In this podcast: 1. Mantic, 2. DJ Markitos, 3. Monoide, 4. LehtMoJoe, 5. Mike McGuill, 6. Domased, 7. LehtMoJoe, 8. Processor, 9. Dr Kuch, 10. dammerson vaughan, 11. The Rapture
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. My Woshin Mashin, 3. Processor, 4. Mr Gelatine, 5. LehtMoJoe, 6. Zero Slum, 7. DJ Markitos, 8. iNTROSPEKT, 9. DJ Markitos, 10. Strojovna 07, 11. Domased
In this podcast: 1. Windpearl, 2. Zero Slum, 3. dammerson vaughan, 4. Mr Gelatine, 5. Mr Gelatine, 6. Beat Under Control, 7. Dr Kuch, 8. Processor, 9. dammerson vaughan, 10. Processor, 11. Zero Slum
In this podcast: 1. Psycliq, 2. Strojovna 07, 3. DJ Markitos, 4. Mike McGuill, 5. Stephen Schweyen, 6. Mr Gelatine, 7. Strojovna 07, 8. Domased, 9. Strojovna 07, 10. LehtMoJoe, 11. Monoide