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Enterprise Marketing: The Future

Author: Enterprise Marketing XX The Future

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The future of marketing is about seizing the moment -- being an agile organization to make the most of evolving opportunities to impact customers & profit.
26 Episodes
Does your CMO have a valued seat in the C-Suite? How effective is your CMO in aligning his or her inputs to organization’s strategic plan? Have your eye on the CMO spot? Take a broad view and start: thinking like the chief executive, worry like the chief financial officer, understand digital like the chief information officer, and have the presence of the sales leader. Resources:  “Think like a CEO to become a CMO” From CMO to CEO Strategic Chief Marketing Officers
How does your organization implement an efficient and effective marketing function? Does your marketing team have an “operational” framework to meet the demanding life of the modern marketer? The Marketing Operations function emerged from the need for marketing to be viewed as more transparent, agile and accountable. Ten years later, increased C-Suite pressure for marketing to prove their value and contribute to the bottom line, makes Marketing Operations essential. Resources: 7 Secrets of the Best Marketing Operations Teams   The History of Marketing Operations Infographic
Are you challenged by evaluating and identifying all the marketing technology options out there? How do you target and select a holistic marketing technology solution (currently being called a Martech Stack) that enables and aligns with your organization’s business strategy? Articles: The disruptive effects of accelerating waves of marketing technology Getting Over Shiny Objects: Marketing Automation & Beyond
Are you enabling your partners with the tools to succeed? How aligned are your partners with your channel program and channel model? Do they have incentives that capture their mindshare and wallet share to increase your revenue stream? Investing in the most engaged partners and measuring their performance is key to a win-win business relationship.
Are you using an agile marketing method to project manage your demand generation and /or marketing campaigns? Is your marketing team operating with the agility needed to quickly respond to market changes needed to achieve revenue and business goals? So how can you leverage the strength of both to drive an efficient and effective marketing organization? Articles: 3 things you need to know about “Agile Marketing” Marketing agility: Navigating the turbulence ahead   See our latest marketing transformation advice at Hear all our interviews at
Have you ever been “Social Network Solicited” by companies who immediately tout their value proposition when they’re not certain if you’re even familiar with them? When marketing and sales use social networks to engage prospects and customers to first build trust and relationships, the result often positively impacts the bottom line. Interested in learning more? Join us on our blog at to get the latest insights into the marketing industry. Listen to our previously recorded interviews with marketing experts here at
Are you providing meaningful content that engages and relates to your customers’ interest? Bombarding people with articles, videos, blogs and podcast irrelevant to them can get them to tune out instead of turn them on. Delivering content that engages your prospects and provides useful information during their buying journey can distinguish you as a trusted source. Articles: “19 Lessons from THE Leaders In Content Marketing”   Interested in learning more? Join us on our blog at to get the latest insights into the marketing industry. Listen to our previously recorded interviews with marketing experts here at
How well do you understand the process your customers go through when making a buying decision? Aligning with why and what drives this often non-linear journey is essential to providing a positive customer experience. So how do you map your customers’ interactions with your brand to provide customer value and yield profitable customers? Posts: Profitability Focus Checklist Contribution margin for marketers What’s your Customer Success Score! Take our FREE quiz. Now! 10 Silos Marketing Ops Can Bridge Improve on traditional methods for measuring value Why we need Relationship Value, the missing metric… Customer Success at all costs? We say, “No!”
Is identifying the right technology solutions to help accomplish your marketing objectives like walking through a jungle? Are you integrating technology solutions that streamlines marketing processes? Selecting marketing technology isn’t a “one size fits all” solution; but managing a mix of marketing technology tools proves an ongoing challenge for modern Marketers.  “Will the software integrate easily? Am I paying for duplicate functionality from multiple vendors?” are issues marketers need to address. Articles: Navigating the Marketing ‘Stack’ Navigating the Changing Marketing Landscape”    Interested in learning more? Join us on our blog at to get the latest insights into the marketing industry. Listen to our previously recorded interviews with marketing experts here at
Are your marketing and sales teams off in different directions when it comes to building and filling the revenue pipeline? How aligned are they in defining and taking responsibility for revenue pipeline goals? When sales and marketing get in-sync to focus on engaging and enabling an outstanding customer experience, they’re positioned to construct (like a building contractor) and fill (think interior decorator) the revenue pipeline (an attractive place where marketing and sales enjoys living and customers want to visit) . Articles: “How to Create the Goldilocks Sales Pipeline Creating a sales pipeline that is not too big and not too small.” “Division of Labor: Determining Sales’ B2B Pipeline Contribution”   Interested in learning more? Join us on our blog at to get the latest insights into the marketing industry. Listen to our previously recorded interviews with marketing experts here at
