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Author: Aaron Salvato & GoodLion

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Real stories. Real people. Real lives touched by Jesus Christ. Testimony is a show where people from all walks of life share their stories of radical encounters with God.
7 Episodes
I sit down with last episode's guest Michael Riley for a discussion on Bible Belt Christianity, the importance of community, and how it's possible to be an active member of a youth group and still not be walking with Jesus.
Michael Riley

Michael Riley


Michael Riley, a young man in the Bible-Belt who grew up in a Christian home, but didn't truly believe until Jesus showed up in his life and showed him the power of grace and the importance of community!
#3 - Dan Braga

#3 - Dan Braga


Pastor Dan Braga shares his testimony: the story of a young man who felt like an outcast. Dan struggled with addiction and substance abuse, but through His darkness, Jesus kept gently drawing him to the light!
#2 - Katelyn Dickhens

#2 - Katelyn Dickhens


Katelyn is a girl who fell in love, and then had her heart broken. But in the midst of that heartbreak, Jesus shows up in her life and makes himself, and his great love, known to her.
Today on testimony, we are going to hear from pastor Christian Trainia. In our last episode, Christian shared his story of darkness, depression, and suicide, and the miraculous story of how Jesus’s love broke through all of that pain. If you haven’t heard his testimony, seriously, stop what you’re doing and go listen to the previous episode. It’s amazing. Christin shares about how Jesus spoke to him in the middle of a suicide attempt, and how he eventually came to Christ not through a Christian evangelist but by reading an anti Christian book by an an atheist. It’s fantastic stuff. In this episode, I sit down with Christian and ask him a bunch of questions that I had while he was giving his testimony. I really enjoyed this interview with Christian, and I hope you will to. With that, let’s go to the interview. 
#1 - Christian Traina

#1 - Christian Traina


Pastor Christian Traina tells us his story of darkness, violence, depression, and suicide, and how the love of Jesus broke through!
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