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Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz
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Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz

Author: Blaze Podcast Network

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In Washington, politicians are full of half-truths and hot air. They do little more than grandstanding by spouting off talking points and spin. The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz is here to help you cut through the rhetoric and noise and explore the politically right way to think about the issues .

1647 Episodes
Everyone thinks that our survival hinges upon the election results. Obviously, we don’t want Democrats, but let’s not kid ourselves into believing Republicans will do anything to forestall the financial collapse, unless we change the policies and personnel. First, I warn about some concerning figures on Trump’s transition team and how we need to be prepared as a movement to veto bad Cabinet picks. Next, I’m joined by Tracy Shuchart, an expert in financial and commodities markets, to discuss the unprecedented market signals we are observing. We go through all of the signals from the S&P, gold, Treasuries, and economic data to show how we are facing an intractable stagflation bomb with the likelihood of a credit and housing collapse. We prove how there is not a single viable policy on the table to prevent this. In the meantime, Tracy offers some investment advice. She is bullish on gold and silver and also points to at-risk metals as a possible emerging market to watch.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We need to seriously prepare a plan to hit the ground running if Trump does pull this one out. I raise some concerns about personnel choices, congressional leadership, and the upcoming lame-duck session. Trump must make it clear that Congress should not pass any transformational bills during the lame duck and that all disaster spending must be paid for with unspent funds from the Green New Deal. Next, I break down the tab for this past fiscal year to show how nobody has a plan to stop the deficit-driven inflation from exploding in the next year — and that Republicans will own all the carnage. So why not start building a plan now? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We have a very soft movement that is not willing to power through disruptions in order to pursue good policy. This is true across the board, but particularly on the issue of illegal immigration. I explain how illegal immigration would end overnight if Republicans were willing to go after labor brokers and actually enforce employment laws. The problem is that the Left, through an amalgamation of fiscal, cultural, and immigration policies, has created a self-fulfilling prophecy of Americans not wanting to do construction jobs. Republicans must be willing to power through a temporary disruption by removing illegal aliens, raising wages, and fixing our broken education and welfare incentives. Conservatives need to lead by example. No policy change will happen on its own, and the election will be moot if we don’t build a movement willing to message and implement through adversity.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Most people are not insane enough to refer to themselves as the opposite gender, but so many of us still act transgender. On today’s special evergreen episode, I share and expound upon Joy Pullmann’s excellent essay “How Feminism Makes Everyone Transgender.” She argues that conservatives have misdiagnosed our societal ills as stemming from too much femininity injected into government by liberal females. But, in fact, those women are extremely masculine and dysregulated. It’s a lack of femininity among a generation of women that is driving them to project their insecurities on society. I make the case that the lack of femininity among women is an even bigger problem than a lack of masculinity among men, and it’s a problem even on the Right. Too many on the Right are harnessing feminism to supposedly fight transgenderism, when feminism is what caused transgenderism and is even more destructive to society. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The FBI has now revised the crime statistics to reflect reality. I explain how Republicans have missed an entire decade of messaging and policy opportunities to win back suburban voters on the crime issue. Instead, they pushed jailbreak and bailed out Democrats from their own radical policies foisted upon them by their quixotically unreasonable base. Next, we’re joined by Seth Dillon, CEO of the Babylon Bee. He explains how the Bee is aiming not only to evoke laughter but also to powerfully use the weapon of satire to deconstruct the absurd prevailing narratives in politics and culture. We also discuss the concerns about the growing “woke Right,” which is becoming as mindless as the woke Left. He promises to continue illustrating that absurdity as well with some satirical pieces. Finally, we discuss his activism as a Floridian in fighting Amendment 4, which will kill thousands of babies. He might run a satire company, but he is actually being more effective than most conservatives who claim to be serious thought leaders.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We begin today’s discussion by observing the budding of a national divorce in Western North Carolina. It’s become abundantly clear that the feds are not really interested in helping, nor are the people interested in accepting the help. We are headed toward red state self-sufficiency, and this effort will be led by veterans. To that end, we’re joined by retired Marine Colonel Mark Thieme, who is now executive director of the new Florida State Guard. He explains the need for the Guard and all of the lifesaving work they have done during natural disasters, as well as missions in North Carolina and at the Texas border. Unmoored from bureaucracy and from any federal control, Thieme is able to recruit talented people with the desire to serve and efficiently utilize their skills for maritime and aviation operations, reconnaissance, and search and rescue to augment the other state agencies. They are light and nimble to focus on the need of the hour. They have gotten so many recruits that they already had to turn away people. The Florida Guard has also been a landing place for veterans who left the service but still want to protect Americans without dealing with woke politics. Are state guards the wave of the future and also the ultimate fulfillment of our Founders’ vision of state-based militias? