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Author: Ashna and Lydia

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Welcome to Switch! We want to connect real people to topics they care and are curious about, but without the jargon or BS. Join us as we chat about all things sustainability-related and how they intersect with our daily lives - from eating out, to what we wear, to the latest technology and more. We also bring in guests doing cool things for people and the planet.
55 Episodes
Today we talk about building sustainability into your business, with special guests Adam Doffman and Zac Huddart from Lola’s Cupcakes. Lola's is iconic in London and UK-wide for their fresh, handcrafted and delicious cakes. Lola's didn’t start out with sustainability at its core, but is now doing a lot of work in this area. It is a great example of a company pivoting its operations to be more sustainable, despite it being challenging to do so. Other companies could draw inspiration from this,...
Today we discuss physical activity and the links it has to social impact. We start by discussing the intersection of yoga, yoga philosophy and social impact, as there are links there which Lydia, as a yoga teacher, has come to realise through her training. We then move to other ways in which physical activity and sports can have socially positive effects.A couple of links to initiatives we mention in the episode:GoodGym - Helping the community while getting a workoutFight for Peace - Combines...
Today we haven’t chosen an easy topic, but it's an extremely vital one: Mental Health. We are grateful that this topic is not new, as over the past few years mental health is slowly coming into the everyday conversation (from workplaces addressing it, to parents and children communicating about it more, to governments increasing funding in it). However, we want to use this platform to expand the dialogue and also dive into how mental health is fundamental to achieving the UN's sustainabl...
We've talked on the show about spending power and the impact that buying more sustainable products can have on the planet and society. However, what about the impact of our 'wealth', i.e. the money we hold in bank accounts, investments, pensions, etc? Our wealth has a significant impact on carbon emissions, for example. You can create 27 times more impact on carbon emissions/climate change through your savings/investments than you can by cutting out meat from your diet and stopping flying COM...
The reason we started Switch is that we want sustainable living to be mainstream. The podcast acts as a small piece in the puzzle towards this goal by opening up the conversation on sustainability, helping people to feel more positive, empowered and effective in how they can improve the planet and society.One key thing we haven’t actually touched on much though is how we can all open up a conversation at home, with our loved ones, friends, at school, work, and so on. It’s not just about being...
Welcome back to Switch Podcast. This new season we are exploring our core foundations and how sustainability intersects with them. In season 1 & 2 we put a spotlight on some of our biggest environmental challenges such as plastic waste, food systems, fast fashion; and brought in guests who were doing some pretty cool things to tackle these. This season we will be looking into more conceptual topics and diving a bit deeper as we talk about things like relationships, careers, communiti...
This week we’re joined by Sarah from TALA, which makes sustainable active/casual-wear that is super stylish! We’re actually in love with this brand…They are inclusive. Their collections are for every body, designed to make everyone feel comfortable and empowered with high-performance designs and flattering fits. And we think their instagram reflects this - it feels like it’s celebrating everyone of all ethnicities, sizes and abilities.They are also sustainable, with all their products made wi...
Right now, it feels like marginalised groups across the globe are demanding respect, justice and equal rights and are finally being heard - from the Black Lives Matter movement to trans-gender rights activism. People will not stand oppression by patriarchal power structures any longer. But in among this fight, are some voices not being heard? Patriarchal dominance, which presupposes masculine attributes are more valuable than any others, has led to the marginalisation women, children, qu...
How do you get a whole industry to change its practices?This week we’re so excited to be joined by Kerry Bannigan, Founder of the Conscious Fashion Campaign which engages global fashion industry events - e.g. trade shows, fashion weeks, conferences - to commit to the achievement of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.The Conscious Fashion Campaign increases awareness and inspires action in fashion companies en masse by targeting big industry events (with a captive audience!). By working wi...
This episode we’re joined by Laura Winningham, CEO of City Harvest London. City Harvest puts surplus food to good use in a sustainable way. While thousands of Londoners go hungry each day, safe, healthy, usable food is being disposed of. City Harvest collects this from all segments of the food industry and delivers it to 300 organisations that provide meals to vulnerable people. These include homeless shelters, soup kitchens, childrens' programs, centres for the elderly, and refuges...
Another brilliant international friend of ours, based in Sweden, A Good Company creates elegant, thoughtful and sustainable everyday products - from stationery to personal care items. Simple and beautiful!They don’t take shortcuts, thinking about every step in the journey of their products, from how they’re made to how they are transported.We could go on about how much we love AGC’s products, but that’s not only what we’re here to talk about. We want to get Anders’ view on being good in a ‘ba...
This week we’re joined by Sarah Divall from Hubbub, a foundation helping provide inspiration and practical actions that are good for you and the environment. They believe that to create positive environmental change at the scale and speed needed, we need to get everyone on board. So they design campaigns that inspire ways of living that are good for the environment. They disrupt the status quo to raise awareness, nudge behaviours and shape systems. We do this with knowledge and playfulness, a...
In our 40th episode we are super egg-cited to bring you a light-hearted conversation focused on Easter. Sadly, we're still not with each other due to the Coronavirus lockdown here in the UK, but that’s the beauty of podcasts - we can do them online if we need to! During this time, we want to keep on with our mission to open up the conversation on sustainability, and provide useful content that will help keep you motivated and offer some light relief. As we all know, Easter is coming up, and a...
This week, as we figure out our new 'normal', we ask ourselves whether and how sustainability can still feature in daily life. Can we ensure things continue to move in a positive direction rather than a destructive one? In what ways can we support sustainability, even at a time like this? We break it down.We look at a few levels at which we can make a positive difference - individually, across your community and system-wide.We also just want to check in with each other and with you guys, as m...
Ep 38: Gone Viral

