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Every Believer Confident
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Every Believer Confident

Author: Mark Farnham

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This podcasts explores apologetics and evangelism in practical terms in short form episodes. It is aimed at the ordinary Christian who wants to effectively reach unbelievers in an indirect, conversational and relational manner. The podcast is led by Dr. Mark Farnham (PhD, Westminster), the Founder and Director of Apologetics for the Church, a local church training ministry. Mark is also Director of the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary in Lancaster, PA.

51 Episodes
The new release of Mark’s book, Every Believer Confident, offers an opportunity to learn anew the basic, accessible way of engaging unbelievers with the gospel. Mark and Jeff discuss the new chapter and the new features of case studies and study questions in each chapter. Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
A common accusation against the Christian faith is the hypocrisy of Christians.. How do we handle that? In this episode, Mark and Jeff review ways to respond to this charge by asking for a definition, showing that hypocrisy is a human trait, and calling all believers to a life of integrity and consistency.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Once you learn to engage unbelievers effectively with the gospel, how do you keep growing in your abilities? Mark and Jeff discuss some simple ideas, such as reading through the entire Bible, reading commentaries to deepen our understanding of the Scriptures, and more.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Many Christians feel at a loss to know how best to start a spiritual conversation with those who don’t believe in God, either overt atheists or someone who simply has no beliefs about God. This will provide some helpful resources for effective gospel conversations.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Don’t miss the big ethics conference on February 22 in Allentown, PA. We will address a number of critical issues of our day from a Christian perspective, including the sanctity of life, technology, gender and sexuality, abortion, and reproductive technology. Go to for more details. Hurry, seating is limited!Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
A key to effective engagement with unbelievers is simply to start conversations. Becoming a good conversationalist is possible for anyone, regardless of their personality. In this episode, Mark shares some basics about having good conversations and turning them to spiritual topics to open the door for sharing the gospel.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
When we look around the world and see wars, genocide, human trafficking, and modern-day slavery, we have to ask, How can an all-loving, all-powerful God exist? Christians claim that God loves the world, so why is it in such a mess? Who among us has not cried out to God in grief, fear, and desperation? Does God care, and when will he do something about evil and suffering?Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
What is Apologetics? Is it only for pastors and professors, or is every Christian called to practice apologetics? Is it primarily about confrontations or conversations? Is the concept even in the Bible? Why can’t we just evangelize and skip the apologetics part? In this episode, Mark and Jeff lay the foundation of the basics of apologetics.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
The infiltration of the West and the Church by Eastern religion, the New Age, neo-paganism, and earth religions is rooted in a foundational error of the “oneness of all things.” In this episode, Mark and Jeff get to the heart of these errors and show how the Creator-Creature Distinction corrects our thinking and allows us to remain in truth as we worship God.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
It has been widely observed that the New Age and Eastern religious thought have infiltrated the West for many years through practices like Yoga and the promise of making all things “one.” In this episode, Mark and Jeff explore how this has happened and how the Church has been subverted through seemingly innocent practices.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Common Objections

Common Objections


Some Christians struggle with the idea of apologetics and may see it as something too difficult for them, or even unspiritual. Jeff and Mark answer those objections and show how apologetics can help every Christian in their proclamation of the gospel.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
How do you become skilled at starting conversations that lead to the gospel? That is the single greatest challenge for most Christians who want to share the gospel. In this episode, Mark and Jeff talk about ways to become more natural conversationalists for the sake of gospel witness.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
What is Christianity?

What is Christianity?


Many people have a vague or mistaken idea of what Christianity is all about. In addition, even Christians have a hard time articulating the gospel clearly. This episode nuggets to the heart of each so we can more effectively share the gospel and compel people to believe the Christian faith in all its glory.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
How can a church begin to create a culture where gospel conversations with the lost are normal? How does a church move beyond an inward focus on discipleship to add an outward focus on reaching the lost? Mark and Jeff discuss some philosophical keys and some practical steps that can be taken to help a church cultivate gospel engagement among its members.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Mark and Jeff share their origin stories as apologists. For both of us, it began with our inability to answer objections and questions from non-believers. Our hope is that you will be encouraged that you, too, can engage anyone you meet with the gospel and do it well.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Learning that true salvation is a work of the Holy Spirit and not something we can accomplish through our own ability or charm is freeing. If the Holy Spirit is the one who convinces of guilt and opens eyes to see Christ as the only Savior, then I can confidently share the good news of Jesus with whomever I meet.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Jeff and Mark resume their list of reasons why Christians believe in the deity of Jesus. They demonstrate that the only way to reject Jesus’ deity is to ignore or reject the testimony of Scripture, which affirms again and again that Jesus is fully divine.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Jews, and skeptics all share in common a rejection of the divinity of Jesus Christ. Some Christians are surprised to learn that nowhere in the New Testament does Jesus say these three words: “I am God.” In this episode Mark and Jeff explain why that is and the overwhelming evidence from Scripture that Jesus is fully divine, equal in essence to the Father and Spirit. Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: http...
Deconstruction Pt. 2

Deconstruction Pt. 2


Mark and Jeff continue their discussion of deconstruction and the need for Christians to be grounded in their faith. They also talk about the difference between questions that search for answers and those that are seeking an exit from the faith.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Deconstruction Pt. 1

Deconstruction Pt. 1


Mark and Jeff introduce the topic of deconstruction and talk about a recent New York Times article recounting one couple’s deconstruction from Christianity that began with a rejection of God’s law regarding sexual fidelity.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: