Molecular and Cellular Biology

Molecular and Cellular Biology
Author: ICGEB
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A broad variety of topical and detailed talks on specific aspects of molecular and cellular biology, including cellular morphology and function, genome organization, genetic expression, morphogenesis, proteomics and somatic cell genetics.
16 Episodes
Jian-feng Chen, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai, CHINA speaks on "Regulation of Immune Cell trafficking by adhesion signaling.
Antonia Follenzi, Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, Dip. di Scienze della Salute (Dept. of Health Sciences), Novara, ITALIA speaks on "Cell and gene therapy for hemophilia A". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste.
Ariberto FASSATI, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Virology, UCL Division of Infection and Immunity, The Rayne Building London, UK speaks on "tRNA retrograde transport in response to oxidative stress". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste.
Giancarlo FORTE Group Leader, Center for Translational Medicine (CTM) Vice Chair, International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) St. Anne’s University Hospital Brno, CZECH REPUBLIC speaks on "Mechanosensitive intracellular pathways as new potential targets in the management of aging pathologies". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste.
Sebastian OLTEAN, Institute of Biomedical & Clinical Sciences University of Exeter Medical School, Exeter, UK speaks on "Novel anti-angiogenic compounds based on modulation of VEGF splicing". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste.
Jimena GIUDICE Dept. of Cell Biology & Physiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Chapel Hill, NC, USA speaks on "Alternative splicing of intracellular trafficking genes in development and differentiation". This movie has been recorded at ICGEB Trieste.
Heiner SCHAAL Institut für Virologie Leiter BSL3 Labor Universitätsstr. 1, Düsseldorf, GERMANY speaks on "Complexity of accurate splice site recognition in the Human Genome.This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste.
Dr. Sharon A. Tooze, PhD, The Francis Crick Institute Lincoln's Inn Fields Laboratory London - (UK) speaks on "Molecular Mechanisms of Mammalian Autophagy". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Francisco Blanco, Structural Biology Unit, CIC bioGUNE, Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia - SPAIN speaks on "Structure of the p15 /PCNA complex and implications for clamp sliding on the Dna during replication and repair". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Antonella De Matteis, MD Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Pozzuoli (Naples) - ITALY speaks on "What we can learn from genetic disorders of membrane trafficking".This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Maria Cristina ONORATI Institute Telethon Dulbecco c/o University of Palermo, Department STEBICEF, Palermo, ITALY speaks on "Chromatin remodelers, nucleoplasm compartment and proteinopathies". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
G.V. Shivashankark Mechanobiology Institute,National University of Singapore - Singapore & FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology (IFOM), Milan - ITALY speaks on "Nuclear Mechanics and Genome Regulation". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Gwenael Rabut lnstitut de Génétique du Développement, University of Rennes, Rennes, FRANCE speaks on "Use of Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation to probe the physiological network of ubiquitylating enzymes in yeast". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Hrvoje Banfic, Department of Physiology and Croatian Institute for Brain Research School of Medicine, University of Zagreb,Zagreb, CROATIA speaks on "Nuclear or unclear. Can inositol pyrophosphates regulate cell cycle?". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Shona Murphy Sir WILLIAM DUNN School of Pathology, Molecular Biology, Oxford, UK, speaks on "Human small nuclear (sn)RNA genes and the pol II CTD code". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
Tom Misteli, Cell Biology of Gene Expression Group, National Cancer Institute Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA speaks on "Nuclear architecture and aging". This seminar has been recorded by ICGEB Trieste
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