Ep 38: Gone Viral


Amidst the current crisis of COVID-19, we are dealing with new challenges we haven't really faced before. Lock-downs, washing hands for 'happy birthday x 2', stockpiling toilet paper, business uncertainties, and so on. We don’t want this episode to be another conversation about how terrible this virus is for us, the economy, our health and wellbeing, etc. We do, however, want to have a conversation about what we can learn coming out on the other side as a society.⁠Sometimes it take...
Today we are recording from the Too Good To Go UK office with co-founder Jamie Crummie. Too Good To Go, for those of you who don’t know, is an app connecting users to surplus delicious food from bakeries, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels and more. Too Good To Go is rescuing 1 meal every second - so by the end of this podcast they would have saved roughly 2,700 meals from the bin. That is achieved by 14 countries across Europe, and over 19 million users! Rather than talking about al...
Today we’re joined by Amirah Jiwa, a Social Impact Strategist. She helps brands create and communicate impact. She is excited by products and experiences that deliver and inspire positive change - for consumers, producers, employees, the environment, and society at large. Amirah has experience working with a number of different companies about what makes them have a positive impact, and how they communicate that. So we want to discuss with her the idea of ‘greenwashing’, and how you can ...
Research shows that people increasingly feel the effects of planetary changes and associated ecological losses in their daily lives, and that these changes present significant direct and indirect threats to mental health and well-being. It’s termed ‘ecological grief’.Melting glaciers, coral reef death, wildlife disappearance, landscape alteration, climate change: our environment is transforming rapidly, and many of us are experiencing a sense of profound loss. On this episode we dive int...
Today we are back together and joined by Jamie from Social Supermarket. Social Supermarket was created to connect every-day consumers with social enterprises who sell high quality products that tackle important social and environmental challenges. From handbags made from decommissioned fire hoses, soap made by people with visual impairments to relishes made with wonky fruit and veg, there’s something for everyone.They are on a journey to become the most comprehensive marketplace for social en...
NEW YEAR, NEW EPISODE. Happy new year, Switch listeners! Looking to have a more sustainable 2020? (Us, too!) We have the episode just for you...This week we cover fashion. We, like many, are suckers for a bargain, and like to dress well (bar those baggy jeans circa 2001). But does it all have to come at a price? We are joined by Ruth MacGilp, ethical fashion enthusiast and expert in fashion and marketing, to understand more.We pick her brains about ethical fashion right now. We break down the...