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The election is almost over. Now is the time to prepare a plan to deal with the two most pressing issues, both federally and in the states – inflation and invasion. Unfortunately, everything Trump is promising on the campaign trail will only increase the deficit and inflation. What is the plan to curb inflation? I explain why it will only get worse, Trump will own the problem, and we will all get blamed for it. As for immigration, Trump has a plan, but I explain what he needs to do immediately. We continue to see more stories of small towns in conservative areas being transformed by invaders. If this is not shut down soon, red America will look like blue America. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There is simply no reason to suddenly believe the recent weather disasters are anything but natural. I discuss the problems with the woke, reactionary right constantly mimicking the left and the need to be more disciplined and effective in pursuit of the truth. We’re joined by veteran meteorologist and long-term forecaster Joe Bastardi of to explain the natural phenomenon behind this active hurricane season. He notes that while there might be cloud seeding technology that could potentially induce a snapshot, localized effect on one storm, it is absurd to believe that humans can control the entire atmospheric system that induced this weather pattern. He predicted last year, based on weather patterns across the world, that this would be an impactful hurricane season in the Gulf of Mexico. He also believes we can do a better job forecasting and communicating risk assessment of hurricanes. But ultimately there needs to be humility when dealing with this issue and a recognition that only human problems can be controlled by humans. Let’s leave the atmospheric problems to God.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It’s deja vu. Remember how Republicans promised to repeal Obamacare and then actually preserved it? Well, unless we mobilize against the Green New Deal now, Republicans will not repeal the heart of the green energy subsidies. I warn that the oil and gas industry is already lobbying to preserve the grift and only repeal the tax increases and some regulations. We go through the irrevocable harm that will flow from such a move, the proper strategy and messaging behind full repeal, and the need to pass a repeal bill through budget reconciliation as the first major agenda item. I also explain how we are suffering a stagflation and personal debt crisis, and nobody in the GOP seems to have a forward-looking plan on how to deal with it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
There is little left that we can do to influence the outcome of the election, so we need to prepare to maximize the power we do have under either outcome. I game out the challenges and opportunities for each outcome and what needs to be done. If Trump does win, he must act on deportations and an immigration moratorium immediately. I go through numerous stories of the Biden administration releasing criminals and terrorists into the country, including the latest suspected ISIS member from Afghanistan who was allegedly plotting an Election Day terror attack in Oklahoma City. They are transforming red-state cities at breakneck speed, and we cannot waste any time before addressing this issue.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
First, we begin with the negative aspects of our government and the elements of the culture that they represent. I explain how the worship of virtue-signaling has acculturated too many people to narcissism rather than a true quest to help other people. On the other hand, what we are seeing in red America, led by military veterans, is truly the best of our people. We’re joined today for an on-the-ground status report by Dr. Mollie James, a critical care physician who is working on medical triage in the mountains. With her is Dan Nunez, a military veteran and local resident who is coordinating the search and rescue efforts from the Avery County airport. He paints a vivid picture of the dire human needs in the remote mountains but also the superb unity among the veteran organizations that are pooling together their talents to navigate this living hell. They make it clear that they have barely seen a federal presence in the remote areas and that frankly, they feel the private organizations will do a better job. You can donate to the cause at or join Mollie’s medical team by emailing  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
DeSantis has been confronted with so many crises, yet he is tackling each one plus helping other states. Today, I explain how DeSantis is like the "Chuck Norris of governors" and what we can learn from his style of leadership. I also juxtapose what he has done in Florida with what the feds have done in Western North Carolina and build the case for us to create our own civilian civil defense organizations through the sheriff’s departments of each conservative county. We are living under a broken social compact, but the aftermath of this crisis has shown us a path forward to rebuilding our own compact. Finally, I commemorate October 7 and derive three critical lessons for America based on Israel’s experience with Islamic barbarism.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We begin today with an overview of the vice-presidential debate. Overall, JD Vance helped himself by effectively making Kamala the incumbent and showing the American people a MAGA vision without personal baggage. However, we have work to do as a movement articulating many policy ideas. Next, we’re joined by Alexis Lorenze from her ICU bed where she is being treated for horrible scabbing over her body. Alexis and her nurse advocate, Angela Wulbrecht, tell her horror story of being forced to get three vaccines in order to receive treatment for a rare blood disorder. Within minutes, her entire body was injured and her beautiful body was contorted with Frankenstein-looking burns and swelling. Shockingly, until Angela came to her side, she was denied treatment and even mocked. This story needs to be the national face of both vaccine injury and the growing trend of maltreatment in hospitals. We need to demand more informed consent and accurate data when it comes to vaccines, and we must protect those most vulnerable who are particularly targeted for excess vaccination.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
