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Vet Coach Transition Tips

Author: Pat Bergstresser

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Transitioning from active duty military to the civilian job market can be a daunting experience, especially if you’ve spent your entire adult life on active duty. In the Vet Coach Transition Tips podcast, join former Navy Lieutenant Pat Bergstresser as he navigates the transition process for military veterans step by step. We’ll talk through resumes, interviews, LinkedIn, and most importantly, if you should grow a beard for your first civilian interview. If you’re still on active duty, a veteran who’s been out for several years, or you just finished Transition GPS/TAPS class and realized it was a complete waste of time, this podcast will help guide you through the process of what to do and how to successfully find a fulfilling career in the civilian world.To access this podcast and more, visit
28 Episodes
So this isn’t quite your traditional interview. You won’t be interviewing for any potential role - but this new contact you’re about to have your first call with could be pivotal when you start applying to roles. So you want to put your best foot forward in that initial conversation. Here we cover how to approach the call to make it productive, how to best connect with the new connection, and building a foundation for expanding your network.
The goal here is getting your new contacts to respond and on the phone as quickly as possible. Nobody wants to message back and forth endlessly. But, you’re also a stranger to your potential connections. In this episode we cover how to concisely message your new connections and get them on the phone so they can discover how awesome of a transitioning veteran you are.
Once you’ve defined your strategy, you’re ready to start searching. The search bar on LinkedIn has a variety of filters and settings to tailor your search to exactly who you are looking to connect with. In this episode we talk through how to leverage the search functionality to find the right connections for your transition.
So your profile is finally all filled out and you’re ready to start harnessing the networking power of LinkedIn. But where to begin? We’ll cover in this episode how to develop a personalized strategy so you’re talking to the right people and continually progressing towards your new career, not just a new job.
Time to wrap up writing this profile so you can get networking! What the hell does “networking” even really mean? We’ll get to that, but don’t miss this crucial episode where we cover the featured section, education, licenses and certifications, and more. Should you list your military licenses and military awards? We’ll answer that and feature plenty of actionable advice as always.To access this podcast and more, visit
The “meat” of your profile is your experience section. This is where you can hit all the keywords to help recruiters find you, and where you can display everything you’ve accomplished in your career. There’s some nuances to how to build this section, make it look clean and professional, and other tips important to nailing this aspect of your profile. Listen in to learn how to build this section in a clean and concise way.To access this podcast and more, visit TransitionVetCo...
Throughout the LinkedIn Series, I consistently talk about making the most of your LinkedIn “Real Estate.” The "About" section is, in my opinion, the most underutilized and under-leveraged piece of real estate. It is your opportunity to, in your own words, articulate your brand and your value proposition. It’s also the first thing a visitor to your profile will read to better understand you and what you are all about. How do you write it in a way that succinctly and elo...
In this episode, we cover how to digitally introduce yourself on LinkedIn. We cover having an easy to find URL for your profile, how to manage the “open to work” settings, how to craft a solid headline, and how to best position your location settings to optimize opportunities. Listen in for details.To access this podcast and more, visit
You are 14x more likely to get noticed on LinkedIn by having a profile photo. It’s a no brainer. What about the background photo though? Should you wear your uniform in your profile photo? Does it need to be professionally taken? We answer those questions and more in this episode. Check it out.To access this podcast and more, visit
LinkedIn is THE most powerful networking tool out there. And we are going to give you a personal run down of how to attack it. There’s two aspects: the profile and networking. Before you can start networking though, people need to know who they are talking to. So first we are going to tackle the profile. This episode gives you an introduction to LinkedIn, why it’s such a great tool, and an overview of the LinkedIn series. Listen in to see how simply having ...
It’s time to wrap it up, but not quite yet! While the questions you ask can be informative for yourself, they can also help set you apart from the pack.Thought closing was reserved for sales? Think again! Closing might just be the difference maker between you and “the other guy”.Listen in to see what types of questions to ask and how exactly to go about “closing” without being awkward about it.To access this podcast and more, visit
For the first time in your career YOU get to choose where you want to live! There’s a lot to consider. Especially since you’re losing BAH. Oh…and Tri-Care. Check out this episode for some perspective on location selection and some basic tips on how to navigate compensation.To access this podcast and more, visit
It’s impossible to prepare for every single interview question you could possibly be asked. But, we all know preparation is key. So how do you prepare for the types of behavioral questions you will be invariably asked during an interview? You need a list of success and failure stories to draw from. Check out this episode to learn how to employ this strategy when preparing for an interview.To access this podcast and more, visit
Nearly every interview starts off with some sort of question that asks you to tell the interviewer about yourself. How long should it be? What should you talk about? How do you build a solid personal connection right off the bat? Check out this episode to find out.To access this podcast and more, visit
We all know how to handle a military interview or board…but what do you wear to a civilian interview? Believe it or not, I’ve seen plenty of vets screw this up. Tune in to get the down and dirty on common mistakes to avoid and how to ensure the interviewer remembers you for what you said and not what you were wearing.To access this podcast and more, visit
There’s perhaps no more important aspect of an interview than the attitude you convey when interacting with the interviewer. Check out this episode to hear our tips and advice to make sure you’re displaying the best and most appropriate version of “you” in the interview. I’ve seen some train wrecks and this episode is sure to make sure you aren’t one of them!To access this podcast and more, visit
So you finally got an interview…works not over yet. Preparation is key, and we’ll walk you through the 8 key aspects of an interview and how to prepare for them. In the following podcasts we will do a deep dive into each aspect and give you action advice to crush your interviews. Developing a solid roadmap to prep for interviews is key, tune into this episode to start your preparation now.To access this podcast and more, visit
FINALLY! The the last section of the resume. Don’t get lazy, while this is an optional section, I HIGHLY encourage you include it. Tune in to hear why!Blog post for our recommend resume format: Resume Format Blog PostBlog post associated with this episode: Resume Additional Information Section Blog PostTo access this podcast and more, visit
This week we are talking through professional certifications and technical skills. What’s the difference? What should you include? Does anyone care that you were warfare qualified? Tune in to find out!Blog post for our recommend resume format: Resume Format Blog PostBlog post associated with this episode: Resume Certifications & Technical Skills Blog PostTo access this podcast and more, visit
In this episode we cover the education section of the resume. This is a quick one, but we hit on some key aspects of this section you don’t want to miss!Blog post for our recommend resume format: Resume Format Blog PostBlog post associated with this episode: Resume Education Section Blog PostTo access this podcast and more, visit