DiscoverW2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI
W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

Author: Jay Helms

Subscribed: 40Played: 2,060


The daily 5-minute podcast for married, busy parents, who are side hustling real estate investors. In each compact episode I’ll talk about spousal alignment, prioritizing time to invest, increase deal flow, expanding growth friends, creative financing, raising capital, self-managing, and sharing personal success and blunder stories from our own portfolio.

As your host I’m also a husband, father of 3, nomad traveler, homeschooling parent, investor, syndicator, capital raiser, private/hard money lender, best selling author and virtual community leader.

Helping married, busy parents successfully side-hustle in real estate investing to create multiple streams of income, achieve financial independence, and build legacy wealth.

248 Episodes
In this episode, we explore the importance of implementing proper filters from the very first interaction with potential tenants. Join us as we dissect a real-life interaction with a prospective tenant, Jaylin, and uncover the red flags that signaled she wouldn't be a suitable tenant. Discover why having a stringent filtering process is crucial for saving time, money, and headaches down the road. We'll share practical tips on setting up your own filtering system to weed out unsuitable candidates and ensure you find the right residents for your properties. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
In this episode, we reveal how guests were accessing our owner's closet and garage despite our best efforts to keep these areas off-limits. Discover how we maintain security with keyed deadbolts and electronic numeric keypads, and hear about our puzzling experience with guests repeatedly breaking into the garage. Learn from our mistake and get practical tips on securing your property, ensuring your off-limit areas remain truly private.   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Inspired by James Clear's "Atomic Habits," this episode dives into the importance of focusing on your current trajectory rather than immediate results. Join us as we recount a personal story about building a chevron-style outdoor table and how a tiny deviation in measurements can lead to significant misalignment over time. Learn how to make these tiny, impactful shifts and start building the future you desire, one small habit at a time.   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
In this episode, we tackle the frustrating issue of VA turnover and how you can break the cycle using a bit of simple science—no degrees required! Hear about a real community member's experience and the solution that turned things around: hiring based on personality traits. Discover why highly neurotic individuals excel in admin roles and how the Big Five Personality Test can be your secret weapon in finding the perfect VA. Don’t miss this chance to transform your hiring strategy and achieve greater success with your VAs!   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
In this episode, we dive into the critical importance of capital reserve accounts, highlighted by a recent $18,856 HVAC replacement expense. Learn how combining cash, lines of credit, and the cash value of a whole life insurance policy can safeguard your finances. We discuss the benefits of high-interest savings accounts, strategic use of credit lines, and leveraging life insurance policies. Learn some valuable tips to help you plan for those inevitable big expenses.   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
In this episode, I address Glenn's comment and explain why real estate agents are far from useless. This discussion stems from a post I made in our community, where we focus on finding seller financing opportunities through off-market mailers, not the MLS. Glenn's comment inspired me to dive deeper into this topic. I'll outline the four types of real estate transactions in this episode and explain why most of our community's strategies don't always need their involvement.   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
In this episode, we delve into the importance of discovering your deeper "why" to fuel your investment journey, using the "7 Levels Deep" exercise to unearth your true motivation. This method involves continuously asking yourself why you invest in real estate until you reach that profound AHA moment. We discuss how a clear purpose, we also emphasize the role of community support, significantly boosts your chances of achieving your goals. If you've lost sight of your "why" or need a motivational boost, this episode is for you. Listen in to learn how to find and maintain your driving force in real estate investing. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Hey busy parents and side hustlers! In this episode, we dive into the top challenges you face when growing your real estate portfolio, based on insights from almost 100 market research calls. Many of you struggle with finding cash-flowing deals, securing capital for down payments, and managing your time effectively. We discuss the impact of current market conditions, explore creative financing options, and share practical strategies to overcome these obstacles. If these challenges resonate with you, reach out (205-249-0248) to join our growing community and discover valuable tips and resources. Plus, don't miss the insights from Jason Wojo of Lifeonaire on prioritizing what's important in your schedule. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Happy Monday! It’s time for our weekly challenge. This month, our community focus is on Legacy, a topic our members are passionate about. Today’s challenge is to create a Legacy letter or video for your children or future generations. Explain why you chose real estate investing to build a family legacy, share your hopes, advice on personal finances, and lessons learned. This can be a recurring activity. Record a video or audio if you prefer. Start documenting your legacy today—your future generations will thank you! Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Happy Friday, everyone! Today, I’m sharing a story about the chaos of our tax code and why it’s so frustrating. Despite having a CPA, I faced a bizarre situation with the IRS that highlights the inefficiencies and confusion within the system. Despite trying to pay what we owed, I kept getting no balance due on the IRS site for months. Then, out of the blue, I received a letter from the IRS, not demanding payment, but sending us a check for overpaying! Listen in to hear the full story and my thoughts on our convoluted tax system. Are you team April or team October when it comes to filing taxes? Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Hey busy parents! In today's episode, we're diving into why you shouldn't accept credit or debit card payments for rent. I'll share a painful lesson learned from my own experience and explain the potential pitfalls. We initially thought accepting card payments through Hemlane was a great idea for tenant convenience. However, we faced a major issue when a tenant disputed a payment, leading to a loss of three months' rent. I'll break down the risks involved and why we've switched exclusively to ACH transfers. If you've faced similar challenges or have insights on ACH transactions, I'd love to hear from you.   Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Realize the Gain

