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Message From Emmanuel
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Message From Emmanuel

Author: Emmanuel Baptist Church, Irvine Ky

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Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine Ky 

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286 Episodes
Angels Encamped

Angels Encamped


Angels EncampedPsalms 34:7“The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
Sign Seeking, Good and BadMatthew 12:39“But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Fol...
Psalms 34

Psalms 34


Psalms 34Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
Signs That Follow Believers Part 4Mark 16:17“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on ...
Longing For The Courts Of The LordPsalms 84:2“My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twit...
Signs That Follow Believers Part 3 - Deadly PoisonMark 16:18“They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Fo...
The Divine Purpose of RevelationPsalms 78Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebcky.comSend us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
Signs That Follow Believers Part 2Mark 16:17“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebcky.comSend us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitte...
Signs That Follow BelieversMark 16:17“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebcky.comSend us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebck...
The King and the King Of KingsMessage From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
A Sure Foundation Part 3Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
Jesus Sings

Jesus Sings


Jesus SingsMatthew 26:30“And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebcky.comSend us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
The Sure Foundation

The Sure Foundation


The Sure Foundation2 Timothy 2:19“Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebcky.comSend us a Text Message.Follow...
Psalms 69 Part 2

Psalms 69 Part 2


Psalms 69 Part 2Psalms 69:22“Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyC...
Honor Thy Father and MotherEphesians 6:1“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!
Psalms 69

Psalms 69


Psalms 69Psalms 69:1 “(To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, A Psalm of David.) Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our we...
The Deity Of The Holy SpiritJudges 14:6“And the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon him, and he rent him as he would have rent a kid, and he had nothing in his hand: but he told not his father or his mother what he had done.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send u...
Blessed To Be a BlessingPsalms 67:7“God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! Send us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!



Revived!Judges 15:19“But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof Enhakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day.”King James Version (KJV)Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebc...
Pastor Appreciation

Pastor Appreciation


Pastor Appreciation1 Timothy 3:1-7Message From Emmanuel is a weekly audio ministry of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Irvine, KY. We sincerely hope God blesses you as you listen!Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website! http://ebcky.comSend us a Text Message.Follow us on Facebook: ebcky15Follow us on Twitter: ebckyCheckout our website!