It is incontrovertibly clear that we have a broken social compact. Today, I juxtapose what our federal government is doing for illegal aliens, Ukraine, and Iranian allies to what it is not doing in Western North Carolina. The seeds for a national divorce are there, as we see conservative Americans and the Florida State Guard step up to help the victims of the hurricane. I make the case for the creation of robust State Guards in red states and sheriff’s posses at the county level so that conservatives can channel their patriotism, love, talent, and energy into service they believe in. I also delve into the shocking criminal alien numbers and why those figures don’t capture the full universe of criminality. Unfortunately, we have weak Republican governors who don’t share our values. Why? As I note at the end of the show, a story out of Idaho demonstrates that the root problem of what ails red America lies in weak or subversive church leaders.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We begin today’s show with a discussion about what is and is not the role of government in disaster relief. I observe how our government has bankrupted us with so much wasteful spending but then is slow to respond when our own countrymen are trapped in a flood. The contrast to DeSantis’ management is palpable. Next, we’re joined by Chris Martz, a brilliant young meteorology student who has put together a presentation showing the historical context of hurricanes. He proves that there is no definitive long-term trend in the frequency and intensity of hurricanes in our part of the world, much less a correlation with global warming across the earth. We delve into various natural weather phenomena that explain the disaster in North Carolina and why the notion that either global warming or “weather modification” is responsible is absurd.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Today, we do something different and have a friendly debate over the prudence of the school voucher revolution in red states. Most conservatives have embraced this policy, but some have concerns about it possibly leading to government control of private schools. On net, I believe these policies are the best we can do given the strategic disadvantage we have against public education. However, my guest today, Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands, joins us to debate me over his concerns about the voucher program. He is worried about this program being structured like an open-ended entitlement, the budgetary effects, and most importantly the strings that typically come attached to such funding. We both agree that at a minimum, school vouchers are an incomplete solution to education refor and must also be accompanied by strong protections against state mandates on private schools, an effort to reject federal education funding, and structuring the program in a way that looks more like a tax credit than an entitlement. These are the sorts of policy discussions we need if we are going to have any hope of saving red states. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This is the story of the century. After 70 years of debate, the government’s own data says and a federal judge believes that the current level of fluoridation of most of our water poses an unreasonable risk of neurotoxicity. We’re joined today by Michael Connett, the lead attorney in the federal lawsuit that might lead to the banning of fluoride in our water. We discuss the legal authority he creatively used to secure this ruling and what comes next. Connett uses his wealth of knowledge about fluoride to show that placing it in the water is senseless and poses the greatest risk without even actualizing the supposed benefits that are achieved through voluntarily using it in toothpaste. Although this should be the biggest national issue of our time, Connett notes that we can easily force corrective action at the local government level and demand that this known toxin be removed from our water.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week, Republicans are proving that they do not share our values and will never fight for us in Congress even on a winning issue like the border invasion. They are not the stupid party; they just don’t believe in what you and I believe. Sadly, this is a problem even in red states. Today, I show examples, beginning with Nebraska, of how unfaithful Republicans help turn red states purple because they share power with the Left. I contrast this to Florida, where DeSantis uses the power of the state to push our agenda and crush the Left. This has caused even major corporations to side with DeSantis because he makes it clear where state priorities lie. I also offer new insights into how red states can deter illegal immigration. If they fail to do so, red America will no longer exist.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Bookmark today’s show for all your friends and relatives. I go through almost all of the critical ballot questions in numerous states and explain their importance and how conservatives should vote. This is where you can have the biggest impact on civilization issues that are often closely divided. I also go through some important state supreme court elections – both nonpartisan ones and retention ballots. It is shocking how there is nobody else focusing on these elections when they will determine whether we have a lifeboat or not if things don’t go our way at the presidential level.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We begin our discussion today by chronicling the House GOP’s final budget betrayal and Republicans' sophistry in fretting over a government shutdown. Next, we’re joined by Nate Hochman of America 2100, who has done on-the-ground interviews with community members of Charleroi, Pennsylvania. This is a small town in red America that has been overrun by Haitian illegal aliens. Nate explains how local business interests and unsavory GOP politicians have helped bring them in for cheap labor and turned the quaint town into a third world labor barracks at the expense of the locals. This is taking place all across America. We go through housing, transportation, schooling, and culture to show how towns like Charleroi are being overrun and transformed. Clearly, a lot of illegal activity and rule-breaking is occurring for these people to have settled in the town. There is a need for local Republican officials to use ordinances and zoning to stymie the invasion. Red states must use the criminal justice system to go after labor brokers who are engaging in human trafficking that leads to the resettlement of our towns.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (115)