How are you attributing “linking” customer and prospects’ cross-channel touch points back to your marketing programs? Marketing attribution introduces a way to assign value to each channel that played a role in influencing the consumer to make a purchase and identify specific marketing contributions to revenue. With those metrics, marketers can gain “rock star” status. Resources: B2B MARKETING -  ATTRIBUT101N - eBook 5 Marketing Attributions Trends “Why You Should Care About Marketing Attribution: Marketing attribution tracks user behavior before an online sale, allowing each channel that played a role in influencing the consumer to get credit for the purchase”
Marketers: Ever feel like you’re alone on a marketing activity treadmill? Does your executive team know and understand how your marketing programs and dollars are contributing to corporate business goals? Identifying and focusing on KPIs that feed into and have business impact are what gets positive recognition with the C-Suite and enables marketing to add value. Resources: “How To Define Critical KPIs Across the Marketing Funnel” “Marketing Metrics, Technology & Customer Experience” Interested in learning more? Join us on our blog at to get the latest insights into the marketing industry. Listen to our previously recorded interviews with marketing experts here at
Feel like you’re providing customers and prospects the “right” information at the “right” time as they travel through their buying journey? Having a 360-degree customer view that enables you to predict what they want and how to meet their business needs is essential. When customers’ experiences meet or exceed their expectations using your product/service it’s a customer/company win/win. Additional Resources: Articles: “How to Synchronize Your Marketing with the Customer Journey”   “Marketing Metrics, Technology & Customer Experience”
Does your marketing team have the know-how to leverage customer and market data to drive results? In today’s business world where Big Data rules, it’s not about working with the data, but extracting business intelligence necessary to make action plans. When marketers start with relevant KPIs then pull data sources to form go-forward decisions …its magical. Resources: “Transforming Data into Insights”  “Turning Insights into Action”
Operationalizing your marketing function isn’t reserved for the Fortune 100 or even just large enterprises. Given constrained people and budget resources prevalent in many SMBs, getting your marketing programs launched, demonstrating ROMI and proving marketing’s value is even more of a challenge. With the fast growth in number of SMBs, marketing operations is a real asset.Operationalizing your marketing function isn’t reserved for the Fortune 100 or even just large enterprises. Given constrained people and budget resources prevalent in many SMBs, getting your marketing programs launched, demonstrating ROMI and proving marketing’s value is even more of a challenge. With the fast growth in number of SMBs, marketing operations is a real asset.
Think operations is only a mundane, tactical role within the marketing function?  Why are savvy marketers adopting this attractive discipline? Marketing operations pros can act as the change agents to increase marketing efficiency and organizational agility. If marketing ops is about actively boosting marketing’s overall strategic value within the organization and driving business growth, now that’s appealing. Additional Resources: “Is Operations Sexy?”
How aligned is your marketing function with development and operations to deliver timely results? Is marketing focused on “marketing activities” without considering the development and operations teams contributions needed to effectively execute? When these teams blend forces it’s a company-customer win-win. So how does an organization foster these relationships for a more agile response to market needs? Additional Resources: Can dev, ops, and marketing collaborate on real-time campaigns? - 4 Customer Centric Culture Building Blocks -
Ever wonder how Marketing Ops intersects with Technology to drive Marketing into the future? Marketing Ops thought leaders met in San Diego October 22nd-24th to discuss the challenges and prospective roadmap for achieving an effective and impactful marketing function.  How do Marketing leaders balance the longer-term strategic marketing vision with the short-term quarterly revenue/profit/ROI demands? Why companies should adopt a Marketing Ops mindset, or better yet, establish a group within their marketing department to get there? Hear the highlights and insights from this first milestone conference. Additional Resources: Marketing Ops & Technology Summit - The Future of Marketing: The Contribution of Marketing Operations and Technology
Looking ahead, how well will your marketing plan fit with… better yet, drive the corporate strategy? Is marketing acting with vision to demonstrate value or being viewed as overhead? Marketing Ops has a prime opportunity to contribute and shape company strategy. When marketing moves from operating in a tactical to strategic mode they gain value-center status. How does Marketing Ops equip Marketing to gain that coveted “seat” in the C-Suite? Additional Resources: Effective Approaches to Reaping Intended Results in Marketing - The #1 Cost-Saving Strategy That 99% of Marketers Overlook -
Technology is seen as the “Holy Grail” for streamlining marketing functions. Not so fast… Although Marketing Ops professionals recognize technology as a means to automate time consuming processes and tasks crucial to running successful marketing programs, realistically it’s only part of the solution. Companies that have deployed technology without investing in a marketing operations function to optimize it have discovered this reality the hard way. So assuming your company has taken the critical first step of establishing a dedicated MO function, what does the team need to do to optimize technology to enable a more efficient and effective business? Additional Resources: Getting Over Shiny Objects: Marketing Automation & Beyond - The Myth that Marketing Automation Reveals Buyers’ Journeys -