Realize the Gain


Happy Wednesday, everyone! If you've been wondering about Monday and Tuesday's missing episodes, I've got a story for you. Today, I'm sharing a personal example of how juggling multiple roles—being a parent, a spouse, and a side-hustling real estate investor—can sometimes lead to missed goals. Instead of stressing out, I'm learning to accept that it's okay to miss a beat sometimes, thanks to the book The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Ben Hardy( Tune in to hear how I'm striving for consistency rather than perfection and why it's important to recognize and celebrate your progress, even when things don't go as planned.  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X  
Happy Friday, folks! If you've got that extra pep in your step, it's because the weekend is just around the corner. Today, let's dive into the incredible benefits of community! Let me share a little story about the magic that can happen when you're surrounded by knowledgeable peers. So, picture this: a film crew wants to book your space, but there's a catch. They come with some pretty sketchy clauses in their agreement. Cue Kaitlyn, our community superhero, who swoops in with some priceless advice. Thanks to her wisdom, we dodged a few legal bullets and ended up getting paid for a week without the crew even setting foot on our turf! 🦸‍♂️💰 Talk about a win-win! This just goes to show the incredible power of community—where each member brings their unique expertise to the table, helping us all navigate the twists and turns of the business world. So here's to leaning on each other, learning from one another, and celebrating the victories together! Cheers to the power of community!  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Hey there, fellow busy parents! Today, I'm diving into a topic that's been buzzing around lately: speaking up against unethical advice in the real estate industry. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why stir the pot?" But here's the deal: when it comes to shady practices, I firmly believe in calling them out. It's like this mantra I live by—One is an anomaly, Two is a pattern, three is a trend. So, when I see troubling patterns emerging, especially from self-proclaimed real estate gurus, I feel compelled to speak up. So, why do I do it? Simple. It's all about maintaining the integrity of our industry. By shedding light on these practices, we're not only protecting our community but also attracting like-minded individuals who value ethics over shortcuts. So, join me in this quest to keep our real estate realm above board and thriving!  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Hey there, podcast fam! Happy Wednesday! Today, we're diving into a topic that's often overlooked but super handy: the Rule of 72. Ever wondered how long it takes for your investments to double? Well, this nifty little rule has got you covered! It's as easy as pie: just take the number 72 and divide it by your annual interest rate, and voila! You've got the number of years it'll take for your investment to double. Sounds like magic, right? Tune in to this episode as we break down some calculations and demystify the Rule of 72. Trust us, you'll be thanking us later when you're doubling those investments like a pro!  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Today, we're on a mission to conquer the distractions of shiny object syndrome, and we've got a little help from Keith Cunningham's "The Road Less Stupid." In this insightful read, Cunningham drops a truth bomb that stopped me dead in my tracks: "How does this get me to my goal faster?" It's a game-changer, folks. When we're evaluating deals, opportunities, or even life choices, it's all about weighing the pros and cons. So, join me on this enlightening journey as we decipher the difference between fleeting distractions and genuine opportunities. Remember, a slight hesitation may just be the key to steering clear of shiny distractions and staying focused on what truly matters. Who knows? You just might find yourself diving into success faster than ever before – no floaties required!  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Get ready for this week's challenge, folks! It's time to shake things up and schedule yourself a little social media sabbatical – courtesy of our fabulous classmate Sherry R! Here's the scoop: I want you to block out some time this week – or hey, even in the near future – for a much-needed break from the endless scroll. Now, I know what you're thinking – why all the fuss about social media? Well, my friends, it's time to face the music. We're spending more time scrolling than we are living – and that's a problem. Let's flip the script, prioritize what truly matters, and reclaim our precious time. Remember: it's all about making room for what matters most – our loved ones, our passions, and our investments in the good stuff. Until next time, stay social, stay savvy, and don't forget to take a breather every now and then. After all, life's too short to be spent staring at a screen!  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Hey there, busy parents! Welcome to another sizzling episode of Hot Water Heater Friday! 🔥 Today, we're diving headfirst into the world of water heater replacements – because let's face it, when that trusty old unit calls it quits, it's time to roll up those sleeves and get down to business. So, what's the damage, you ask? Well, grab a seat and hold onto your hats as we break it down. Dear listeners, when it comes to water heater woes, knowledge is power. Arm yourself with these nuggets of wisdom, shop smart, and keep those eyes peeled for any signs of trouble brewing. After all, a little TLC goes a long way in the world of hot water! Until next time, stay cool and keep those heaters heated!  Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Hey, folks! Today, I'm sharing my personal journey of discovering the hard truths about property management and how to spot the signs of a sneaky manager who's not playing by the rules. Picture this: missed rent payments, deferred maintenance requests piling up, and evictions mysteriously MIA. Sound familiar? Yep, been there, done that. But fear not, because I've crafted the ultimate cheat sheet – 5 telltale signs that your property manager might be dipping into your pockets behind your back. Armed with these signs, you'll be ready to tackle any property management shenanigans head-on. And hey, if you found this episode helpful – and trust me, you will – I'd be over the moon if you could spare a few minutes to leave us a glowing 5-star review. Your support means the world! So grab your detective hats and let's uncover the truth together. It's self-management sleuthing time! Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
Happy Wednesday! Today, let's delve into a topic you might not have thought about much: the Department of Insurance. Yep, it's a real thing, and it's more important than you might realize. Join me as I share my eye-opening journey of discovering this crucial department and why it's essential to know about it when selecting insurance carriers for your properties. Discover how the Department of Insurance plays a crucial role in regulating insurance carriers and ensuring they toe the line. So buckle up and tune in! By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the knowledge to make informed decisions about your insurance needs. After all, knowledge is power, especially when it comes to protecting your investments! Links Mentioned in this Episode: Products We Use The W2 Capitalist Community Connect with Jay: LinkedIn YouTube Facebook Tweeting on X
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