The dawkturz requiring this girl to update vaccinations before necessary unrelated treatment issuing this girl 3 immediate consecutive jabs have no idea what could be causing her horrible afflictions. All these dawkturz know is that it definitely ain't that one thing. Yep, the MSM presstitutes will conveniently miss this story too!

Oct 5th


I just scored 380 Trump coins 357 of his gold bars, 243 Trump nfts, and 38 of his mystery boxes which might contain more priceless goodies. All I gotta do is pay shipping. Ima gonna b rich and buy my own island. With him giving away gold and Cumholla decimating the federal budget, inflation and precious metal prices goin to the moon. I can't loose. I don't need to worry about gubmit policy, gubmit rules, gubmit funding. or any gubmit stuff anymore. Oh I 4got about my 22250 shares of DJT! 2da🌛

Sep 28th

Claudia Smith

Politics has always been dirty nasty and low down and scum. Every two years now.

Aug 19th

Claudia Smith

yes lesser of two evils.

Aug 19th


@ 3:00 they do suck

Aug 15th

Claudia Smith

VP goes to funerals just like Biden did.

Jul 16th


Daniel is a true thought leader 4 conservatives. Always identifying opportunities for the feckless republicans and providing strategies. If they listened, they might stand a chance. As the status quo goes, R's moving left, they'll soon be extinct like the non-communist parties are in Europe. If the R's are to act as weak socialists, they'll never again govern, when one can have the actual thing the D's provide in being strong communists. He could have and should have replaced Rush.

Jul 11th


was Wednesday 4/10 a holiday? is that why there wasn't a show today?

Apr 10th

Fred W.


Sep 29th

Ameri Prayer


Sep 11th

Son of Aragorn

Another A+ show from Daniel. No one hits the mark like him....

Aug 26th

Christina Mancini

surely he means kill the vulnerable, not protect

Jul 30th

Marylou Fulton

what do Republicans care about then?

Jun 14th


Funding neo nazis? You lost me. Typical gay-op talk

Apr 29th

Nate M

Stay tuned to this important episode where host Doug McKenty discusses vaccine ingredients with Dr. Robert Young. Dr. Young's recent published paper describes many ingredients not typically available to the public, including the controversial graphene oxide. You can read the paper for yourself here: Go to where members receive pre-legal advice and intake in the case of mandate harassment or abuse. Also, go to to sign up for the newsletter and find hours of free content produced at Doug McKenty studios.

Mar 2nd

Kelly Petruzzi-Hiller

amazing, we had a local gym go thru hell for keeping their gym opened during lockdown yet these gym owners took so many precautions that their gym was cleaner then a grocery store yet this business is practicing unsanitary measures like this?!

Feb 23rd

Gina Michalak

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." Mark Twain

Jan 30th

Pam Orphanides

great to hear about doctors who still care and are actually doing their jobs

Jan 24th

David Haske

The wife and I got the 2 shots (April 2021) but refuse to get anymore. we never got COVID-19 and we are prepared if we do... I'm very very interested in knowing if our bodies will repair themselves in time? Will my T cells get back to normal over time or are we screwed for life? We hear about the unvaccinated and what they have to look forward to and about the multiple vaccinated, how bout the 2 shots and done? What can we expect? thanks great show....

Dec 10th

adrian woodbury

love the show sir. I did find it funny how during ur raycon read u pronounced bass (the sound) as bass (the fish). gave me a chuckle right after thr depressing news of mitch (yet again).

Dec 10th