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Angry Radio

Author: AngryRadio

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Angry Radio is an internet broadcast with one purpose: To have an open forum to say whats bothering you.
Ever get so fed up by something that you feel like you are going to explode? Are you one of those that has an opinion about everything? Then you are who we are looking for.
13 Episodes
Angry Radio March 12 2017

Angry Radio March 12 2017


We're back!  Our first new episode in years and we're excited to bring it to you.  Today's topics include the lack of intelligent debate online, and how quick people are to label someone who doesn't agree with them.  We also discuss internet access, and if it has become a basic necessity, some statements made by a congressman that has some people upset, and the future of Twitter.  This may also be our first episode where we didn't swear at all... but we promise it's still a good one! Thanks for listening. 
Dave, Mike, and Pat survived the 12/12/2012 armageddon in order to record a Merry Christmas Angry Radio!  Everyone has the Christmas spirit, especially the old lady giving Mike the bird!  Visit for more!  
Angry Radio May 5, 2013

Angry Radio May 5, 2013


Dave and Pat discuss the Boston marathon bombing, new laws just put on the books, and the threat of laying off air traffic controllers if the budget isn't passed.  Join us on
Angry Radio June 15 2013

Angry Radio June 15 2013


For some reason this episode was never put up for download but its here now!!! Great debates including when DNA can be used for identification, and the Edward Snowden incident!  Pat and I get a little heated in this one! Enjoy. 
Mike and Dave are back after another long hiatus with another great Angry Radio.  Once again ditched by co-host Pat, Dave and Mike show how intelligent coversation can be when its just the two of them.  Hope you enjoy and visit or @angryradioshow on twitter to let us know what you think!  Mature language.
Angry Radio March 22 2012

Angry Radio March 22 2012


Dave and Pat at it once again.  Dave discusses his midlife crisis, or maybe its just nostalgia.  This was all started with a trip to Universal Studios, which was just not the same.  We also discuss a new law that may pass that allows citizens to use force against police officers.  Let us know what you think, visit and follow us on Twitter @angryradioshow.
This week Mike and I handle the show without Pat.  Which is a nice way of saying it went a lot smoother.  Topics on this weeks show include the Costa Concordia disaster, Mike's hatred of Best Buy, and a phone in rant from Pat.  Be sure to check out and follow us on Twitter @angryradioshow .
Angry Radio January 7 2012

Angry Radio January 7 2012


We start a new year with a look back on 2011.  Join us for a long rant about Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and the lack of customer service. We also talk about the freedom of speech, the occupy protests and more! Be sure to send your comments in to
Angry Radio is back after 4 years.  In this episode we get back into the rythym and introduce our new co-host, Mike.  Pat joins us halfway through to rehash some old discussions.   Enjoy!