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Weekly sermons from Ripon Community Church. Looking for more? Check out "Represent Jesus Well - An RCC Podcast," where we'll be uncovering the ways people endure, live, and lead that Represent Jesus Well.
236 Episodes
We're all building something... let's look to the book of Nehemiah together this summer for biblical principles and encouragement we can apply to our own lives. 🌟Reflection & Discussion Questions🌟1. What's something you're building right now? 2. Chapters 1 & 2 are all about Nehemiah's response to the crisis in Jerusalem. His reaction is influenced by his devotion to God. He decides to pray and trust God... he doesn't look away. How can we stay focused on what God wants even when we he...
One of the most timeless and retold parables from the Bible, the story of the prodigal son has fascinated and transformed people for generations. In this 3 week series, find out why you’re never too far from home.✏️💡🌟 Reflection & Discussion Questions:1. Describe your relationship with your father. Are there any similarities or differences with the father from the parable? 2. Pastor Shawn shared 4 different ways we can seek God’s leadership in our lives & be transformed. They are: get...
Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
One of the most timeless and retold parables from the Bible, the story of the prodigal son has fascinated and transformed people for generations. In this 3-week series, discover why you’re never too far from home. Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
Happy Mother's Day! RCC Kids recorded a special video for all the moms this morning. It's a sweet listen! Skip right into week 3 of Sleepless: When Worry Is All-Encompassing at the 2:30 timestamp. Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
We have a knack for not feeling good enough. Feeling like a fraud, unqualified, undeserving of recognition. And it's the kind of thing that can keep you up at night...Can I really call myself a Christian if I'm still struggling? If I still make mistakes? If I still react out of anger? If I do something selfish?With the keys God gives us in the Bible, we can know how to face those middle-of-the-night questions of self-doubt.Listen here to find out more. Check out to se...
Transferring control will transform your life.Don't seek God for the warmth and comfort he offers. Instead, seek to be changed by him. Seek to have his fire live within you. Seek His will and desire for your life over your own plans."Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." Colossians 3:23Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
Awe, and wonder. Sharing with your community. Taking care of each other. Generosity. Worshiping God together. Seeing God grow the good thing you’re experiencing. THESE ARE SYMPTOMS OF LIVING ALIVE.What is something right now you need to turn from? How can you turn to God instead? What kind of God-following thing will you fill that with? How can you trust God’s Holy Spirit? Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happ...
What kinds of things keep us from living alive? And how can you be alive TODAY? Find out in week 1 of this series: Alive!Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
ALIVE | Easter Sunday

ALIVE | Easter Sunday


In their fright, the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? " Luke 24:5Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
We universally choose the easy way... UNLESS our passion or mission requires the harder or more difficult path.Transformation begins when our core mission is clear.Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
The best way to CHANGE the world… is to love with a particular passion, some little part of it. Let’s call that little part Ripon and its surrounding communities. And let’s not hold back.God has this way of working through moments. It’s about more than a feeling. It’s about more than an experience. These are extraordinary moments that God uses to affirm our obedience, encourage us (reminding us He’s with us), or give us a marker, etched in our memory, to remind us WHY… Why we’re following Him...
ALL IN | Take A Risk

ALL IN | Take A Risk


There is no such thing as a “no faith” decision. Faith and risk are required if you’re going to do anything worthwhile. Where are you going to put your faith when making decisions?What does it mean to take a risk? What is the power of taking risks?What are the best risks to take?Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
ALL IN | Prioritize

ALL IN | Prioritize


Whatever rules your life—whatever you prioritize—as evidenced by how you spend your time, talents, resources… Will determine the quality and impact of your life. What impact do you want your life to have? How do you spend your free time? What are your top priorities?Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!
ALL IN | Follow

ALL IN | Follow


To follow someone is to believe where they’re taking you is somewhere worth going. They have something you want. That’s why you follow them. Why would people follow Jesus? Why would they drop their nets and leave their father in the boat for Jesus? He wasn’t famous by today’s standards. He wasn’t rich. He didn’t promise an easy life… If anything… he was going to make life harder. What is it about following Jesus?Listen here to find out more. Check out to see wha...
Have you ever been somewhere you didn’t really feel like you belonged? Maybe you traveled to a foreign country? Got to go backstage at a concert? Found yourself under-dressed for a formal event? Who you’re with matters. If you’re in a foreign country and you don’t know the language… You stick with the tour guide. If someone takes you backstage at a big concert, you don’t try to get past the bouncers unless you’re with the person who has the authority to get you back there. Today I hope y...
Relationships - especially marriage - can be HARD. Whether you have the best marriage on the planet or you’re really struggling, it's guaranteed that you’ve struggled at some point to navigate your relationship.That’s the bad news… But the good news is...You can have a great marriage. If you’re dating - you can know what to look for and work toward. It’s possible.Listen here to find out more. Check out to see what's happening at RCC!