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Every Believer Confident
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Every Believer Confident

Author: Mark Farnham

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This podcasts explores apologetics and evangelism in practical terms in short form episodes. It is aimed at the ordinary Christian who wants to effectively reach unbelievers in an indirect, conversational and relational manner. The podcast is led by Dr. Mark Farnham (PhD, Westminster), the Founder and Director of Apologetics for the Church, a local church training ministry. Mark is also Director of the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary in Lancaster, PA.

29 Episodes
Common Questions

Common Questions


Can we get past the taboo of talking about religion and politics to share Christ? Mark's guest, Zack Armstrong, presents some practical ideas for encouraging people to talk about spiritual matters.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Have you ever wondered if the Christian faith can hold up to the scrutiny of leading scholarship? In today's episode, we will explore how Christianity is both personally edifying AND intellectually satisfying. Christianity can hold its own in the world of scholarship and you can be confident that your faith is grounded in good truth.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Starting Conversations

Starting Conversations


Have you every wanted to start a conversation with someone about the gospel but didn't know how? Today we will go over some simple and practical skills you can use to start engaging the unbelievers in your life with the gospel.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
So you have begun to make efforts to talk with your unsaved neighbors, friends, coworkers, family, and classmates about spiritual matters. You've asked some strategic questions and conversations are going further than they ever have before. What next? This episode moves beyond questions to understanding as fully as possible what the other person believes, and in the process, continues the conversation on toward the gospel.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit m...
Does asking strategic questions really work when engaging unbelievers in conversation about spiritual matters? Yes! In this episode we explore three powerful effects well-asked strategic questions can have in a conversation about the gospel.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
What do you do if you don't know how to answer an objection to the Christian faith? Many people freeze and walk away or alternately abandon reason and claim to simply believe "by faith," by which they mean apart from reason. What they don't often consider is a question to challenge the objection. Since most objections to the Christian faith are based on false or unproven assumptions, a good question can reveal the weakness of the objection. This episode explores the way Christians can use str...
Have you ever been talking with an unbeliever, and you find yourself trying to figure out how to steer the conversation toward spiritual matters so you can share the gospel with her? Sometimes that transition is the hardest part about sharing the good news. In this episode we explore ways to turn the conversation toward spiritual matters naturally and effectively.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Now that we have learned the basics of apologetics and have understood what is going on in the heart of unbelievers, how do we effectively engage them with the gospel? How do we practically challenge unbelief and defend the faith while sharing it in a winsome and persuasive fashion? This episode shares the story of my first attempt to utilize apologetics and how powerful it proved to be.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: https://apologeticsfor...
When unbelievers suppress the truth long enough and with great enough insistence, God hands them over to be enslaved to their desires. The freedom from God they demanded becomes slavery to sin. This episode explores how people who suppress the truth of God become slaves to their desires.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
If every person knows God and truth about him, as Romans 1 says, why do so many either deny the existence of God or believe things about God that are not true? The answer is found in the human ability to make a mental and spiritual exchange of the truth for a lie. In this episode we look at the common tendency of people who know the truth of God to reject it in favor of falsehood.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: https://apologeticsforthechur...
When a person rejects God to worship something else, that thing will be at best a dull reflection of the full glory of God for which we were made, and at best, a twisted and distorted substitute. God wants us to worship him in truth, but if we will not, then a created thing, like us, will be our master. This episode explores the way unbelievers would rather have something that is merely created than having the Creator himself.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Vis...
The atheist writer, David Foster Wallace said, "There is no such thing as atheism because everybody worships something. You can't not worship." When a person. suppresses the truth of God, he doesn't worship nothing, he just worships something else. In this episode we explore the way suppressing the truth of God leads inevitably to idolatry.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Why do those who suppress the truth of God think that they are rational and that those who believe in God through Christ are irrational? The fundamental problem is that the unbeliever makes reason his god and source of authority, when reason was never meant to be such. Rather, reason is a tool given by God to rightly know what he has revealed. In this episode, we explore the ways that unbelievers become irrational when they reject the truth of God.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request...
Every unbeliever suppresses the knowledge of God in one way or another to one degree or another. Suppression has devastating consequences to the heart and mind. By denying the truth they know, unbelievers seriously injure their ability to see the truth clearly. In this episode we explore the first consequence of suppressing the knowledge of God: self-deception.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Prove God Exists!

Prove God Exists!


Have someone ever asked you to prove God's existence? Or maybe they have issued a challenge: prove God exists and I will believe in him! What do you say? What can you say? In this episode we examine the challenge of proving God's existence and how best to answer it.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at:
Why don't many people give themselves any time to face the pain of life or the guilt in their hearts? It is simply too painful. As a result, many fill their lives with distractions or dull the pain in their hearts with addictive substances. Others simply deny that there is any evidence for God. This episode explores three ways people suppress the truth of their guilt before a holy God.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: https://apologeticsforth...
One of the most common objections raised against the Christian faith is the existence of so many religions in the world. How can Jesus be the only way when there are so many other religions that people sincerely follow? Where did all these religions come from anyway? This episode shows that one of the ways unbelievers suppress the truth of God they know is to create or turn to other religions.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: https://apologet...
The thought of having to prove God exists keeps many people from engaging in evangelism, as this objection is a favorite tactic of skeptics. But it doesn't need to be. In Romans 1:18-32 God shows us what is happening in the heart and mind of every unbeliever. When we come to see that the unbeliever already knows God and some things about him, it will relieve our stress about engaging him with the gospel. This episode begins to unpack the truth of Romans 1 that every unbeliever already knows G...
Some people are turned off to apologetics because they don't like to argue with others. They imagine that if we engage people with the gospel, we will necessarily have to be antagonistic and contentious. In reality, apologetics presents arguments for the truth without becoming argumentative. In this episode we look at the difference between arguing for the truth and being argumentative.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: https://apologeticsfort...
It would be easy to gain so much confidence in our ability to defend and share the faith that we forget that the Holy Spirit is the only one who can regenerate a lost soul. So what part does the Holy Spirit play in apologetics and evangelism? And how does prayer fit into that equation? Good questions! In this episode we explore the roles of the Holy Spirit and prayer in the task of apologetics.Want to reach out, ask a question, or request a speaking event? Visit my website at: https://apologe...